Old town, New school (Septipl...

By AcidiclyGone

46.8K 1.9K 1.2K

Jack lives in Websterville. A town with two elementary schools, two middle schools and one big high school... More

Two Schools Collide
But It Had To End
Boys/Boys/Girls Freaking Out
Is Hell
Let's Get Out Of Here
Week of Fun Starts
Mischief Started
One Last Thing
Plot Twists
Yo, important message

The Aftermath

2.3K 98 129
By AcidiclyGone

I woke up to an arm wrapped around me and seeing a bed with no one in it.

I knew who was next to me but I had no idea where we were. I carefully picked Mark's arm up and I moved it, so it was not wrapped around me, probably blushing the whole time.

Then, I stood up and walked out of the said room. I got my phone out of my pocket and looked at the screen to see the time. It was 12:24 A.M. and I had a few notifications from Felix, My Mom, and Panda Pop the Facebook game.

I first went to see what my mom texted since she was the first one and it said:
What the hell happened and why did I get a call saying Cater's in the hospital delivered: yesterday

She probably came last night. Because her piece of shit boss says she will be fired if leaving before her shift is not done.

I went over to Felix's texts and read what it said:
What happened I saw you leave rather quickly last night and I could tell something was wrong
You ok? Delivered At: 11:16

I sent a text back saying "Yeah I'm fine but Carter's not can't text right now though so I'll tell you later"

Soon I got a text saying:
Ok you could tell me on Monday at lunch?

I then sent: "Sure."

I guess I'm not eating with Mark, Bob, and Wade.

Then, I walked out of the room and went down to the first floor. I quickly walked over to James at the desk.

"Hey, where is Carter?" I asked, but I could hear giggles from the waiting room that was right in front of the desk. I looked over to see the girl I met last night and the 2 other boys.

Sonja, Tom, and Tucker I believe that's they're names.

"She's in the kid room over there. I have been watching her." James told me, pointing to the room that had glass walls and a bunch of kids stuff in it.

Of course I saw her drawing on a small table. "Okay, thanks." I then turned around, the giggling never stopped, and said "What is soooo funny?"

"Well, first of all, the green bed head you have" Sonja said.

"And a secret thing that you can't know about." said Tucker.

I heard laughing from behind me.
"Oh come on, you're in on this "secret"?" I asked to James, even thought it was more of a statement then a question.

I then heard more giggles behind me.
"Where's Tom's boy?" I asked referring to Jordan.

"Can we keep him?" Tom asked.

"Haha, yeah sure now you have a new friend." Tucker said.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Tom likes that you referred to Jordan as his boy for two reasons; 1. Because he likes to think that Jordan is his in all ways possible and 2. He is a jealous dumb fuck." Sonja explained.

"Shut the fuck up." Tom said.

"Why u hef to ba med?" Sonja said.

"You forgot that he is also one in my kind so yeah" Tom said trying to defend himself.

"What?" I asked once again being confused.

"Sweetie, you're gay he's gay one in the same catch up I can't keep explaining this stuff to you" Sonja said.

Then, I heard a thud from Tucker falling on the floor from laughing. He didn't stop laughing.

"Ohhhhhhhh, he didn't deny it!" Tom said like a five year old, also in a fit of giggles.

I standing there stunned from shock. "Wait a fucking second. Do you guys know how I got upstairs?" I asked.

I could see the compressed laughter.

Those fuckers.

"Wel- hph." I tried before being tackled to the ground.

"Jack, where are we?" Mark asked after tackling me to the ground. He was scared. I sat up.

"Awwwww!" I heard in the background from at least one of the four in the room.

"Mark calm down. My sister had some problems, so I brought us here last night" I told him.

"Oh." He said.

"And these douches are my friends, I guess." I told him.

"One of us, one of us, one of us" they chanted.

I shook my head, but Mark was still acting like a shy 5 year old and just hid behind me.

It was quite funny because he wasn't small but he wasn't big so he was just hiding behind me when I couldn't fight anything I was more of a flee type then to fight.

"Okay, calm down. You are acting like you took drugs." Sonja said.

"Ow... Jack my head hurts." Mark said in a small voice.

"Okay, I got some Advil last night." I said reaching into my pocket to get some tablets and gave him some. He swallowed it (not like that you nasty) with no water.

"Okay. This is the sweetest thing I've ever seen" Sonja said.

"Jackkkk. I'm hungry" Mark said. It was funny how he acted like I was the only one in the world and that he just acted like a small, scared, all alone bunny. It was like he was high, but not and it's too cute! He needs to stop.

"Okay. I'll take you home." I told him.

"Did you even bring a car?" Tom asked.

"Shit." I said. They all just sorta kept quiet while I was thinking of what to do. "OH!" I said loudly standing up at the idea, leaving Mark on the ground.

Then, I got my phone out quickly called the person I needed and they answered.

"Hey, could you do me a favor?" I asked into the phone with everyone looking at me.

"Yeah, what's up?" He asked through the phone.

"I need a lift." I told hoping that it would be a yes.

"Okay, where are you?"

"I'm at the hospital just drop me off- actually could you just drop off Mark at my house? It's just a few houses down so he can walk." I told him.

"Oh yeah sure." I heard Fe's voice drop to a lower tone.

"Okay. I have to go get my sister and see how she is. Bye."

I heard a faint "bye." as I hung up the phone.

"Jack, who am I going with?" Mark asked.

"You're going to be takin home by Fe. Now go wait outside." I told. He got up and waited outside so Fe could just pick him up from the front.

"Okay guys, well I have to go see my sister so, see ya'." I said, while walking backwards to the kids room.

