
By rabzzy

16 0 0

A royal must leave a her empire to journey to the outside wall. Where she must learn to adapt to the lifestyl... More


16 0 0
By rabzzy

I awake from my unconfined slumber
To hear the beating of a lion's heart,
Bitterness of winter's warm touch on the evergreen's Mountain Dew,
Awake the wind whisps to my warm-blooded face ,
Your family has grace to fend from the cold darken spell of the woods,
As death awaits thy precious symbol of light and bright flames surround the last sunlit child to ashes and soet ,
My Mary has less blossomed to the tulip of everheart's magic,
Ignite my tears ignite my fears tear through my heart and soul question thy love as so queer to watch a lover's gem and gold ,
Lanterns give light as the sly slithery of a snake cloaks it's victims beating heart and darkens it soul,
The full moon has risen and thou fate has sunk to the bottomless grave silently awaiting it's next prey to darken the side of the moon once more!

My mother once told me we build a fortress built on the trust of our people even as the noble family we acknowledge the importance of the existence of the people. United we stand,divided we are hopeless sectors may divide our strengths but it is our strengths together that make us powerful.  Five sectors create our empire strength,courage,bravery,honesty and selflessness. This forms our stronghold and thus the might of Arcadia exists. Other empires exist as well ,each one sorted from the most powerful to the least. The emperors and empresses then form the high council. We hold the most power above all as we created lives to which we should adapt . 

Chapter 1:A stronghold

Snow has settled in the icy grounds of Arcadia.I gaze at what was once the spring of winterfell and the pixies that once fluttered throughout its evergreen trees.While I remain at Arcadia's grounds I wish upon a snowflake that peace may be seen throughout our empire and just then I came across a rare blood red orchid which was surrounded by thorns and how I wished to be brave and wise,reaching for the orchid I pricked my finger and so drops of blood fell into the snow and from these two combination a snowdrop sprouted gracefully  .Sun has began to descend and I'm awaited by the guards to return to our stronghold .Running through the kitchen walking briskly past my maidens and finally passing my dear delightful mother the empress Celeste."Cyrilla when will you learn that your place is beside me not flaunting about the castle grounds or meeting with the peasants!"words cannot describe my emotions that how ist I may be reacting this second.My duties are prepared each morn as well as my ladies in wait are sent to by my royal mother to assure that I see to my duties all in good time.At the end of the day I am once again placed in my room as a prisoner to await my next chore.My mother was sure I was under lock and key and it was useless trying to escape the days where I would dream of the first light of dawn.I began a new day being called into the war-chamber I was to see that our fleet was successful  after yet conquering yet another empire.My father was placed on the front line as was my fellow sibblings.In three days time it was said to have my father to return home and so my mother began preparations for the return of the brave soldiers.

Chapter 2:Playtime ends

My eyes shut and my heart twisted in ways never to be possible.I spent countless hours outside the castle doors with my friend Ambrose, son of the lieutenant and right hand man to the emperor."How many days till your 18th birthday Cyrilla  ?",asked Ambrose  ."With all do respect my age is not of your importance ."replied  Cyrilla .Before Ambrose could respond my nanny had discovered I was outside the fort grounds."Her impetuous majesty had requested that I be accompanied to the war chamber."There I was to remain and forcefully in my room to fulfill the duties of a future empress. Once after the discussion of the war my mother had requested that I see to her in the throne room. I ran rather quickly to see to my mother and entered the room to find the general from the front line of the battle.Dripped in blood and seeping with mud from his armor from head to toe.
A depressing atmosphere lifted while I was with grief, I stared at my mother as she wept.My father's
sword had been brought back as evidence of his demise. My fellow siblings had lost their lives in the war. I the only living,breathing heir was left,for the next day I would be crowned empress Cyrilla  of Arcadia empire.

Chapter 3:Death on swift wind

Dawn broke and a new day began my life was now for me to rule as the young,and beautiful empress. That morn I ever so silently wept at my dresser.Drip drop,my eyes were flushed with anxiousness upon my pale white face,as I brushed my golden curls  .The day would not pass until my mother saw me in my gown.I was told not to express my emotions no longer and to do I was told, be a symbol of hope to the people and to fight till my last breath for the people,justice and my stronghold ,my empire.

