My King

By always_clever

667K 28.4K 6.1K

A time when King and Queens lead a whole country and servants was punished to even look at royalty. Akia Buha... More

My King....
Chapter One: My Lord....
Chapter Two: Letter and Wage....
Chapter Three: Breath of Air....
Chapter Four: The Ball....
Chapter Five: Arrangement....
Chapter Six: Journey...
Chapter Seven: Tonight...
Chapter Eight: Queen...
Chapter Nine: Tempting...
Chapter Ten: Heart&Soul....
Chapter Eleven: Whispers...
Chapter Twelve: Cold Green Eyes....
Chapter Thirteen: Taming the Beast...
Chapter Fourteen: Friend or Foe?...
Chapter Fifteen: Daniel....
Chapter Sixteen: Confuss...
Chapter Seventeen: Missing...
Chapter Eighteen: Absent from the throne....
Chapter Nineteen:News...
Chapter Twenty: Long voyage back home...
Chapter Twenty-one: Theodore...
Chapter Twenty-two: Moon...
Chapter Twenty-Three: False...
Chapter Twenty-Five: Lifeless...
Chapter Twenty-Six: Delusions...
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Cherish...
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Hope...
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Signs...
Chapter Thirty: Not till the fat lady sings...
Chapter Thirty-One: THE END is only the Beginning...

Chapter Twenty-Four: Kill the silence...

13.4K 641 66
By always_clever

Pitter patter and giggles echoed in the empty throne room. The mocha skin boy stretched his tiny legs to run away from his mother that had trouble to run herself since her dress was in the way.

Exhausted and gasping for air to fill her lungs, Akia gave up and watched as Chander had his fun running around the large throne room. "Mama," the little prince called out once he realized she wasn't running after him. "Mama," he walked towards Akia as she knelt down to be at his eye level.

"Yes Chander," Akia grabbed his tiny soft hands. "Are you tired? Do you want to rest?"

Chander giggled as he shook his head no. "Play," he tugged on his mother's hands. "Play mama." He said the two out of twenty words he knows like any other two year old child would know.

"Mama needs to rest,"

"Mama make me sad," Chander pouted and fake sniffed.

Akia sighed and stood on her feet. "Mama needs to rest."

"No!" Chander stomped his foot. "Mama play."

Akia gave him a look before hunching over so they can be face to face; staring each other down, waiting for one of them to give up. But like always Chander is the one getting defeated. He looked down at his feet.

"Hold my hand." Akia sat up and held her hand out so Chander can hold on to her two fingers. The two of them head towards the doors where two guards, Jalila and Quintella stood.

"Your highness, we was informed King Theo just arrived," Jalila said as she follows Akia down the corridors and towards Chander's chambers.

Akia waited for the doors can open by one of the guards before walking into the excellent lighted room. Akia did not say anything regarding to Theo, since she is upset with him leaving on their son's second birthday. Which was over a month ago.

"Queen Akia, are you happy for his arrival?" Quintella asked.

Akia gave them a simple nod before sitting on Chander's bed to watch him play with his toys. "Duke Aaron and Duke Francis is coming to the ball, they will be expecting for you two to actually speak to them this time." Akia said, pushing the subject from her husband.

Quintella was the first to blush from Duke Aaron's name. Jalila, well Jalila did the opposite by rolling her light blue eyes from Duke Francis name.

"I was not able to talk, I do not know about Jalila." Quintella said as she eyed Jalila. Their hatred with each other was still there, but they try not to show it in front of their queen.

Akia turn to Jalila. "What is your excuse Jalila?"

"Duke Francis is a hog." Jalila stated. "Besides I am not interested."

Akia and Quintella gave her a questionable look. "Not interested? You're nineteen years of age Jalila, you can not be my lady for ever."

Jalila sighed. "I know my queen, but I'm not interested in Duke Francis."

"Mama," Chander called, making Akia give him her attention. Chander put one of his toys of polished wood excellently carved as a horse in his mother's hands. "Horse," he said.

Akia nod her head.

Sitting in front of the vanity, Akia brushed her curls to make sure there's no tangles and also watching Theo as he started to strip out of his clothes. From Akia's perspective, Theo looks like he's in pain and struggling to take of his shirt.

"Are you well?" She asked as she stood on her feet to walk towards him.

Theo gave her a nod. "Yes, just tired."

Instead of believing his words, Akia lifted up both of his shirt to see purple bruises on his stomach and sides. "Just tired, huh?" She lets go of the shirt to let it fall back in place.