I got waves but they were quiet. I opened the door, but Carter didn't even look to see who was there, she was so in tune, I guess.

I walked over and saw her drawing Sam, but she was making a more detailed eye. Most of the time she just fills the blue part in for it's eye color, but she was making it where she just drew straight lines right next to each other. It looked different not exactly realistic but more real. Just coloring the whole part in.

"That looks pretty." I said to her.

"SEÁN!" she yelled, turning around standing up (all rather quickly) and giving me a hug.

"Well, you're doing something different with your drawing." I said, looking down at her, now sitting back at her table.

"Yeah. My art teacher helped me. She likes seeing my drawings, so she helped me with the iris since she has seen me draw Sam before and seen him hidden in places in my drawings. I've also brought Sam with me to art once and she liked seeing it!" She told me/explained in a rather happy voice.

I remember how Carter didn't want Sam to be a boy or girl so she started just using the it, they, them pronouns. It's pretty cool she learned that by herself.

"Well, that is really cool." I said as she went back to drawing. I watched as her hand went up and down making surprisingly straight lines. Then again, what would I know about being straight?

Her hand was slow, and her eyes were watching every moment her colored pencil made.

"Jack?" she asked.


"What's up with you and Mark?" She said and my face went pale.

"W-what do you mean?" I asked, trying to act normal.

"Well, you accidentally kissed him the other day and then it was quiet the whole way to my school, and then, I saw this morning when I woke up you were facing him and you were scared or had a bad dream or something and Mark just hugged you tighter. It was really cute and all, but what's happening?" She asked while looking up at me. When asking the questions again my face got paler and paler and she kept talking till the only color in my face was the blush I could feel.

"Um... well.. you see... Me and Mark uhhhhhh... me and Mark, we are best friends you see and uh um we will stay like that. I think." I told her, not really knowing what to say.

"Do you like him?" she asked, "Like, like like him I mean."

"N-no." I answered.

"Are you lying?" She asked and I shook my head. "Stop lying. I don't like when you lie." Carter said.

"Fine. Yes I like him." I told confessing my crush to my little sister when I haven't even told myself that out loud yet.

"Oh, okay." she said with a smile, going back to drawing. I, now sitting at this kiddy table that Carter was drawing at, was trying to stop my heart from beating so fast. The doctor came in.

"Hey Jack." He said as he walked over,
"Your mom came last night and did everything she had to, but luckily Carter had that asthma attack or we wouldn't even know she had something wrong with her. Anyway, she shouldn't be here for too long, only like a month and half or so." he told me.

"Well that's good news." I said happily.

"Yeah but you won't be able to see her much, she has to rest a lot." he told me.

I frowned. "Okay," I said not happy, "but I want you to let her do anything she wants as long as it doesn't hurt her."

"I will make sure that that happens" Dr. Alswald said.

I looked over a Carter who was still drawing.

"She will be staying overnight though." he told me. I could tell he was keeping information from me, mom probably knows.

"Okay, Doctor." I said.

"Also your mom will be here soon but she said she wanted you home." He explained.

"Um... okay." I sighed.

"Oh and your mom said that she wanted you to stay at Mark's house, you must know him?" he asked/told me.

"Yeah! He's my best friend!" I exclaimed.

"Oh. Hm, last time I checked it was a kid named Felix... but things change, I guess." He said while walking away, not particularly talking to anyone.

Then, I gave Carter a kiss on the forehead and a hug, she gave me a hug. I walked out of the room to see Sonja laughing on the floor, Tom upside down on the couch, James sitting on the floor, and Tucker sitting normally on the couch.

"I can't leave for a minute without someone ending up on the floor." I said.

"Nope!" Sonja said in a fit of laughter.

"What happened, anyway?" I asked.

"Tom was doing what he's doing now but Sonja was on the couch next to me, but she slumped down and tried kicking Tom in the face, but he just pulled her leg and she fell to the ground." Tucker explained.

"How do you watch that and keep a straight face?" I asked.

"I have no idea?" Tucker said.

"Okay then, uh, have a nice day I guess. I'm going to go." I told.

"Wait." Sonja said before grabbing a piece of paper and a blue pen. After she finished scribbling on the paper she gave it to me.

"What is this?" I asked.

"Our phone numbers!" she exclaimed.

"Oh, okay, thanks." I said with a wave as I left the hospital.

I started walking in the direction of my house, putting the numbers in my phone as I walked. I soon arrived at my house and I went in, found a bag to put some clothes in, and other things.

After I was done with that I went into Carter's room to see if there was anything she might want. I looked around the dark room and soon saw that Sam was sitting on her bedside table. I picked it up and put it in my bag on top of everything else. Then, I walked out of the house making sure that all lights were off and that the door was locked.

I walked over to Mark's house and knocked on the door. Soon, Lucas answered the door he didn't say a word and just kept the door open, then running off to his room. I could see Mark's Mom looking to see who was at the door.

"Oh hey Jack, come on in." She told.

I walked in and went straight to Mark's room, closing the door as I came into the house.

"Hey Mark." I waved to him.

"Hey Jack, I heard your staying here for awhile." He said. He was standing looking at his phone. I turned and shut his door. Then, I walked into the middle of the room not knowing what to do.

"So what ar-" I got interrupted by Mark's lips on mine.

Hope you liked it and before I go WHAT THE FUCK ALMOST 1K READS WHY THE FUCK WOULD SO MANY POPLE LIKE MY SHIT ASS WRITING. But anyway good morning/night/afternoon/evening.

Word count: 2365

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