Chapter 4:Dawns a new age

Sounds of bells,trumpets and music collided to bring the feeling of such an importance atmosphere,my Coronation. Before I knew it I was bathed in golden silk,warm weaves of red royal cotton, a chilling sense of the creased gold chiffon and angels tears of the finest rubies all sewn and decorated together with specks of liquid gold .The bells began to ring the symphony filled the room as did the delightful  smell of finger foods,delicious snacks ,mouthwatering main courses,an island of desserts and a fountain of the finest wine and champagne . All this finely handcrafted each designed so unique and different that not one looked the same. Ahead of me appeared my future ,my reign as empress into the new age. I kneeled before every king and queen,every noblemen throughout the land and of course the once great empress Celeste  my,dear mother.

Chapter 5:Corruption with no introduction  

Once the coronation was over I was forcefully introduced to several noblemen whom which my mother deemed worthy of."Now that you are empress it is now duty to take on a marriage and restore peace to our empire."noted Celeste." Our EMPIRE!!!"shouted Cyrilla ."Mother you are dearly noted to be removed from the council as effective immediately."replied Cyrilla . Horrified of her daughter's remark Celeste stormed off. Dawn fell to dusk and a full moon appeared in the sky to commemorate a delightful celebration,all was well. Meanwhile out in the grounds trouble began to surface. Stabbing wounds and gunshots were heard throughout the stronghold . Our men with all their might rose up to defend the royal family. Maidens screams,babies wailing were heard,I was pulled away from my mother. Tugging at her she handed me her locket , just then an assassin plunged his knife into her abdomen and finally slitting her throat in front of me  . Screaming at the top of my lungs as well as clawing at the walls to be let go. Then there I watched horrifically to see my mother and the maidens massacred and bleed to death  . As I play witness to my people and my mother's death I was rushed to an awaiting helicopter far into the grounds. I was then whisked away. That night,that horrible night I
watched all my ancestors hard work into building what once was a mighty stronghold now has lay siege to a tyrant of a man,General Blackwell of Earthen stronghold . Everything I knew had been taken away from me that very night, my mother,my people,my love and my empire.  I knew someday I would return and have not justice but my vengeance.

Chapter 6:Trip to nowhere

It was an overnight trip to an unknown location ,and I was in grief  ,we descended to a deserted location. I learnt soon discovered that this mysterious location  was once New Orleans .The dark desolate city which has not been inhabited for centuries. Curious to know that this was no secret military base but rather the rebellion.
A couple years back there were few scientific experiments executed to prove on how they could better mankind . It was not too long before the experiments began to get out of hand and so the government had them incinerated. Most of them barely escaped with their lives ,while others like the men were put to the front line of battle,as for every women and child they were to be studied and force into concentrated camps. The rest of the rebellion then went into hiding.

Chapter 7:The rebellion

I was lead to the center of the city a deserted place.Run-down buildings as far as the eye could see,the smell of dry dust surrounded me.The lieutenant then stepped forward. His hands gripped tight,his pulse racing and as he inhaled he let out a rather loud scream to the name of CALUM !!!. Slowly from the shadows stood out a man at the top of a sky scraper. His face was indescribable ,I couldn't believe my eye his face was just astonishing . It was a half bruised and burnt face with a scar across his  black eyes.His eyes were black as ebony wood and hair dark as ash. The left side of his face was perfectly intact . His hair was dark as night and he was undoubtedly the most fierce man I met. From this tall sky scraper he spread black raven feathered wings and slashed against the wind. WHOOSH!! As he landed with a huge thud against the ground it shook as if it were a tremor of an earthquake. He spoke in rather deep voice." I am Calum   ,welcome to the rebellion."

Chapter 8:The colony

We walked the path of broken rubble and a smell of burnt rubber. We were then lead underground to a labyrinth of tunnels. Massive tunnels as far as the eye could see. At the end of the  tunnel I heard a gushing of water it was an underground spring and boy was I parched. Soon after Calum put his hand on my shoulder as he did so I noticed a long bold adjoining tattoo. I could not bring myself to stare into the face that was imperfect ,but then again who am I to judge against my imperfections. He later brought me to a room that hardly had any sunlight,he then stormed off demanding that he had other matters to attend to. My first night was no easy sleep multiple occurrences entered my mind including the massacred of my people and my dear mother,whom I have blamed myself for her demise. A thought occurred to me if only I had been there maybe by chance I would have stood a chance of protecting her,but then I remembered what my mother said,"There maybe times in which you cannot protect the ones you love." There was a question on my mind is it true that my mother was right?
A clear crystal morning dawned,as it's warm rays touched my cold face I was awoken by nature's sunlight.
I later expected to find a dress of some sort instead to my surprise I discovered a black sleeveless vest ,black skinny jeans and combat boots .Along with it were a hunting knife and a 64 caliber.  To my discontent I later discovered that my hair had been shaved off. I screamed in anger.

