Bermuda Triangle


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'A Hunter Hayes, Dan + Shay, Katie Cassidy, Brett Eldredge, and Thomas Rhett FanFiction' Highest Rank 335 in... More

Bermuda Triangle
We Both Got The Job
Sea Jokes
Face Down
We'll Find Her Don't Worry
Sense Of Longing
What I Would
The Break Up Bite
Finding Home Sweet New
The Rules
Your Eyes Tell Me More Of A Different Story
Sorry Space Girl
A Feeling
If I Have To Wait My Whole Entire Life For One Kiss
Sleeping With Another Rock
Is He?
The Waterfall
I Prayed
Luggage Paradise
Search Of Words
For What I Remember
Silent Night
Screams Left In The Dark
Author's Note
Grow Up
The Hornet Nest Didn't Fall Far From The Apple Tree
Being Gleamful Are For The Weakful
I Can Hear Her Heart Break
Secrets Revealed Of A Heartbroken Girl
Flowers In The Water
Of The Now
Things That Go Bump In The Night
Everything Changes
Answer Me!
Never Have I...
Something Is Coming
I Haven't Done Much Healing
More Liquor And Heartache
The Craze From Within
He Saw A Queen
How Can You Look At Me
A Bundle
Goodbyes Are Hard When You Are Losing Everything
Talking Only Makes It Worse
A Promise Worth Keeping
Visits From An Unwanted Guest
Babies Bring People Slightly Closer and Slightly Further Apart
Burden That Will Never Be Surpriseful
Pray Like Dan
Memories Of A Once Recovered Man

The Man In The Moon

73 7 4

"I'm not a praying man... I pray when I can and lately I haven't been praying as much as I should be.. I'm sorry.. God I don't know how much longer I can make it. I don't feel well.. My heart hurts to the point where it makes it hard to breath.. She is back again and I thought you would send her away.. How much more praying and believing can I do before you cast her away?.. My brother's a good man I know he is deep down he didn't ask for her he didn't want her. He just got caught into it. Like a fly falling into a spider's web. I know he is a good man.. I know he is.. He is scared I can tell.. Katie is the only thing that keeps him sane. I try very hard to be there for him but we are getting to the point where we are fading away. I love my brother I would do anything for him and you might know that by now for the things I confessed to you long ago.."

Dan sat by a bush in the forest he was by himself it was just breaking dawn Vega was sleeping in the water she got a fever late last night so Shay and Brett are watching over her. Dan leaned his forehead against a black Bible and tears stained his cheeks.

"We didn't ask for our demons, we don't ask for sickness, we sure as hell didn't ask for this. I don't know if this is test or if I'm passing it or not.. And I'm trying hard not to lose my faith.. If I lose my faith what else will I have? I won't have anything.. I lost my faith in my brother.. I have lost my faith in Guthrie, Brett, Tigeress, Thomas, Katie, Ellfie, and Hunter.. even Vega at this point in time.. I have lost it all sir and I don't want to lose mine in you.. Please God don't let me lose it in you too. I just can't... Please just show me a sign that you're at least watching over us please.. That's all I ask.. Just please something to tell me that my life isn't all for nothing. I'm feeling like it is.. I don't want to die a non believer and I don't want to die saying you didn't keep me going all these years because you did. You are the only one who was there for me. Especially after what Millie did to Aly.. and Samantha you gave me the strength then... I need you to do it again.. A little bit would go a long way with me you know that. I know you help the ones that help themselves but I got no more strength and you know I only pray when I have no where else to turn. I have seen things in my life that no one should be seeing. I have done things I'm not so proud of. That I know you are not so proud of... And I'm sorry for that.. But he is my brother and he needed my help.. You can send me to hell and I would walk it with my head held high for my brother. I know it might be wrong of me to do so.. But you gotta see why I do it every single time... I don't do it because I want to.. I have too. It has always been just me and my brother and I never asked for anything more or less. But I need to ask you for something more... I need some strength.. PLEASE!! Please.. I just need a little bit.. Just a tiny bit will get me a long way. A very long way... That's all I ask for.. You know I don't ask for anything unless I'm getting close to giving up.. I am asking for help because I don't want to die.. I'm not ready..." he stood up and he wiped away his tears and his grip around his Bible became greater and he looked up at me with a smile. He seemed surprised to see me standing there. "I'm not ready to die yet Hunter but I was this morning. Sometimes a little praying is all it takes to be a different man."

