
By xoamaandreea

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Andrea has lived a hard life so far. Her mother died when she was young-aged, her father kept lying about hid... More

Tiny Prologue
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV

Chapter XIV

320 5 5
By xoamaandreea

The best chapters have starteeeeed!

Even I am excited.



I felt like staying on the backseat with James but Adam was afraid not to make another crisis. And honestly, I was terrified and I wouldn’t have wanted to be anywhere close to him myself. He was gazing into the top of the car without blinking, without expression…He looked dead.

His skin was white pale, his eyes were no longer red although they were still out of his orbit and I could see his bones coming through his skin. He looked powerless as a feather but he has never been so powerful.

By the time we got home, his features shifted to their natural form. He was no longer looking like a nonhuman but he was still weak so I guided him straightly to a bed where he could rest.

Adam was getting everything done, packing all we needed, fueling the car, while my job was only to be sure that James was still alive.

I was sitting right next to him, on the edge of the bed, almost falling asleep when he suddenly started to form some sounds into incoherent words and to slowly get up.

“I don’t know what they’ve done to me. I’m sorry… I couldn’t do anything. I feel strangely powerful even when I’m down to knees of weakness and… I’m hungry.”

I felt guilty and responsible for this. Because of me he was no longer… him.

“I can’t control it. I’m sorry Andrea.”

And I dawned. During those two months I’ve been living in a constant appearance that he had gotten settled in that place and that’s what changed him. Although it was always against his will. I was the one that lived in clover, the one that had to be made to feel safe, that had all her wishes fulfilled because they knew I had something that they wanted from my dad. They wanted to brainwash me, not James. Instead, they decided he was a good experiment. I rejected everything as much as I could, but I knew these were not coincidences and everything leads to the bad ending that I imagined.

But if this was true, he would have already been thrust in my vain and I’d be long dead. He said he can’t control it, so what stopped him? I felt how the adrenaline made my blood rush through me, but I didn’t arouse anything into him.

As I heard steps on the stairs, I could see how James was shifting back to his preternatural form. When Adam spun the doorknob, James was already raising his hand to strangle him against the wall.Unconsciously, I was even faster and found myself standing between them, all of this within 3 seconds.

I was facing James and I could closely see how his complexion had no flaw and all the scars that remained from the wounds obtained in the fight were now vanished. He looked divine. I wasn’t scared of him, I was hypnotized. Everything about him changed entirely when he shifted. He was ten times the boy he used to be. He would have turned into what every girl on this planet would crave for, although behind that perfect illusion it was a creature that everybody would have wished to kill.

In the next second James was no longer in front of me but out on the window. He looked behind one more time and he jumped. I went straight to the sill and looked down in the garden but there was no mark left and he was gone.

One of my questions had gotten answered. If James left no mark on the snow that means the person that had broken into my house was the same and maybe they had also more answers to my questions and to what happened to James.

Even if less than 10 seconds ago he was near his death, Adam only stood there impervious.

“What just happened?!” I jumped.

“He’s a vampire. He craves blood and he cannot control it. But right now I’m rather surprised than frightened. I could’ve stopped him but… he stopped himself and that’s like impossible.”

“I hope he’s coming back… I wonder where he’s gone.”

“We won’t wait, we’re going for him. If he didn’t kill me that doesn’t mean he won’t kill anybody. He’s literally ravenous. If he’s going to town, the smell of blood will overwhelm him and he’ll go for the first alive thing that comes in his way.”

“The smell of blood?”

This situation was going out of control. It couldn’t be real; we were in neither movies nor books. What was happening in reality was that things here were actually worse than anywhere, in any script or story, we weren’t heroes and neither were the people around us. But I had just realized that they created one involuntary. James was the upshot of their experiment, and now that he escaped he could be either their helper or our hero.

From what I’ve seen so far, he was none. He was nothing but a cold, dead, dangerous and starving creature roaming the streets in search of the only thing that could keep him alive, his exclusive nutrition: blood.

Nobody could defeat him, not even himself. Everything he felt was overwhelming: his hunger, his fear, his hate, his guilt, his vengeance and his sadness were all aggravated. He was ten times stronger, faster, more flexible and more dangerous. He was a monster.

Withal these things, his certainty, his passion, his faith, his happiness and his love were also emphasized. He was ten times more charming, more mysterious, more intelligent and more alluring.

Thinking of him made my feelings uncontrollable as well. I knew I loved him and I felt frustrated by the ardor with which I wanted him, this freak of nature that could’ve have killed me in a heartbeat. I still desired all of him.

“He won’t feel pity when he’s draining them of life. Shall we go, now?!”

Still filthy and wounded from the fight, I grabbed my dad’s jacket, snatched the keys from the truck and looked behind one more time remembering how these almost 3 months succeeded in completely changing my whole life, messing up with my feelings, making me feel both frightened and delighted. I would’ve repeated these months undoubtedly.

Adam was my adult now. He was so tenacious and so safe. I knew I had to trust him. I wanted to because I knew I could. I loved him too.­­ He could keep me safe. The protector role fit him perfectly. As human as he could be, he could have still competed with James and be his equal.

I wanted them both, I was sure about that.

I got in the truck, locked the doors and laid my head behind, closing my eyes, replaying each and every obstacle that I’ve been through. I felt proud somehow.

I looked at Adam and I remembered the day I met him. He lied to me, but if he hadn’t lied, if he hadn’t done what he did up to now, everything could have gotten worse. I owed him.

Being taken to town, looking straight to the desolated road in front of me and what was awaiting us beyond it, I remembered Adam’s words: “The beginning hasn’t begun yet.”

Well, it was about time for it to begin.


I'd really like to know who do you like better, James or Adam?

I'm pretty stuck and I should make a choice..

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