Abigail's Journey

By Lawson_5

594 87 0

Abigail's her worthless mother and stepfather, have decided to move her to Ohio, but her world gets rocked wh... More

Coming To Ohio
A Fresh Start
Baby Steps
First Date
Welcome To Milford
Day Off
Naughty, Naughty
A Family Thing
Ready to Perform
The Real Me
I Want More
Dad Needs You
Demand Respect
We Need To Talk
Taking Care Of You
Rejected Again
I Saw You
We're Not Siblings
In A Relationship
Making Plans
I Said No
Don't Touch Me!
We're Friends
Let's Hang Out
Fix It
Still Skittish
I'm Trying
I'm Not Gonna Change
The Boyfriend and the Ex
The Monthly Monster
Don't Touch Her!
Emergency Surgery
Stay Off Your Feet
Healing Time
Party Planning
Serious Talk
How Could You Forget ?!
DNA Results
Time For Court
Getting To Know You
Party Time
Back to Georgia
Old and New Friends
I'm Not A Bully
Faking It ?
Forced Relations
Opening Up
Moving In
Friend or Foe
Where Do We Stand ?
Still Confused
Moving Mom
So Sick
Winter Visit
Pregnancy Results
Don't Tell Them
Happy Birthday Abby!
Weathering The Storm
Feeling The Guilty
Deadly Truth
Struggling Together
Brother or Boyfriend?
Are You Staying?
Buying Forgiveness
Meet Your Son
Finally A Family

Let's Buy It

4 2 0
By Lawson_5


I jerk upright to a loud bark but Jared grabs me then laughs.

Yep, I think it's time to get up and take the pups out. Thunder's up and letting us know about it.

He says pulling me back kissing on me then there's another bark but it's not as loud as the first one. So I look at Jared.

And there's Lightning.

I giggle then start to climb over him to get up but he pulls me fondling.

You know, they are in their crates and we do have a little time still.

Oh really? Well remember that next time you have to piss and you're rushing to the bathroom. I want you to hold it and think about right now.

Awe, why you gotta ruin it?

Oh honey, you'll be okay. I have to go get our babies. Before they wake up the guys.

I say walking to the door in my underwear but he sits up shaking his head.

I'll meet you out there obviously your going to go get dressed right?

He insist so I nod as he goes to get dressed. I walk out and put food in the bowl then let them out and walk down the hall back to my room when Preston walks out dressed and ready to go to school. His eyes widen and he looks at me so I hurry in to my room. Then I hear Levi and Jared. I walk out to see Jared walking out with the pups so I clean up the messy potty pads. I'm so glad his parents used them. It saves so much time cleaning up. Preston looks at me but doesn't say anything. I take the other food and water dishes out to the pin and fill them up then put their toys out for them. Then notice they put straw down and a tarp up with a light so I ask Jared about it.

That's a heat lamp babe. It's getting chili and we didn't get a dog house for them to have shelter so we used a tarp just in case it decides to rain. We are in Georgia you know.

He released Lightening into the pin and she trots around playing. Then he let's Thunder go and he trots over to her and she pounces on him so I laugh.

She's you in dog form. Always beating up on someone.

He says dodging as he hooks the leads to the pin but I smack at him.

Well he's like you. A goody to shoes. Your always so whatever."

Oh yeah? I'll whatever ya!

He tickles me and I laugh but the pups bark at him at the gate so we look and I smile as he kneels down to them.

Good boy, good girl. You protect Abby that's good.

He talks to them then stands up and smiles as I tell them bye and he says he's going to train them to be guard dogs. Saying he wants to work with animals but he's not sure how yet. We walk in and I take some money out of my safe and we agree to get a bigger car to haul our larger pups around in so Levi agrees to go to the car lot after school.

Preston, can you ride with Levi? That way you can dive my car home?

He looked at me shocked.

Really? Levi won't let me drive his car. He makes me ride everywhere and if Leah's with him I have to take the bus.

Well I don't want you seeing my girlfriends ass.

I shake my head and tell him he can skip the ass grabbing for a couple hours and bring Preston to drive my car home. Then I tell them about the Halloween party and they laugh.

What? Your going. I want to torture that jerk. He thinks he's better than all of us and we're gonna prove otherwise.

Okay we'll go. We like to party but dressing up isn't for any of us.

Your such a crybaby Levi, it's just one night. Look these are my friends Jonathon and Robby. They dressed up for the party I threw and got mad ass for it. But I also had a rule that if you didn't wear a costume you had to take off your shirt. So we had a lot of topless guest. Guys and girls.

They chuckle as they look but then look at my other pictures and see me with Kevin and Jared grins.

Sorry. I haven't went through my pictures yet.

