The Rejected Always Return (U...

By Liveforthegooddays

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You choose P.O.V (NOT AN UPDATE)
How much do you hate me?


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By Liveforthegooddays

'You're going to be happy,' life said

' But first, I'll make you strong'

Dylan's P.O.V


Our wolves have this amazing connection to our bodies, only three days after my little breakdown I could mentally see the little bump that would be forming soon. My wolf woke me up around 2 this morning after she figured it out.

The tri-fold mirror in mine and Vince's closet showed my currently flat stomach, I reached out one of my shaky hands and placed in on my lower stomach. Looking back up I could see Vince in the reflection staring at my hand. I could feel tears rising as a sob tore through my throat. Vince rushed towards me just as my knees started to buckle.

" What hurts?" he asked while placing his hand on my stomach, my eyes filled with tears and his other hand brushed them away while the one rubbed soothing circles in my abdomen.

He screwed his eyes closed in a grimace and let out a shuddering breath, " We don't have to keep it if you don't want to," Shaking my head like a madwoman I kissed him hard, expressing my love for him through our bond.

" I will never take another pup from you," My voice shook remembering how distraught he was after the miscarriage. I kissed him again, softer this time threading my fingers through his hair.

{I love you so much}

[ I love you more]


I think one of the biggest things I don't miss about being pregnant is walking up and down the stairs. That was one of the things I wasn't looking forward to in the coming months. I stepped into the kitchen at the bottom of the back stairwell. Some of the pack members were getting food, with a smile I greeted them and told them to hurry out to the dining room. They nodded their heads and I filled a plate with a lot of food since I knew I was eating for two now.

Walking into the dining room Vince was right at my side placing my plate on the table I slid into my chair and Vince pushed it in for me, thanking him I took a bite of my pancakes. I looked up at the girls and wiggled my eyebrows up and down. All the sudden Valentina was picking me up and squealing.

" I'm not the only one anymore!" I threw my head back laughing.

" Now there's only two more," she said looking at Evangeline and Ariella.

" Not yet," they both yelled at the same time while turning beet red.

" Whats going on," Alex asked while looking at Val with a confused face.

" I'm pregnant," The look on his face would have broken my heart if we were still bonded together. Instead, I looked over at Vince and grabbed his hand. The wolves in our pack were whistling and howling at the news. " Alright, calm down let's eat," I said sitting back down.

" If anyone causes her to lose another child I will kill and torture you slowly," Zachariah yelled standing up with his butter knife. His brothers stood up yelling in agreement.

My dad looked at me in shock," You were pregnant!", Alex and Lexi looked at me in bewilderment.

" Yes, but that is a story for another day and another time," I say with a firm tone, closing the conversation completely.


The next day Me and the girls woke up early to get ready for training. Even though I was pregnant I was still planning on helping the packs train.

Standing outside with three blow horns I gave the girls the signal while I sat back and waited. A lot of tired and grumpy werewolves came stumbling out of the pack house and the other surrounding houses.

" Good morning Wolves!" I said with a fake cheery voice before I turning cold. " You have ten minutes to get ready for training and just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I'm going to go easy on you." The boy's and my pack groaned while the rest of the packs looked confused with sleep still in their eyes.

Six hours later sweaty wolves littered the front lawn. I listened to the girls give them praises and discipline. Some of the other alphas offered to give extra training for wolves who wanted and needed more help, surprisingly a good chunk of exhausted wolves chose to stay.

After everything was cleaned up me and the girls went up to my old office and started planning different attack plans on the rouges. After about an hour the girls' conversation shifted to the next generation of elementals.

Every generation is different in the way they are conceived. For our generation, we were all born from different mothers, but the next generation will come from a set of quadruplets. The genders are completely random, however, the past five generations have been women. Every few generations there is a fifth elemental if the moon goddess decides we need another person in the mix. However, she or he comes from a completely different family and there is only a fifth elemental if the generation is born from different parents. He or she ends up with a random power.

Since the next generation is born from the same mother, we separate the kids. Each elemental takes the kids with them to their pack. After the age of eight, they spend four years in each pack. When they come of age we reintroduce them.

" I want whichever one has fire." Says Ariella

" As if, I'm sure Dylan will be getting whoever has fire. I personally want whoever has earth, " says Evangeline.

