Shattered ice (Percy Jackson...

By Jedi_Joanna

220K 5.6K 2.3K

Percy Jackson a orphan buried in grief at the loss of his mother. He never knew about his father, nor cared... More

To Feel Grief
To Feel Aching
To Feel Overwhelming
To Feel Determination
To Feel Weary
To Feel Calm
To Feel a Calling
To Feel Panic
To Feel Content
To Feel Conflicted
To Feel Shattered
To feel nostalgic
To feel annoyed
To Deal with a brat
To deal with a amnesiac and a introvert
To deal with the wise
To deal with the insane
To Feel Fed Up
To Feel A Happy Ending

To Feel Forgiveness

10K 295 144
By Jedi_Joanna

This chapter is dedicated to



(From wattpad)







-AT 14 HE AND THE SEVEN DEFEATED GAEA (he fell in Tartarus alone)

Also, I might take a page or two from Terri Hood (Wattpad). I do not own Percy Jackson or Marvel.

On with the story!

Percy's P.O.V

Percy dream of his mother.

He was in second grade and he was waiting on a seat in the office.

He had a black left eye and a couple of cuts, his mother rushed in and scanned the room.

Percy tried to look smaller so his mother wouldn't notice, but to no avail.

His mother rushed to his side and examine his face, her mother mode turned on to the full extend.

"Percy what-"

"Mrs. Jackson."

Percy's mom turned to see the principle, a woman with brown hair in a pony tail. And high heels that made a clicking noise when walking down the halls.

"Principle Kayela, what happen to Percy. Who did this to him." The principle smiled sadly and gestured Percy's mom inside her office.

Percy rocked in his chair, ADHD acting up, until finally his mother walked out of the door and briskly took Percy's backpack and gently grabbed percy's shoulder while bring him outside the school.

Once Percy sat in the back of the car Sally sat silently in the front, it was a quiet trip home.

Boy did he mess up this time, Percy thought to himself.

Once they got to the apartment I leaned against the wall looking anywhere but my mom's eyes.

"Percy look at me" mom said in a firm voice.

I slowly meet my mom's disappointed eyes, "Percy you had two more months why couldn't you just stay out of trouble. Do you know how hard it is to having to find a new school, for you every years. Sweetheart please tell what's bothering you."

I looked down in shame and felt tears gather in my eyes, "Percy look at me".

I couldn't look at mom, I shook my head.

"Perseus Jackson look at me when I am speaking to you" mom said in a frustrate tone.

I felt a rush of anger, not at mom but at the... Stupid school.

I couldn't stand it any more, I raced past mom and Into my room slamming it shut. I landed on my bed and started to sob, I couldn't help it.

Why is life so unfair!

Mom didn't come in until it was time for dinner, I had my face in my pillow. I still was too ashamed to look at mom.

"Percy, honey you have to eat. I made some pasta.

I could smell the said food and heard mom put it on my nightstand, I got up slowly sitting in bed and ate with my head down, still avoiding my mom's glaze.

When I finished I put it back on the nightstand and rested my head on my mother's shoulder.

My mom never pushed me when I got in trouble, she would wait for me to tell.


"Hm" hummed mom.

"Am I a bastard?"

My mom stiffen and faced me looking me in the eye before saying, "no honey don't you believe that for a moment. You daddy and I got married then we had you."

I casted my eyes down "I know, I just wanted to make sure"

"Is that why you got into a fight In school?" Mom questioned.

"No I was walking away, they were calling me names but I payed them no mind then... Then one of them called you.. A slut.... I just got so mad and I tackled him, the kicked him, then bite him..."

My mom was silent, "did they gang up on you"

I nodded.

My mom stood up and said "I'll call the school and-"

"No mom!" I shrieked, I was never really was treated right by others in that school, maybe the next would be better.

"I didn't like that place that much anyway mom"

she sighed and said, "do you need help with your homework percy?"

I nodded.

That night we spend time together, trying our best to read the homework.

I felt myself wake up, my stomach growling for the lack of food I've been eating.

I tossed to the side to find me wrapped in in a blanket, I untangled myself and immediately notice that I was not in my room.

I tried to remember what happen, talking to Hazel.... Then Nico.... Then... Oh my god.

