Your The One I Want (Austin M...

By 80smendes

18.9K 446 15

A ordinary girl named Chloe Johnson moves to a new school and she meets this boy that she instantly falls in... More

Your The One I Want (Austin Mahone FanFic)
Cute Boy
Chapter 3 (The Bully)
Chapter 4 (The Shocker)
Chapter 5 (Kiss Me)
Chapter 6 (My Life Is Ruined)
Chapter 7 (Help Me)
Chapter 9 (Where Do I Go)
Chapter 10 (Your Leaving Me)
Chapter 11 (He's back)
Chapter 12 (My Dream)
Chapter 13 (He's Back)
Chapter 14 (Is he ok)
Chapter 15 (drama)
Chapter 16 (I want you back)
Chapter 17 (How Much I Love You)
Chapter 18 (Were Done)
The New Love Birds
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
We'll Find Her
Chapter 24 (What!!!)
Chapter 25 (Lots of Tears)
Chaptr 26 (Dont Cry)
Chapter 27
Moved on
Chapter 29 (hey wait)
Chapter 30 (Leaving)
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 23 (Prom)
Chapter 34
The Auditions
Chapter 36
The end

Chapter 8 (Are You Okay)

576 15 0
By 80smendes


I feel bad about leaving. I mean I love her but I feel like I shouldn't have left. I got a text from Chloe!😊yay!

(My convo with Chloe)

Chloe- Hey

Austin- Hey babe what's up?

Chloe- I'm not your babe

Austin- What?

Chloe- I'm not Chloe

Austin- What who are you?

Chloe- I'm the murder and I'm gonna kill your babe


Chloe- To late

Austin- Where is she?

Austin- Tell me

Chloe- With me

Austin- I'm coming to save her!

Chloe- ok, but she might not be here

(End of convo with Chloe or the murder)

I called up Alex and told him everything, he said he would check up on her. I'm so happy I have him as a best friend. I hope she's ok because she is the love of my life.


Austin called me and told me about Chloe I feel so bad. I'm going to check on her, but I think it's a joke because we never told her she lives in a house with a murder. I knock on the door but I heard a scream so I barged in. "CHLOE!!!!! ARE YOU HERE!!" I yelled running in all the rooms in the house. I found her passed out on the floor in her room. "Chloe are you okay?" I said shaking her. She looked up her face went white. "Watch out!" She yelled I turned around and a guy slapped me. I heard Chloe yelled "Alex" before I blacked out.


I just got slapped by the mysterious man. "Alex" but he blacked out. The man yanked my hair and pulled down to the basement. I screamed and he slapped me, what's he gonna do to me? "What are you gonna do to me?" I asked with tears in my eyes. He said "Things" I am so scared. Where's Austin? "Please let me go?" I cried. "NO!" He yelled. I cried harder. "Who are you?" I cried. He took his mask off. OMFG!!! It's my brother! "Josh! What are you doing?" I asked. "I'm gonna kill you!" He then slapped me hard. "Owwwww!" I cried. Alex ran down I was so happy.


I heard someone yell "Owwwww!" I ran down stairs to find Chloe getting hurt by? HER BROTHER?!? "What the hell do you think your doing with my girl!" I yelled punching him in the head. I grabbed Chloe and he punch me in the stomach. I feel to the ground in pain but I got up and kicked him in the Clark. "Come on Chloe lets go!" I grabbed her hand and ran out of the house. We ran to the police and told them about it. Then took care of it and I'm so happy he didn't kill Chloe.


Alex saved me I can't believe he did that. He's perfect and my best friend I love him!😘"OMG!!! Thank you so much for saving me I love you!" I grabbed his face and kissed him. KISSED HIM? WHAT AM I DOING??

I released the kiss and we giggled, I laughed and hugged him but when I look over his shoulder and saw AUSTIN!! "OMG!!!AUSTIN!!BABY!!" I ran with my arms out wide but he stepped back. "Austin, what wrongs?" I grabbed his hand. He just pushed me away "How could you?" He started crying. "Austy!" I said with a confused look on my face. "DON'T AUSTY ME! FIRST YOU LET JACOB KISS YOUR NOSE AND NOW YOU KISS ALEX! WHAT'S YOUR WITH YOU, WHORE!" he yelled in my face. I started crying and ran away. I know I kissed Alex but he didn't have to call me a whore. Alex came up behind me "Are you okay?" He sat next to me on the curb.

"Do I look okay, Alex?" I had tears streaming down my face. It started to rain cats and dogs. "I mean I had the perfect life. I had a perfect family, I had perfect friends, and I had a perfect boyfriend. But now I have no parents, my brother tried to kill me, I only have 3 friends you, Kiara, and maybe Austin, and now my boyfriend hates me! SO ASK ME AGAIN IF IM OKAY?" he looked shocked at what I said. "OMG!! I'm so sorry Alex I didn't mean to yell at you it's jus-" he stopped me. "It's okay here take my jacket, your cold and wet." He smiled at me. "No, I can't I want you to be warm too." I told him as I climbed into his lap so we could both be warm.

I could see in Austin's window from where were sitting. I could see him kissing another girl. WHAT? HE'S KISSING ANOTHER GIRL? HOW COULD HE? I stood up crying. "Chloe what's wrong now?" He stood up looking into Austin's window, he was shocked. I was trying to get a good look at the girl and its "KIARA!!! THAT BITCH!!" I yelled as I barged into his house. I ran into his room. "What the hell do you think your doing?" I yelled at Austin. "I'm breaking your heart like you did to mine." Austin yelled back. "I KISSED ALEX BECAUSE I WAS SO HAPPY HE SAVED ME FROM THAT PERSON! THAT MAN WAS GONNA KILL ME AND HE RISKED HIS LIFE SAVING MINE!" I started to cry harder.

Austin stopped kissing Kiara and looked at me with those beautiful eyes. Chloe knock out of it! He's cheating on you and your gonna do something about it! "Chloe, I'm sorry I didn't know." He tried to kiss me. I stepped back and he looked at me confused. "Come on shawty, I love you baby come here." He came closer. I stepped back again. "FINE, BE THAT WAY!!" Austin yelled. I walked closer to him and I got in his face. "YOU KNOW WHAT, WE'RE DONE!!! YOU CAN STUCK ON SLUTS FACES NOW BECAUSE IM DONE! WE'RE OVER!!" I yelled in his face. I backed away and ran out the door. I don't know where I'm gonna go. I turned around to find Austin watching me walk away with tears in his eyes. He mouthed "I'm so so so so sorry!" I just started walking again.

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