
By hands_to_hold

8.5K 248 46

When you're faced with your past and a frightening new future, what else can you do but just go with it? Rach... More

Chapter 2
chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 1

3.6K 29 8
By hands_to_hold

((Disreguard any others notes about rewriting- I'm done))

I reveled in a simplistic life. The most exciting thing that has ever happened to me in my entire existence was winning a singing show. I've always loved singing, thanks to my mother. It felt odd to win, almost as if it shouldn't be me in those pictures. The constant flashes were blinding. Not something I enjoyed, so it was crazy to think iI would be where I am now. 

"Listen this is really nice of you and everything but i'm not exactly a party kind of person." I mumbled.

"Rachel this place is going to be crawling with news cameras when I call them so you better act like you 're having fun. Your birthday is what, tomorrow or something?" She said sipping a drink. "You'll be eighteen! Stop throwing a pity party and enjoy this real party! Live up these last teen years!"

Such a clichè thing to say.

"Yeah, news reporters reporting a whole lot of underage drinking is so totally-" the words stumbled out of my mouth, but I was quickly cut off.

"Whatever, they'll never know!" She laughed.

This was just perfect. After months of hard work, I had won. My mother would always tell me I had an amazing voice, and it was improved through practice. Today had been absolutely crazy, and now my 'friends'  wanted it to get even crazier. What are they thinking? I mean sure, they had all graduated high school, and sure I am home schooled now, but that was still no excuse for this. What was the drinking age in America anyways? Twenty-one? That's 3 years away!

"Rachel! I said get up!" She yelled at me. She seemed too giggly to actually care, but I didn't want to see my drunk 'friend' try to swing at me.

She was probably only here for the drinks and people to dance against. That's right, not with, against. Nasty. Her long brown hair bounced as she wiggled her hips, swaying with the music. Just what I wanted to see after all that stress that was built up in me.

"Hey come on. Dance with me." A hot boy offered, reaching out his hand.

He had dark brown hair and light grey eyes and looked like he should be on the cover of a magazine.

"One dance." I promptly said.

I wasn't much for social interaction. I mean, I didn't used to be this way, but now that I'm home schooled, my only true friend is really the internet. I literally get yelled at for reading so much. The mysterious guy grasped my hand leading me to the dance floor. I danced shyly, trying not to seem like an easy target. Luckily, I got those girls to put me in a full sleeved black dress that went to my knees. It was tight, but I agreed they could pick me out a dress as long as it had length specifications. I wasn't shy about my body, but I certainly wasn't one to show it off.
"So, uh, what's your name?" I asked over the loud music.

"I'm Evan." He said smirking. "You?"

"Rachel." I responded looking away for a brief moment.

He just kept smiling in this overpowering way, almost as if he was going to devour me.

"So, how old are you?" I asked trying to avoid his hungry haze.

I couldn't handle this. "Absolutely ridiculous." I mumbled. What was Nicole thinking? The host of this party, my friend Nicole, also known as the bubbly brunette you met earlier, can be a total pain sometime. She is about two years older than me, and the only reason I know her is because she was my neighbor for all my childhood and we used to handout all the time because we were 'bored' and 'had nothing to do.'

"I'm 20. How old are you?" He asked smirking down at me once again. Woah, an almost logical answer.

"18 tomorrow." I replied, trying to smile past his stupidity. His breath stunk and the fact that he was probably wasted was also not appealing to me.

"Cool." He said.

I felt so much emotion in his reply

Finally, the song ended and he broke away from me to get another drink. Typical. How do I get out of here? I glanced around. Nicole had rented some old room that wasn't very big. I guess she couldn't afford bigger. Yes she still seemed to cram a few hundred of her 'friends' in. It was tightly packed and almost impossible to get out of, meaning in her eyes, she did it right.

The room was dark and was only illuminated by disco lights flashing above. This was terrible for our eyesight. Shouldn't she know that? I didn't know anybody here but her. So many older people were here that I didn't recognize, and of course I was the total stranger. Sure, this was 'all for you, Rachel.'  I needed some water now, and no way was I having anything but water. I spotted a small hallway in the back right corner and saw the familiar silver and grey of a water fountain and thanked The Lord. My throat was screaming at me for help.

I satisfied it's pain and headed back in, how on earth would you get out if you were in the middle of that? it was a mad house! Heads peaked over the crowd, possibly trying to communicate with me, possibly trying to see where the attractive ones were formed. Four heads peered over the crowd that looked so familiar. It was too dark for me to actually look, plus they got lost again before I could even attempt to take a good look at them. It was so dark, it could barely make out Nicole, and I've known her for as long as I could remember. As I trampled through the people to try to escape, the faces met mine again. Although this time I looked at them for a good second. Not enough time to examine four different boys. Before I could make my great escape out the door to fresh air, my pocket started showing because it was coming out of my jeans by somebody pulling on it.

Crazy partygoers.

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