"Do you feel like dying now?" I asked.

"No.. I got my strength back."

"And what if you didn't?"

"I would be sitting here still praying..."

"Vega needs you, you know?"

"She doesn't need me Hunter.. No one needs me here.. You all would be ok if I died tomorrow..."

"Dan without you we would have all died a long time ago. And Vega she would have died just hours after Guthrie did.. You do a lot more for us then you realize." I grabbed him by his tee shirt and I pushed him up against the tree. "So don't ever think about just giving up because boy you are the only one that is making me keep my faith, my strength, my saneness. So Dan please don't lose because I need you. Out of everyone here I need you.. Promise me you won't give up on yourself, us, or God... Promise me boy!! Please just promise me."

"I promise Hunter.. I promise."

"Please." I leaned my head against his shoulder and his head did the same. I felt the tears roll down my cheeks and I breathed in trying to bite back all the sobs.

"I'm sorry.. I'm ok now... I believe.."

"You better Goddamn believe."

"Sometimes you gotta have a little faith to fall back on."

"You better fall hard then..."

"I'm ok... I believe.. I believe. I believe."

"Good because I need you Dan.. I need you."

"Then you got me.. Hunter you got me."

"Do you have Vega?"

"To my very last breath I have her."

"Then don't think about losing faith because you will always have it."

"Yes sir."

"You should go to her." I told him as I looked up at him, he was smiling. He looked stronger and brighter not at all like he was just minutes ago.. He got his faith back and that could change a man.

"How is she?"

"Far as I can tell it is just a fever.. But she is scared that she caught whatever her brother got.. Who knows if she did."

"How could she catch something that Guthrie had when I think that was forever ago."

"She could have went to the spot he caught it from or where he died."

"It wouldn't be there."

"Germs just don't go away Dan they will live a lot longer than what we will.. I doubt she has it but we need to keep our distance from her to keep it from spreading."

We walked home in silence he was thinking hard and he clenched the Bible close to his chest. He seemed ok. His mind was back to little ole Dan.. The man I met forever ago not the man who took over. The man that took over was long gone and real Dan was here to stay. I could see the others just up ahead and Dan looked at me.

"Hunter I will live till my brother's threat is still alive I would never go and leave you with her.. You know who I am talking about she's dangerous she's been following my brother ever since I could remember. My brother tries to keep her together but he doesn't have faith he stopped praying long ago.. Hunter, Shay's a good man I know he is. He just lost his faith that's all. He wasn't like this before he just lost his faith but before I die I will restore it once again.. And before I die I will find a way to free my brother from the evil that lies within and around him. There is nothing I would not do for him and that includes lying to you guys and that means Vega too.. But you already know that.. You also know what really happened to Tigeress. You know who Millie is, the girl with the long devil red hair. Hunter I like you so I'm warning you don't let her catch you... Don't let her kiss you.. Run as fast as you can from her and don't look back. You think Lucifer is the Devil and hell he might be but you don't know Devil till you met her. Face to face. I grew up with her.. So listen to me because if I tell you to run then you run and you don't stop. Don't ever stop." he looked up at the moon and smiled brightly. "And Hunter tell anyone about her I'm sorry but I will I will..." he looked at me losing his smile. "I wouldn't have the guts.. We have to become a better man at some point. So Hunter just don't tell anyone if you do I can't help you.. She.." he grabbed me by the shirt and he whispered in my ear. "She'll eat you." he quivered with his every word. "Don't let her get close to you."

He turned around and called out for Vega her head popped up from the water and she smiled it was weak but that was all it took for him to start running to her.

"DAN!!" I called out. "SHE'S WILL GET YOU SICK!!"

"Then she will!" he yelled back.

I sat as I watched him kneeled into the water next to her he kissed her forehead as he pushed her hair back. She threw up in his lap and all he did was pat her head and back.

He has a good soul. It's bright white coursing through him...

