Red BxB ~ Rewritten

By BeAuthentic

122K 6.8K 667

Have you ever heard Little Red Riding Hood? Well, what if I were to tell you everything you heard isn't true... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 6

8K 529 43
By BeAuthentic

I bet Leön is having a more interesting night than me right now.

I sigh, the right side of my body leaning against the glass of the window. It probably would be cold if I fed some before forcing myself to come here. That probably would've been a good idea.

It has been a couple days since blood has entered my system. Normally, my body would be completely fine. But ever since Leön broke the bond, my blood intake has been large and frequent.

I wonder what the wolves would do if I allow my inner demon to surface. Would they run and cower in fear of its bloodlust? Or would they bravely face my crueler half and fight to prevail? Would they try to kill me, or would they call Leön?

I lean my head against the glass; effectively gaining a new viewpoint. I'm so busy studying the little bit of newly shown forest and contemplating thoughts of my past, that I fail to notice a person enter until the door closes.

The smell of rain meets my nose, so I don't bother turning around to see who it is. "I apologize for Avery. He's the father of one of the wolves you fought in there woods."

I don't reply. The Alpha moves to stand in front of me, on the other side of the window frame. But I keep my gaze on the forest outside.

"Are you injured?" He tries again, but I ignore him. We both know I'm uninjured. If I had been injured, he'd be able to smell the blood.

He sighs impatiently at my silence. I fight off the urge to grin. If he gets this impatient in such a short amount of time, it would take no time for my foreplay to contort him into a withering, begging submissive underneath me.

My eyes flash crimson as I take a sharp breath. I exhale slowly while I count to ten. It's not going to happen, Red. There's no use in torturing yourself with these thoughts.

The Alpha doesn't try again right away, so I know he noticed my sudden eye color change. He doesn't back away though, or stop trying to get me to speak with him which is fairly odd.

"So, how was the tour?" He pauses. "You know, besides Avery."

Again, I don't respond. This seems to annoy the wolf, because he growls lowly. He steps forward; probably trying to catch my gaze or something. "Why won't you speak?" He growls.

Now this question, I'm willing to answer.

"Because I don't want to be here." I say, not looking away from the window. "Because I was forced to be here."

The Alpha doesn't reply for a few moments, but I don't mind. I have no problem with silence. Out of the corner of my eye I see the Alpha shift from one foot to the other.

Is he nervous? Or, even better, guilty?

"I wasn't thinking about how you would feel about the deal. I guess I just assumed since we're mates you wouldn't care." He huffs before placing his hand on my right cheek. "Can you please look at me, so I can apologize correctly?"

I sigh softly, but meet his gaze. And when he doesn't move his hand, I gently grab his wrist and move it for him. I let go of his wrist and watch him study my eyes. However, I eventually get bored of waiting.

"So are you going to finish? Or should I go back to looking outside, so you can focus better?" I ask. He frowns, but continues anyway.

"I'm sorry." He says. And you know what the crazy thing is? I believe him.

"I'm sure you are sorry that I don't like it." I reply. "But if you got the chance, you would do it again. So, your apology isn't worth much."

The Alpha doesn't seem to be expecting that answer because he doesn't respond for a few moments. Then, "Well. I can't say you're wrong."

I roll my eyes and lean the back of my head against the window frame. "So what do you want?"

His eyebrows furrow in confusion. "What do I want?" He repeats questioningly.

"What do you wish to gain by my presence exactly?" I reiterate. Understanding flitters through his gaze, but he hesitates before answering.

Good. Think about your answer. Because with how annoyed I'm feeling right now, I will criticize anything I get the chance to.

"You." His one worded answer, I admit, threw me off a bit. I frown.

"Me?" Tilting my head in a confused manner, I watch the Alpha.

The Alpha seems to gain a bit more confidence as he replies, "Yes, you. I want everything you are. I want your body, your heart, your soul. I want all of you."

I frown. "But you don't know me. How could you know that for certain?" I question, but the Alpha just grins.

"Because you're my mate. You were made for me." He says.

"Considering the fact that I'm much older than you, I believe that statement to be reversed. You would have been made for me." I correct.

"How old are you?" He asks.

"Most people deem that to be an offensive question." I state, raising an eyebrow. A blush tints his cheeks and he adverts his eyes.

"However, I'm not one of those people." This gets the wolf to meet my eyes again. "So, I'm going to let you guess."

"And you'll tell me if I'm close?" He asks. I shrug.

"Sure." Knowing my age won't help him convince me we're mates. It might even give him reason to think twice about trying to manipulate me.

The Alpha studies me for a few moments before making his first guess. "Five hundred?"

"No." I say. Not even close, wolf shifter. He huffs before narrowing his eyes in concentration.

"Five fifty?" He guesses.


"Six Fifty?"

I shake my head.

*Some guesses later...*

"Can you just tell me?" The shifter whines. I smirk.

"And why would I do something like that?" I ask, tilting my head playfully. The shifter makes a frustrated noise.

"Because this is taking forever." He whines again. I don't even try to fight the grin that pushes the corners of my lips up.

"But where's the fun in that?" I tease; causing the shifter to groan in frustration. I bet I could get him to groan sexier than that if he was beneath me.

"Well. We might be able to do something else." He points out. I shrug.

"But I'm perfectly fine with this conversation." I say. He crosses his arms.

"Now you're just being difficult." He says.

"What do you mean now? I'm always difficult." I inform him, smirking. He sighs.

"I don't doubt it." He mutters. I grin before turning away from him and walking to the door.

"I'm 1842." I say as I cross the room. He doesn't move for a bit. But when I open the door, he seems to get over his shock.

"Wait. Where are you going?" He asks. I turn back and meet his gaze.

"As nice as it was for you to get a room ready for me, I won't be needing it to sleep in. It is quite boring to stay in here. So, I won't." I say before leaving the room. I hear the shifter scrambling to follow, and smirk.

This could be fun.

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