Sweet & Salty

By surfinggg

9.5K 214 65

Every summer has its own story. And this is mine. More

Character Profies
Prolouge: Best Day of My Life
Chapter 1: One Setp At A Time
Chapter 2: Enchanted
Chapter 3: Brighter Than The Sun
Chapter 4: Masterpiece
Chapter 5: On Top Of The World
Chapter 6: Jodie
Chapter 7: The accident
Chapter 8: Who Says
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10: Free
Chapter 11: Shout It Out
Chapter 12: How to Save a Life
Chapter 13: Livin' the dream
Chapter 14: Training & Fake Crying
Chapter 15: Secret Destination
Chapter 16: Long nights
Chapter 17: Girls Day
Chapter 18: Fame?
Chapter 19: I'm the master
Chapter 20. Jealous?
Chapter 21: Gone?
Chapter 22: Good friends & lost of singing
Chapter 23: Sick Ride
Chapter 24: Arriving at Pearl Beach
Chapter 25: Delusional
Chapter 26: Decisions
Capter 27: Start Over
Chapter 28: Two Timer
Chapter 29: Interview
Chapter 30: Closed Comp
Chapter 31: The Letter
Chapter 32: Re-opening Old Wounds
Chapter 33: Explanation
Chapter 34: First Day
Chapter 35: Moody Boys & Hosptials
Chapter 36: Snobs
Chapter 37: Crumbling Walls
Chapter 38: Confessions
Chapter 39: Only Us
Chapter 41: First Comp
Chapter 42: Something's Wrong
Chapter 43: Diagnosis
Chapter 44: Darkness Within
Chapter 45: Fix It
Chapter 46
Chapter 47:
Chapter 48:
Chapter 49:
Chapter 50:

Chapter 40. Seventeen

98 3 2
By surfinggg

Matilda's POV
I wake to someone's finger repetitively poking at my cheeks. I roll over, burying my face in my pillow as I groan in annoyance. Justin's quite laughter fills my ears. I slowly turn to face him, still half asleep.

"Happy birthday beautiful," he chuckles, our faces mirroring smiles.

The date is March 7th. Today's the day, I'm finally seventeen.

"Care to join me for an early morning surf before training?" He asks and I groan.

My birthday happens to fall on a Monday, which means I'm still expected to attend training and school. All I really wanted was a good nights sleep and a lazy day at home.

"I just want to sleep," I grumble into my pillow, trying to push Justin away, but failing hopelessly.

"The conditions are perfect," Justin says, taking a seat on the edge of my bed.

"I don't care, leave me alone." A deep chuckle escaping his lips.

"Wind is heading south-eastly, the swells perfect," Justin says, trying to grasp my attention and believe me it's working. I just can't resist the ocean. "sets of three or four, at least two meters high, perfect break, barrels too and guess what, the beach is deserted," he says and I shoot out of bed.

"Let's go!"

Justin wasn't lying, Bells Beach is firing this morning. We quickly paddle into the warm Autumn water heading to the break. We surf until Beth is yelling at us to head back in to start training.

"Since it's Matilda's birthday she doesn't have to train, however, she still need to participate in some way," Beth says eyeing me. I don't miss that evil twinkle that already has me grinning. "You will work as a team in order of finding a solution to Matilda's participation."

Best training ever. The others had to carry me throughout ever exercise. Sucks for them, but man was it fun for me!

"Can I please stay home?" I beg Scott and Beth. Every birthday my parents let me stay home on my birthday. Like come on, who wants to be at school any day let alone on their birthday?!

"Sorry Tilda, but academy rules. You have to go to school in order to get points," Scott says and I sigh.

At school I'm treated like queen bee. Ella will be furious at the amount of attention I'm receiving today. People I have never seen before stop me in the hallway to hug me or wish me a happy birthday.

The day as so far, had gone perfectly, but I haven't seen the evil queen yet so I can't keep my hopes up. I know she's going to say something rude, so you could imagine the shock I got when I finally did talk to her.

"Happy birthday Tilda," Ella smiles, leaning against my locker. Like really smiles. Not a fake smile, but a real smile. And for once, she didn't get my name wrong.

"Um, thanks?" I answer, grabbing my lunch bag from my locker, only now noticing the messy black writing on the bag.

Special lunch for my birthday girl
- J

I open up my bag to find my favourite Asian noodle salad. A smile breaks out on my face. Justin is the cutest.

"You guys are too adorable," Ella says, linking her arm with mine. I frown in confusion when she starts to walk down the hallway, dragging me with her.

"Um, Ella," I stumble, "what are you doing?"

"What do you mean?" She says, gesturing for me to sit at her table.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" I ask, awkwardly taking a seat.

"Because it's your birthday?" She shrugs, but I know better.

"Cut the crap," I sigh.

"Okay, look Matilda, I know how I've treated you was wrong. Let's face it, I was a bitch, but I want to forgive and forget," she says, my eyes widening in surprise.

"You're going to have to explain," I say.

"Of course, of course. When you first arrived everyone had their eyes on you and your friends. The boys eyes on you especially, and I was jealous. I've spent all my high school years trying to gain attention and now that I finally achieved that, I felt like you would take that away from me. I felt threatened by you, so my stupid brain decided to take it out on you and for that, I'm sorry," Ella says.

"Wow," I say, lost for words. It was a lot to take in. She bullied me and my friends out of jealousy. "Look Ella, I don't care about popularity, non of my friends do either. I understand why you did what you did, but that doesn't make it okay."

"I know and I'm sorry. I just worked so hard to get where I am today. I finally have something to loose and that scared me," she says quietly, her eyes fixed on her anxious hands.

