Kissing in Cars (Pierce the V...

By Musical_Paradise

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Vic has had some crazy experiences on tour with the guys. Some good, some bad, some he doesn't like to talk a... More

Kissing in Cars (Pierce the Veil love story)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 28

220 11 4
By Musical_Paradise


Okay yes I do understand that the way Katie is so far is kind of slutty but I promise she's not a whore. She's not.

Alright, now that we've got that out of the way, HI GUYS!!! IM BACK!!

I'm trying to keep up with all my stories the best I can so please bare with me and I know I say that a lot but I like procrastinating and I have camp too so I have an excuse lol and it's theater camp so..learning lines and..this is a good way of procrastinating too because I'm not learning lines even though I should :) I love you guys<3 btw :3




~Ivy Mist


Katie's POV;

I took a deep breath as I stood in front of the boy's front door. I finally got the courage to knock on it and almost immediately the door was answered.

"Katie, come in!" Jaime insisted, pulling me in from the doorway. I giggled, "Same old Jaime."

He hugged me tight, "We missed you so much." He whispered. I petted his head, "I know, I missed you guys too."

"Alright alright, my turn."

Jaime and I both turned to see Mike behind us. Jaime untangled his grip on me as I ran to Mike. "Mike!!" I yelled as I ran into his hug. He smelt like cigarettes and cologne and I could feel his smile as I buried my face in his chest,

"I missed you, Kate."

"I missed you too, Michael." I grinned, staring up at him. "Hey, what about me?" Tony asked as he ran downstair. I rolled my eyes and ran over to him, giving him the biggest hug of all,

"Of course I missed my favorite turtle." I chuckled as I let go of him. "Alright, we can just relax out in the backyard and Vic will be back soon with some gas for the grill." Mike said, leading us to the back.

I took a seat in front of the guys as we sat by the pool. I felt a cool breath pass my face as the sun was setting. "So, what's new?" Jaime asked anxiously as he sat down.

"Nothing much, I leave for tour in Europe in like four days, that's basically-"

"With who!?"

"Oh, uh, blessthefall, Miss May I, We Came As Romans, Woe, Is Me, and some local bands wherever they're playing in England and then I come back after a week and go to Texas to see Matty and Brittany." I explained. "Oh.."

"Uh, yeah but I heard you guys are doing a headliner starting next week, that's great!" I smiled, changing the subject. "Yeah! We headline a new tour starting next week with Sleeping with Sirens, Tonight Alive and Hands Like Houses."

"Awh, luckies!! Tell Jenna I miss her." I pouted. They laughed, "Will do."

"Alright, who's ready to eat?" Vic asked as he entered the back. He smiled in my direction, making my heart sink. I hid my face somewhat behind my hair, still able to see him frown as I looked away.

It's gonna be a long night.


Vic's POV;

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked Katie as I pulled her inside. "Nothing."

"No, something is wrong. You've been avoiding me all night. Is this about the other night? At our spot?" I asked. She took a deep breath, running her hands through her hair, "No, it's not that I promise. I've just been thinking a lot."

I could feel my heart light up, "Really?"

Maybe she wants to give us another try? One could only hope..

"Yeah, a lot about tour and..other things."

"Oh really?" I asked, scooting a little closer to her. Suddenly, her phone went off. She signaled an apologetic look and took the call. I followed her in the other room and put my ear to the door.

Come on. You'd eavesdrop too if you were me.


"Hey babe- Dave said he needs you at the studio to meet up with our new tech roadies that want to sort things out that I don't understand." I heard a familiar voice say. It sounded like..Andy?

Wait. Did he call her..babe?

"Andy, I'm at the guys house right now, is it that urgent?" Katie asked. "Well, it's been pretty hectic so far and we have four days until we leave for Europe, so I would think so."

Katie sighed, "Alright, I'll be right over." She said. I quickly ran back outside as she approached the door.

"Hey guys, I have to go to the studio to get some shit done." Katie told us sadly. The guys and I frowned, "Do you have to go?" Jaime asked.

She nodded, giving him a hug, "Sorry Jaim, I'll try to make it up to you guys somehow, I promise." She assured us. She gave everyone a goodbye hug, including me. I hugged her tight and let go unwillingly.

"See you guys later." She responded, walking out the door. I watched her drive away in her car and turned to go back to the back with the guys. "Well this sucks." Tony replied, blowing a piece of hair out of his face.

"Hey, do you guys know if Katie and Andy are..seeing each other again?" I asked. "No, why?" Mike asked.

"I over heard him call her babe over the phone and-"

"Vic, stop worrying. They're probably just friends." Mike replied, a little irritated. I turned to Tony. He frowned,

"You want me to find out, don't you?" He asked. I gave him a mini smile and nodded. He gave me an agreeing look, "I'll ask her tomorrow, but if she doesn't want me to say anything, that's a secret I intend to keep." Tony replied demandingly.

I sighed and nodded, "Deal."


Katie's POV;

"Hey Ton, what's up?" I asked Tony over the phone, huddled against Andy's chest. "Wanna hang out? I'm bored!!" Tony whined, dragging out his words. I gulped,

"Well, I'm over the Romans house right now, I don't think they'd mind if you came by to hang." I replied. Andy shook his head, indicating it was alright with him. I smiled,

"They're cool with it."

