According To You.

By Hstowe

154 4 4

According to him, she was stupid, useless, couldn't do anything right. According to you, she was beautiful, i... More

First Day.
Second Day.
Third Day.
Fourth Day.
Fifth Day.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen.
Prom Night: Final Chapter.

Untitled Part 12

6 0 0
By Hstowe

It was Monday, and ever since the Brandon visit; I haven't heard anything more from him.. I was beginning to wonder if he rethought his actions and changed his mind about the threats and wanting me to go with him to Vegas.. we were only juniors and the way he was acting, made us seem like we were adults..
I sat at my desk, my pencil in my mouth as I listened to Mr.Walker teach his lesson; I looked out the window with a frown. I was beginning to grow nervous about this, my life was actually turning back to normal and then he shows up.. I already knew, I would have to go with him.. I had no choice, with all of my friends lives on the end. I was cautious.
I looked up to see the principal walk in, his eyes examining the room; until they landed on me. I felt my heart stop, he said something to Mr.Walker who turned to me.
"Ms.Stowe, please gather up your belongings and go with Principal Thomas." He instructed, I felt sick. I looked to Jack and Jayy who were looking to me confused, I couldn't help but shrug. I walked out of the classroom, then followed the principal.
"Am I in trouble..?" I asked him.
He didn't say a word to me, he walked into the office with me right behind him.
I frowned softly.
"Haley, when is the last time you saw Ricky Olson?" He asked me, his arms behind his back as I stood there. My heart beating hard against my chest.
"I saw him the week before school let out for break.." I told him.
Thomas let out a soft sigh. He turned to me. "Ricky is in the hospital." He said.
I felt my eyes grow wide.
"What..?" I questioned. Why Ricky? Ricky hasn't done anything!
Thomas crossed his arms. "He was found unconscious at the park, bruised and beaten. I know you two are close and I wanted to know if you would know who would do this." He told me.
What would happen if I told him it was Brandon? Would my friends be safe? Would I be safe? I frowned softly, I didn't want to risk anything; not right now.
I looked at him with a frown. "I don't know.. as far as I knew, I thought everyone liked Ricky.. he's a good guy.." I murmured.
"How is his relationship with Mr.Hardin?" He asked me.
I looked at him. "I.. I don't know, I know that Brandon moved a few months back to be with his dad.. Why?" I asked looking at him.

Principal Thomas looked at me with a frown. "I am only trying to figure out who would do this, I know him and Ricky got into a fight in the parking lot a few months ago.." He said with a sigh.
I looked at him. "Are you implying that Brandon came back to settle the score with Ricky?" I asked.
Principal Thomas looked away, his arms behind his back. "I don't like to accuse my students, but I have this feeling that Brandon is the reason why Ricky is in the hospital." He said.
I looked away now. "I see.. if it's okay with you, I'm going to skip third period to check on him.." I murmured.
Thomas nodded looking at me. "I'll send the teach a pass, be back here for fourth period." He said.
I nodded, sitting my bag down. I raced out of the school then down the street, I needed to talk to Ricky; or at least see how he was doing. I had half an hour to do this, I ran into the hospital then looked for the closest nurse.
I spotted a red haired nurse walking by with a clip board, trying to catch my breath; I walked over to her.
"E-excuse me.." I began.
The nurse turned to me with a smile. "May I help you?" She asked me.
I nodded. "Yes.. I'm here to check on a Mr.Olson?" I told her.
She looked at me before nodding. "I'll take you to him, he was resting after I left but he might be awake now." She explained.
I nodded.

When we walked into the room, my eyes filled with tears; Ricky was awake, but badly bruised. He had two black eyes, a broke nose, busted lip; bruised cheek. His left arm was in a cast and his right leg was lifted in the air. He gave me a weak smile.
"Hey Haley." He said.
I let tears fall as I walked over to the chair then took a seat next to him.
"Ricky.. how are you feeling?" I asked him.
Ricky looked at me with a shrug. "I guess if I wasn't in a hospital bed, I would be doing better..." He murmured.
I looked at him with a sad expression. "I know who did this to you." I told him.
Ricky chuckled softly. "I know.. it was Brandon." He told me.
I frowned softly. "You could have died.." I said.
Ricky looked at me. "I didn't, that's all that matters.." his unharmed hand brushed against my cheek, he smiled softly touching my lip; I winced and he glared.
"What happened to your lip and eye?" He asked me.
I looked away with a frown. "It was Brandon.." I told him, how he saw past the base? Was what I really wanted to know, I frowned at how easily I could tell Ricky what happened and now CC..
"He hit you?!" He snapped, his blood pressure was going up; I know I wasn't no doctor, but I knew that wasn't a good thing.
"Yes, but I'm fine now. You need to calm down Ricky, your blood pressure.." I murmured.
"Fuck my blood pressure, wait until I get out of here." He spat.
This was why I didn't want to tell CC.. he would act, exactly like this.
I placed my hand on top of Ricky's with a frown. "No, that is exactly what he would want. I know how I will be able to fix this." I told him.
Ricky glared looking at me. "How?" He asked.
I swallowed. "I'm going to Vegas with him, he won't mess with anyone if I go with him." I said.
Ricky let out a laugh. "To be his fucking punching bag? Fuck that Haley! Does CC and the others know? Wait, do your parents even know!?" He hissed.
I looked at him frowning. "No.. because they'll all go at him, and Brandon has people working for him.. I mean, you're in the hospital because of me." I said.
Ricky rolled his eyes. "I'm in the hospital because he came out of nowhere, I won't let you go with him Haley. You can't. He'll end up snapping and then you will die, and then what?" He asked me.
I looked at him. "I.. I don't know, you guys will be safe and that's all that matters to me." I said.
"That's such bullshit, Haley. I will call the police, I am not even joking. Do not do what he says, you're not his puppet. You are a person, not his toy! Do you understand?" He hissed.
I looked away, tears burning my eyes. "I'm trying to keep you guys safe.." I murmured.
"Haley, that is only in the movies. The girl goes off with the bad guy, believing her friends and family will be safe; and the moment she leaves. Her family and friends get killed or thrown in some basement to die. The moment he gets you where he wants you, all of your friends and family will fucking die. Think about it." He told me.
Fixing to speak up, I was stopped by the nurse.
"Visiting hours are over for right now, Mr.Olson needs his rest; you can come back later." She told me.
I frowned then looked to Ricky. "I have to go.." I said fixing to walk away but stopped when he caught my hand, his eyes were pleading as he looked at me.
"Haley.. please, don't go." He said.
I felt tears slip, my hand left his and I ran out of the hospital.
I needed to do something, but what..? I was running out of options..
I looked around then to the hospital.
Biting down on my lip, I ran back to the school; I needed to tell my friends and the school.. I needed to call the police, before someone else gets hurt. Because of me.

Yeaaaaah, to be honest on why I used Ricky. He was supposed to be in the group of the main seven, but I completely excluded him; and of course.. I bring him back at the wrong time possible. I was thinking about letting it be Andy or Jinxx maybe? But then I was like, nah.. cause then it would of been CC leaving and not Haley and the truth wouldn't of came out. Now, its up to Haley to decide if telling everyone Brandon's plan is a good thing, or only going to cause someone to end up hurt; or worse. Dead.
Chapter 13 and 14 will be up tomorrow sometime, if you think Haley should tell the school and her friends. Comment below, if not. Still comment below. All opinions matter.
Until then.

/Song played: Levi Kreis: "I Should Go."\

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