My Father the Trickster

By TheMeganProductions1

1K 26 5

Isabelle is a normal 17 year old teen who goes to college and lives in a apartment in the town Flash in Staff... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 Part 1
Chapter 10 Part 2
Chapter 10 Part 3

Chapter 8

47 2 0
By TheMeganProductions1

(Grell Sutcliff)


(Jack Black)


(Ewan McGregor)

(Hayden Christen )

(Natalie Portman)

Isabelle's POV:

I fear for my life. "What are we going to do?" Axel whispered as the police from behind the door kept banging on the door and screaming at us. That's when Ewan got an idea. "Th-There is an allyway down the road from here we can hide in." Ewan told us. "But how will we get out?" Natalie asked Ewan. "I do have some Pepper Spray we can spray on them as we run out." Axel told us as he pulled out three bottles of pepper spray. "That could work." Hayden said."And if it doesn't then we will be captured and my father will die." I told them. 'It's worth a try though." My dad told me. 

We got in our positions. Hayden, Axel, and Ewan had the pepper sprays in their grasp, ready to spray at the cops. "ready?" Axel asked me. We all nodded. My dad held a rope at the door and when he pulls it it will open the door. "3..." Ewan started. This is it. "2.." My dad said.  I will not die today. "1.." Hayden said. I WILL SURVIVE!!!! "NOW!!!" Natalie exclaimed. My dad opened up the door. The police was shocked at our appearance. "Go! Go! Go!" Axel exclaimed at us. Me, my dad, and Natalie started running down the hall of the hotel. We can hear the police's blood pearcing scream as the pepper spray was sprayed on to their eyeballs. Seconds later, I saw Ewan, Axel, and Hayden catching up on us. Behind them..the cops holding their eyes and groaning in agony. But wait...did I just see The Flash?! "Keep going Isabelle! Don't look back!" Natalie exclaimed at me. I kept running and running. For what seemed like forever. 

We arrived at the alleyway. This alleyway is very huge, it is easy to get lost in! I've been watching my back though just in case The Flash or the police decide to sneak behind me and grab me. That's when a hand grabbed me and pulled me away. "ISABELLE!!!" I herd my father scream at me before I blacked out. 

I awoke for seemed like hours. I was in a dark room with only a single light bulb shining on me. I realized I was strapped on to a metal slab. There was no way I could get out of these straps. They are tight on me. "Hello?!" I exclaimed out loud. Silence. "Anybody there?!" I exclaimed. "I'm here." I herd a voice say. I saw someone in the shadows. The Flash. "You!" I screamed at him when I realized who it was. He came out of the shadows. "Just why the hell did you-" "I am sorry." The Flash suddenly interrupted me. "Wh-What do you mean?" I questioned him. 'I'm sorry. For what I am going to do to you." The Flash told me. 

Ewan's POV:

We were all patiently waiting back at the hotel room as Grell searched for Isabelle on her high tech computer. When we went back to the hotel we apologized to the others even though they still looked really pissed at us. Trickster was over at the window staring out there. He was so worried. I then got up from the bed and walked over to Trickster and stood by his side. "Trick- I mean Mr.Jessie.." I called to him. "Yes?" He asked me slowly before looking up at me. "Your daughter..she is really nice. And fun. I think i may be in love with her." I told him. "I knew it." I herd Hayden whisper. "Y-You do?" Trickster asked me as we both turned and faced each other. I was only an inch taller than him but still, he is a pretty insane guy. "yes..if you don't mind." I told him. He hung his head down. "Oh Ewan.." Trickster said. Is he crying? "Yes Mr.Jessie?" I called to him. He looked up at me. "I blame myself in a million ways for not protecting my daughter." Trickster told me. I then started tearing up. "It'sok, Mr.Jessie." I told him. He then hugged me. I didn't hesitate and I hugged him back. Bam! The door burst opened. Came in was Isabelle. Isabelle had her hair all messed up. She wearied a shirt...but no pants. At least she had bottom undergarments on. Yeah I don't like the word bra or panties. Trickster ran up to her. 'Isabelle!! Thank the maker! You're alive!!" Trickster exclaimed as he hugged her tightly. "What happened?!" Trickster exclaimed at her. "It was The Flash! He...He.." Isabelle tried to say but she broke down crying. "What did he do to you.?" the Trickster asked her sternly. "If I tell will go and kill him." Isabelle told him. "Sweetie..please..tell me now.I won't be mad at you. But at The Flash I will be mad at." Trickster told Isabelle. "He..raped me." Isabelle told Trickster. It was then silent. Except for the sound of the rain pattering outside the building. 

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