SSB4 X Reader

By Smash_Girl

5.2K 91 70

Your new to Smash Bros. Your excited but there will be drama and mostly love. Here is your chance to be in lo... More

X Reader Thing
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Sacrifice My Life For You (Male) Corrin x Reader
Requests Closed for Now
I'm Sorry

(Your Choice...) Yandere! Dark Pit x Reader

1.7K 25 26
By Smash_Girl

(Btw do you like the picture :3)
(Y/n) Your Name
(H/l) Hair Length
(H/c) Hair Color
(D/s/n) Daughter or Son Name
(O/f) Other Friend
(B/f) Best Friend

Choices are in this chapter for your ending.
Warning: Blood everywhere in the ending...

Btw requested by AgentRuru478 hopefully this is good... c;

It was just a normal day at the Smash Mansion. (Y/n) was just training with all her friends in the training room.

(Btw you can choose the characters as your friends :3)

(Y/n) was doing great in training. She and (friend/name) were having a friendly battle. All her friends were cheering on both the good fighters. (B/f) suddenly came out of no where and got you which made you hit the wall really hard.

"Oops sorry (Y/n)." (B/f) said.

"Are you ok, (Y/n)?" The others asked filled with worry and concerns.

"Yeah I'm fine, just a sore back now." (Y/n) answered but groaned in pain a little.

You were ok, but little did you know that someone was looking at you.That person was staring at you through the door, opened a little. You didn't see the red blood eyes though. Your friends were going to help you get up, but you said not to. You were going to get up by yourself but since you hit your back pretty hard, you suddenly blacked out...

(B/f)'s POV

Man, I feel really bad now that (Y/n)'s back hurts. I hope she can forgive me though. I tried helping her get up but she rejected me, even all her friends were trying to help her. But like I said, she rejected it. We stayed in the training room for (Y/n) if she falls down or something. Then the next thing we know is that she suddenly hear a collapse and when we saw, it was (Y/n)!?!

We took her to Dr. Mario for help. He said that she'll have to rest for three days. Thank goodness she'll be alright, because (Y/n) is like a sister to me.

(Y/n) POV

Ugh I have to stay in bed for three freaking days!?! I blame (B/f) for this but I can't stay mad forever. I sighed. Life is just too complicated right now.

Then I heard a knock on the door.

"(B/f) if your here to apologize, I forgive you." I sighed.

"No it's me Dark Pit, can I come in (Y/n)?" Dark Pit asked.

"Sure." I answered.

He opened the door and closed it. When I saw his face, it was red like his eyes.

"Um are you ok Dark Pit, you don't look good?" I asked concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine." Dark Pit said. "But are you ok, because I heard what happened?" Dark Pit asked a little worried.

"I swear I'll get revenge for you if you want. Who did it?" Dark Pit said angrily.

"It was just (B/f) but it's fine ok." I said calmly while staring at the ceiling.

"Ok?!? (Y/n) he/she almost broke your freaking back and your fine with that!?!" Dark Pit yelled.

"It will heal in three days Dark Pit." I said calmly now staring at him.

I mumbled so he couldn't hear. "First time you're concerned, all of a sudden." But he heard.

"Am I not allowed to be concerned?" Dark Pit asked while smirking. I deeply blushed the color like his eyes.

I tried sitting up but your back wouldn't let you. Plus Dark Pit would just softly push you down. (Pittoo has a soft spot for u :3 soo kawaiii... ;3 anyways back with the story)

"What are you even doing here anyways Pitto?" I asked curiously.

"Don't call me that! And I'm here to take care of you." Pittoo said.

"Well thanks I guess. And I never knew you had a soft caring side." I said while smiling a little.

I suddenly see Dark Pit blushing lightly. He got up and was about to go but...

"I'll be going now and hopefully your back will feel better in three days." Pittoo said while opening the door.

"Wait Pitt- I mean Dark Pit, thanks for caring I guess." I smiled at Dark Pit.

"No problem (Y/n). Sleep well." Dark Pit said grinning and closed the door and left.

And that's when you fall asleep...

Pittoo's POV

I couldn't help but see (Y/n) sleep peacefully and cute before I left. I was still pissed off about (Y/n)'s friend. Even though (Y/n) said it's fine, it's not fine to me!! I have to do something about her friend...

With that Dark Pit walked away...

Nobody's POV

The Next Day...

(Y/n) was still in her room just looking up in the ceiling, until (O/f) came in and looked like she has been crying for days. She came in with tears. (Y/n) saw her eyes were red and was wondering why she has been crying.

"What's wrong (O/f)?" (Y/n) asked filled with worry and concern. (Y/n) sat up but pain came to your back as if you've got sting by a queen bee.

(O/f) just stared had the floor but then tried to talk. The more he/she tried to talked, the more tears came out.

"N-nevermind if you don't want to talk about it." (Y/n) said softly. (O/f) just looked at you with tears and started talking.

"I-i-it's (B/f), h-h-he/s-sh-she i-i-is d-de-de-.... DEAD!!!" (O/f) yelled and started bawling her/his eyes out. (Y/n) now in shock and mostly silent for a long moment. Suddenly tears strike out of (Y/n) eyes.

(Y/n)'s POV

I...I couldn't believe what (O/f) just said...

Tears streamed down my eyes now. I cried silently while (O/f) just sat beside me while crying. He/She would've hugged you but thanks to your back, she couldn't.