I switch the phone to camera and pull him and snap our picture so he smiles as I look at the picture of me and Kevin but I send it to my email then delete it from my regular images. He looks again as it says image deleted and kisses me. At school our friends gather and I tell them about the Halloween party and how were all invited but we have to wear costumes to get in. They all agree then I tell them about our puppies and show them the picture I took. The girls tell Jared he's a sweet heart and Leah tells Levi she wants a puppy.

Sorry baby they got the last two. Will your parents let you have a puppy if I get you one?

He asks as they walk off

See what you did. All the couple's want puppies now because of you.

I can't help it if you make me happy and they're jealous of what we have together.

I smile and kiss him trying to force myself into this relationship deeper. He pulls me grabbing my ass and I giggle but pull away as Tatum walks over.

Get a room.

He teases and his sister looks at us so he looks at her then tells her to go away.

God Tatum. That was rude. She was just standing there with you. She wasn't hurting anything.

Jared says so I smile and watch her walk off but he shakes his head and groans.

She's been up my ass all morning. I don't know why but she's getting on my nerves.

He complains so I yell for her to come back.

That means there's something's wrong and she needs you. Talk to your sister. Something bothering her and don't be a dick it could be important to her.

He looks as she walks back and grins but we walk off and he talks to her then he hugs her and Jared grins and looks at me so I shrug. We go to class and Ian looks at me as I draw my puppies then I add myself holding their leads and start to add Jared but Ian leans over.

You're really good at that. Are those your actual pups or just something you imagined?

No these are my babies. Thunder and Lightening. They're twelve weeks old.

Cool. I have a couple boxers. Maybe we can get together for a play date and maybe go to a movie after?

I smile and finish my drawing with Jared standing behind me holding me. He looks and I grin at him.

I'm sorry Ian but I have a boyfriend and I don't think that's a good idea. But thank you for the offer.

Oh. I didn't know you were seeing anyone or I wouldn't have asked.

I figured that and I know you're friends with Jared so I know you wouldn't try to break us up.

He grins and says he wouldn't do that to his friends. I put my drawing away and turn in my work then move on to math where I make it a point to stay away from Bradley and sit with Suzy who's talking to Preston in whispers and giggling. I sit down and they look at me so I ask if there planning their big night but Suzy slaps my shoulder.

Shut up hooker. That's not funny. My hips are perfectly fine... So Preston, do you know how to hook up cable wires? Pam tried and has them all screwed up. We have picture and no sound the it's fuzz and she's ready to throw the tv out the window.

It's not the cable wires it's the RCA's. You're hooking them up wrong and yes I'll swing by after I finish with Abby at the car lot if Abby doesn't care for me to use her car to come over.

No go ahead. Suzy have you ever even been with a man or have you always been a lesbian?

No, I had a boyfriend once and he tried to force himself on me so I gave men up. Then I met Pam and we've been together ever since.

So you're a virgin to men and how long have you been with Pam?

Yeah so. We've been together almost a year now. My parents hate it but she loves me for who I am."

I bet she likes that no man has touched you to. Try suggesting Preston to her and watch her flip out. You're an untouched treasure.

Preston chuckles and does his work then tells her he'll come over and fix the tv for them. I head to shop but instead of working with Bradley I just start helping with the fuel pump and Paula looks at me. We work quietly passing each other tools and doing our tasks until we get it done then nod at each other and go our separate ways to wash off. After class Jared pulls me under his arm which surprised me.

So now you're helping Paula? What gives?

He asks kissing my cheek but I shrug.

I don't want to be around Bradley for him to say anything else to me. I tend to get rude if provoked.

I've noticed but I doubt he'll do anything else. I talked to him and he knows better. Hey, I hear you drew something pretty interesting in first period

I shrug and I pull out my sketch book and tell him about what happened. He looks and smiles then hugs me.

This is really good. It looks just like us.

He hands it back and we go to class. English breezes by but Jared toys with me in fitness so I decided to mess right back. I pull him away instead of playing volleyball. We slip out into the janitors closet.

What are we doing?

He whispers as I pull him closing the door kissing him to clue him in. he pulls me so I rub against him. Then reach in stroking him.

Oh shit Abby we can't. I don't have anything and someone will here us.

I pull his shorts down and smile as I drop down and start sucking. He pulls me moaning and enjoying what I give. He finishes and I spit in the sink and rinse my mouth. As he grabs my ass and kisses on me.

Damn I wasn't expecting to have this much fun at school today baby.

He says turning me and kissing me.

I can't help it you got me excited. You know if you play with the kitty she'll eventually attack.

Well maybe I'll play more often. I like when kitty attacks. It's kind of exciting.

