How'd you know? (ON HOLD) *IN...

By xwrecker

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Hi, I'm Elli. I live a life of pain and misery. My silence has grown too loud to go unnoticed. I get talked a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 12

56 1 0
By xwrecker

I lay on the floor by the toilet feeling weak. I just puked my guts out and do you want to know something? Morning sickness sucks. Mikey started to follow behind me into the bathroom but I shut the door on his face. I hate it when people see me like this. I don't like to be seen sick. I rolled onto my back and looked at my belly that was growing bigger, I was now three months pregnant. Mikey tells me I look beautiful, but I don't think I look pregnant I think I'm just starting to look fat. Maybe I have to wait a little longer. I put my hand on my stomach and smiled. I'm having a baby. It was all I thought about. My parents will be grandparents. Tears rolled down my cheeks because I knew they didn't want anything to do with me anymore let alone my unborn baby. Ashton you're gonna be a uncle. I thought looking up at the ceiling and smiling. I felt a cold breeze thinking it was the window but knowing it was my brother. Another smile took place on my face as Mikey walked in the bathroom. He smiled at me and slid his hands under my armpit and picked me up like I was a baby. I wrapped my legs around his waist and rested my head on his shoulder. He walked over to the bed and laid me down while crawling in next me. I pulled the covers over us and Mikey wrapped his arm around my waist. "You are beautful. Don't forget that." He said, gently kissing my shoulder. I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep.      

I rose from a hospital bed and looked around me. I looked beside me and saw a baby, A beautiful girl wrapped in a pale pink blanket. I looked at my stomach and saw that it was flat again. I smiled and took the baby in my arms. She was so small and fragile. She opened her eyes and looked up at me, Big and brown. I smiled seeing so much of her father in her. "What? Are you serious?" I heard Mikey shout from in the hallway. "Yes sir. I am very serious. It's sad, A mother who can't call for her daughter and a daughter who can't listen." What? A tear slid down my cheek. Was he saying my daughter was deaf? I looked down at my baby and a teardrop fell on her. A mother who can't call for her daughter and a daughter who can't listen. His words repeated in my mind. I sat my baby down and walked towards the door. But when I opened the door Mikey and the doctor were gone as well as the hospital. I turned around and the Hospital bed and my baby were all gone. I was no longer in a hospital I was in a elementary school. I saw a girl who looked like she was nine walk down the hallway. Her head was down and there was know confidence in her walk. She looked up and had those same Big Brown eyes and My long brown hair. Other kids threw balled up paper and other things at her and I felt like I was back in elemetary school. She ran  into the bathroom and I followed. She walked in a stall and started crying. She kicked at the door and screamed. More tears filled my eyes as I watched in terror. I put my hand on her cheek and bent down so she could look into my eyes. She saw right through me though,and I began to realise I was dreaming.

I woke up with tears in my eyes. "Elli, It's okay. It was just a dream." He said but It felt like a nightmare. I cried into his chest and prayed that my baby would be healthy. Not deaf, blind, mute or anything like that. I would accept her but I didn't want to see my child go through that. Why are people so mean? Why do people have to make fun of somebody just because they were born differently? I finally stopped crying and looked up at Mikey. He had tears in eyes as well. Are you crying? "No. I'm.... Uhhh.... Sweating out of my eyes. It's hot in here. Whooo!" Mikey said fanning himself with his hand. I smiled at him and he smiled back. He leaned in to kiss me but I stopped him. "What?" He asked. Need to brush my teeth first. "Oh, yeah. Go do that." He says. I hurry and brush my teeth and run back to the bed. I hop on it and Mikey laughs before saying "Now where were we?" I lean in and kiss him hard on the lips. He nibbles on my bottom lip asking for entrance. I decide not to. What? Is all I try to think about because I know Mikey can read me like a book. This time he licks my bottom lip and I shiver. What? Mikey stops kissing me and looks at me. What? "Oh my god." He sighs. "Open your goddamn mouth." He says.I know. I smile. Controling are we? Mikey smiles back at me and kisses me again and then hops out of the bed just when I wanted more. You are such a tease. "So are you." He says and I smirk.

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