Bestfriends {Zaylena} #Wattys...

By BreBeauty

116K 4.3K 661

She's my bestfriend and all I do is keep hurting her. I hate to see her cry, it's the worst feeling ever. Eve... More

*Chapter 1*
*Chapter 2*
*Chapter 3*
*Chapter 4*
*Chapter 5*
*Chapter 6*
*Chapter 7*
*Chapter 8*
*Chapter 9*
*Chapter 10*
*Chapter 11*
*Chapter 12*
*Chapter 13*
*Chapter 14*
*Chapter 15*
*Chapter 16*
*Chapter 17*
*Chapter 18*
*Chapter 19*
*Chapter 20*
*Chapter 21*
*Chapter 22*
*Chapter 23*
*Chapter 24*
*Chapter 25*
*Chapter 26*
*Chapter 27*
*Chapter 28*
*Chapter 29*
*Chapter 30*
Dedication To My Lovelies!
*Chapter 31*
*Chapter 32*
*Chapter 33*
*Chapter 34*
*Chapter 35*
*Chapter 36*
*Chapter 37*
*Chapter 38*
*Chapter 39*
*Chapter 40*
*Chapter 41*
*Chapter 42*
*Chapter 43*
*Chapter 44*
*Chapter 45*
*Chapter 46*
*Chapter 47*
*Chapter 48*
*Chapter 49*
*Chapter 50*
*Chapter 51*
*Chapter 52*
*Chapter 53*
*Chapter 54*
*Chapter 55*
*Chapter 56*
*Chapter 57*
Not a Chapter !
*Chapter 58*
*Chapter 59*
*Chapter 61*
*Chapter 62*
Authors Note/ Thank You's

*Chapter 60*

876 42 2
By BreBeauty

Selena's POV

- A month later -
(7 months pregnant)

This home is beautiful, we've been living here for a month and it's been so much better than living in me and Demi's old crash pad. It has so much space that it makes me want to cry of joy. I won't forget the memories that that house held, but this house will definitely be a new beginning to new memories. And a new family.

As for new memories, Zayn left the band and trust me, most of the guys didn't take it easy. Or should I say all of them? Harry burst into tears. Liam was extremely quiet and lost for words. Niall shed a few tears but put on a smile for Zayn. To show how strong he'll be for the lost of one of their brothers. As for Louis, well he didn't take the news pretty well, since he stormed out of our house faster than the flash running from California to New York.

It's not really fair of them to shun Zayn out for his decision, if he wasn't happy making music that wasn't him, then they should have supported his decision. I mean seriously what boy band actually stays together?

The only fair one was Niall. Yes he was hurt, yes he felt betrayed, but he didn't beg Zayn to come back like Harry, or question him on why like Liam, or completely ignore him like Louis. Niall is a complete angel and friend and that's what I love about him. I just wished the other guys could come around. Especially Harry, I miss him. Did I mention he's ignoring me because I knew this information and didn't tell him. Childish much? It wasn't my news to share!

"Baby what are you thinking about?" Zayn asked half asleep as he turned over in our king size bedroom. He was tired from working in the studio all last night and just clearing his mind. I don't blame him. This new change has been kind of hard. The fans and the media are trying to find the inside scoop of all this.

I sighed and run my hand through my hair. "I'm just thinking about the guys and when they'll finally come around." I answered, turning to face him with a small frown. The guys are really being immature and unfair.

He took a deep breath before wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him. He kissed my stomach and that made me smile. "Please don't worry about it sweetheart. It was my decision and if they want to be separated from me for a while I'm cool with it. I let them down."

"You didn't let them down. They let you down for not being supportive of your choice." I kissed his forehead and wrapped my arms over his shoulder as we cuddled together in our room. Moments like these just make me happy, knowing that I got the man I love in my arms.

I soon let go and shimmy my way out of bed. I wobbled into the bathroom, we're I took in my appearance. I need to pamper myself soon, I feel like I don't even look pretty anymore. I sigh and try to forget my insecurities. I stare down at my swollen belly and smile.

"It'll all be worth it baby boy." I smile happily. Me and Zayn really need to start thinking of baby names.

I brush my teeth and use the toilet before I hop into the shower. This house is extremely huge, our closets is practically another room and I love it so much. All the space in this house is amazing and is being used to it's full potential. After getting out of the shower I wrapped myself in my fluffy peach colored towel and put on my slippers and walked to our walk-in closet.

