Forever Indy (The Morticians...

By SeizeTheButt

253K 7K 1.2K

DISCONTINUED Written 9 years ago so definitely a bit dated! If you feel like going ahead anyway, please enjoy... More

Forever Indy (The Morticians Daughter Sequel)
Sexy Utility Belt
The Awkward Moment...
Apple Of My Eye
Old Enemies
The Pantie Burglar
Things Not To Do While Driving
The Police Have Not Got You Surrounded
Since when does grass own shoes?
The Steed With Gazelle Legs
Elderly Women and Car Collisions
Your Voice Echos
Liar Liar Pants On Fire
Crotcheral Regions
Penguin Waddle
Revenge Of The Crotch

Early Bird Gets The Worm

13.2K 376 36
By SeizeTheButt

I wake up with arms around me and surrounded by Andy. I look up and see Andy's sleeping face doing that pout thing he always does while he's asleep. It is cute as fuck. Makes him look like an overgrown five year old. I snuggle down into his embrace, comfortable as hell. I'd done it with him. And I wasn't regretting anything. I close my eyes only to open them again at the sound of Andy sniffling. 

"You okay?" I ask, looking up.

"Your hair tickled my nose." He scrunches up his nose like a bunny. 

"I'll get my hair to apologise later then." 

"Good morning." He kisses my forehead. 

"Morning." I smiled and bit my lip, suddenly blushing. Andy laughs. Then pulls me up in his arms. I am so grateful that I was clasping the sheets. 

"We have a busy day today," he says, giving me a squeeze.

I raise an eyebrow, "We have?"

"We do, a very important tattoo on today."

I scrunch my eyebrows together, "I can't remember having anyone booking..." 

"I handled it for you," he pauses, looking at me thoughtfully, "If we get the client done quickly I'll treat you to pan cakes." 

I snuggle down into the covers, "Does any of the above involve getting out of bed?"

"I'm afraid so, sunshine."

I groan, "You know I'm not a morning person." 

"I can't remember twelve o'clock being classed as morning." he notes, swinging his legs over to the side and pulling on pants. 

"My brain is hotwired to think twelve is really seven," I mumble and floped my face head first on the pillow. 

"Nope, you are not getting away with it that easily," he says and I felt his long fingers around my bare ankles at the bottom of the bed. I turn my head to look at him, sure enough he is posed with his hands around my ankles and looking at me with a mishevious look.

"You wouldn't..."

"Oh wouldn't I?" he raises an eyebrow and gave a tug. I slip down in the bed. 

"No! Okay I'll get up!" I squeal as my head disappears under the covers.

"You promise?"


He lets go of my ankles, chuckling and I sit up, wrapping a sheet firmly around me. I move quickly past him, just in case anything was on show. 

"Iris?" he stops me, pressing himself against me. My heart rate quickened. I never got over Andy without a shirt. "You look really embarrased."

I look down, "Everything looks different when you stand up." 

He laughs and then looks at my with a pointed expression, "You're beautiful whether you're standing up or lying down." 

"And you're just too sweet. But I really gotta pee," I say, scampering off to the sounds of his laughing. 

Ten minutes later we're walking down to the shop, hand in hand. I take the key out of my pocket and step in to the wide space. Pictures of deisigns hang on the walls and a plush black couch surrounded by rock magazines was in the corner. The cafe iss in darkness.

"What time was this person meant to be here at?" I ask. Andy out stretched his arms.

"He's right here." 

"You... You want me to tattoo you?" I ask, my voice wavering slightly. He had asked before but I always refused, afraid I'd screw it up.

"More than anything. Please." He kneels down and pouted in a cute fashion. I roll my eyes and grin. 

"Fine. Fine. What do you want?"


* * *

As always thank you for reading and let me know what you think (: 


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