RWBY: Grimm Walker

By Rouge_one

107K 1.9K 702

"Those who drink the blood of Grimm are cursed to walk among them." For Nix Spherule, this was nothing more t... More

Chapter 1: Fresh Start
Chapter 2: New Member
Chapter 3: The Test
Chapter 4: First Encounter
Chapter 5: Warm Welcome
Chapter 6: The New Guy
Chapter 7: A Duel To Remember
Chapter 8: Friendly Faces
Chapter 9: Relaps
Chapter 10: Letting Go
Chapter 11: Nightlife
Chapter 12: No Holding Back
Chapter 13: Training Days
Chapter 14: The Schnee Method
Chapter 15: Hard Hits
Chapter 16: The Real Deal
Chapter 17: Hunted
Chapter 18: Nightmares
Chapter 19: Rising Up
Chapter 21: Neverending Fight

Chapter 20: Downfall

2.3K 63 62
By Rouge_one

The ships landed at Beacon as the sun began to set, Headmaster Ozpin waiting for them. A group of medics ran over and assisted Jaune onto a stretcher, his team at his side as they carried him off to the med bay. Yang ran over to the Headmaster, her face red from crying. "Headmaster, we have to go back, Nix is-"

He raised a hand to cut her off. "I've already been informed Ms. Long. We will send a team out to recover him at first light, but for now we must wait."

"We can't wait! He could be dead by the time you get there. Please, just let me go." Tears began to well in her lilac eyes once more, the others coming up behind her. The headmaster put a hand on her shoulder. "I know how you must be feeling right now, but we cant risk sending a search party at night. And you are in no condition to go back into the field, none of you are. We will send a fresh team in the morning." His eyes were soft but his voice was firm, his decision final.

"Please," Yang started. "Let me-"

"My decision is final, Ms. Long!" He barked at her. The girls flinched a bit at his tone, never seeing him so serious before. He regarded them firmly but with sincerity. "It pains me to have him out on his own, but I would much rather have one student at risk than nine." He sighed. "We will bring him home, I promise you that. But right now, you all need medical attention. I will have some staff escort you to the med bay." He turned to walk back into the school, the medical staff running over to the girls. He could hear Yang's sobs as she fell to her knees, her sorrow pouring out of her lungs in pained cries. Ozpin felt deep pity and sympathy for the girl, but there was nothing he could do for her now.

He returned to his office and sat with a heavy sigh, his fists under his chin deep in thought. Glynda Goodwitch sat across his desk, her expression somber. "You know he very well could be dead..don't you Ozpin?"

He closed his eyes with another sigh. "For everyone's sake, I pray he isn't..."



Nix's eyes slowly opened as he awoke. His HUD shook with static every few seconds, his vison fuzzy. He looked at the sky from where he lay, his whole body in pain. Rocks fell from where the ground had split and tumbled onto the cave floor clacking as they bounced. Nix slowly rose from his spot, pushing rock and rubble off of him. He took a deep breath but felt a stabbing pain in his side. He coughed violently in reaction to the pain, which only caused it to hurt more. He took off his helmet and looked at his side. A large piece of bone shot through his right side just next to his kidney, patruding from his front. One of the Grimm bones must have been laying here when he landed, impaling itself in him. He touched it gently only to have pain shoot through his side. He hissed and took hold of it, blood seeping through his armor.

  "OK Nix, you can do this..."

He grasped the bone firmly.


He grit his teeth.


He yanked the bone out of his side with a jerk, his body exploding with pain as he did. He screamed loudly as blood began to flow from the wound. Panting, he reached into his belt and pulled out a small metal disk. The disk vibrated softly in his hand as he turned it on, the center now glowing a light yellow. He grit his teeth again and pressed the disk onto the wound hard. The super heated plate hissed as it made contact with his exposed flesh, burning the wound closed. Nix cried out again through his teeth as the smell of burning flesh hit his nose, almost making him vomit. With the wound now closed and no longer bleeding he covered it with a gauze bandage. Nix leaned against a slab of rock as he breathed, a small trickle of blood coming from the corner of his mouth. He reached into his belt and fumbled for his Scroll.

"Got to call..Yang.."

