His Highness

By Arisa_Nightingale

589K 14.1K 3.9K

Even princesses can be princes to, and villians can have a shot at romance. (Reader x Genderbent!Princesses)... More

Sean White
Author's Note (Please Read + glimpse of the future to come)

Emerald part 2

28.3K 618 121
By Arisa_Nightingale

It's been a while since that encounter at the festival. His name still rang in your mind. "Emerald." You said softly. The way it rolled off your tongue sent shivers down your spine. You sighed as you looked down at the sketch, slightly grazing your fingers over the ink. In the many books you had read, never once had it occurred to you that you would be in their position. That's right; you were in love. You now knew the true meaning of love at first sight. Sure, he was handsome with his godly figure, his sun kissed skin and his hypnotic emerald eyes. Letting out another sigh, you turned your head towards the window, watching the sun slowly set on the horizon making the sky turn into hues of pink and gold.  Suddenly, you felt self conscious again. 'I don't deserve to watch such beauty,' you thought to yourself, your hands automatically going to your arms. 

        Just as you were going to walk away, there was loud bang from the other side of the room. You inhaled a sharp gasp and turned around, however you didn't see anything. "Di?" You called out, hoping it was your cat doing something stupid. "Meow." You turned to your side to see Di sitting up with her head tilted to the side. "Meow?" 

"I don't know." You muttered out as fear began to grow inside you. "W-who's there?!" you stuttered out. Looking side to side, you found an iron rod and readied for whoever the attacker was. Just then there was another tumble. "Gah!" one said.

"Ow!" said the other. 



You arms began to quiver. There was, not one, but two people now in the clock tower. "Is that her?" one of them asked, sounding slightly feminine. 

"Yeah....yeah that's her." One sounded deep, and velvety. Velvety? You gripped onto the rod and positioned yourself. "W-who are you? S-show yourself!" 

"Whoa! Whoa! Take it easy it's me!" You heard shuffling of clothing and then you saw a spark moving. Next thing you knew, the lantern was lit and you stumbled back, your back hitting the window. "Hey, it's me. No need to be scared." the voice repeated. Your mind swirled in confusion and fear, however that subsided and your mind began to comprehend what was happening around you.

        A gasp escaped your lips as you looked at the man that was in front of you. It was him, from the plaza a few days ago! "I-it's you..." You managed to whisper out. He chuckled as he crossed his arms. "Nice to see you too." Before he could say anything else, his eyes fell upon your body. Confused at what he was staring at, you followed the directions that he was looking at. Your (e/c) eyes widened. You were exposed. You couldn't run nor could you hide. "So this is what you were hiding." He whispered as he crouched down. Letting out a squeak, you backed into the wall and collapsed onto the floor. "P-please don't hurt me!" You stuttered out, automatically turning into a ball. "I'm not going to hurt you!" You heard him say. You wanted to believe him, but you couldn't bring yourself to fully trust his words. "I won't hurt you." He whispered. "See? I have a friend and she's kind of the same." This is what caught your attention. Lifting your head, you peeked out of your little ball of shelter. You watched intently as a figure slowly came out of the shadows.  

        There stood a woman who had an orange-brown hair, her face was disfigured and she wore a green tunic with dark trousers. "H-Hello." she said tentatively. 

"(Y/n) this Quasimoda. We met a while back." Emerlad said. You looked at him and then back at the girl. 

"I-It's nice to meet someone whom shares the same struggles" she said, a little braver now. Slowly, you stood on our feet. "U-Uhm....Hello. My name is (Y-Y/n). It's a p-pleasure to meet you." You said softly, your hands automatically going over the scaly patches of skin. There was an awkward moment of silence, that is, until Di decided to speak up. "Oh!" You ran over to Di and picked her up, placing her into your arms. "This is Di, my cat. I let her wonder around but she eventually comes back to me." You smiled as you began to rub the top of her head. "She is my best and only friend in this abandoned tower." You whispered. You then looked up to Quasimoda. "W-would you like to pet her?"

        Quasimoda nodded and slowly began to pet her head "She is an adorable cat." she cooed.

"She's a silly one i can admit that." You giggled along with Quasimoda.