He says then kisses me again. We look then slip back out to the game but I sit on the sidelines. They pull him right in then Mr. Swick tells us to go change but Suzy shakes her head at me.

I saw you and Jared come out of the janitors closet girl. He's always been a mellow guy and never done anything like that before. You had to corrupt him didn't you?

Hey, we just played a little.

Uh huh... My ass you did. You know you gave up that ass or he wouldn't be grinning like he is... Oh I know what you're doing. Your sucking up for those puppies he got you.

I laugh as I finish dressing but Paula walks over looking at us with her minions.

Jared got you puppies? Isn't that a move a committed couple makes?

She asks so I turn my phone showing her the picture of us with our puppies.

Yes see this is Thunder. He's pretty mellow and that's Lightening his sister. She's a wild child.

That's funny they're just like you and Jared. Come on let's go.

We rejoin the others and head off to lunch but Jared keeps me close holding me around the hip at the lunch table. Levi and Preston notice his sudden change to. Then Suzy sits next to me and Leah follows with Tatum. I ask Tatum how his sister is but he just says she's having boy problems. We go on from there to music then to chemistry but Mr. Silver goes on about his business as usual. I make the list of my friends and when I turn I'm my work I give it to him. He looks at me but doesn't say anything as I go back to my seat. I start drawing and draw Suzy sitting in a dress holding her legs but she looks sad so I add I grape vein because it looks like it's missing something then I add wings to her putting a couple flowers on the floor. Bradley looks over and tells me good job so Jared looks over and smirks.

Are you gonna give that to Suzy or are you keeping it?

I pull my carbon paper out and put it away then rip them both out. I put my copy in my folder but keep the copy out.

I'm giving her a copy but I keep my carbon paper so I can make a copies of my next drawing.

He nods and turns back to his work. I grin wanting to help him but I know I'm not allowed so I sit there with my things on my desk. The bell rings and we move on to our next class. We do our work and I help him him then he finishes his chemistry. We turn our work in then talk quietly after class Jared takes his chemistry work to Mr. Silver who gives him the address to the party and tells him to let the others know. He walks out and we take off. I text everyone the address and we go to the car lot. Levi pulls in behind us and we look around then tell the guy we like the Dodge Journey he nods and has it pulled out then I notice Preston looking at the used cars but he lingers at the Marcos Mantaray so I tell the sells rep to let him drive it and Jared looks at me.

Let him have some fun while he's here. He obviously likes the car.

I say as we take off in the Journey. We quickly decide we like it and it's the right size for us and both dogs. When we get back . Preston steps out of the other car and hands the keys over. We walk in but Levi's ready to leave so we have to rush. We put the car in Levi's name but I tell the guy I want the other car to and tell Levi to go ahead and go. Jared looks at me but I tell him to take my car and go home that I'll be right behind him that I have to talk to Preston but not to worry. He reluctantly agrees then kisses me on his way out and sends Preston in to me while I finish up like I asked him to. We start the papers and I sign all the financial paperwork then give the man the money as Preston walks in. I smile at him and ask him to sign the papers but he frowns.

Come on Preston. I'm not old enough and you are. Levi left so I need you to do it for me. I'm not asking you to pay anything. Well take it out of your name when I turn eighteen if you want.

He groans but agrees and signs then they hand over the keys with the white title with his name on it. Then he notices which car he signed for which I had the salesman not mention on purpose. I've learned a little about Preston and I know he wouldn't have let me buy him the car willingly.

Uh, Abby...Why'd you buy the car I drove?

He asked as I hand him the papers telling him we have to put them in a safe place. While walk out and I toss him the key but he looks at me and grins.

Well It's not my car goofy and I'm not going to let Levi keep making you ride the bus. Plus you drove it and you said it drives like a dream. See you when you get home I think Suzy's waiting.

Abby I didn't want you to buy me a car. You shouldn't have done this. Why do you have to control everything and everyone? You don't have to buy me things for me to be your friend.

I know but you're my friends and I don't want you riding that bus when you can be riding around in style. Plus you have a job and you shouldn't be depending on everyone else.

He smiles shaking his head telling me I still shouldn't have but he does like it and we'll discuss it later. I plan on avoiding that conversation. I take off going home and he heads to Suzy and Pam's. I get home and Jared's playing with the pups in the back yard. I walk back and they start to run toward me but he stops them.

No. Heal.

He says sternly and they stop to look at him. I walk over to them and pet them and tell him what I did so he chuckles. He tells me he's been working with the pups and he's got then to learn a few commands. He shows me that they've learned to sit and stay or heal as he calls it and they know what no means and he praises them for listening so their learning quickly. I pet them and play with them then the land lady looks at us and tells Jared that they aren't allowed to have pets and it's in the lease. So I frown.

