You And I (Completed)

By iStartedNothing

37.4K 1.5K 1K

|Larry Stylinson| AU| Completed| The story of two young boys who knew who their hearts belonged to at only si... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two

Chapter Thirty Five

476 23 51
By iStartedNothing

Hi friends! Long time, no see! I've been on hiatus because I was busy with school and all the other stuff I had to do and I had no energy or time to write. I have to be in the zone when I write and I couldn't focus long enough to get things done.

But I'm back now! And I'll be honest with you guys..I'm not really in the one direction/larry fandom anymore; I'm not fake or a traitor or anything, I honestly just grew out of it. I actually lost interest in the band when Zayn left last year, but I kept trying to hold on. It worked for a while and I was still trying to be as dedicated as I could, but with all the rumors and break ups and drama and then the boys going on "break", then Louis having a kid, I was just kinda over it. And I used to believe in Larry, just like the way I used to believe in Santa Claus or the tooth fairy, but some things just change, and I don't believe anymore. One direction will always have a special place in my heart because they helped me through so much, but it's time to move on.

With that being said, you guys may be wondering where the future of this book stands. Well, I'm still going to continue writing it, so no, it's definitely not over. Even though I'm not really a larrie anymore, I still love writing about them. Fan fiction is where you can do anything you want and you get to control how the story plays out, and that's what I like about it. In my mind and through my works of fiction, this is how Larry would interact and such.

DISCLAIMER: I own nothing but the plot and am not affiliated with one direction, their friends, family, management, etc etc. This is a work of fiction and I'm not making any profit.

*WARNING* This chapter contains mentions of self harm, so if that's a trigger for anyone, I'd suggest not reading.


A few months later, after seeing Harry for the first time after the break up, Louis was back to his normal day to day routine. He still missed Harry..but honestly, how could he not? The boy was his first love.

But he had to move on-change was inevitable and he couldn't fight that. He'd been holding on to a fantasy for far too long; it got to the point where he was literally going crazy over him. So, he did what any normal 18 year old would do to get over their ex.

He started seeing other guys.

He hadn't turned trashy or promiscuous or anything, he was still the same old awkward Louis, but he was finally starting to have fun and get over his past. Things were starting to feel okay again.

"...You ready to go, babe?" A voice called from the living room.

It was Gabe, the guy Louis had been seeing recently. Nothing was official between them (not yet, anyway), but Louis found him quite attractive and he was a perfect distraction from Harry, which he needed more than anything.

With each passing day (and guy), things were getting easier for Louis.

The blue eyed boy peeped his head out of the bathroom and smiled. "Yea, just a sec. I'm trying to fix this bloody quiff," he said, running his fingers through his hair.

Gabe chuckled. "Don't worry about it, you look great. Messy hair looks good on you." He winked, grabbing his keys.

Gabriel Davenport was a 20 year old law student who also happened to be kinda filthy rich. His father owned a popular chain of hotels around London, and his mother was a prestigious fashion designer, even making clothes for some of the world's biggest celebrities.

Louis and Gabe met at a party one of the girl's from Louis' job was throwing, and after Gabe bought him a drink, everything just sorta fell into place.

And now, they were going on their third date.

Louis wasn't exactly sure how someone as attractive and wealthy as Gabe would be interested in him, an awkward kid who worked at a college book store and liked comics and cats, but life had a weird way of working out.

Speaking of...

"Hey who's this?" Gabe asked suddenly, picking up a small framed picture of Louis and Harry, sitting in a tree.

Louis peeked his head out the door again and his eyes widened. He had forgotten all about that picture and he mentally began to question himself as to why it was out in the first place. The least he could've done is hidden it.

" An old friend, is all," he lied quickly, ducking out of the bathroom and grabbing his coat. "But you're right, my hair is fine..let's go," he added, attempting to change the subject as nonchalantly as possible. 

Gabe raised an eyebrow, but didn't question it. He'd dated enough guys (and girls) to know when someone was lying about their ex. But instead of pressing he just nodded, following Louis out of his small apartment and into the night.


"I think you'll love where I'm taking you tonight," Gabe commented with a smirk as he unlocked the doors to his car.

Louis gasped lightly, taken aback for a second. "This is your car?? Didn't you just have a different one last weekend?"

The vehicle was a very expensive looking foreign sports car, with leather seats and tinted windows and shiny rims that were brighter than Louis' future.

As he nervously made his way in after his date had opened the door for him, it occurred to Louis that this one car could probably pay off his entire college tuition.

Okay, maybe that was a bit of an exaggeration, but still, this was unbelievable. 

Once Gabe got in, he shrugged as if this expensive car was nothing but a toy yoyo to him. "Eh, I figured it was time for a change. Change can be good, you know," he winked, gripping Louis' thigh as his left hand was steering the car into drive.

Louis laughed nervously, feeling himself blush. All this attention, and from an older man with money, too??

Maybe a little change wasn't so bad, after all.