Chapter 9:Getting into gear

I began my morn while walking throughout the tunnels passing each and every civilian. I was now starving for I had not eaten ,and looking for a guide to assist me and while Calum wasn't around I guess I went wandering out on my own. I soon came across a red-headed girl whom had countless tattoos and piercings. She seem friendly of some sort and so in a mumbling ,tiny voice I politely asked if she could show me where the others eat. Quietly she led me to an open aired mountain that was adjoined to the tunnels. Wheat,vegetables and fruits all the supplies we'll ever need. I then halted and slowly turned around to ask where is Calum ?she then replied that it was none of my concern and walked of. Have you ever felt like the odd one out or you may have felt that you are an outsider ?well this is how felt,the new girl. I sat quietly in the corner eating my breakfast and soon after I was on my way wandering off again.
I then returned to my room at the end of the day and was shocked to find Calum  holding a compound bow."Time for practice princess!",replied Calum .

Chapter 10:Practice makes perfection

Thorin then lead me to the surface where there were several targets in several locations."This is where you going to learn to be one of us princess. " ,instructed Calum." To survive you'll be put through five tests. The first is survival,you will have limited resources to try and last a day on the surface. The second,your hunt put to use of your constructed weapons to salvage some food for yourself as well deciding what food is poisonous and what isn't. Thirdly,bravery to be a quick thinker and face your fears. Fourthly,mentally be smart as you may have limited time. Finally,the elements use them to your advantage against your opponent. Once you complete all five tasks you will be ready for the advanced set. So I bid you farewell and good hunting.  

Chapter 11:Prey to predator

It has been almost a week since I was put to my test. I've been covered in cuts and bruises. I've never been never worse in my entire life. My hunger has been more vulgar than ever. I have not slept for five days and more importantly I do hope I may survive this method of madness. This has made me realize that is in fact the reality that the rebels face on a daily basis. Calum was right how could I survive this? All I know was princess or not I was born not to quit. At night the deformed creatures  came out and with a massive bloodlust they devoured their prey in an instant. This frightened me and so because of this each day I would take refuge in different places,covering my tracks to not be caught.

Chapter 12: I'm a wild one

It was the final day and I discovered that I survived miraculously.  Out of nowhere Calum once again swooped down in front of me and stood with a grin on his face he then quietly chuckled and said,"Well I'm amazed princess,you've managed to complete all five courses in a week."
Before he could end his sentence a 'breeder' spotted us and raised his voice alerting his clan.The fact about breeders is that they were once experiments as well'The first generation of it's kind' they were then locked up due to it's animal carnivorous behavior. I ran as fast as I could but home base was another mile from where we were. "Any ideas?",I suggested. "No time,just trust me and hang on!"demanded  Calum.  Before I knew it we were already  off the land and in the air. I had no time for questions just the fact that we were nearly attacked. Made my heart skip a beat. 

Chapter 13:Home base

I should rather say that we arrived quite safely,but there was no chance of risking it.We then headed down underground to the base. Calum  then led me to the infirmary. "How you feeling?",asked Calum  . "A few cuts and bruises ,but I think I'll live. ",I answered. "Do you this to all your colleagues ?"I asked. "Just the ones that are stuck up. ",he mumbled. "I am not stuck up if anything you're a stick in the mud. ",I said. "There all better. ",responded Calum  ,wrapping the bandage around my leg "Thanks. ",I replied, as we both stared into each other's eyes. Before anything else happened I jumped off the bed and sprinted for the door despite my bloody leg.