"That's the effect when you get hit, thrown of a horse and tackled." Theo said with a yawn. "And that is an effect of not laying with my wife." He continued to take off his clothes before getting into bed. Akia followed pursuit by taking off her robe and getting under the covers as well.

"I'm sorry," Theo said, killing the silence between them.

"You should say that to your son, leaving without even saying goodbye to him is not right, Theo. And to just buy it off with a horse is definitely not okay. Luckily he's too young to understand the situation." Akia laid on her side with her back facing him.

"What did you expect me to do? I had to leave, to do my duties as in fight in a war. To keep this kingdom safe, to keep the both of you safe. He'll understand when he's in my position."

Akia rolled her eyes then sighed. She didn't say anything back, mainly from not wanting to continue the conversation. More silence past between the two. As Akia was drifting off to sleep, she felt warm hands slowly moving up her thigh; lifting her night gown up all the way to her bosoms, where his hands rested.

"You're hurt Theo, you should rest." Akia mumbled; faking like she's not interested, but deep down she was. Deep down she wanted to feel his body against hers; to be intimate with each other.

"Make me," Theo said with humor in his voice.

Akia smirked before pushing him on his back and straddle his waist with his hands still on her breast. She grinds herself against him teasingly, making him groan from the action. "Do you want me to keep going?"

Theo nod in response.

Akia leaned down to whisper in his ear. "Good night, my love." She pushed his hands down and got back under the covers like nothing happened.

The actions last night did not go unnoticed by Theo. The whole day, he has been thinking of Akia, his thoughts was filled with her and his eyes could not look away from her when she's around.

Multiple times Theo was caught looking at Akia's cleavage; mainly by Akia, and sometimes by George or Quintella and Jalila. Of course Theo didn't care and let his eyes drift there from time to time.

"King Theo is staring again," Quintella informed Akia.

Akia looked across the ball room to see her husband staring towards her while speaking to Duke Francis about war matters. "Let him stare."

A guard walk through the crowd to stand in front of the three lovely women. He bowed in respect before saying: "Queen Akia, there is two woman saying they wanted to speak to you. Lady Margret and-"

"Oh," Akia said cutting the guard off. "Sorry to cut you off, but okay. Can you lead me to them? Quintella and Jalila, enjoy." Akia follows the guard out the ball room and through a door that lead them to the throne room where she saw Lady Margret and a young lady with blonde hair standing in front of the first step that lead up to the thrones.

Once Akia was in their view, they immediately bowed. "Queen Akia, thank for seeing us. This is Lady Katherine another care taker." Lady Margret said before standing up straight.

"It's my pleasure. Is everything alright? Is the children alright?" Akia asked as she sat down on her throne to rest her feet from standing.

Lady Margret nod her head yes. "The children is alright, it's the church that is the problem."

Akia gave them a questionable as she moved to the edge of her seat. "Church?"

"Yes your highness," Lady Katherine finally spoke up. "The church is committing great sin, by making the people pay there way to heaven. The people of the village complain from such actions."

"Indulgence," Akia said. "Have you spoken to the king about this action?"

The both of them shook their heads no.

Akia sighed in understanding, knowing her husband can come off too strong when he speak. "I assure you I will speak with the high priestess about this action. For the mean time, rest and speak to the people about this. Tell them to stop giving the church their earnings."

The two women bowed towards Akia. "Thank you your majesty."

"No reason to thank me." Akia stood on her feet. "Good night." With that Akia walked back through the door to see Theo waiting for her in the halls. "Are you supposed to entertain your guest?"

"Are you supposed to stay in the ball room?" Theo grabbed a hold of her hand.

"Duty calls."

Theo stopped walking, making Akia stop as well. "Leave us," he said referring to the guard whine walked back towards the ball room.

"As much as you want to help the people, do not do this."

"Do what?" Akia's smile dropped once she knew what Theo was getting at. "You over heard us?"

"I wanted to hear how you would handle situations. The church is the one thing we do not step on." Theo warned. "Believe me Akia, my father tried to take all the power from them-"

"I'm not going to take power, I'm trying to make things right and indulgence isn't right. Hopefully you don't do that."

Theo raised an eyebrow at Akia. "Of course not, I'm not stupid nor religious."

Akia eyes widened. "Your not what?!" She said in shock.

"Not r-"

"Your majesties," Quintella ran to them with worry on her face and tears in her eyes. "It's Chander."

"What about Chander?" They both asked in a unison.

"He's gone and so is Jalila.."

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