After the date, Gabe insisted on Louis staying the night at his condo, but the younger boy had to decline his offer. They'd been drinking and he was a bit tipsy, and if the movies were anything like real life, Louis knew he'd regret his decision in the morning when he'd be naked and tangled up in the sheets with Gabe, with no recollection of what happened the night before.

"I can't, I've got class at like 7 tomorrow morning," Louis said slowly, stumbling into his apartment building while giggling. He was honestly a lightweight when it came to drinking.

"Okay, well, if you change your mind, give me a call, yeah?" He winked, opening the door to Louis' apartment for him.

"Mhm," he mumbled absentmindedly, plopping down on the small cramped sofa.

"I'll see you later, Louis. Goodnight," Gabe kissed him on the cheek before making his way out of the building.

Louis smiled, slowly sitting up and picking up his laptop to Skype Lauren.

She probably wouldn't answer, but it was worth a try.

"Um, hello..? Oh, Louis, hi!!"

"Hey, Lauren! Is this a bad time?"

"Nope, not really. Just looking over these job applications..I kinda got fired from Wally Waffle.." She admitted shyly.

Louis frowned. She didn't like the job much, but he knew she needed the money. "Oh no, why?"

"Well.....I may or may not have poured iced tea down some guy's shirt after he was being totally rude and called me a 'stupid fucking dyke'. So, yeah. I'm currently jobless." She chuckled slightly before looking down at her wrists, quickly pulling down her sleeves.

Louis' eyes widened. "Lauren, lift your sleeves up, now..."

She panicked. "Louis, it's nothing, I.."


She bit her lip, rolling her sleeves up to reveal a fresh line of cuts, probably from razor blades. "I just..I'm tired. So tired," she admitted weakly, eyes filling with tears.

"Lauren, oh God..what happened? Why have you been cutting yourself?" Louis suddenly felt very selfish for only really thinking about himself lately. He didn't even know that his own friend had been self harming.

"..It's just, I don't have anything. Or anyone. I couldn't keep up being strong..I'm really sorry," she cried.

"No, don't apologize at all. None of this is your fault. I'm the one who's sorry; I haven't been around enough lately. But...what do you mean you don't have anyone? What about Camila? And your family?"

Lauren began to cry even more. "Camila left. Things had been falling apart for a while now, and I guess I should've seen it coming, but I didn't want to face it. She said that she still loves me and cares about me, but she's tired of my reckless decisions and that she needed a break..yeah, right."

The blue eyed boy frowned, feeling awful. "I'm..I'm so sorry, Lauren. I had no idea."

"..No one did. I've been so lowkey about everything lately, faking laughter, forcing smiles. I'm up to my knees in student loans and I'm behind on my rent..I don't want to tell my family because I don't want them to be disappointed in me. I feel like I'm always disappointing someone, no matter what. And I haven't talked to Harry in a while, either. He stopped replying to my letters, so I guess that's another good thing for myself that I ruined."

Louis' breath caught in his throat. "Are you serious? When's the last time you talked to him..?"

Lauren thought. "Uh, I dunno, about a month ago? I think I still have his last letter. Let me see if I can find it."

The girl disappeared for about a minute, then popped back up with a small smile.

"Okay, it's a relatively short letter, and most of isn't all that important, but here's something that he said that really stuck out to me:
"..I need to right my wrongs, and that's something I'm gonna do. If it's the last thing I do..."

Louis froze, not having any idea of what to say. What exactly was Harry gonna try to do to 'right his wrongs'? And why did he keep holding on to what he and Louis once had? It was in the past!

Couldn't Harry understand that Louis was moving on? That he was so very close to forgetting about nights under the stars and long car rides singing to Ed Sheeran, or cheesy jokes. He was so close to repairing what Harry had damaged, and he wasn't letting him come back in.

Or so he thought...


Okay guys, that's it for this chapter!! I'm sorry for leaving it on cliffhanger, I know it's irritating and that there are so many unanswered questions-some of you might be really confused at the moment, but I promise that eventually in due time everything will get figured out and all your questions will be answered. I just hope you guys like how it ends :)

(Just gonna go ahead now and tell you guys that Lauren and Camila end up getting back together. I hope that eases your minds just a little bit!)

Thank you all so much for reading, commenting, voting, etc! Your continued support means the universe to me and I know I suck at updating these days, but for those of you that always stick around and are patient with me, I LOVE YOU. This is for you. *hugs the life outta my babes*

(S/o to my homegirl Brianna, my cutie pie/secret admirer/fave, bc she supports me through everything I do and I love her more than I love french toast and chicken nuggets-which is a lot :))

Next update should be sometime next week. Feel free to literally blow up my inbox and yell at me if I don't update-also hit me up with any suggestions you guys may have! I'm always down for new ideas.

But yea, I gotta go. I'm going to a party later so I guess I should force my lazy self out of this bed and get ready, haha. Love you all!! Take care, bye!!

Signing Off,
iStartedNothing x

P.S. I apologize for any errors in this book ever!
P.S. If you wanna be my best buddy and become apart of the Sassy Turtle Squad, follow me on instagram and snap! If you say you're from wattpad, I'll follow you back instantly! :-) ♡

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