Part Of My Story Imagines

By emilyxoluna

114K 2.4K 191

Jovani Jars Juwany Roman Julian Jara Mario Selman -Hunter & Brandon- More

Where you met
Your First Fight Was About?
Your celebrity crush he's jealous of
He Finds Out You Made Out With Another Member Before You Two Got Together
What he does when you are sick
A Guy hits on you and he gets angry
He finds out you're pregnant
Imagine (Mario Selman)
Imagine (Hunter)
Imagine (Julian)
You Receive hate from supporters ( Hunter & Mario)
Your find him crying (ONLY JOVANI AND GEO)
BSM- Over protectiveness (GEO & MARIO)
You are sick.
He finds out you self harm
First Date
How you to sleep
How He Is When You Are On Your Period
He Finds Out Your Dad Abuses You (Julian & Hunter) Part 1
He Finds Out Your Dad Abuses You Part 2
Hunter Rowland
You're Jealous Of A Beautiful Fan
Geo Roman
What He Loves About You
Your Insecurity
What He Tweets You While He's On Tour
His Thoughts When He Sees You For The First Time Ever
You're Famous And He's A Fan Of You (GEO,JULIAN,MARIO)
Not Enough (Mario)
What He Does For You Birthday (including Hunter And Brandon)
What His Parents Think Of You (including Hunter And Brandon.)
Imagine Hunter Rowland
Julian Jara ❤ Imagine
Brandon Rowland Imagine
Argument with one of the other boys (ONLY JOVANI AND HUNTER )
Insecure- Hunter & Julian
He sees you cry :(( //Julian & Jovani And Geo
He's Sick // Jovani
Make Up //Julian
Condom// Hunter
When You Are Sad
How you guys hug
His Voice Mail Cause He Misses You
When you are sad he says...
You Defend Him
What He Texts You When You Are Upset
When he is mad
He Gets Jealous Of A Text Message
His ex...
Hate //Geo (REQUESTED)
Your poms best friend
How he is around the boys with you
Too Soon// Jovani
What Type Of Boyfriend He Is
He likes you but you have a boyfriend// All
Long Distance..
PMS //Julian
What it's like sleeping with him// All
On Your Bad Days// ALL
The First "I love you"
»¿TEXT!« //Hunter
»¿text!« //Mario
«¿texts!» //Jovani
Don't Even Matter // Jovani
Mario imagine
Silent Treatment// Geo & Jovani
Your First Kiss// Jovani & Julian & Mario
Julian Imagine
Your Favorite Throwback Show
His Nickname For You
His Last Words..
You Can Sing?// Jovani
You// Jovani
The Small Tattoo You Get + Meaning
Bad Reality// Julian
Geo Imagine
Stressed Out//Julian
Your Daughter(s) + name meaning
In Your Arms // Jovani
Memory Loss//Jovani
Outfit You Met Him In/Where You Met Him
Your Fav Pair Of Converse
Julian Imagine
Mario Imagine
Jovani Imagine
Puppy you get and hes posts about
Hunter Imagine
Your Mystical Hair Color
Preference//Your Wedding Dress
Mario Imagine
Stupid & Cliché/ How You Begin To Date /Back Stories
Julian Imagine
Geo Imagine
Mario Imagine
Jovani Imagine
Mario Imagine//Charlotte
Mario Selman//Gen
Mario Imagine//Christina
Julian Imagine// Dyamonique
LR//Mario Imagine//Beyonce
Jonas Imagine
Your Fan Account For him//All

Tweet After You Break Up

988 18 1
By emilyxoluna


You were crying in your bedroom; Jovani, your boyfriend of six months, had just broken up with you. And the worst was that you couldn't even be mad at him, he gave you a perfectly reasonable reason; he wasn't ready for commitment. He said that he was going on tour now, and he didn't want to be in a relationship while on it; that it would just end up hurting the two of you. While facing him, you pretended to be perfectly fine. But, as soon as you left, and you went different ways, you broke down crying. You got your phone; deciding that should do something about it, logging on twitter. But, what should you tweet? You started thinking of a girl, a girl that wrote a million of break up songs; Taylor Swift. @(Y/T/N): "We had a beautiful magic love there. What a sad, beautiful, tragic, love affair...". Moments later, your timeline and mentions were filled with people asking if you two had broken up, but one tweet, in particular, caught your attention; @jovanijara: "Too much of love can be too much...". You sighed; it was over.


Lately, Mario had been acting all weird with you; not really talking to you, or looking into your eyes, or even touching you. You felt something bad was coming; it was pretty obvious. So, when he asked if he could talk to you, you knew it was going to happen; the break up. But still, you kept your hopes up, maybe he was going through some rough times and wanted to talk about it. "Look, (Y/N), I'm sorry, but I really can't do this. And, I think it'd be best, for both of us, if we broke up.", you sighed, holding back your tears. "Okay", you said slowly, "I guess I'll just leave now". "No, (Y/N), wait.", he tried to stop you, but you were already out the door. The tears began rolling down your cheeks, and you ran with no direction; only stopping to get your phone and go on twitter. @(Y/T/N): "Maybe if my heart stops beating, it won't hurt this much...". You saw the fandom going crazy; some people were asking you if you had broken up, others were asking Mario, But what caused the most talking, was Mario's tweet: @itsMarioSelman: "I'm sorry I'm bad, I'm sorry you're blue. I'm sorry about all the things I said to you.".


"Oh, hey Jovani", you said as you opened the door to your house. "Hey, (Y/N)", he said, awkwardly. "Let me guess; you're here to get Julian's stuff?", you asked and he nodded. "I'm really sorry", he said. "No, that's fine. It's all in that box", he walked in to get it. "Okay, so I guess I'll just get going now... Bye, (Y/N)", he said. "Bye, Jovani", you said closing the door behind him. Julian had broken up with you some months ago, and when he did, you wanted to act mature, but you just ended up crying in front of him, and he felt bad; really bad. So that's probably why he never tried to contact you again and, every time he did, it was one of his friends or Jovani that would go talk to you. Now, you were over it, but it annoyed you that he still wouldn't talk to you. You had even tried calling him, to say that you could still be friends; but he had changed his number. That was why you were tweeting an indirect to him, so he could see that he needed to be more mature. @(Y/T/N): "No, you didn't have to swoop so low; have your friends or your brother come talk to me instead of you, and then change your number. I guess that I don't need that, though. Now you're just somebody that I used to know...". You received some hate, some people saying that they were sorry for what happened, but most of it was just saying to check Julian's twitter. @yuppjulian: "I've been the reason for your pain, and you can put the blame on me...".


He could have simply broken up with you, and then go out to hook up with anyone he wanted. But, no, he needed to do it on the other way around. Why? Only to make you cry even more? He needed to go out one night, to come back only the next morning with hickeys , and say. "I cheated on you, I'm sorry, I think we should break up". So that's why you were sitting on a bench in a random park crying; 'cause as soon as those words left his mouth, you left the house running. You were heart broken, sad, angry; you needed to do something to get him back. So that's why you logged on twitter, to tweet something simple, intelligent, and that would explain pretty much everything. @(Y/T/N): "The next time that he cheats. Oh, you know it won't be on me". You didn't even bother to go on your mentions, not wanting to answer anyone. you just wanted to see what, and if, he'd answer; and he did. @flamingeos: "I never meant to let you down...", just that. You had never been angrier in your whole life.

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