Piece of Cake

By GojusaTaeNy09

170K 3.4K 186

Description Hwang Tiffany is the vice president of SM&Co. She was a serious person with cold demanour and abl... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 13

4.4K 109 20
By GojusaTaeNy09


"SUNNY! SUNNY! Open the door!" Taeyeon knocked the door to Sunny's house. The door was opened by none other than the shorter girl but Taeyeon didn't stop knocking.

"Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! What the hell Taeyeon!" Sunny growled, grabbing her friend's hand from hitting her head.

"Sunny! You must help me! There is something wrong with me!"

"What's wrong?" Sunny asked frowned, looking at panicTaeyeon

"I- I – had---"

"You had a girl pregnant?" Sunny asked with wide eyes.

"What? Sunny, I can't get a girl pregnant!"

"Yeah, yeah, I know. So, what happen to you? You look like you just have seen a ghost."

"I've made a huge sin, Sunny! A huge sin!"

"Hm... not a new thing to me."

"I-I had almost touched the most beautiful god's creation ever!" exclaimed Taeyeon while looking at her hands.


"A-and my eyes had witnessed her naked glory!" she continued.

"Taeng, are you into porn poetry now?" Sunny palmed her forehead. "It's fucking 3AM, Kim Taeyeon! And you wake me up just to tell your new hobby? God! Please tell me why I have become your friend?!"

"No, I'm not! It's not that! I-I think I—....."

"You think what?!" Sunny snapped impatient.

"I think I have—what do you call that—? I think I have...."

"What Taeyeon?? What?? Just say it before I strangle you to death!!"

"I think I have fallen in love."




"Bwahahahahahaha! You are really funny Taeyeon. Are you having a bad dream? 'You' and 'love' doesn't match at all. Stop all this nonsense. If you want my 'love' wait until tomorrow. I want to continue sleeping." Sunny got into the house back but Taeyeon pulled her shirt.

"Sunny, wait!! I haven't finished talking!!" yelled Taeyeon.

Sunny rolled her eyeball, "This better worth my time, Kim Taeyeon. Let's continue this inside before you wake all the neighbors up."

Sunny lied on the long sofa, grabbing a small cushion and rest her head on it. "So, continue."


"Continue your fucking love poetry you dumb!"

"Oh, yeah. Er...-" Taeyeon lost her thought. She didn't know where to start.

Looking at her clueless friend, Sunny sigh heavily, "You said you have fall in love. How do you know its love? The last time I check, you never been in love before."

"Well, I didn't notice this before until tonight..."

"I feel it Sunny! I feel my heart is pounding hard. My pulse is racing. And I think my blood pressure goes up. I felt dizzy and light headed. I never feel this before. So, this must be what you call... love."

"Huh? Sounds like arrhythmia to me. You should go to the hospital. I can introduce to a good doctor. You will be just fine then. Ok. Let me sleep."

"Hey, wait! There's more!"

"What else?" mumbled Sunny. She hardly could open her eyes.

"I—think, I have made her cry. The moment I saw her tears I felt something had stabbed my heart. It really hurts. I can't breathe. It's really suffocating to have that feeling," Taeyeon said with serious sad look on her face. The expression that Sunny never saw before.

Sunny suddenly looked at her best friend with wide eyes, "Ohmygosh! Ohmygosh! Taeyeon!!!"

"What? What? What will happen to me??"

"Ohmygosh! You are in love??? This must the end of the world!! I haven't repent my sin and pay my revenge on Sooyoung! I don't wanna die yet! Oooohhhhhh! Nooooooo!!!!" Sunny exclaimed dramatically, But then she laughed out loud.

Taeyeon's eyes turned into slit. She glared at her friend who didn't take her seriously.

"Sorry, just joking. Let's just deal this matter tomorrow ok. I really can't think right now and need some sleep. See you tomorrow. Make sure you lock the door before you go out."

Taeyeon sighed, "Ok, alright... Er- can I just sleep here?"

"Yeah. Do whatever you like as long as you didn't disturb my sleep again. Good night!" Sunny went to her and continue to sleep.

Taeyeon lied the long sofa, staring at the ceiling. She put her hands up and looked at it intently. She still couldn't forget Tiffany's tears that night and how her hands trembled so much to wipe that tears. She brought her hand to her chest. There was something still tugged inside.

"Did I make her cry? Do I really have fell in love with her?"


A loud voice came from the vice president room of SM & Co. Nobody dare to see what was happening inside. They knew the woman must be in a really bad mood and they were afraid of the possible consequences if they try to involve.