"There you see? My two favorite girls getting along so well!" Emerald said, wrapping his arms around both of your shoulders. You let out a blush as you looked at the smiling tan man. Quasimoda laughed and patted his shoulder. You smiled as you watched the two of them laugh. 'I-I have friends,' you thought to yourself. 

        A few weeks had passed ever since that day. Everyday, Quasimoda would visit you in the abandoned tower. She would teach you many things such as music and crafts, and you would teach her how to draw, learn about fashion, show her books and so much more. You eventually became best friends with the gentle creature and she of course, befriended you as well. As your friendship grew, Quasimoda told you her life story. How she didn't know her parents, how Claudette was her care taker but locked her in the tower so no one could see her. "That's awful!"  you said as you put the figurine down. 

"Forget about me...I wanna know what your story is." She asked kindly. You let out a sigh as your fingers began to play with the figurine she taught you to make. "Well," you began. "I don't remember much, in all honesty. I was walking down the street and then Claudette began to preach on the streets. Next thing I new, I was being chased, being called 'The Devil Girl.'" You felt a lump in your throat but you swallowed it down. "I ran into this abandoned clock tower. It took a while, but I got it to be furnished. 

         "All of these were from the dumpster or alleys that people threw away. With some time, i got it to look furnished." Suddenly there was a fuzzy feeling next to your leg. You looked down and smiled. "That's how I met Di. She's always scrounging up food, but if it keeps her happy I'm fine with it." It was odd, to finally tell someone your story. You felt, lighter and it was easier to breathe. You looked out the window. "It's getting late, I think you should be heading home." Quasimoda gasped. 

"You're right! If Claude finds out, im done for! Goodbye (Y/n)!" With that, she ran for her tower.  You let out a sigh, and giggled. 

Emerald POV

        It had finally grew dark and now, raining. With my cloak on, and my goat hiding in the cloak, I snuck into the grand church. I awed the dimly lit place as my cloak fell to the floor and my goat began to trollop. As I continued to marvel the place, I felt a presence behind me. With cautious moves, I looked behind me, grabbed the sword and flipped the person over my shoulder. "Hey hey easy! I just got my hair done!" the female voice said. 

"Well I think that rain killed the look." I sneered.

"Hey okay okay I'm sorry!"

"For what?" 

"Well this, for starters." she giggled as she under kicked me, causing me to loose my balance and the sword. 

"Well aren't you a madam." I said as I grabbed the candle lamp and swung. The battle between us raged with metal against metal, sly comments coming back and forth. 

        "So solder," I began. "aren't you going to arrest me?" The blonde, known as Phoebe, shrugged.

"I can't. You're in a church, so I can't arrest you. I do, however, want to get to know you."

"And for what reason exactly." I glared. 

"Well, you're name is a start." I raised an eyebrow. "My name." I repeated. "This an interrogation or something?" I asked.

"It's called an introduction." 

I smirked. "You're not like the other solders are you. The name is Emerald." 

        Just before Phoebe could say anything, the doors burst open and marched in an angry Claudette. "A grand job Captain. Now arrest him." 

"Plead sanctuary!" She whispered. I looked at her warily.

"You tricked me." I growled. She turned to face the old hag with her head held high. "I can not grant those orders. For he had pleaded sanctuary." 

"Then drag her outside and arrest-!" 

"That is enough!" boomed a voice. I turned to see the pope, place a hand on me. "Forgive me for the minsters actions. For she has learned not to disturb the people in this church and those who enter it." Claudette scowled at the pope before marching away. "As of you Captain, you are asked to leave as well." The pope, with gentle hands, guided the solder away, my goat following, knocking her in the bottom. 

        All of a sudden, my hand was pinned to my back. "Welcome...Gypsy" She whispered in my ear. I growled and tried to break free, but her talon like nails dug into my skin. "Call this your prison, because once you step out of this church, you are MINE." Her bony fingers gripped my chin as she inhaled my scent. 

"What are you doing?" I hissed in disgust as I pulled away and stepped back. "Oh nothing. Just enjoying your beautiful scent and imagining what it would be like to chain your pretty neck." 

"Well aren't you a lonely old bat, trying to gain some fun." 

She giggled and looked at me in the eye. "You gypsies. Always thinking about such dirty things in a church like this." She cackled as she walked out of the church. 