I woke up to yelling in the middle of the night I turned over trying to pinpoint where it was coming from. I stood up becoming dizzy I regain my balance and I looked at the dark semi-circle forming around the water it was closed tight and I couldn't tell who was who. I walked slowly and I tripped over something hitting my face hard into the sand I looked to see what I had tripped over. Brett lied there "Abv Abb Abg Abt Abe Abh Abt Abs Abd Abk." he repeated over and over and over again quickly he never stumbled over his words never stopped to breath. "We are all going to die.. I wonder who is it going to be.." he chuckled as he grabbed at his hair pulling. "Abv Abb Abg Abt Abe Abh Abt Abs Abd Abk... I wonder who is it going to be." he sang and I looked up as I heard.

"COME ON!!" It was Dan's voice.

"Abv Abb Abg Abt Abe Abh Abt Abs Abd Abk.... Is it going to be you or me?" Brett sang again and I grabbed at his hands pulling them away from his hair. He grabbed me pulling me and slamming me down. "Abv Abb Abg Abt Abe Abh Abt Abs Abd Abk Abv Abb Abg Abt Abe Abh Abt Abs Abd Abk. Who is it going to be next?"

"BRETT!!" I yelled out. He slammed me into the sand harder and he cried as he did so.

"She.. meant.. everything.. to.. me! But.. she.. didn't.. care.. so.. Why.. do.. I!?"

His hands were ripped off of my shoulders and Thomas looked down at me he held out his hand and I grabbed it. He helped me up and I looked at him. "All kind of hell is happening tonight." he told me.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"See for yourself." he pointed to the dark semicircle and I took a step forward I looked back at Thomas as he sat next to Brett who was sitting like I found him. In a ball and saying the same letters and words over and over again.

"Abv Abb Abg Abt Abe Abh Abt Abs Abd Abk. Who is it gonna be? Abv Abb Abg Abt Abe Abh Abt Abs Abd Abk. Is it going to be you or me?"

I walked closer to the semicircle. "She's gone man.. You tried." it was Shay's voice I listened to as I took another step forward. "You just gotta stop trying.. She's gone.. There's nothing more you can do."

I looked over Katie's shoulder to see Dan drenched in water and so was Vega who lied not moving. Not a sound came from her, her chest didn't rise she was still as a rock.

Dan's hands pressed against her chest and he started counting when he was done counting he opened her mouth and breathed into it. He did the same process almost in tune with Brett mutters.

"Dan just let her go.. She's dead.." Shay told him he took a step forward and Dan looked at him. I could see the reflection of the fire deep within his eyes and he growled under his breath. "Come on Dan it's ok.. She will be ok."

Dan stood up and grabbed his brother pulling him into the ocean and Katie looked at me. We froze as we watched sickness wash over us.

"You son of a bitch with that crazy red head. This is your fault.." Dan told him.

"Dan calm down. You're upset it's ok to be." Shay said as he grabbed at his brother's arm and Dan pushed his brother's head under the water.

"Your bitch ruined my life. I'm sick and tired of playing games. I ain't playing them anymore." Shay's fingernails scratched at his brother's arm leaving a trail of blood going down them within every moment they became weaker. Dan brought him back up and grabbed his hair. "Do you hear me I ain't playing. She killed everyone that I love.. Including you brother.. You lost it long ago.. And I'm sick and tired of you taking me down with you. I'm here because of you. They are here because of you. Guthrie, Tigeress, and Vega are dead because of you.. You fucking son of a bitch I hope you rot in hell with your devil for the rest of your piss poor life." Dan pushed him under the water again and Shay's hand went up to Dan's eyes he stretched all the way down to his cheek bone and Dan brought him up.

"Dan.. Dan.. Please stop." Shay told him. "Please this isn't like you."

"How would you know?"

"Because you're just upset. And I get it."

"I want to be just like my big brother Shay.." he laughed and Katie took a step back like she was almost afraid of him. "What you don't like my new and approved attitude? What? I can't follow into my big brothers footsteps?"

"Dan.. Dan listen to me."

Dan pushed him under the water again and I heard the loud gurgle sound Shay produce. "I am not a responsible man anymore. I don't listen to people who are liars.. Who chooses a girl over his own blood." Dan brought him back and Shay coughed.

"Dan.. Dan the things I do are to protect you.."

"Well you can shove it up your ass." he pushed him under the water again and Ellfie ran up to us bumping into me.