I don't know what to think. She treated my friends and I like dirt, but I understand her reasoning, not that it is ever okay to bully someone. I can tell by the tone of her voice and the look on her face that she honestly regrets her actions. I don't know her story so I can not judge her for her actions.

"Ella," I say, her eyes lifting to meet my gaze. "You don't have to pretend to get people to like you. Being yourself is the best way to make friends. And I know that inside of you, you are a beautiful person so don't hide that."

"Thank you Matilda, sometimes that's all I need to hear. I just need someone to tell me that," she says, a weak smile playing on her cheeks.

"You have will," I say cheekily, trying to lighten the mood.

"I'm sorry about that too!" Ella blurts.

"It's totally fine," I shrug. "We weren't that serious, just close friends. He really likes you, you know?"

"I really like him too," she smiles.

"Hey Justin's throwing me a surprise party this Friday night and you should come! But just don't tell Justin that I know."

"You really want me to come?" She asks and I nod. "Well then I'll be there."

I walk around the other side of the table, wrap my arms around her small body then slip away.

Making amends with Ella has really lifted some weight off my shoulders. I feel so care free. Everything with Ella is fixed, Justin and I are perfect, there's nothing to be stressing over. Now I can just enjoy my day.

"Why were you talking to Ella?" Justin whisper to me as I take a seat on the lawn beside him.

"Guess what! We're friends now!"

Once we arrive home from school, we all hit the beach and surf until the sun starts to set.

Justin and I sit on the sand watching the colours of the day disappear into the deep ocean.

"I bought you something," Justin says, nudging me with his shoulder.

"I told you not to get me anything!" I say, slapping his chest as he passes me the small gift.

I unwrap the paper to find a small Tiffany & Co box. I pull off the lid, revealing a shiny silver change. I lift the bracelet out of the box.

"Here," Justin says, handing me a small bag.

I tip out the containments of the bag onto my hand. Charms. He bought me a charm bracelet.

"M for Matilda, a sun because we met in summer, a love heart because you're my girlfriend," he says, pausing to kiss my cheek. "And of course a surf board."

"I love it," I say crawling into his arms and hugging him tightly.

For dinner, Beth made my favourite. Thai green chicken gurry, which I finish before everyone else. She also made sponge cake with raspberry jam, cream and strawberries. My new academy family all gather around and sing to me. I wish for my happiness to stay stable, then I blow out the seventeen burning candles.

After dinner and cake I feel like I'm about to explode. We all move to the lounge room and watch my favourite movie, The Longest Ride. I mean who wouldn't love that move? Hello, Scott Eastwood!

I must have fallen asleep, because I wake to Justin softly cursing as he stumbles carrying me up the stairs.

"You know I can walk," I say quietly.

"It's okay," he replies.

"Just don't drop me."

"I'm a strong boy," he smirks and I can't help but smile at him.

"Goodnight gorgeous," he says, tucking me into my bed and kissing the top of my head.

"Excuse me? It's my birthday, don't I get a real kiss?" I giggle as he leans down to kiss my lips.

"You guys are disgusting but cute. God bless you both," Vicky says from her bed, making me jump.

"Sorry didn't see you there," I say, a blush rising to my cheeks.

Justin give me one last kiss before I end my perfect day with some perfect and well needed sleep.

The rest of the week quickly passes by and before I know it, it's Friday night. Party night.

Earlier in the week, Riley may have let it slip that my friends were throwing me a party. But that was all I know. I have no idea what they have in store, so I'm very excited.

Its around six o'clock when everything starts to begging.

"Hey Tilds, want to go for a surf?" Justin says, popping his head in my door.

"Sure! Just let me change," I reply, pulling on my best bikini.

So a beach party then? But when we walk down onto the beach, it's empty. Maybe no beach party.

"I found a cool new place the other day, wanna check it out?" Justin asks, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Sounds great," I reply.

I follow Justin a good way down the beach. The beach stats to turn into reef. And soon we reach the end of the beach.

"Come on," Justin says, taking me hand as he leads me around the rocky cliff. We climb around, until it opens up into a cute little strip of beach.

My jaw drops that the scene in front of me.

The beach is scattered with people, all dressed in Hawaiian clothing. There are lanterns strung from the rocks, a Hawaiian shack with tables of food and drinks, surf boards are everywhere, giant candles staked into the sand and a huge camp fire ready to be lit.

I turn around, dropping my board and I fling myself at Justin.

"Thank you so much!" I gush excitingly, leaving kisses over his face, at which he only laughs.

I'm soon dressed by Ella in a Hawaiian skirt and head piece. I join in dancing with my friends to the music. The beach is so sheltered and isolated, it's amazing.

As the sun sets, we all dance around with sparkles lighting up the warm autumn night.

We all sit around the camp fire roasting sausages and marshmallows for dinner. Kai strums his guitar and we all sing along.

"NIGHT SURF!" Blair yells.

Now for the fun part!

We load ourselves with glow stick jewellery and hit the water.

There's something about night surfing that gets your blood pumping. Maybe it's the fact that it's too dark to see what you're doing and that gives you the adrenalin rush.

Most people don't stay in for long, but hours later, Justin and I are lying on our boards, side by side, looking up at the stars as we talk.

That's when I hear the first whistle, following by a loud explosion, the noise almost making me fall of my board.

"Fireworks?" I say, grinning over at Justin. "Wow you really went all out didn't you?"

"Only the best for the best," he says, a blush rising to my cheeks.

"Shut up! You're making me blush even though it's dark!" I laugh.

And that's how we end one of the best night of my life. Lying in the cool, slaty water, watching the colours burst into the night sky and dace on the waters reflection. We lie side by side, enjoying every second spent with each other.

A/N double update! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, I put a lot of effort into this and I'm really happy with what I've written.

Also, if you haven't already, please add my new book Poison Ivy to your library's! You can find it on my profile now.


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