"I-I'm sorry M-Miss Hwang. It's just the typo error. The balance in the account is still right. And I--"

"A mistake is still a mistake. No excuse Mr. Lee. Just pack your things. You are fired!"

"Please... you can't do this to me Miss Hwang. I have family to take care of. Please... give me another chance!"

"It's none of my business."


"S-sorry Miss Hwang. I-I haven't finished it yet. You gave me two weeks to do."



"I don't wanna hear any excuse. You are fired as well."

The poor woman just stunned there speechless.


Tiffany let out a heavy breath, "Useless workers. I better do everything all by myself!" she growled in her breath.

Suddenly there was knocked on her door.


The door was opened by the CEO of the company, Kwon Yuri.

"What the hell Tiff? I could hear your voice fron my office. And I heard you fired two of our workers. What happen??"

"They make stupid mistake. We don't need someone like them." Tiffany said casually.

"What are you talking about? Mr. Lee rarely makes mistake. He did his job all the time. Just this one time he screwed up and it's just a number. He already told me about it earlier. You don't have to fire him."

"And Mrs. Choi. You gave her two weeks for the proposal. So, its logic if she hasn't finished it. Don't you think she has other work as well? She still has time before give it to you, right? What are you thinking Tiffany?"

Tiffany's face turned anger.

"I thought we had made a deal not to question any of my decision in between my powers. They both are under me. You have no right to question what I'm doing. This is for the company as well."

"For the company bullshit, Tiff! Has you lost your mind?? If you are PMSing or having a bad day, don't unleashed it to other people! You are also in the same place as they are before you hold this position. You also make mistakes as well and you get a chance to fix it. So, what's the different with them? They are normal human beings like you too. They are not a fucking robot!" yelled Yuri as she slammed the table hard.

Tiffany went silent. She looked down and palmed her face.

"You are right... I'm just normal human being... I wish I was a robot..."

"Tiff?" Yuri heard a silent sobbing coming from the other girl. She approached to listen closer.

"Gosh! Tiff! Are you crying? I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell at you."

"No, Yul no..." Tiffany sobbed harder. Yuri pulled Tiffany's hands away and gently wiped her tears. She noticed Tiffany's eyes were bit swell. She must have cried since last night.

"Tiffany, what's wrong? Tell me? Who did this to you??"

"Yuri-ah... I don't know... I don't know what happen... I feel hurt. It hurts Yuri-ah. Help me please..." Tiffany pleaded as she hugged Yuri and cried on her shoulders.

"Tiff, hush... Everything it's gonna be alright," Yuri tred to calm down her friend.She had no idea what happen to other girl. Something serious must had happened that made the girl cry like that. All she could do now was just be beside Tiffany until she was ready to tell her everything.


Taeyeon was sittting down at one of the tables in the cake shop and was staring at her palm.

"Taeyeon, I didn't know you can read palms." said Sunny who was cleaning around the shop.

"I don't."

"So, stop staring at your palm. You have doing that since the past 10 minutes. It's weird."

The blonde let out a heavy breath, "I'm just thinking about yesterday. How is this hand had almost touched her. You know, I wonder why I trembled yesterday."

"Oh man.... Not this poetry again..."

"And I haven't washed my hands since yesterday." Taeyeon stated as if it was nothing.

"YOU WHAT?? Are you serious??? You are working in a cake shop!! What if the customers hear this?"

"Don't worry. There are no customers now," said Taeyeon as she looked around.

"But still! Ugh!" Sunny rolled her eyeball disbelief.

"I had done a really deep thinking last night.," said Taeyeon suddenly.

"Wow! You finally use that cranky brain of yours. So, what have you come out with? Do you really had fell in love?"

"I don't know..."


Sunny looked at her friend annoyed. "I should've expected that answer will come out from your useless empty brain."

"I don't know Sunny and I'm not sure what is this feeling I have. I feel stupid and angry at myself of what I have done to her. I really regret it. I wish I can turn back time."

Sunny only listen, allowing Taeyeon to continue.

"You know, apart from that, there is something stirred inside me as well. The moment I saw her tears I feel like wanting to take her into my embrace, soothed her with calming words and hushed her that everything is gonna be ok. I wanna make her smile and wanna be the reason to that smile. I wanna hold her like my life is depending on it. You know the feeling when sex is not important? You just wanna be with her and protect her. The feeling you can't describe with words."

"Then why you didn't do that?"

"The look on her face, Sunny. Its fear. It looks like she was afraid of me. She afraid of my touch. She didn't want to be touched by me. I feel like I'm a monster, Sunny. I'm a monster."

"But when I think it back, I glad I didn't do anything to her. I don't deserve to touch her. I have slept around with many girls. I felt so dirty and ashame of myself."