"Dumbass, why are you guys just standing there?" Ellfie yelled over his shoulder as he jumped into the water and he grabbed at Dan. Dan pushed him off and Shay came up.

"I told you Shay that I didn't want to run no more. I told you a long ago that it was me or her and you chose her. For a long time I was ok with that. I was ok with you choosing a girl over blood..... But the one fucking time I fall. I fall completely and look where I am. I'm on island because of a redheaded girl who decided to break through the bow of the boat. But that wasn't good enough for her so she broke the bilge but that wasn't good enough either so she stopped the blade. I fall one time and I am on an island in the middle of nowhere where two things are keeping me going. My faith and Vega. No I guess I only have one thing keeping me going now. Don't I? And people might find it sad to think that the person that didn't keep me going was my brother. My own flesh and blood." he held his brother under the water again and Ellfie grabbed at Dan's shirt but Dan seemed too far gone already to even try to stop. "The one time I choose a girl over blood this is what I get. You choose Millie time and time again. You will choose her over me to the day you die but nothing ever happens to you. It is me who must always suffer. But no I am going to make sure you are going to do the suffering tonight."

Ellfie grabbed at Dan's shirt again and pulled "Come on Dan!" he yelled. "Her fever was too high there is nothing we could have done. Go for a walk cool down.. Get your hands off of him!!" Ellfie punched Dan in the side of the head and Dan jerked to the side but he didn't lose his grip on his brother. "Dan you're killing him."

"Good." Dan told him.

"You don't mean that."

"I do. I really do."

"Let go of him.. It will be ok."

"None of this is alright."

"Let him go."

Dan seemed to be losing his grip slightly and Shay came up coughing. Dan clocked him in the jaw and held his arms from leashing out. Shay's face told me everything I needed to know. His brother was his everything. Dan was the stable one he leaned into Dan when he didn't have faith. "MILLIE!" Shay called out as he bite into his brother's arm and Dan punched him in the throat.

A loud gasp came inches away from my feet and I looked down as Vega made choking sounds her eyes were open and filled with fear. I kneeled down quickly and I turned her to her side. Water fall from her mouth and her breathing thicken and she held onto her chest where Dan's hands once were.

Ellfie yanked at Dan's tee shirt but he too seem to lose hope. He took off his belt and he strapped it around Dan's neck he pulled till Dan loosened his grip on Shay. "It's ok Dan.. We get it.. Settle down."

Shay stood up and he looked down at his brother. "I always thought we were stronger." Shay simply told him.

Dan's eyes flashed with anger as he breathed heavily. He grabbed at the belt that was fasten around his throat.

"GUYS!!" I yelled as I found my voice. "Vega."

Dan's head whipped around and he looked in my direction his face soften as Vega moved onto her back. Her eyes closed as Dan pushed Ellfie's hands off of the belt and he ran to Vega leaving a trail of sand behind him. Vega smiled with her eyes closed as Dan sat next to her. Tears fell from his eyes and landed on her forehead her eyes opened and she wiped the tears away from his eyes. She undid the belt that was still around his neck and handed it to me. Dan grabbed her pulling her up into sitting position and he held her close his sobs became louder as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I told you Dan that I wasn't going to leave you." Vega told him as she ran her fingers through his dark brown hair.

Ellfie took a deep breath as he tapped my shoulder I looked at him and I handed him his belt.

Shay looked at his brother and then at the ground "Dan I didn't mean for any of this to happen."

"Shay you let this all happen.." Dan told him.

"Dan I'm sorry." Shay's eyes filled with tears and he fell into the sand "I'm so sorry.." he cried. "I tried.. I tried so hard... I'm sorry.."

"I can never forgive you Shay.. From this day forward you're not my brother whatever you do or have done it's on you.. Maybe this is the strength God gave me... To say goodbye to the men you used to be and to accept the man you are today. I'm taking that strength a step forward today and I'm saying goodbye. You won't hurt me anymore. Your whore tries to hurt my people I will find a way to kill her. You come anywhere here Vega, Shay you are going to wish you didn't. You come near me I'm going to make you wish you died on that boat."

"Dan.. Dan..." Shay pleaded as Dan stood up picking Vega up bridal style and he walked around Shay. "Dan please."

"You can go fuck yourself Shay. I'm done." 

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