It's Just Begun, The Music Of...

By BlackMamba394

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'"Emelia, who taught you that song!" He was becoming impatient. "Th-the Angel of M-music...he taught me..." S... More

Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.

Chapter Six.

98 3 1
By BlackMamba394

They had spoken for many hours about this Opera Ghost, and Emelia still had trouble grasping all she heard. Finally, the time came for Emelia to begin preparing for the performance, so their conversation ended there to never be continued.

She had to rush to her dressing room due to everyone else already being there and in costume. Quickly, she put on her costume and did her hair and make up only to have a stage hand come knocking on the door, giving her the five minute warning.

Once Emelia was done performing in the two acts which she was in, and had received thunderous applause for her one minute solo, she quickly rushed to her dressing room. Looking around, she found a nice dress and switched her costume out for that. She remained in ballet slippers and scrubbed all of the makeup off her face. Her Angel had told her before he wasn't fond of her in makeup because it wasn't au naturel, natural, and he liked to admire her beauty.

After checking her appearance in the full body mirror, she noticed the reflection of something behind her. Turning she saw a beautiful rose. It was bright red, and wrapped around the thorn trimmed stem a black ribbon was tied.

Emelia couldn't contain the smile from seeing the rose which she knew had been left by the Angel of Music. She then rushed out towards Box 5, in hopes that her Angel of Music still wanted her there.

Upon reaching it, she noticed that the box keeper was not there and bit her lip in confusion. From Inside the box, a voice could be heard and it was speaking to her before she even had the chance to knock.

"Dear child, do come in. You need not knock for I invited you!" The voice of the Angel said gaily.

Cautiously she opened the door to find the box empty. He must have been hidden in the shadows, for his voice told her to have a seat on the stool. She nodded and obeyed his orders, taking a seat in front of the far right chair, on the stool which was set out.

"Merci, for inviting me to watch the performance with you!" She whispered with a smile.

"No, Mademoiselle, thank you for coming on such short notice. You've no idea how much I appreciate you coming, Emelia." His voice was gentle as he spoke.

"I got your rose. It is beautiful, merci beaucoup." She turned to see a shadow sitting in the chair behind her.

"I'm glad you like it. But you must not thank me, it is a well earned gift for a wonderful performance." He shifted in his seat slightly.

"A performance I wouldn't have ever had if it weren't for you." She smiled brightly at him.

They both watched the performance for awhile, in silence. Emelia couldn't help but smile every time Carlotta sang. For every time Carlotta opened her mouth, the Angel couldn't help but make a snide remark which made Emelia overflow with laughter.

"Please, I would rather listen to a toad croaking than your singing. I don't know how these pathetic subscribers enjoy this!" He couldn't help but smile at Emmy's stifled laughter.

"Angel, I don't sound worse than a toad, do I?" She questioned, turning to stare at the shadow with her big blue eyes.

"Haha, no, my sweet child. Believe me, I would tell you if you sounded worse than a toad. In fact, I wouldn't even take the time to teach you!" The two merely laughed.

They did their best to stay quiet and not disturb the audience as they watched the performance, but it was to no avail. The two chattered away like the friends they were. Emmy had never really had any other friends except the Angel of Music.

"Okay, okay, let me get this straight! So you really made her sound like an actual frog?" Emelia asked as the Angel recalled an old account to her.

"Oui, Emmy. She didn't show her face for months." With that the two burst out laughing, earning some hushing sounds from the nearby audience members.

"In all seriousness, now, Madame Giry was explaining to me the Phantom of the Opera earlier...are you friends with him, Angel?" She tilted her head in curiosity.

"...Erik...Je m'appelle Erik. I don't actually have a name...but you may call me Erik." He said in response to her constantly calling him Angel. "And I guess you could say the Phantom and I are well acquainted."

"He sounds horrifying...would you...would you protect me from him...Erik?" Her voice was soft and he caught a hint of fear in it.

Emelia sighed when he was silent, and turned back to watch the show. When he realized her attention was falling from him, he panicked and did his best to regain the attention he so craved from her.

"I promise, I will do my best to protect you from the Phantom of the Opera. But first there is something I--" he was cut off by the performance ending.

The whole audience burst into an uproar of applause and he watched as Emelia did the same out of respect. It was then which he realized that he didn't have time to stand around and wait for the applause to end.

"Emelia, allow me to escort you to your dressing room." He leaned forward and whispered in her ear so she could hear him over the clapping and cheering.