Your POV: 

        You gasped as you watched the evil witch condemned him in this church. After the wrinkly stick left, you bit your lip and stood behind the column. "U-Uhm!" You managed out. The man whipped around glaring at the direction of your voice. "P-please calm down! I-It's just me." You slowly and tentatively walked from behind your hiding spot. You watched as his stare softened and his muscle relaxed. "(Y/n). What are you doing here? You're not supposed to be out here at this hour, or the guards will catch you." Emerald said as he walked closer to you. You felt a blush appear on your face as you placed a hand on your scaly arm. "U-Um! If you would like...I could show you away out."

He shook his head. "No...the guards will catch us. And I'm sorry, but I don't want be in the witch's clutches." he chuckled. His laugh was so beautiful, regardless if it was sarcastic or filled with no hope. 

        "But there is a way! I-if you would follow me!" Emerald let out a sigh.

"You are one stubborn girl." I blushed at his comment in embarrassment, but continued to venture your way through the church. The both of you climbed up the stairs, swerve around the columns and stumble to a hidden bridge. There, you pried the wooden seal open and crossed the ancient, moss covered bridge. "I didn't even know this was here." you heard him whisper. The both of you continued to the other door where you opened the ancient door. "Well, this is the upstairs part of the tower." You said softly. "You are welcomed to stay till morning!"

Emerald took in his surroundings; old furniture, paintings and candles. 

        "Thank you, (Y/n)." He said. "But I think i would like to hang out with you for a while longer." 

You face felt like fire and blessed this tower for having a nice dampness to it. "A-alright. I don't do much, but you may do as you wish." You walked back downstairs to see Di sitting on the old rug with a ball of yarn. "Di!" You smiled as you jogged over to her and plopped a seat. "Meow." You giggled as you lifted your fluffy cat into your lap. 

"So this is the orange fluff ball." Emerald said as he took a seat in front of you. 

"Meow." You laughed as both you and Emerald began to play with Di, him taunting her with the ball of yarn in the air, grabbing her paws and making her dance on two legs, and merely just petting her. That happy mood, that only the both of your had built, was cut short. 

"Thank you, Gypsy, for finding the devil girl's hide out." 

        Before your mind could comprehend what was happening, you felt a sharp pain in the back of your head. Your name was being called over and over as your vision began to blur. You watched as the tan figure fought against the guards and then blackness. 


        You groaned as your (e/c) began to flutter open. Hues of red were shown everywhere and a crowd of people chanting. "Ah, my dear, have you awakened?" you heard someone coo. Your head snapped to the direction of the voice. A cold chill ran up your spine as you saw Claudette grin at you. "Frollo you can do anything you want to me! But hurt a single hair on her I swear you will die by my hands!!" You gasped as you saw Emerald tied to a post in just a plain tunic and trousers. Claudette hummed as she strolled towards me. "Oh you mean her beautiful hair?" she said as she plucked a strand of your (h/l) (h/c) hair, causing you let out a yelp. "Or do you mean her scales?" Her finger glided to your arms that were tied behind a post. With a swift move, she pulled out a scale, causing you to let out a short scream of agony. 

        This action caused Emerald to grow restless. "Or do you mean, hurting her delicate wings?" she said her blood red nails, scratched your wing. You let out whimpers of pain as a tear ran down your soft (s/c) cheek. 

"Claudette!!" Emerald yelled as he began to fight the ropes. You looked up and gasped to see Quasimoda chained to the church. 

"Now, here is the deal, Emerald." She began as she strolled his way. "Become one with me, and I will save, yours and your monstrous friend." 

"And what about (y/n) and Quasimoda?"

"Hmm, well, that monster can stay hidden in that clock tower. However, for this creature here..." she cooed as she glided her finger under her chin. "there might be a chance." You watched as Emerald growled and spit in her face. 

        "This, wizard, has chosen the fiery pits of hell!" She preached and the crowd gasped. "And this demon! This, DEVIL! Will guide this man back to her home! Where she will watch as his flesh burns in agony, along with the other sinners!" Claudette grinned as she set fire to the woods. Emerald began to struggle against the flames as it slowly began to rise. "Esmereld!!" You screamed as you tried to fight against the ropes. (E/c) eyes widened in fear as you watched her set fire to the wood beneath your feet. Temperatures increased quickly, breathing became harder for you as the smoke fumes intoxicated your mind. So this was it. You were going to die, and you didn't even tell the beautiful man that you loved him. 