"Seriously Taeng, if you write a romantic novel, you will be the best seller in a day." Sunny joked.

Taeyeon only gave her a bitter smile.

"So, if you are sure of your feelings, why don't you tell her?"

"There's no way I would ever do that. If I tell her, will she believe it? Will she accept it? No, she won't. She hates me Sunny. I have lied to her before. She won't trust me again."

"So, you're just going to give her up like that? You are not going to tell her how you feel? At least she deserves an explanation why you suddenly left her yesterday. She must have thought you have played with her feelings again."

"I know. Maybe..., that's best way. I can't accept if she reject my feelings. I can't bear with that risk Sunny. I can't."

"Haish, Taeyeon, I really hate seeing you depress like this. But please think about it. Whatever it is, I still think you need to tell her this."

Taeyeon only kept silent.

"Ok! Stop moping around and drag your ass back to the kitchen! We have business to run."

Taeyeon do what she was told and walked to the kitchen.

"And don't forget to wash your hands before you touch those cakes!" reminded sunny. What she didn't know that there was a customer who just entered the shop, looking at her suspiciously.

"Ah! Er- I mean, she always wash her hands. I just asked her to wash her hands... again—Er yeah with the new soap. Er-- new soap I just bought yesterday. Ehe..." she smiled nervously.


"Are you ok now Tiff? Want to tell me what happen?"

Tiffany felt much better after crying. She told Yuri about what had happened to her and Taeyeon. Of course, skipping some unecessary part.

"I –I don't know what to say, Tiff. So, you- you love her?"



"Yes! I love her! And I hate her!" Tiffany trying her best not to cry again.

Yuri felt sorry for her best friend. She never saw Tiffany look so confuse and sad like this. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have send her to you that night. It's all my fault."

"No, Yul. It's not your fault. It's my own fault. I'm the one who are so stupid to fall with a wrong person."

"I never thought she would be this low to play with your feelings. If I saw her, I swear I kill her with my hands!"

"I-I really love her Yuri-ah. What should I do?" asked Tiffany sadly.

"Tiff, listen. Obviously she just playing with you. She don't deserve you. Just forget about her. I know its hard. Why don't you go back early? Take a couple days of break. I will take care of everything here."

"No, its ok. Yul. I'm fine. I think its better to keep myself busy, right?"

"Ok, but at least, go back early today. Take a day or two break if you want. You really need some sleep. You will feel better. Trust me. I can ask Jessie to accompany you."

"No, its ok Yul. I'll be fine.Thanks..."

"Ok, anything just call me."

"I will." Tiffany took early and go back home.

Yuri took her phone out and dialled a number, "Hello, Siwon? I want to ask for your help."


Tiffany arrived at her apartment. Looking at the opposite building she gripped her fist tightly. She felt anrgy towards the blonde. She tired of guessing and thinking and wanted to hear what the blonde's explaination about last night.

She walked to the apartment and asked the guard there.

"Er- excuses me. Is miss Kim Taeyeon has returned home?"

"Oh, no. She hasn't return home since last night."

"Oh, I see. Thank you."

Feeling dissapointed, Tiffany returned back to her apartment. As she opened the door all the memories with the blonde played in her mind. She admitted that she enjoyed having Taeyeon's company even though the blonde showed her byuntaeness from time to time.


"Tiffany-ah, do you know how beautiful you are?" stated Taeyeon suddenly. The blonde has been stared at the younger girl who was sitting in front of her and reading document in her laptop.

Tiffany look up, stared at the blonde over her glasses. The blonde popped up hear head with her elbow and was smiling brightly at her.

"Did I already tell you that your cheesy words won't work on me?"

"Sorry, I'm just telling the truth." Taeyeon stated like it was a fact.

Looking at the blonde who stared back at her intently, Tiffany could feel heat creeping up her face. She quickly turned back to her laptop.

"I want to finish my work. You better go home if you disturb me again." Tiffany continued doing her work. Hiding her face behind the laptop she was actually trying to supress her smile. Sometimes, Taeyeon's randomness was so sudden and always caught her off guard with her innocent look and comment. She couldn't help but wonder, how such a simple comment coming from the blonde can made her feel happy inside.

End of flashback

Tiffany went to her room and sat in front of the mirror. She cried.






"WHY????" Tiffany yelled and pushed away all the things on the dressing table. She grabbed the table lamp and threw it to the wall. And anything she could grabbed she smashed it to floor. She cried and yelled in frustration. She punched the mirror and her fist bled but she didn't care. Because the pain on her hand cannot be compared to the pain she felt inside.


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