Baby I don't want to get rid of them. Can we move? We can find a different house, a better one.

That's fine we won't be staying here with our dogs much longer and you have to give us time to move. It's your loss though things just turned good around here. Come on baby let's get the pups into the pin and go shopping for Tatum's family like you wanted.

We lock the pups up and I notice he already feed them and gave then fresh water. We walk off but she just goes inside. I hug him and we get in our new car and head toward the Arbor Place Mall but I see a sign for a house for sale in Rosewood in a gated community. I point and Jared grins but pulls over and I call. A woman answers and she let's us come so we pull up to the gate and head back Roselake Circle to the house. We pull in and two cars pull in behind us. The man looks at the women irritated but we all say hello but Jared falls in love with the house right away the modern feel is overwhelming. I like the country feel but he's into this modern look so I bend to his needs. We tell them we like it and would like to get it so the woman smiles weakly.

Well that's good and all but can you get a loan? I don't mean to be rude but you're very young and we've been through this with others already so we really just need to sell this place and be done with it.

We won't need a loan. We'll pay cash for it and you can put it in my cousins name since I'm not old enough yet.

They look at each other but agree to meet us at the bank in a half hour with the deed to the house. Jared doesn't say anything he just drives and Levi meets us at the bank.

What do you need now? I was playing Destiny.

Oh shut up. Helen's going to kick us out over Abby's pups and I'm not going to stay without her so she's buying a house. She needs you to put it your name you dick.

The man pulls in then the woman and they walk over so we walk in and the back lady signs and stamps the papers then counts the money and gives it to them. They look at me oddly but thank me then he separates the money into half and hands her a stack. They thank us again then we all head out. Jared asks Levi if he's going to move with us but he refuses saying he has to finish out the lease first but then he will so he has to wait another couple months. He's a December baby and he signed his lease right after his birthday so he'll move in with us then so he's going to let her evict him if she does. I start to leave the bank but walk over to the teller and get a cashiers check for ten thousand dollars but leave it blank with the receipt attached. I write a note and stick it in an envelope.

Dear Mr. and Mrs. McKnight,
You don't know me but I know you. I heard about your struggles and I wanted to do something to help you in your time of need. I only hope this small amount is enough to see you through until things start looking up for your family.
Just a good neighbor

I seal the envelope and we drive by Tatum's and Jared slips it in their mailbox. We drive off as a car pulls in and check's the mail.

We cut that close they almost busted us.

I laugh and we go home to pack. I call Patrick and tell him about my mom and that I got myself a nice house in a gated community and I got two puppies. He tells me that's great and says Sean's going to move in with Jake and Kevin to keep an eye on my house. I agree and tell him I'll call again later then go make dinner. We play with the pups and spend the evening together then go to my room.

Baby what are we going to do with both bedroom sets? I mean this is your mom's and I have mine...

He broke off like he was debating saying something.

I think we should put my mom's things in her room and if you want we can use yours or we can buy new and put yours in one of the spare rooms.

Well mines pretty old. I've had it for several years but if you want we can get new, but only if you want. My parents will want mine back though.

I smile liking that idea but I have a feeling were going to be getting things completely different than I'm used to. With his modern style I'm not sure what he really likes. We agree to buy new so we'll start shopping tomorrow.

You know we can have all new furniture and moved in tomorrow if you really want but we have to skip school to shop because you have work after and I'm not going for our furniture without you.

You mean you really want me to help pick out everything for your house? Are we really that serious. Don't get me wrong it just seems like we're going very fast and I'm not used to all this.

Oh... I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking about rushing you. I was just...

He stops me.

I know and it's okay. I don't want to rush you either. I've just never gotten this involved before and well...Well I don't want to move in with you if you don't think this is going somewhere.

I do. We're perfect together aren't we? You're my Thunder. You just have to decide if I'm your Lightening.

He pulls me and smiles.

You're definitely my lightening. How'd we get here so fast?

I don't know but I like this.

He kisses my forehead. I look up and smile at him and he smiles then kisses me and says he does to. We say goodnight and I close my eyes but I lay there thinking about Kevin and how I wish it was him holding me.

Forcing myself to be with Jared is one thing. He's easy to like and fun to be with but he's still not Kevin and there's big differences between them. Problem is... I don't know if I can do it. I want my Kevin not Jared. It's one thing to play around with Jared but I don't know if I can have sex with him. I need to figure this out because we're getting really involved now.

Training pups isn't an easy task but Jared seems to have a nak for it. Abby forces herself farther into the relationship with Jared but can they make it work? They both seem unsure but they're pushing through. Will they regret it later? They do seem like opposites after all.


Thanks for reading.

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