Emerald POV:

        I struggled against the flames as I watched Claudette set fire to the woods in which (Y/n) was bounded to. "Dammit..!" I cursed under my breath as the smoke began to enter me. "(Y/n)!" I coughed out. "(Y/n) hold on!" I watched as she coughed vigorously and her stance began to weaken. Suddenly the crowd gasped. I looked up and saw Quasimoda glide through the air and untie me. Tossing me on her shoulder, she swung back to the tower and put me down. "Quasi! We have to go get (Y/n)! She's dying!" I said as I staggered to the edge. "I don't think I can make another round! Look at all the people! They're rioting! We'll get caught in the crossfire!" 

        Before I could even utter a rebellious word, Claudette blazed in with anger and vengeance, and a sword. "Quasimoda..." She hissed. 

I didn't know what to do; save (Y/n) or save my best friend. "Go!" She said as she pushed me back. "Go save (Y/n)! This is my battle, my demons that I have to face. (Y/n) is dying and isn't going to last any longer! Hurry and save my best friend!" I looked at her in shock.

"Quasi..." I whispered out in awe. I looked at her with determination and nodded. "I'm bringing her back Quasi. I'm not going to fail you, so you better not fail me." With that being said, I ran to the edge and grabbed the hanging rope. With the push of my legs, I swung down to the herd of people. Tumbling on  the burning podium, I frantically searched for (Y/n).

        My eyes widened as I found (Y/n), her head hung limp as the fire crawled to engulf her. "(Y/n)!" I yelled as I ran to her, regardless of the burning heat. Quickly untying her, I jumped off the podium and shoved my way through the people. Once I was out of the crowd, I frantically searched for any source of water. "Come on, come on." I whispered as I ran every corner. Just as I was about to loose hope in ever saving the girl I love, my ears caught the sound of flowing water. With just a sliver of hope, I ran towards the source. It was a small pond, surrounded by cattail. I quickly placed her down and began to sprinkle water upon her. "Wake up, wake up (Y/n). C'mon," I whispered desperately as I continued the action. 

Your POV:

        You felt something cold being splashed on your face. It felt so nice, against the heat of your burning skin. Was this heaven? No, you couldn't die, not when you haven't said anything to Emerald. You're eyes shot open and you gasped for air. "(Y/n)!" you heard as you began to cough and your lungs inhaling the sweet dampen air. "It's alright (Y/n), just breathe. You're okay." After a few minutes of getting air back into your lungs, you looked up to see Emerald, his eyes staring at you with worry and concern. "E-Emerald? W-what's going on?" you asked, your voice raspy from the lack of humidity. Before you could comprehend what was happening, you felt two large arms wrap around you and pull you into a harden chest. "God, you had me worried." Emerald whispered as his grip tightened his grip on you. Guilt filled your heart as you buried your face into his broad shoulders. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean any harm." you said softly and pulled away. "But my question is, are you okay? I mean, the last thing I saw was you burning on the stake." You looked up into his emerald eyes, trying to find any signs of restraint or pain. 

        He shook his head. "No, I'm fine...." he said as his eyes bored into yours. His eyes were hypnotic to you, almost as if he were putting you into a trance. It seemed that space between you two lessened by the second at such an agonizingly slow pace. That's when everything came up to speed. His gentle lips were placed on yours. 'So this is what it means when they said, true loves kiss,' you thought as you slowly closed your eyes and kissed back. There was no hesitation, nothing holding you back from this eternal bliss. The kiss was soon broken and both of you leaned against each other's head. "You have no idea, how much I wanted to do that." You head him say, followed my a small chuckle. A smile graced your lips as looked into his eyes. "Then I guess, the feeling is mutual?" you asked. 

        He chuckled and got up, helping you short after. "Yes, (Y/n), the feeling is mutual." He smiled as he leaned down to give you a chaste kiss. "Let's go tell Quasimoda. I think she will love to hear the great news." he said as he held out a hand. Your smile grew as a soft tint of pink graced your (s/c) cheeks as you placed your delicate hands into his strong ones. "Alright." And with that, your life begins, outside of your tower and into the world. 

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