The Broken Girl

By panda_biish_

209K 6.5K 736

She just wanted some one to love her. Love her the way she thought he did. But she knew no one would ever fee... More

twenty one
3 years later..
part two?


6.4K 208 24
By panda_biish_

"Oh my god you guys are so dirty" Kaley and i laughed.

"Okay, okay i got one for you" Tristan said smiling "wanna hear a clean joke?" He asked us all.

We nodded
"Mike took a bath with bubbles. Wanna hear a dirt one?"
Once again we shook our heads yes.

"Bubbles was a man" Tristan started laughing at his own joke while we just looked at him like he was stupid. Once he realized none of us were laughing his smile turned into a frown.

"Shelby it's your duty as my girlfriend to laugh at my dumb jokes" Tristan said looking over at me.

I faked a laugh which made every one at the table laugh too.

"Ha ha ha so funny. Ill be back guys" Tristan got up and waved for Lucas to follow him.

"So how ya holding up" Kaley asked placing her hand over mine.

I smiled
"Great, actually."

"Okay guys lets get going we have to go pack" Tristan said once Lucas and him returned.

"Pack for what?" Both Kaley and i asked at the same time.

"Our trip" Lucas answered not even bothering to look at us. We all walked out to Tristan's car.

"What trip" i pressed further.

"Oh you know the one to new Mexico that we are going to" Tristan said like it was no big deal.

Kaley and i both looked at each other with "wtf" faces.

"Um first we're hearing about this"

"Yea so I'm going to drop you and Lucas off at your house so you guys can pack like a weeks worth of clothes and you know shit like that and you guys just call be when your done"Tristan explained pulling up to Kaley's house. We all got out of the car. I sat shotgun as we drove to my house.

"So when were you going to tell me about this trip "i asked smirking at the brown haired boy beside me.

"Today" he smiled back

"Now i strongly suggest you pack summer clothes because its really hot there and get you swim suit."

I nodded.

We pulled in my drive way and both got out the car.

"All ready?"

"Yep i just need one more thing" i said walking into my bathroom and getting my makeup bag and hair straightener.

"Okay lets go" i said grabbing my bag and going down stairs.

When we got in the car Tristan started at me for a good minute.

"It there something on my face?" I asked pulling down the sun visor and opening the mirror.

"Only your eyes, mouth and noes" he smarted starting the car and driving the short time to Kaley's house.

Once we were all in the car we started the drive. I was sitting in the front with Tristan while Lucas and Kaley were in the back.

"Oh we need to make one more stop" Tristan said pulling down an all to familiar road.

"We have another friend coming with us, if you guys don't mind.

As much as i wanted to say i do mind i kept my moth shut.

"Hey guys" the tall blond got in the back.

"Hey Kyle"
So that just happened^

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