Chapter 14: Survival instinct

Back in my cell I could not stop thinking about Ethan   ,yet on the lighter side we did not experience any physical type of romantical interest. That night I had trouble sleeping and all of a sudden the siren went off. It had indicated that there had been a breech in one of the sectors,a 'breeder' had been located in sector G. It was then decided that we had to close off the sector permanently. And just when you think the problem couldn't get any worse the cameras in sector G had been destroyed and somehow the mutants made their way to the power box. Due to this we were trapped in with the breeder. Emergency power grid was up and running but managed to seal off all the sectors,however we made it to the emergency base that goes deep underground ,the good news was that we were safe ,bad news the oxygen levels won't last us long. There wasn't much room in the emergency base so we were divided into groups of two per room. Girls with girls,men with men,however there was one odd one out and by that I mean me and just my luck I was stuck with Calum  . Was this a dream come true?um NO!!! I prayed to let someone else take my place but no one could tolerate Calum. According to the girls Calum was said to be the hottest guy.I walked back to my cell,which was just as untidy as the last one. Never mind that I sat on my bed and reached for my heart-shaped locket which actually had my family photo in it and so was Ambrose  photo which was in here.  I couldn't stop thinking how much I missed them all of them including Ambrose.

Chapter 15: Change of heart

That night I felt uneasy I could not sleep and apparently neither could Calum. I awoke and found Calum to be absent from the room,so I quietly stepped out on to the cold hard floor and followed the sounds from the training room. I then peered through the key hole. What I then saw was whiplashes on his back along with his bold adjoining tattoo,I slowly pushed the door open and walked towards Calum with caution until he could feel my heart racing and the gentle touch of my hand on slowly connecting with his tattoo on his back. Just as I got to his lower back he quickly grabbed my hand and so with my left hand I slowly reached up from his firm chest to his scarred eye. At that second I held my breath as we kissed. As I felt his strong arms around my waist and as he brought me closer to his toned body. I could feel his beating heart as of mine as well. Our bodies were then intertwined as were our hearts.

Chapter 16: Intertwined

The next day I awoke and saw no sign of Calum  ,it then raised questions. Was It a dream  ? Where did he go? I didn't have much time so ran hastily to the main sector, I then found Calum but to his discontent he did not want to speak with me. I then played along. Later I found myself walking to the infirmary as my attendance was requested,as I reached my destination I was suddenly grabbed at my arm and pulled in,the door was then shut and as I turned around I noticed that it was Calum . "What is it you want from me obviously I was terrible last night. ",I answered. "What?",replied Calum. "Nothing ",I replied. "Doc needs us",replied Calum .

Chapter 17: Plan of action

Shortly thereafter I awoke in my cell shortly thereafter an instantly snagged my black vest and laced up my combat boots. Quiet as a mouse I gripped my gear and weapons and quietly crept out of the cell. I headed to the main base where I met up with the rest of the crew. It wasn't long till Calum showed up and in a moment of weakness I then scurried out. I then noticed that the red light was flashing and it wasn't long before the siren sounded. Calum then lead us up to sector G and then eventually the surface. It wasn't clear to us that we'd be expecting a gang of 'breeder' at once. At that point we immediately ran for cover. Somehow I managed to secure a safe place,then barricaded myself into my little shelter. The sun began to set and fog  rose. I sat in my crevice hearing the screams of my fellow colleagues ,but  then what was I to do? I then peered through a tiny peephole and discovered a shadowed figure approaching. As it ascended I found it to be Ambrose . Immediately I fled towards Ambrose  and threw my arms around him.

Chapter 18 : Being humane

"Stop!!!",I yelled and  pulled away. In an instant I spotted a breeder. "Run!!!" ,I screamed. Grabbing Ambrose  and swiftly running as fast as we could trying to make it back to the base. I then saw the base ahead ,then and there I decided fling Ambrose into the opening before it could close. He  successfully reached it in time unlike me , whom did not. There was no time my first instinct was to get away from the breeders. I ran as fast as I could until I came across a run down library. I then approached it with caution and finally barricaded myself inside  which is what I might say was a mistake. I didn't have time to hide due to the breeders banging on the door and not realizing that behind me was another breeder. It's fowl breath wreaked of death,it's smell was killer as were it's sharpened teeth and snake like tongue. It's keen senses were outstanding as they could smell blood a mile away. Suddenly it drew it's sharp claws and it's sharpened teeth. I quickly ran for cover. Forgetting that a breeder can hear your heartbeat as well I crouched under a desk. Unaware of its approach my heart could not stop racing neither could my pulse. It then pounced on me holding my arms down while drinking away my blood eventually I managed to escape ,but not fast enough for it to draw it's poisonous claws and drive them through my back.