"Perfect, I'll be there in a few."

"See ya then." I replied, hanging up. I sighed and threw my phone down on the beanbag chair next to Andy's bed. I laid down and clutched myself to Andy's torso. "Should I tell him?" I asked him.

"Do you want too?" Andy asked. I shrugged, "I do but I don't because it'll cause unnecessary drama because Vic will end up finding out, I know it.."

"Well, he's going to figure out either way, right?" He asked. I nodded, "Well, yeah I guess.."

"We should just tell him, together." Andy smiled down at me, grabbing my hand in his. I kissed his nose, "You're amazing."

"I know." He winked, kissing me lightly. "Thank you for giving me another chance." He whispered against my lips. I smiled, "Don't thank me, stupid. I'm glad."

"I bet I'm glader."



"Sorry to interrupt the two of you in your little love fest but Tony is downstairs." Lou laughed as he came into the room. I shot up from the bed and ran downstairs,

"Tony!" I yelled, running and jumping on top of him. "Woah, calm down there girl!" Tony laughed as I helped him up off the floor.

"So, what are you guys doing?" Tony asked Andy and I. We just looked at each other and back to Tony. "Nothing really. Just..hanging out."

"Oh, were you?" Tony winked in my direction. A flush of red came rolling into my cheek when I heard his response. Did he already know?

"I can tell what goes on in your life, Katie. I can read you like an open book, not like a lot of other people. But, on the other hand, you can read me too. You're like my sister, you should know this shit." He laughed. I sighed,

"Okay good I was worried about telling you." I sighed in relief. "Are you gonna tell Vic?" Andy asked, grabbing my hand and tangling our fingers together. Tony shook his head,

"Oh no, of course not. From the minute I figured it out, I knew you would tell him when you're ready. But if he finds out before hand, I never knew." Tony winked. I hugged him tight, "Thank you, Tony."

"No problem. But Andy-" Tony got up in Andy's face, getting me a little worried, "You better take care of her, or I won't hesitate to kick your ass." Tony gritted. I held my breath in hesitation.

Tony can be pretty scary when he wants to be. He's like the older brother I never had, so maybe it's just me that thinks its scary because I've never experienced it? Either way, he's like a guard dog. And there is always pros and cons to those.

One con: scaring the crap out of and/or seriously pissing off my boyfriend.

But, to my surprise, Andy just smiled, "I would never. I promise." He assured Tony with a bro-hug. Tony smiled, "Good, because I like you. Don't mess it up."

"Will do."

"Oh by the way, nice hickey." Tony laughed, turning to me. I covered my neck and blushed, "Is it really that noticeable!?"

"Define noticeable..-"


"I'm just kidding! No, it really isn't, I just noticed with you tackled me." Tony laughed, hugging me again. "Meanie." I blushed as he pulled away.

"Well, now that that's all cleared up, I can kiss you and not have to hide it." Andy cheered, kissing me softly. I kissed back, smiling like crazy throughout the kiss. We pulled away laughing due to Tony and Kyle's gagging noises in the distance.

"You two sicken me!"

"Shut up, Pavone. You wanna fight me!?" I yelled jokingly, getting all in his face. "Yeah bitch lets go!!"

The constant yelling and threats (jokingly of course) lasted for a good twenty minutes before the guys and I all decided to just sit and watch a horror movie. I picked out Sinister because I've seen it before and it's fucked up, I love it!

The guys on the other hand...not so much.


"Oh my god, calm down!" I laughed as the guys yelled back at each other. Andy, Dave, Lou and I all loved the movie, finding it hilarious at points. But Joshua, Tony, Kyle, and Eric, thought it was the most fucked up thing ever.

"Well, I'm gonna go to bed, I'm tired as fuck. Night guys." Eric spoke up out of our argument, stretching out and going upstairs. "Yeah, I should probably get going. I'll see you guys later." Tony said, saying goodbye and heading out the door to his car.

"Wanna go to bed?" Andy asked me. I shrugged, "I'm not that tired but I am, you know?"

"But don't you wanna cuddle after that scary movie?" Andy asked me in a baby voice and with puppy dog eyes. I giggled and kissed his neck, "Maybe not cuddle.." I whispered in his ear, biting my lip. "Oh.." He whispered back, a devious smirk not leaving his face for a second.

"Ew, please do that in a private room at least, my god." Kyle fake gagged. I rolled my eyes and walked upstairs, Andy trailing behind me.

I walked into Andy's room and took off my shorts and shirt, leaving only my undergarments on as I hoped into bed. "Wow, you really want me." Andy chuckled, taking off his shirt and pants as well, leaving him with only boxers. I bit my lip,


"You're lucky you're cute." Andy whispered, climbing in next to me and kissing my neck. He moved down to my collarbone, or my weak spot as Andy likes to call it, and sucked on my skin lightly. I bit my lip to keep me from moaning, without any prevail. He smiled down at me, pulling my practically bare body on top of his.

"My turn." I smirked, leaning down and kissing his neck. I moved up his neck to his lips. He kissed back passionately as his tongue explored mine. "This is gonna be a fun night." I breathed, pulling away but soon after joining our lips together once again.

To be completely honest, I missed this and maybe being with Andy is the right decision. Well, I guess I'll find that out sooner or later, right?

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