Talk about already being organized right? Well yeah in this house everything will be clean, unless they want mama bear to be angry. I already engraved the rules in Zayn's head so when our little boy comes out and into the world I will definitely be reciting the rules. Obviously when he gets older, I'll allow a mess once the baby is born, but as he gets older I'm no longer letting shit slide. I'm going to make sure this house stays clean.

After putting on my underwear and bra, that went up to sizes. Yes! But anyways, I put on my black tights and one of Zayn's sweaters. I put on my slippers and wobbled back into our room. I hung my towel and grabbed my phone off the nightstand.

I got a few notifications off my social media but I focused on the text messages I got from Demi.

Demi: Hey Sel, is it okay if me and Lilly come over?

I sigh but nonetheless I allow her and my god child to come over. I'm not mad at her or anything I just don't understand why everyone is treating us like the black sheep of the family. I go downstairs and make my way into the kitchen and just smile at the open concept. I start making breakfast, eggs and waffles with smoked sausage.

While I'm cooking Zayn comes downstairs dressed in skinny jeans, a t-shirt and his socks on his feet. He takes a fruit from the fruit bowl and sits at the island.

As I finish making the waffles and eggs, I was cutting up the sausages into small pieces and frying them.

"Are you going somewhere?" I ask him glancing up at him slightly.

"Yeah, going to brunch with my parents." He said calmly and I looked up shocked.

"Okay." I was hurt only at the fact that I made this big breakfast for us and he has to leave soon to go eat with his parents. Need I remind you, his mother completely dislikes me. How can she dislike me, but like Perrie! That crazy bitch raped her son and she still chose her over me.

Zayn frowned, finishing his banana and throwing it away before walking up behind me and wrapping his arms around my stomach. He kissed the back of my neck.

"Baby are you okay?" He asked softly.

I nod, finish making myself breakfast and grabbing a plate and dishing out food for me. I pull out of Zayn's hold and walk to the living room. I sit in the couch as I turn on the television watching cartoons.

Zayn sighed and joined me on the couch. "Love, did I do something wrong? Please tell me." His voice deep and smooth. I swear I hear the angels sing every time he talks.

I wanted to cry. I don't know if it was the hormones but I just wanted to break down. Like Zayn's mother doesn't accept me for being apart of this family. That right there hurts alone. And when I feel like I need my boyfriend the most he's up and leaving me. I'm scared that his mother has Perrie with them, ready to give Zayn an arrange marriage he never asked for.

"No Zayn it's not you, it's your mother... Why doesn't she accept me?  Perrie hurt you physically and emotionally, yet she hates me. I actually love you. Yet she treats Perrie like a princess." I felt tears escape my eyes and down my face. Why am I so emotional! I placed my food down about to go upstairs and lie down but Zayn stopped me.

He turned my face towards him and whipped my cheeks. He kissed my forehead in a comforting way. It calmed me down instantly. I wrapped my arms around his waist and held him tight. I never want to let him go.

"Baby nothing my mother says will make me change the way I feel about you." He pulled away from our embrace and kissed me sweetly. "I love you and only you, I'm never going to hurt you or leave your side. You're my queen and I'll continue to treat you like one." He mumbled against my lips.

I felt a blush come onto my cheeks. He always knows the right things to say to me when I'm always emotional.

"You're perfect Selena, flaws and all."

I hugged him again, pecking his neck constantly. While I repeatedly say I love you. He laughed and mumbled it back.

"I can't wait until we get married." I say happily.

"Me neither. So that everyone can know you're officially mines."

"I'll always be yours baby." We kissed before he had to get up and leave to meet up with his parents. I still don't understand Trisha, but I'll give her time. Maybe she didn't like me because of the bad things her daughter told her about me on what me and Zayn dealt with our past, but she still shouldn't judge me. I ate my breakfast in quietness, leaving me with my thoughts as they ran wild on different scenarios on reasons why Trisha doesn't like me, all before Demi and Lilly came. Even though company is not what I want I'll gladly take it because being home alone isn't as fun when you're a pregnant adult.

Once Demi and Lilly came they instantly felt comfortable, they feeling you should get in someone's house, as if they were home. Demi chowing down on the food I made. She moaned happily before saying, "This is so amazing Sel, can you make me breakfast every morning?" Demi joked as she ate the breakfast I made me and Zayn. Lilly was playing with her toys on the rug in front of us while me and Demi watched TV. I can't wait for my baby boy, I was thinking of naming him Aiden Zoltan Malik or maybe Kayden Giovanni Malik. I think Zayn will like these names because it seems like cute name for our baby boy. Even though I'm open to suggestions.