I jump up to my feet and spun around in the room expecting the man to be anywhere. He knew magic and he's .... My biological father.

I could not see him anywhere, I decide that this was my best chance in running. If I see Nico again now I am most defiantly going to wring his neck.

I raced to the door and was about to open it when it already open, and slammed into my face.

For a brief moment I saw star and backed up before falling backwards.

That man caught me with wide eyes, "Percy so sorry I didn't see you, are you okay? Are you hurt?"

I brushed him off and backed up, "why did Nico bring me to you, how do you know him!"

"I merely convinced him" the man said calmly.

"Explain, I want a full story of where you been" I demanded, I was sick and tired (also hungry) of not knowing what's going on.

"My name is Loki and I am asgardian... Well I'm actually jotun"

My dad's an alien, but why have I heard the name Loki before? That's when I remember.

"You attacked New York and tried to take over the world."

I waited for him to deny it, he never denied it.

He send those THINGS and one of them killed mom.

I felt a rush of anger towards him and his stupidly calm face, I stepped forward with a glared and punched him in his face.

I felt disgusted, my dad is responsible for my mother's death.

I raced out of the room and saw stairs, I started to come down them quickly hoping for a exist that would pop up.

Just when I had to skip two more leaps down the stairs I was tackled from behind, but my face did not reach to floor. Loki caught me.

I struggles to get out of his grip, No by the fates I can't be related to him I just can't!

"Percy, PLEASE let me explain."

I didn't want to listen to his lies, maybe it was a misunderstanding, maybe Loki really wasn't his dad.

But I felt it deep in myself, Loki is my dad. I'm a son of loki.

The facts came crashing down, my world thrown from under me, I just collapsed and felt tired. I felt so... worn out, I just didn't want to deal with this, but the sooner I did the easier it'll get... right?

Loki was trying to help me but to know avail. I steeled up and got up slowly, pushing away his helping hand and his slightly hurt face and walked up back upstairs.

If we were really going to do this then we are going to do it in my terms, I thought to myself as I headed to the kitchen.

Loki stood by the side uncertain to what I was doing, I lifted my head up towards him but couldn't bring myself to look at him (we look so damn alike!).

"Lets get this over with, but I really didn't eat since yesterday at breakfast so if I don't eat then I might die of hunger."

I cast a glance and saw Loki nod, with a tug of a smile at my lame attempt to get rid of the building tension.

I open the fridge and took some eggs, Loki picked it up and examine it before smiling (like he remembered something funny). I made us both eggs and toasted up some bread as well, I figured a super villain like Loki wouldn't know how to cook.

Once we were eating breakfast I stared at my dad, I really couldn't help it. I should be yelling at him and maybe even beating him up, but sadly I knew that was of no use he was a God and I really can't win against that (if he was mortal I would've totally done that).

Without knowing my hand crept to my neck for reassurance that the charm would protect me from his magic.

I found nothing rest against my neck, Loki noticed and gave me my charm back. I wasted no time in putting it back, then I said "okay explain".

So Loki explained, he said and talked about how he meet my mother and how he thought his brother Thor was not ready to be king, about how he had to leave for a long time but promised my mom he would return. Then things escalated, he had a life crises and attempted suicide by falling in a void. Then he meet a being named thanos, some purple Titan who was most definitely not the buff Cupid god I met. He was tortured and eventually agreed to sever thanos seeing that his brother Thor didn't try to rescue him. Loki explained how thanos found out about my mother (but not me) and said if Loki failed thanos minions would kill my mother. Some guy called 'the other' had Loki under slight influence but it was taken out when the hulk smashed Loki around.

In fear of thanos punishment towards his wife Loki did not mention thanos in his trial and was sentenced to prison for life.

But after he helped Thor and faked his death he found out the truth and Loki explained about how Nico let a slip on how I was my mother's only son.

And that lead to all the event now.

I didn't know how to reacted, compare to his life he went to that same kind of schism I went through.

What was I supposed to do I was all my dad had left, so yeah blame my forgiving natural or my flaw but I got up and hugged my dad.

He was surprise at first but the hugged me tightly as well, heck I knew something crazy was going to happen but I just want to spend time with my dad. All the years of hatred towards him just disappeared, and all of a sudden I didn't hate my dad.

I dragged my dad out in what looked like the living room and just sat down in front of him.

