Nothing left to lose:A luis c...

By atrueprimadonna

5.8K 262 21

Sequel To El Que se enamora pierde, Lynn is 19 living in London with her band. After they reached stardom the... More

Where are you now that I need you?
Late night sex, smoking cigarettes
Gave it all up for a 'better man' beat me down but on the ground I stand
It hurts to hear your name, when I haven't seen you in so long
You swore you'd never hit them, never do anything to hurt them
Theres a million reasons why I should give you up
I wanna be an Idle Teen.
He's so tall and handsome as hell. He's so bad, but he does it so well
Kiss me again underneath the moonlight
Here we are and you're to drunk to hear a word I say
I can't drown my demons they know how to swim
And I'm back for the first time since then
I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile, so good to me so right
Outloud someone's calling my name, and it sounds like you
I don't mean to be a bother, But have you seen this girl?
I'm afriad you'll runaway if I tell you what I wanted to tell you
Self destruction is such a pretty little thing
I bet sometimes you wonder about me
I wish I could touch you again, I wish I could still call you friend.
His hands are in my hair, his clothes are in my room
This is no modern fairy tale
Wedding plans
Dont say yes, runaway now
'Cause I've done some things that I can't speak
Secrets dont sleep till theyre took to the grave
I feel indigo, how about you?
Love is not a victory march.
I wont let nobody hurt, wont let no one break your heart
They are hunters, we are the foxes.
She's mine, you stay away from her its not her time
I wont let nobody hurt you
I hope you're the end of my story

No one has to know what we do

130 7 1
By atrueprimadonna

I had been married to Max for six months, and I was still seeing Luis on the side. I would wait until Max got better before I broke off this marriage. 

"Im going to the store, do you want anything?" I asked Max as I slipped on my black jacket. "No im good" Max said and went back to talking on the phone with Craig. 

I grabbed my keys and walked out. 

I drove to whole foods and called Alexa, I hadnt seen her since the wedding. 


"hey, whats up?"

"Im at whole foods, do you wanna hang out?"

"sure, meet me  at my house and we'll go to the movies or something" 

"all right, see you in an hour" I said and hung up. 

Once I finished shopping I drove to Alexa's house. 

"hey" I said as I walked in. "hey, how've you been?" Alexa asked. "ive been really good" I said," what about you how's Jess?" I asked. "Ive taken her on a few dates" Alexa said,"nothing serious" she said as she handed me a coke. "I feel sick, Ill be right back" I said and walked to her bathroom. 

After I threw up my breakfast I walked out. 

"are you pregnant?" Alexa asked immediately as I walked in. "I dont think so" I said quietly. "lets go see Dr. McAndrew" Alexa said and grabbed her keys. 


"Congratulations Lynn, you're two weeks pregnant" Dr. McAndrew said as he handed me some papers. "are you sure?" I asked. "yes" he said and laughed," Max will be so happy" He said and walked out. 

"Who will be happy Lynn, Luis or Max?" Alexa asked. "Luis" I said as I let out a deep breath. "You've done fucked, Lyndsey" Alexa said," Max is going to kill Luis" Alexa said. "He wont know" I said. "how are you going to hide a child" Alexa exclaimed," are you going to say this is Max's kid?" Alexa asked. "no, Ill think of something" I said," I gotta call Luis and let him know" I said and pulled out my phone. 

"Luis, its me Lynn we have to talk" 

"sure, where do you wanna meet up?"

"your apartment, Ill be there if a few hours" 

"is everything okay?"

"Ill explain when I get there" 

"Lynn, you gotta think this through" Alexa said after I hung up. "something will come to me, for now dont say anything" I said," we gotta keep this on the downlow" I said. "god you sound like if Im going to tell the whole world" Alexa exclaimed. "dont tell" I warned. "I promise I wont" Alexa said. 


"what happened?" Luis asked as I walked in. "Im pregnant" I said. "what?" Luis asked. "Im pregnant, with your baby" I said. "are you sure?" Luis asked. "I went to the doctor with Alexa, Im two weeks pregnant" I explained. "have you told Max?" Luis asked. "You think you'd still be alive if I told Max" I said. "what are you gonna tell him?" Luis asked. "nothing, ill work this out" I said and stood up," ill call you when its time" I said and kissed Luis before walking out. 



song used as title: wildest dreams

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