Demi snapped her fingers in my face and that's when I remembered she what she said, so I just laughed at her statement. "Sorry babe, you have a family to fed and now so do I." I smile happily. Nothing is better then having your own family and making sure nothing ever happens to the ones you love. Which reminds me, I need to call my mom.

"So when's the wedding?" She asked curiously, after she finished eating and placed her plate down on my coffee

I shrugged. "Hopefully soon, don't thinks dress will fit when I'm 8-9 months. In this month me and Zayn will get married." I tell her with a wide smile on my face I'm so excited to be Mrs. Malik already.

She nods her head understanding what I mean. "So, did you know about Zayn wanting to leave the band?" She asked eyeing me cautiously.

I shake my head no. Why is she interrogating like I know the answers to all her questions. "So Zayn never told you a while back that he was leaving the band and never asked you for your opinion on it?"

I roll my eyes in annoyance. "No Demi he didn't, I found out the day before he told y'all." I run my hands through my hair, getting slightly annoyed with all these questions she's asking me.

"Why'd he leave?" She asked.

I shrug, this is not my information to tell. If she wants to interrogate so badly she can wait until Zayn comes home and ask him herself. I get up and grab the dirty dishes and walk to the kitchen and start putting away the breakfast before washing the dishes.

Demi stared at me waiting for me to answer but I just ignored her like I was home alone.

"Ahha!" We heard a loud squeak escape Lilly's mouth as she happily played with her toys on the rug. It sounded so adorable and cute, it made me more excited about Aiden or Kayden.

"Selena, why did Zayn leave the band? I'm inly asking because I'm confused." She sighed.

"I don't know, and frankly speaking it's not your concern. Zayn left a while ago, leave him alone. They are distancing themselves from him not the other way around. I wouldn't be surprised if I start to pull away either." I state the matters of fact.

"What do you mean 'if you start to pull away either'?" She asked looking hurt.

"As in, I already see how y'all are treating Zayn, that's my husband. Y'all can't expect me to ditch my husband for y'all because y'all need me, but y'all don't like him, or want to be around him because he left the band. That shouldn't mean nothing if y'all are friends." I state. Getting ticked off by the millisecond.

She stands up as well. "Do you know how the others feel? Liam feels betrayed that Zayn would do this. Harry feels hurt that his 'friend' just up and left not even giving them a proper reason as to why he left. Niall has been having quiet debates with himself trying to wrap his head around this situation. And Louis hates Zayn for doing this." She crosses her arms over her chest. "Sorry if I feel like Zayn should have came up with a better excuse for leaving instead complaining of his unhappiness and saying he doesn't feel like One Direction type of music isn't his cup of tea." She rolled her eyes. Her negative energy was annoying me to the max.

I took a calm breather. I needed to relax for my baby boy. "If you have a problem with Zayn's decision, I'm going to tell you this once, I don't care." I state calmly. "You don't live with Zayn to know how he feels, you don't ask him how he's feeling, if he feels he's unhappy then who am I to tell him stop feeling unhappy and stay in the band. It's his choice an if y'all can't accept that, guess what, he doesn't care and neither do I. If you want to start your shits start it somewhere else, because me and him don't need it." I stated. My blood was boiling, but I kept control. Demi needed to go, I didn't need this.

She rolls her eyes. "Yo..."

I cut her off. "Get out of my house." I state simply.



I was so upset and tired of Demi's bullshit, that I no longer needed her company. She got herself ready, then Lilly, she took her toys and placed them away before she left without saying goodbye. But I didn't care I don't need the stress.

I went upstairs into the baby's room. Everything looked perfect, waiting for his arrival, it's all that matters to me. He's my angel and I'll do anything to protect my little guy.

I sat in the chair by his crib and just starred out the window and rubbed my stomach, "I'm doing everything for you sweetheart. Mommy loves you." I say to my unborn child. He kicked my stomach rather hard, but it was okay, that meant that he heard everything I said. And I meant every word. I'll protect you from the ends to the earth.

Mommy loves you baby boy.


Okay I know I'm the biggest asshole in the world, for not updating my story. I feel horrible only because I basically did what most writers do. I felt stuck on not knowing what to write. And then my prom is coming up so I had to deal with that and also all the complicated arguments I had with my friends was hella crazy.

But I'm sorry. I took to long. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. The cute mommy moment.

I can't promise when I'm going to update, lemme try to finish my senior year first. I'm sorry babes 😘

Vote. Comment. Share

Later lovelies💜💙


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