Bound by Magic

By shannenleo

2.6K 396 104

Ruby, a high school girl living a normal teenage life. She was nothing special, hangs with normal friends and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 12

65 11 11
By shannenleo

I could not sleep after that dreadful dream. I crawled out of my blanket and sat on the edge of the bed. The sun was still nowhere to be seen.

I glanced back to Lucas and he opened his eyes slowly. He said with his sleepy voice, "why aren't you asleep?" He rubbed his face and gazed into my eyes with his eyes half opened.

I mumbled, "I couldn't sleep." Lucas took off the blanket and sat at the edge of the bed right next to me. He was shirtless and only had boxers on.

I studied his body. He had a masculine body, not too buff not too skinny. It was in perfect shape.

He stared at me like a sad puppy and asked, "was it that dream?" I nodded. "Ruby, you need to tell me about your dream."

I was shaken, "Lucas, it's nothing!" "But you have to tell me, Ruby. Please." I sighed and explained to him about my dream.

"I saw Lucius killing your father. And then you appeared looking hurt and beaten up. And then- Lucius stabbed me."

Lucas swore under his breath and snapped, "No! This will not happen. I will protect you from him, Ruby. You'll be safe, nothing will happen to you. But in the meantime, we will still need to go to Ephiezora."

I asked nervously, "w- wait. Are you saying t-this dream may happen?" Lucas muttered, "yes, but the chances are low. We could stop it from happening, it won't happen Ruby."

I rested my head on his shoulders and he stroked my head gently. He kissed my cheek and said with his sweet and gentle voice, "you should go back to sleep."

I crawled back to my bed and Lucas covered my body with the blanket. As he was leaving for the window, I begged him, "Lucas, won't you stay?"

He made a weak smile and got in my bed. I faced him and said, "Lucas, why did you come here before?" He answered, "I don't know- I just had some kind of feeling that you were in trouble or something and I had to come here." "I guess we have a strong bond."

I kissed his forehead and place my head on his chest. I could feel his heart beating and the warmth of his body. I slowly squeezed my eyes shut and went back to sleep.

I woke up, yawned and stretched my arms. I glanced over to my alarm clock that says 8:25 am. I looked over to the other side of my bed and Lucas was still there sleeping peacefully.

I got up from the bed, went downstairs still in my pink tank top and sweatpants.

My dad was sitting in the dining room reading the newspaper while sipping a cup of coffee.

"Morning dad." Dad replied, "good morning Ruby."

I sat down at the dining table and watched my mom cook us breakfast.

She finished making some bacon, eggs, and ham. She served them on two plates and gave them to me and my dad.

"Morning sweetie." She kissed me on the cheeks. "Morning mom."

I took a bite of the bacon and it was delicious. My mom's a great cook.

I finished my breakfast and drank some juice. I asked my mom for some more breakfast for Lucas.

"Mom, could I have some more breakfast? I want to eat it in my room while I finish my homework." My mom looked surprised, "more? Darling, you've had enough." "But I'm still hungry." Mom chuckled, "alright here you go." She handed me a plate of breakfast. "Thanks mom!" She joked, "if you get fat don't blame it on me!"

I ran upstairs and went to my room. Lucas was still sleeping on my bed. I said to myself, "dang, he's such a deep sleeper."

I placed the plate on my desk and playfully hit Lucas with my pillow. I jumped up and down on the bed and yelled, "wake up! Wake up! Wake up!!!"

I kept hitting him with the pillow until Lucas finally opened his eyes, "alright! Jeez, stop yelling." He rubbed his eyes and groaned. "I brought you breakfast!" Lucas replied, "nah, I'll pass."

Lucas pulled the blanket over his body and dozed off. I moaned. I grabbed my watergun, filled it with some water from the bathroom and went back to my bedroom.

I pulled off the blanket that was wrapping Lucas. I aimed my gun at his beautiful face and sprayed him with water.

"GAHHHHHH RUBY! Are you kidding me!?" I laughed. He smirked and sprayed my face with water coming out from the palm of his hand. I screamed. I sprayed him back and we end up having a water fight.

"Lucas! We need to stop. Dammit, My bed's wet." I complained. Lucas snapped, "hey, you started it!" I smirked and laughed. Lucas rolled his eyes.

I grabbed a towel for Lucas and he wiped his face and hair. His light ash brown hair was all messy which looks really hot.

I dried my bed sheets and handed Lucas the plate for breakfast. He ate and asked, "this is really good. Did you make this?" I shook my head, "I can't cook." He chuckled, "what kind of girl doesn't cook?" I punched his arm as he continued eating.

Lucas finished eating and he grabbed and wore his grey t-shirt that was lying on the floor and put on a pair of khaki pants.

"Let's hang out today, I want to show you something." He said. "Sure, where do you want to go?" He answered, "let's just go to that coffee shop you usually go to after school."

I raised an eyebrow, "wait a second. Have you been stalking me?" He put his tongue out. I smirked, "you creep."

Lucas waved goodbye and flew out my window. I got ready to meet up with Lucas. I put on a black cotton sweater, jeans, boots and I went downstairs.

"Where are you going, honey?" My mom was doing the laundry. "I'm just gonna meet up with Lucas at the coffee shop." I answered. My dad said to me, "have fun Ruby! Remember everything I've warned you about dating! As a doctor, I have to remind you that-" I cut him off, "yeah yeah. I know dad, I gotta go. Bye!"

I went out the front door and walked to the coffee shop.

The autumn wind was chilly as I walked down the sidewalk to the coffee shop. The shop is only a few blocks away from my house.

I went inside the shop and ordered a cup of latte. I paid for the coffee and searched the room for Lucas. I spotted Lucas sitting at the corner of the room drinking a cup of coffee. I approached the table and sat down across him.

"So what did you want to show me?" I asked as I sipped my cup of latte. He answered, "I want to show you my memory of how all the Arvhius Army trouble landed in Trixwerys." "Will anyone in this room see us?" Lucas replied, "no, don't worry. No one will see it except you."

Lucas took out an empty golden chalice out of his backpack and placed it on the table. He closed his eyes and he rubbed the side of his head with his hands and he moved his hands into the chalice. He opened his eyes and took his hands out.

I look into the chalice and there were some kind of silver liquid inside. It looked like that silver chemical element, Mercury.

I made a disgusted look, "what's this supposed to be?" Lucas replied, "it's my memory. I want you to drink it." He pushed the chalice towards me. I said, "you're kidding right?" Lucas smiled.

I picked up the chalice, stared into the gooey liquid and slowly sipped a bit of the liquid. It tasted bitter, "Bleh! This tastes like shit!" Lucas said, "you'll need to drink the whole chalice, Ruby."

I drank the whole "memory" and my sight disappeared slowly. Everything was white as I was entering Lucas' memory.

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