(O/f) got up and headed for the door but before he/she opened the door, he/she asked me what to say to his/her grave since you couldn't walk (which sucks btw -.-)

"T-tell him/her that I-I fo-forgive him/her a-and he'll/she'll ne-never be f-fo-forg-gotten..." I said while tears flow down slowly.

"O-ok don't worry (Y/n), you'll get to see him/her after your back hurts." (O/f) said calmly with little tears. With that, she left.

3 Hours Later...
Nobody's POV

(Y/n) slept so she could stop all the waterfalls coming from her eyes. (Y/n) opened her eyes slowly when she heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!" (Y/n) yelled. The door opened. Would it suprise you that it's Pittoo at the door?

"Hey..." Dark Pit just said. "I heard what happened, I'm sorry for your lost (Y/n)."

"I-It's fine Dark Pit." (Y/n) said saddened a little. Dark Pit saw sadness in her eyes and he didn't like that, not one bit. Dark Pit came beside her and put his hand on top of (Y/n)'s hand. (Y/n) was surprised of this movement but soon calmed down.

"(Y/n) I've been having this feeling when I'm always near you all the time, when I'm always near you my heart sometimes skip a beat like I have butterflies in my stomach. What I'm trying to say here (Y/n) is that I like you a lot, and will you go out with me." Dark Pit said.

"I'm s-ss-so-sorry Dark Pit but I can't be you girlfriend..." (Y/n) said almost tearing up.

W-What, why not?" Dark Pit asked sadly.

"It's hard to explain..." Said (Y/n) while looking down. "And could you leave please, I need some time of myself."

Dark Pit didn't say nothing else, he just stood up and walked out of the door.

(Y/n) just sighed after what happened.

Next Day
Nobody's POV

It was a good day just for (Y/n) because... her back feels great now (yay c:)!!! (Y/n) was just everywhere around the mansion. (And no not anything you think of cx) (Y/n) talked to everyone in the mansion. Until this very night...

(Y/n) was just walking around noticing that everyone was gone. (Y/n) thought it was a surprise party they were throwing for her. (Sorry but no surprise party... :( ) (Y/n) was looking for everyone but couldn't find no body.

Night Time

(Y/n) looked and looked and looked everywhere. Heck she even looked in the girls and boys restroom! Until she saw a dark figure that had darker wings than the night sky. She noticed that it was Dark Pit, but she noticed that his wings were all blood stain.

"Um, Dark P-Pit why is there blood stain on you?" (Y/n) asked and was uncomfortable about it. Dark Pit just smirked.

"Why I did this just for us." Dark Pit smirked.

"W-what." (Y/n) was confused.

"You see (Y/n) ever since you rejected me, well I decided to kill everyone at the mansion." Dark Pit walked further away and and pointed at the smasher's bloody bodies. (Sorry if this is creepy :( ) (Y/n) gasped in horror.

"It w-was you!?!" (Y/n) retorted as she backed away.

"So you finally found out..." Dark Pit walked slowly towards her.

"Why the heck did you do this to everyone!?!" (Y/n) yelled in horror and anger.

"If I can't have you, then nobody can!!! Like I said, I did this all for you sweety." Dark Pit coed.

"And you have a choice to make (Y/n). Either you be with me for long eternity OR die with the rest."

(Y/n) gasped.

"The choice is yours..."
Choice Time-

-Choice 1: For long eternity...
-Choice 2: Die with the rest...

Skip Choice 1 if you chose Choice 2.
Don't read Choice 2 if you chose Choice 1.

(Read both choices if you want :3)

Choice 1 Ending...

Either you be with me for long eternity...

"F-fine I'll be with you for long eternity." (Y/n) sighed.

"But please just don't hurt any more innocent people." (Y/n) begged.

Dark Pit just smirked.

"Oh don't worry I won't." Dark Pit walked towards (Y/n) and kissed her forcefully. (Y/n) hated this but had to kiss back or else.

Later on life (Y/n) and Dark Pit had a daughter / son named (d/s/n).

Dark Pit even killed more people who looks or touches you.

He broke your promise...

Even your child can't find out. You can't leave him for all eternity. He even threatened (Y/n) that he will kill their child if she leaves him.

She had no choice now but to stay with him forever...

The End...

Or die with the rest...

"I'd rather die than be with you!" (Y/n) shouted angry.

"So be it..." Dark Pit muttered. He then took out his dark staff.

"If you chose this choice then I'll make sure you die with it." Dark Pit said while glaring at (Y/n) darkly.

(Y/n) gasped the backed away and ran.

Dark Pit chuckled.

"You can run but you can't hide (Y/n)." As then Dark Pit started going after her.

(Y/n) ran behind a bush hoping he wouldn't find her. What she didn't know was he was walking behind her...


(Y/n) turned around frightened and fell down while Dark Pit walked towards her slowly while holding his dark staff.

"You know (Y/n) it didn't had to end this way, but you chose this so goodbye..." Dark Pit raised his staff ready to kill.

"Pittoo w-we can talk ov-" (Y/n) stopped talking as she can see blood coming out of her after Dark Pit got his staff out of her.

Her eyes started to closed every second. (Y/n) got up, started limping every time she moved.

(Y/n) stood up until she lost all of her energy. (Y/n) almost hit the ground until Dark Pit caught and held her close to his chest. Blood scattered around his clothes but he didn't care.

"We'll be together..." Little tears came out of Dark Pit's eyes then hugged
(Y/n)'s lifeless body tighter while stroking (Y/n)'s (H/l) (H/c).


The End...

Sorry if this took forever but at least I finished a LONG first good chapter!;3

Let's CELEBRATE!! *throws balloons*

Byyeeeee! C:

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