Rough Paradise

By ThaBratt_

143K 5.8K 369

London More

48 part 1.
48 part 2
New Book


3.2K 122 19
By ThaBratt_

I had a doctors appointment, profit said he was coming but was late like he has been to everything the past weeks.

"Ms.William's, how you been? " the doctor asked walking in

"I've been fine, less stress, eating healthy, exercise, everything I'm supposed to do, " I said answering all the questions he was going to ask, he proceeded to put the cold gel on my stomach, I can't wait to find out what I'm having.

"Well it looks like your going to have a healthy baby, it's kind of small but everything will be okay, just continue what you're doing," he said "go to the front desk to find out your next appointment, next time you will be able to find out the gender " I nodded my head and proceeded out the room, while I was checking out profit came in, behind him trailed sierra.

"He gotta be stupid "I mumbled, she been getting on my last nerves for the past weeks and he doesn't see that, she takes his attention away from everything, one day we went baby shopping but had to stop because she called for him to pick her up, like hello bitch Uber if she says jump he gonna say how high.

"I'm sorry London, "he said

"You're always but don't worry, it's not the first time you put somebody before me, "I said walking away, he always says, he wanna be with me but fucking up, and I'm not gonna wait on him any longer.

London pulled up to the house crying, I hate seeing her hurt, she shouldn't even be stressing.

"What happen? "I asked

"He been pushing me off since that bitch came, it's like he doesn't give a fuck about me anymore, it's not even about me it's about our child, he missed the appointment, we started getting baby stuff but had to stop because she called, "she said "profit is a fuck up, I should have stayed with Lashawn" I didn't even like Shawn but he treated her better, even when he had got a girlfriend he still manages to have time for her.
"I'm going to go take a shower, "she said getting up and going inside her room, I picked up my phone and call the one person I never thought I would call.

After taking a 30minute shower, I wrapped a towel around my body and walked inside my bedroom to see the only

"Shawn? "

"Wassup baby " he smiled, I wish I was with Shawn instead of profit but we both were playing "you just gonna stand right there or you gonna give me a hug" I was still wrapped in my towel, so I went an put on a shirt and some panties.

"What you doing here? "I asked sitting down on the bed

"When was you going to tell me?"he asked looking down at my stomach, I know he feels some type of way, he been wanted me to have his baby, well-tried but I had a miscarriage and the only person who knew was Him, Tamia, and me. We swore that we won't tell nobody.

"You have a girlfriend so it shouldn't matter "I spoke

"No I had a girlfriend, I stopped fucking with her when I decided I wanted you but I see it's too late, "he said, I could hear the hurt in his voice. I crawled over by him and laid my head on his chest.

"It's not too late, I wanna be with you but you was focus on other things, you didn't even want me stripping, you was focus on your own business, "I said, this was like the old day's when we would lay in my bed and talk as he rubbed his hands through my hair.

"Don't worry about it, if anything we can talk about it when we have our shit together, but right now we have a lot on our plate " he kissed my forehead and we just laid in silence until I drifted off to sleep.

  Seeing Shawn and London sleeping together bring back memories from the first time they started messing around in middle school, she used to sneak him in the house when his parents use to argue, I was cool with Shawn until the 11th grade and London had a miscarriage due to stress from him. But profit put more stress on her.

   After I dropped sierra home I went back to my house, since sierra got in the picture London don't even sleep over here no more. I fucked up bad and I gotta fix it, the only person that will help is Tamia, so I called her phone

"I hope you not calling me for any help because I'm not helping you, when she move on don't say shit " She answered

"why? "I asked.

"Because you fucking up, how would you feel if she gave her attention to the nigga she uses to be fucking with? Yea don't act like I didn't know you fucked her, get your shit together profit! "She yelled then hung up
She was right, I gotta get my shit together.

Shawn and I been hanging out a lot when I say a lot I mean it, profit on the other hand been MIA, I'll see him here and there, he hadn't even helped with our baby girl, yes we're having a girl, I found out last week and guess what? Profit didn't come it was Shawn, I texted his phone but he doesn't Reply, mama told me he been busy, I don't even go to the meetings but they having one today and I decided to go, so I put on my ripped boyfriend light jeans, a white loose white skinny scrap shit and cream long nit sweater that I left open and my gold sandals with gold jewelry, I had my hair straightened, I grabbed the keys to my range Rover and headed out before I could even make it to my car Shawn pulled up.

"Where you going? "He asked

"All girl meeting "he nodded his head

"I'll come to get you later " Before he pulled off he watched me get in my car safely then left.

  The meeting was bout ready to start, I know London ain't coming, Profit does stupid shit and I know where he gets it from but Legend didn't do the shit he did, it's twice as worse.

"Wassup ma "I turned around to see profit walk in with sierra, I use to like that girl but she needs to learn how to stay in her place, I'm not even going to lie a say London and profit were perfect but they were getting better.Before we could even continue talking London wobbled in with tamia.

"my babiesss "i smiled

Mama is always excited to see us, I have been MIA on her too due to me being busy.

"Hey mama "I smiled

"How baby girl? "I rubbed my stomach excited

"We having a girl? "Profit asked, this nigga stupid as fuck but I'm not going to entertain his dumb ass.

"If you would have stopped running around with a hoe you would have known "Tamia mumbled, everybody can tell they fucking around even a blind person can sense that.

"Let's get this meeting started ''mama said walking into the living room, I could have sworn I heard Sierra say, bye baby, best friends my ass.

She must be carrying this child but soon I will be too, we fuck like rabbits, all those phone calls are only an excuse so I can fuck him. I never really liked my ex well I did but he didn't have nothing on profit, nigga had his own business I wanted a hood nigga not no suit and tie ass nigga.

"Eye problem? "Tamia kept looking at me like bitch I'll slap you

"Fuck you hoe "she spat, If only these bitches knew what was coming for them. I couldn't help but to smile, profit gonna be mines and Tj gonna be with my sister

I was walking around the mall going from store to store. I even got London a little something from Victoria secret, Michael kors, Gucci store and so on, I even picked a little something up for baby girl.

"She must be a lucky lady '' a girl said "Wassup"I frowned, turning around to see Kierra, that's Sierra twin sister, I never really liked her I just put up with her because she related to Sierra.

"Thats how you go do your sister in law? " she smiled

"We are not in laws fuck you and your sister stupid bitch "I spat ,than walked away.

Surprise 😊

Dedicated to @mrsalsina_nation

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