His heart dropped as he looked at his Scroll, the screen shattered and bent. The thing was useless now and he threw it angrily to the side. The boy was stranded, and no one knew if he was alive. He cursed loudly and started coughing again, the pain flaring up. He looked at his surroundings from his seat. The cave in was deep, the walls to steep and high to climb. There was single tunnel to his left, the one on his right having been closed off from the fall. Nix slowly rose to his feet and picked up his helmet, carrying it as he shuffled into the cave tunnel.


The boy wandered the tunnel for what seemed like hours before he came to an exit. Sunlight was shining through the opening as he approached, the remainder of the tunnel wide and dark.

"Here we are..finally.."

He moved with pained grimaces towards the exit when he stepped on something with a loud crunch. He looked down to see another Grimm bone at his feet. Behind him, something started to move and Nix's senses went on high alert. He spun to see shadows moving all around him, unable to make out the forms. He put his helmet back on and the HUD switched to night vision, the threat indicator highlighting the forms in red.

"Grimm type; Beowolf. Enemy count; Six."

"Not good."

The wolves snarled at the boy as they slowly moved towards him, Nix taking a step back towards the cave exit. He summoned a revolver with his remaining strength and raised it with a shaky hand. He must have stumbled into their den which explained the bones. The beasts were angry with him for intruding, and intended he pay with his life. The beasts roared and charged him with their red eyes glowing. Nix took aim at the first one and fired.

The gun kicked with a loud bang and the first Grimm dropped. He moved to the next, still backing towards the exit. "Five more.."








"Last one!"


"Oh sh.."

The Beowolf slammed into him and sent him flying through the exit. Nix crashed to the ground and rolled down the hill roughly, smashing over rocks and roots before his back collided with a tree, pain shooting through him like a hot spear. The beast roared in anger and went back into its cave, Nix now at the bottom of the hill. The boy slowly rose to his feet despite his bodies protests and looked at his compass on his HUD. "Beacon is west from here..better start moving." The sun was slowly starting to set, and the forest would be dark soon. Being out in wild Grimm territory is dangerous enough, but once night falls the Grimm get more aggressive as they hunt. Nix began to move west towards Beacon. "Don't worry Yang..I'm coming.."



Yang sat on Blake's bed with her knees to her chin, holding a pillow tightly. Ruby held her close as Blake rubbed her back. Weiss sat next to her, her face soft and sad.

"There there," Blake said softly. "He's a tough kid, I know he'll make it.."

Yang sniffed as tears streaked her face. "I was so close.."

Ruby hushed her and held her sister close. "Don't blame yourself, he made the sacrifice to save Jaune." She could feel herself start to tear up. "He made his choice.."

Weiss hugged the two girls. "I know how much he meant to you Yang..he'll come back, I know he will."

Yang leaned her head on Weiss's shoulder as she began to sob again. The others couldn't stop their tears from falling and they mourned together, Weiss stroking Yang's head softly.



Nix roared as he brought his sword down hard into the Beowolfs shoulder, cleaving the Grimm in half. Blood covered his blade and armor as he painted hard, not all of it Grimms. He had been fighting for the last hour of his wandering, Grimm appearing again and again as he moved towards home. His armor was chipped and broken, a large claw gash running across his helmets front. His body burned and shook from exhaustion but he drove himself forward, his burning determination keeping him on his feet. His weapons had been getting smaller and smaller the more he fought, his energy draining out of him like the blood from his wounds. He stumbled back as the remaining Grimm closed in. He dodged a slash from another Beowolf and stabbed his blade into its throat, killing it in a single strike. He let the blade faze out as the beast fell and made a new one before the next Grimm attacked. The Ursa came charging in and swiped with a large arm, claws out. He blocked but his blade was weak and it shattered as he was sent flying into another tree. His breath was ragged as he slowly stood.

"Come on..your not dying here.."

The Ursa roared and three more Beowolves emerged behind it, eager for a kill.

Nix could feel the fear sitting in his gut like a stone. He was so tired, his body protesting and screaming at every move he made, but he ignored it. Determination burned within him like a sun, his anger and fear fueling him.