He looked confused, the I stated "let's just ignored the big drama that's bound to happen now and I... Well I want to... Hear stories of you and my mom"

He smiled and said

Loki's P.O.V

"Well before we went... Um... Became boyfriend and girlfriend your mother had such humor. She would sometimes teach me how the mortal world works but through very strange methods.

I took a deep breath before I could spin my tale

I was fuming mad, Thor and his friends once again 'jest' on how my magic was just tricks.

Don't get me wrong I care for my brother dearly but he can lots of times frustrate me to no end.

I was ranting about my terrible morning to Sally who was in front of a screen with a video game controller.

At one point Sally stated "so are you angry, sad, confused?"

I put some thought into that, "I don't know"

"Ahh" Sally said as if she understood, "so like a roller coaster of emotion"

I froze the turned towards her, "...roller coaster"

One thing soon lead to another and I found myself in a empty amusement park with Sally.

"So?" Sally questioned, "what do you think?"

I looked around noticing how empty this place is, "it seems dull... And abandoned"

"Naw I just begged triton to have to place empty, so let's ride a roller coaster!"

I was slightly curious too see how the roller coaster related to my life.

I got into a cart next to Sally who sat down next to me, there was this girl near the control panel.

"Who is this lady?" I questioned.

"Demigod friend, her mom is a minor so it's easy to live a simple life"

Ten seconds later after Sally brought the bar down and buckled up (I did as well) the cart moved.... But it was incredibly slow moving up the hill.

"Well this defiantly explains how I feel" I sarcastically stated as we went near the top, "I mean really I was starting to think you mortals-" whatever I said was cut off when the cart move fast down the steep hill.

I heard Sally scream (in excitement), then I heard myself scream (in fear sadly). I mean who wouldn't, I was tossed to the side of my seat when it did a titled loop. I thought I was going to get thrown out by the force and speed and my mind was completely blank.

This all lasted for about four minutes then we came to a stop to where we and me shakily got up and walked out, the girl that was at the controls was at the bottom of the steps to the roller coaster, she handed Sally a paper and made a move to leave.

Sally cracked a smile and showed me the paper which was a picture of a moment when we were on the roller coaster. we were clinging on each other scream our heads off.

I couldn't help it, I let out a laught.

Sally allowed me to keep the picture and we walked back to her apartment.

"Okay then what?" My son asked, I frowned a bit "that's it".

He shrugged and then said "you just rode a roller coaster, mom already told me that story when I was little. No offense but that was pretty boring"

"Oh yeah" I challenged, "do you have a better one"

Percy froze as if debating something important in his mind, "yeah, but it's pretty long".

"I got time"

So Percy talked, I immediately realized that he was talking about what happen in his life, his words sometimes rushed (which meant he was not use to telling people this).

But as he got older his life seem to only get tougher, my heart broke as he expressed his pain that he was too scared to bring to his mom in fear of worrying her too much.

Then he stopped when he was trying to save his best friend annabeth from near a pit called Tartarus.

"Umm, I think I want to stop there"

Alarms were set off in my head, something happen there that hurted Percy. But Percy clearly did not want to talk about it, I was about to demand that he tell me when I noticed tears gather in his eyes as he looked at a wall with interest. I don't know what overcame me in that moment but I found myself once again embracing my son. He buried his head in my shoulder and tried to cry without noise. I understood that he might be a little embrassement so I looked away.

I just started to realize how broken my family is, is it too broke now?

But Whatever is happening I know that at the end of the day I had one clear intention and that is protecting percy's life and keeping him safe.

But in order to do that I have to make sure my enemy does not find out I faked my dead.

Because that last thing I want is the mad Titan hurting my son.

A.n- another chapter done. Okay guys so sorry that I updated late, what happen was I was going to update on Sunday but then when I open my doc everything was deleted. Nothing is more sad then having to rewrite the same chapter. Then as I started to write I had to stop to work on projects and test for my mid finals. Then I had to move my room to a different room and my house is getting repainted to wifi has to be turned off when painting some rooms. So this week is absolute mayhem, but next week is my finals so next week chances are I am not going to update, so I am really sorry.

Tell me if you like it or not




Question of the day- ummm.... Let's see.... In the book sea of monsters what animal is Percy turned into.

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