Things Change

By DreamAddict

9.7K 283 76

(Loucel story) Marcel was a nerdy guy and a brainiac with numbers. He was also secretly gay. Marcel is invite... More

Chapter 1: Spin the bottle
Chapter 3: Girls are weird
Chapter 4
Chapter 5: Tease

Chapter 2

1.5K 91 26
By DreamAddict

“You want me to do what?” Zayn asks raising an eyebrow as we get out of the car.

“I want you… to make me hot…” I mumble shrugging as we walk up to the mall.

“Marcel… Is it about what happened at the party? It couldn’t have been that bad!”  Zayn said putting his hands in his pockets.

“Zayn! You weren’t there! I got turned down by a gay bloke and… and the entire class laughed at me!” I spoke thinking back to yesterday.

“Marcel that’s ONE guys opinion! Hey if it makes you feel any better I think you're cute!” Zayn said trying to cheer me up.

“CUTE?! Just cute?! Wow my gay best friend thinks I cute whoop dee frickin do!” I said throwing my hands up. Zayn and I have been best friends since we were young. We both came out to each other and it brought us even closer, we’re like brothers.

“What? Do you want me to tell you that I’d fuck you if I weren’t dating Liam?!” Zayn said angrily at me, which caused a few stares.

I sighed. “No I… I’m just frustrated… Sorry mate..”

“Nah I understand. So you really want me to?” Zayn questions.

“Want you to what?” I reply confused.

“You know… make you hot?” he says seriously.

“Of course! All the way!” I laugh.

“Ok do I have your complete trust and control?” he asks.

“Yes sir!” I grin.

“Then lets go!” He replies cheerily.


I’m finally sitting down after trying on countless outfits that Zayn picked out for me. Now I just want to crawl in bed and sleep all day. I’m just watching him grab armfuls of T-shirts off the rack. And even if he won’t admit it Zayn secretly loves shopping. It’s so obvious a blind man could see it.

Zayn’s POV~

This whole situation isn’t normal. Marcel is acting very strange and I would know because we’re best friends. I’m worried about him. He’s shy to everyone around him, except his close friends and family, and he keeps to himself usually. Usually! I have no idea what to do and he's starting to get obsessed about peoples opinions since the party. I’m sorting through the rack of clothes as I look over at Marcel and he is staring at the ceiling. He looks the same… Like regular, dull Marcel! Hair combed back, big-rimmed glasses, sweater vest and tie; nothing has changed just his attitude.  I’m starting to wonder what really went on at that party…

I sighed “You know… this could go a lot quicker if I knew what exactly you wanted!” I called out to him.

He casually strolled over and started to look through the rack “I don’t know… this…?” He said holding up one of the ugliest shirt in the entire store.

I sighed again and smiled sympathetically at him “Hun… why don’t you just go pick out some shoes…” he nodded without a word and left.

This boy has no sense in fashion what so ever! This was definitely going to take some hard work to pull off. I could not do this alone… “Liam get my hair products and meet me at Harry’s a.s.a.p.! This is an emergency!” I told Liam through the phone before hanging up, not giving Liam a second to register what I had said.


Harry’s POV~

After buying a few outfits, including shoes and accessories, or as Zayn calls them ‘glamorizers’, we headed back to my house. When we got to my house my mum greeted us.

“Marcel, Liam is up in your room. He’s been waiting for about 10 minutes.” She told me.

“Okay thanks mum!” I said kissing her on the cheek before me and Zayn rushed up the stairs to my room.

Once we got to my room, we saw Liam; he was sitting on my bed looking at some photographs on my nightstand. When he saw us come in he immediately stood up to greet us. Zayn dropped all the bags and walked forward to kiss Liam on the cheek. Which turned into a kiss on the mouth. Which then turned into kissing with tongue; that’s where I drew the line and broke them up.

“Guys come on! We have stuff to do! Zayn! You just saw him yesterday, chill with the face sucking!” I whined because they were ignoring me.

They broke apart and Zayn looked into Liam’s eyes and said, “Don’t worry babe. He's just jealous… Got rejected and all, yeah? We’ll catch up ‘later’!” The emphasis on later made me shiver and Liam blush. 

“And I am not jealous, thank you very much! And can we stop talking about-”

“You getting rejected?” Zayn smirked.

“You getting humiliated?” Liam giggled.

I crossed my arms and glared at them and they burst out laughing but stopped when I asked them what was so funny.

“Marcel you do realize you are as intimidating as a fluffy bunny right?” Liam said wiping his eyes, while Zayn rested his head on Liam’s shoulder and nodded.

“Ok well screw you guys!” I pouted then watched as Liam whispered something in Zayn's ear, probably something dirty…

Zayn nodded and whispered back. Then they both grinned evilly at me and stood up before dragging me across the hall and into the bathroom. I noticed all of Zayn's Hair products were set up on the counter, it was hard not to because it took up the entire counter. I don’t know if I like were this is going…


Thanks so much to everyone who has read so far! I hope you all continue reading, commenting and voting! (As for my tumblr fans follow me on tumblr for updates, or use the link on my page) This is so amazing! I usually don’t update the next day for a story but you guys inspired me to update! I am so thankful for your feedback! I am sorry for the short chapters but I kinda want to build the story up a little to keep it suspenseful, you know? Anyways feel free to talk to me on here or on tumblr, because I love meeting new people :)

Goodbye for now my lovelies! :*

********************* Oh yeah some side Ziam in this fanfic btw! sorry i just love them so much! Oh and once again let this be known that this is IN FACT my first boyxboy story so sorry if you dont like it!************************************************************************

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