I slowly stand up and go to look out of the window since a fight is about to break out between them. Right on cue I hear growls and yelling. Looking out of the window I let the fight go on for a few more minutes till I intervene.

" Enough girls. We don't have a choice of which child we train. They could be your opposite element or your own element, the wolf chooses, " I state firmly

" Yes Alpha," They each say bowing their heads respectively

Sighing I nod my head and sit back down. Taking out a timer from my desk drawer.

" Now in about 42 hours, we should be expecting a visitor from the rouges. I want everyone aware of this. She will be pregnant with the possible next generation. "

" Wait how could another woman be pregnant with the next generation, unless..."

"Yes there is a fifth elemental, why she hasn't gotten to us sooner I don't know, But the goddess sent her to us and we will treat her with the same respect we treat each other. Ive already seen her arrival and she doesnt seem to be in good shape. Now go and tell Alphas to be ready for her arrival,"

" Yes Alpha." They said nodding. I nod my head back then walk out the room. This will be a long, stressful 42 hours.


*18 hours till arrival*


" What do you mean you lost her."

" I'm sorry Alpha they just grabbed her. I turned my back and she was gone."

"Send out search parties she could be giving birth right now. We don't need them getting into the hands of the wrong people!"

(End of vision)

My breathing was heavy as I sprung up from the bed. My head quickly swivels around the room before I ran out Into hallway. Quickly going down the stairs I opened the front door and looked out towards the woods. I could feel my breathing go back to normal as I surveyed the area. Seeing nothing out of place I fully relaxed and walked to the hanging porch swing I sat down and just watched the woods. While the pack members slept completely unaware that their whole lives would change soon.


*16 hours till arrival*

Two hours later I heard the door open turning my head from the woods, I make eye contact with Vince.

" Are you okay? I woke up and your side of the bed was cold," He squatted down in front of me.

" Yeah. I think so. Just a bad dream about her. Meaning the woods aren't leaving my sight today."

"I figured," Picking me up Vince sat down on the swing and placed me in his lap. I buried my head in his chest taking calming breaths of his sent.

" How are you holding up with everything?"

" Terribly. I mean my parents haven't even told him yet so he still thinks he's an Alpha and he still thinks he can win me back. Plus I'm pregnant and the wars coming. I'm just- I guess I'm just happy I have you here to comfort me during these times."

"You are happy with me, right? You're not going to leave me for him right," He questioned as he subconsciously rubbed my stomach in calming circular motions.

" Vince, I love you. I'll always love you no matter what stupid things you may do. I only want you," I raised my head from his chest and kissed his jaw.

Swooping down he kissed my lips, "I love you too." He mumbled against them. Pulling back I leaned my back onto him just enjoying the warmth he gave off.

" What are we going to do about her kids?"

" I have no idea. I just know they have to be separated for their own good. Even if she doesn't approve."


*14 hours till arrival*

I haven't let the woods leave my sight. Even as I sit in the office and work through my piles of paperwork i keep an eye on the woods. I can't let my vision come true. It's very rare that any vision I see is not turned into reality but I have to hope that my grandmother, the moon goddess, will help stop this from happening. A knock at the door broke me from my trance.

"Come in," I commanded before getting back to work on the papers that now littered my desk. The door creaked open to reveal the others and their mates, behind then Vince came in and closed the door.

I raised my eyebrow at them as if to show them to speak or get out.

" Vince told us about the vision," Evangeline said as she placed herself in a chair. I felt myself being lifted and Vince placed me in his lap. My hand went to my stomach and I rubbed my thumb over the soon to be growing bump.

" What do we do to make sure this doesn't happen?"

" Not let the woods out of my sight for even a second," I said my letting eyes fully drift off to watch the vibrant woods. " She can't give birth to them near or with the rogues. They'll keep her and the pups and we can't let them link to the wrong people. I already had the pack clear a small circle in the forest that is far enough from the pack and patrol for the children to only have us a link choice when they shift."

They all nodded at me, we were all fully realizing that our next generation was truly about to start and our world was changing fast.


*10 hours till arrival*

The wait is painfully slow. The forest is constantly under my surveillance. Everyone has stayed in my office for anything. Trying to plan the attack on the rouges and trying to plan what is going to happen when she shows up.