She turned and searched what she thought to be the face of the shadow. Looking at the stage then back at him, she nodded in agreement. With that slight movement they were off.

Before they left the box, The Angel stuck his head out to make sure no one was there. When he saw no one he grabbed her hand and dragged her quickly out the box. What she hadn't noticed was that he had left a gift for the box keeper.

He rushed down the halls until they were far enough away from the auditorium that no one would be there. Then he slowed to walking and she could finally see what this Angel of Music looked like.

He was tall and her head just barely reached his chest. Black clothes adorned him and a black cloak billowed behind him as he moved. His dark hair was almost to his shoulders and was slicked down neatly. But overall, he still hid his face in the shadows which disappointed Emelia. All she had dreamed of was knowing what her Angel of Music looked like. Suddenly she found him calling to her and looking at her with concern.

"Emelia! Are you alright?" He asked as he noticed her staring at him.

"Ou...yes, Monsieur." She said a bright blush covering her cheeks.

He paused briefly and turned his head slightly so he could see her. A slight chuckle vibrated throughout his chest and he turned back towards their destination. Still she could not see his face but she longed more than anything in the world to know her Angel.

"Come, we must be going." He said becoming serious again.

They walked in silence and Emmy found herself constantly prying her staring eyes from him. He would occasionally look back to make sure she was still there, only to catch her curious gaze, making her blush and quickly look away.

When they reached the dressing room, he opened the door for her like the gentleman he was. He ushered her in, then, following closely behind, shut the door behind him.

"Thank you, again." She smiled at him.

"It was my pleasure... Emelia, I have decided to not have lessons tomorrow. I have business to take care of and I think you should go visit your father, he may not have a lot of time left." Her eyes widened at the mention of her father.

"H-how did you know about my father?" Upon seeing her surprise Erik merely chuckled.

"Mon Ange, I know everything that goes on in this opera house." He smiled and a soft blush stained the pallor of her cheeks as she realized what he was saying.

"You mean you--" she began but he stopped her before she had the chance.

"No, no!" He laughed. "I give everyone their privacy, some things I wish not to see, and what people do in their private quarters and dressing rooms is one of those things."

"Oh..." She let a sigh of relief and her flushed face went back to its normal pale color.

The Angel let out a sigh, "I apologize, I must go. Promise me, you will go to bed now, I want you get plenty of rest. I will see you in due time, I hope?" He looked at her with pleading eyes and she nodded, not able to deny any request from those eyes.

"Yes, I promise...Bonne nuit. ." She said, a hint of sadness filled her voice.

"Bonne nuit, Emelia. Sleep well." He carefully grasped her small hands in his own gloved ones, and placed a small kiss on the palm of each hand.

Then, with a flourish of his cape, he was gone. Emelia was left a blushing mess. She had only been alone for a few seconds when all of the sudden a knock sounded at her door.

She rushed over and opened it, surprised she had guests at this hour of the night. As soon as she saw who was outside her door her brows furrowed in confusion. Why were total strangers at her door?

"Mademoiselle, Emelia, we have a few guests who would like to speak with you." Madame Giry, who was standing in front of these two strange men, said.

"Um...Why of course! Won't you come in!" She quickly said regaining her cool.

Emelia invited the three adults into her dressing room and offered them all seats. The two men accepted and then took a moment to examine her rather large dressing room. Madame Giry merely sat down and waited for them to begin.

"Make yourselves at home. I would offer drinks, but I don't have any and I'm not old enough to drink." She was trying her best to be a good hostess, even though she had only ever briefly spoken to someone who wasn't Madame Giry, Meg or her father.

"No matter, anyways we came here to discuss some important matters with you. Allow us to introduce ourselves. Je m'appelle Alec Tromper." Declared the one now known as Alec.

Alec was tall and built very strong. He seemed older than the other manager, possibly in his forties. His hair was slightly beginning to gray, as though he hasn't cut it in months, and fell shaggily into his perceptive brown eyes. A small gray goatee adorned his chin and served to be as the only facial hair on his fading face.

"Je m'appelle Johann Masson." Informed the other.

Monsieur Masson was much younger, possibly his very early thirties or late twenties. He had blond hair that was cut in a very business-like manner. Soft blue eyes stared at her happily, along with a warm smile, and he had the beginnings of a mustache growing under his nose.

"C'est un plaisir de vous rencontrer, Messieurs Tromper and Masson. As you know already I am Emelia." Emelia smiled as she curtsied. "But why exactly are you here?"

"We, Mademoiselle, are to be the new managers." Announced Monsieur Tromper.


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