Chapter 19: Damsel in distress

I waited for several hours till I was rescued ,by then the breeder had left and I'd been hanging by thread or whatever was left of my life. I slowly shut my eyes , as I closed my eyes I heard Calum  bust through the door along with Ambrose  and the rest of the crew. Calum rushed to my side trying effortlessly to carry me to safety. Barely awake,my sight was a blurred vision with echoed voices to match. My senses poor and I drained from blood. No time for the infirmary I was rushed to the abandoned hospital where doc and the crew tried their utmost to save my life , struggling for a gasp of air , I was put onto life support as the oxygen levels began to drop. Doc found it meaningless to carry forward  and so none could save the empress ,in a heartbeat breeders crawled in a whole crowd. More and more just followed in. The scent of 'royal blood ' brought them gushing in.  Weapons ready! yet Ambrose  and everyone else was being avoided. No harm came to them strangely. The breeders gathered around my dead corpse , while Calum refused to let them lay a hand on me. Doc immediately set out to make sure that everybody returned to the base safely. Calum  found it difficult to let go , while doc had made the assumption of my death to Calum  it did not matter at all.

Chapter 20:Going deep into your mind.

Although my eyes remained shut,there was a constant feeling that I had. It was as if venom was spread throughout my entire body. The burning sensation was too much to handle , it was as if I was being consumed by evil my mind went dark immediately. Everything I loved was as if to say erased from me. All of sudden the lights began to flicker , my golden curls turned dark as night , my skin turned pale white and finally I opened my eyes that were  grey , as if to say all the color from my life has been erased from existence all except my blood red lips.

Chapter 21: Reborn in darkness

Shortly after the lights began to flicker , furniture began float into the air and ravens flew crashing into the window , glass began to break and just then it all stopped. Calum  slowly walked towards me armed and  ready. My eyes slowly reverted from grey to black , just pitch black staring into nothing.
I was no longer alive but I was not dead either. I was caught in the mid of life. I no longer knew where I stood on the scale of life. All I knew is that I was the new queen of the breeders and yet strangely I did not crave human blood so just maybe I was still humane. Half human and the other half of me was a breeder.
I later awoke with hunger pains that I had no choice but to leave with the breeders and never return to the base.

Chapter 22: First hunt

Through the snow I caught my first prey. It was not easy. My first night it was dreadfully cold but then again I was dead. That night I came across a bunny ,and immediately set into action, in no time the bunny was in the grasp of my hands. I looked away as I ate my meal. I didn't say this wasn't gory. From a well mannered lady to a uncivilized beast. But what still hurt was that I was heart broken and being away from the one I cared deeply about made hurt even more. It was as if I was being murdered over and over again.  Yet this still made me happy, two things firstly is that although dead I could feel my emotions and secondly there was a part of me that knew I was still alive, which gave me hope.

Chapter 23:  Blood and tears

As I progressed through with the hunts,my clan took me to the ultimate test to sacrifice or be sacrificed. I couldn't say no so I went  on using a secret passageway I crept into the base. Moving stealthily from office to cubicle and finally passing Calum's room I peered through the keyhole only to find him with that red-head girl. I didn't know how to respond or feel all I knew is that I had to let go off that life. The truth was that I could let go ,but could the one I love let me go after all we been through. I just couldn't bare the pain it was too much and that's when I shut off my emotions. The one I cared for was now the enemy of my clan and most importantly me!

Chapter 23: Eaten or not to be eaten

In that time I realized I don't need no guy ,I am a queen ,I was born royalty. At that point I sent my minions to do my bidding. To kidnap the red-headed girl.
When we were discovered we made a break for it. While my minions were dragging her unconscious body. I faced off with Calum.  "I don't know you anymore Cyrilla ",stated Calum. That's because I've evolved into the alpha,and my name is no longer Cyrilla,it's Demi and you are dead to me. ",replied Cyrilla .  Besides you never knew the true me. "Return Emily and leave now Cyrilla or Demi or whatever. ", demanded Calum
"I can't do that Calum ,my clan demands a sacrifice. "
And just as that I vanished into the sunset before Calum's very eyes

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