*8 hours till arrival*

All the others have fallen asleep, but I can't. I asked a pack member to bring pillows, blankets and coffee machine to my office. Vince woke up when I tried to stand and help cover the others up. He got up and started to plug in the coffee machine and set it to brew in an hour or so, while i cover the girls and their mates with blankets. When he was done we both sat back in the car with a blanket covering us. I could feel his breathing even out and felt the need to sleep, however the need to watch the forest was stronger than my exhaustion.


*4 hours till shifting*

Everyone woke back up. We sent for food and more coffee grounds. At first I couldn't eat with my stomach knotting itself in worry, but then Vince and everyone else reminded me that it wouldn't be good for the baby if I didn't eat. So I ate the food that was dry and tasted like cardboard. Vince tried to get me to sleep for a little bit as to not stress the baby and I wanted to listen to him, I really did. I don't want another miscarriage, but I just couldn't. My mind just won't let me sleep. This was actually happening.


*2 hours till arrival*

I still couldn't sleep. I'm tired but my eyes are fixated to the woods. My pack is patrolling the woods and constantly communicating with me. This was actually happening.


*1 hour till arrival*

We were getting the ourselves ready now. Grabbing clothing, food, water and other necessities she might need. We also summoned Blake, one of my younger pack doctors just incase she does arrive in the condition I saw her in. We got our stuff ready to go sit outside on the porch.


30 minutes till arrival

Walking out of the pack house was torture. I could feel the air stiff with the packs' tension. I flopped down on one of the bottom steps of the pack house. A little girl came up to me and asked me to braid her hair, her mother came to get her and tried to apologise to me. With a smile I told her it was okay and that I didn't mind braiding her daughters hair. Maybe this would give me a small distraction. 


5 minutes till arrival

The anxiety is building higher and higher. Blake and his team stood alert, ready to aid if she came in a bad condition. I had finished braiding the little girls hair and had french braided another girls. One of the teen members of my pack had seen me drumming my fingers and instead came up to me with a brush, asking me to brush her hair. I gratefully took the brush, desperately needing something to do with my hands. My patrol wolves circled the territory with more precision, combing through the woods around as well. Zach, Ezra, Jeremiah , and Amos were pacing in front of us in wolf form, while Vince stood above me. Val was rocking her own baby and softly talking to Ariella, while Evangeline sat with Holden. The clock was ticking and we could all feel it.  


When the five minutes were up and she haddnt appreared yet i could feel real panic and axitey set in. Thanking and dismissing the teen I stood up and started barking orders.

" She should have shown by now. Amos go to the east, Zack to the north, Ezra the south, Jeremih the west. Make sure none of the patrol is keeping her captive."

As they ran off closed my eyes trying to summon up a vision to figure out why she wasn't arriving, however my connection to the Moon Goddess seemed to be blocked.

" You guys stay here i'm going to circle, mind-link me if she appears," I commanded the other. " Blake you're with me in case we find her and she needs help."

" Yes Alpha," they all murmured. Kissing Vince I set of to the left trying to follow my instinct and determine if anyone entered pack land. Growling out of frustration I mind liked Alex to try and see if he could sense anyone entering pack lands.

[ No I haven't been able to feel anyone breach the territory.]

{ Great, just great.} I angrily fire back and close the link between us.

Linking the quadruplets, I told them to check the very edges of the territory adn to tell the other patrolling wolves the same.

" Blake?"

" Yes alpha," he responded turning to look at me.

" How high of a risk will my child be if I shift?" I question, " I feel the need to look for her in the woods,"

"Umm, since the pregnancy is new and a normal wolf would be able to sift about a month into the pregnancy, I would say that you are okay to shift for today. Just no heavy running or sprinting since you had that one miscarriage I wouldn't want you to push yourself or the baby."

I barely let him finish before I was shifting and calling for the girls to come with me. Blake called for his team and another doctor just incase I gave out from the shifting.

The girls and their mates were walking towards the woods next to me with Vince at my side.

[ Is this safe for the baby?] he asked nudging my stomach

{Blake said I can shift for a little bit today, Just no sprinting or lots of running. Ill shift back if I start to get stomach pains.}

[ Okay, just promise me you'll be careful.]

{I promise.} I said nudging him back before I turned to the woods.

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