"I'm not done yet.." He said out loud. "I will never be done." His gaze turned fierce. "I vow to protect those who cant protect themselves." His thoughts turned to Yang and the others, his voice louder now. "I will fight to my dying breath to protect all of Vale from the Grimm." He summoned his final weapons, the two large daggers falling into his hands. "I will not stop..I will not rest.." He dropped low. "..until the forces of darkness are destroyed!" He roared in righteous fury. "NOTHING SHALL STAND IN MY WAY!!"

The Grimm roared and charged into battle. Nix roared and spun, slamming his right dagger into the first Beowolves eye. He thrust the other low as the second charged in and it burst through its heart, blood splattering the ground. He let them drop as he pulled out the right one and threw it at the remaining Beowolf. The blade collided and knocked it back before it collapsed, the blade sticking out of its chest. Only the Ursa remained and it charged at Nix with a snarl. The boy ran at it pulling the blade out of the Beowolf as he ran. The Ursa stood and swiped at him but Nix ducked under it, slashing the blade up across the Grimm's chest. The blade bit deep and blood flew from the blade as it came clear. The beast dropped onto all fours and swiped again, angry at him. Nix sidestepped and rammed the knife into its shoulder, the serrated blade digging up to the hilt. The creature roared and charged in an attempt to ram him and he dodged again causing the Ursa to collide with a tree. Nix saw his chance and ran to the wounded foe, channeling all the energy he had left into his final weapon. He stepped in and slid his left foot in front of him, both hands grasping the great sword tightly.


He swung the double edged blade with every ounce of strength and caught the Ursa across the neck, following through until the blade came free on the other side. They both stood frozen for a moment before the Grimms head slid off its shoulders. Nix dropped to his knees and the weapon shattered, his energy drained. Blood was everywhere, splattering his armor and exposed flesh, the crimson liqued spotting his helmet. His body was wiry from battle, his breathing ragged and hard. He slowly stood and moved through the forest. After a few minuets he came to a tall cliff that overlooked the forest. The city sat in the distance, its tall towers reaching towards the heavens. Beacon tower stood the tallest, its steeple rising above all the others. He sat down against a tree and took off his helmet, finally getting some fresh air. He looked at Beacon with sad eyes.

"Yang..I'm so close..don't lose hope.."

Nix yearned to hear her voice again. To hear her sweet words and her joyful laugh. He wanted nothing more than to hold her in his arms and get the feeling of safety it provided. An idea suddenly sparked in his head and he put his helmet back on. "Maybe I'm close enough.."


Static started to come from Yang's communicator as the girls sat on the bed. Yang's head shot up at the sound, Ruby grabbing the piece quickly. She turned up the volume so everyone could hear.

"Nix?! Nix, is that you?"

Nix voice cut through the static. ""

The girls burst into tears again at the sound of his voice, relived he was still alive. Yang spoke up. "Nix, thank god! I was so worried.."

"..ang?I misse.. re voice so mu.."

She choked back cries as she talked to him, her heart leaping. "Are you OK? Where are you?"

"Im...fine. I can see.. eacon fro.. re. Is Jau.. right?"

Yang laughed lightly. "Yeah, Jaunes going to be fine. You saved him Nix."

They could here him laugh on the other end. "Good..g..od.." The transmition began to die away, Nix words to staticy to hear.

"Nix? Nix are you there? Were coming to get you, just stay put, OK?"

"Yang? I..ove y..o.."

The transmition died and went silent. "Nix? Nix!!" Yang cradled the communicator as fresh sobs began to come from her.


Nix took of his helmet and set it in his lap, his comms now burnt out from use. "Jaunes ok.." He smiled softly and coughed, blood trickling from his lips. "I did it..I saved him.." He looked at the sky as the sun began to set over the horizon, a small breeze cooling his wiry body. "I guess dying now isn't so bad.." He smiled as he thought of all his friends. Memories flashed through his mind like a movie, the day they met, his duel with Yang, their first kiss, each precious moment with them played over and over again. He could feel tears start to blur his vision. "I finally fulfilled my goal..thanks to you all.." He closed his eyes as the sun lowered to an orange glow. "Now..I need rest.."

Nix's body relaxed and his helmet rolled from his hands, coming to a stop at his feet as the sun made its final decent under the horizon, night finally falling.

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