Living With Them

By LuckyJo

18.5K 710 187

After enduring years of abuse from her father, Audrey finally escapes. It is time for her to start anew, yet... More

Living With Them (1)
Living With Them (2)
Living With Them (3)
Living With Them (5)
Living With Them (6)

Living With Them (4)

2.3K 101 7
By LuckyJo

[Blake is at the side! ]

I find myself standing in front of Angel's Diner. Breathing in deeply, I push the door open and hope to see Ben. At first he's not in sight, but the kitchen doors are flung open to reveal Ben carrying two trays filled with food. 

Walking by, I grab a tray and Ben jumps, a bit startled. I cast him a smile. "You need a little help?"

"Audrey! Hey," he smiles widly. "No no have a seat, I'll get to you in a bit." He tries to take back the tray away and I step back. 

"No, I want to help." I look at the table number on the paper and walk to a family of six. "Who ordered a grilled cheese with extra chesse?" I ask, picking up the plate with the sandwich. Soon after, the family has their food, happy with the service. 

I walk back to Ben who was observing me. "Have you ever worked as a waitress?" He asks. I shake my head. "You're pretty good. We've been needing some more hands here so do you wanna take the job?" He offers.

I break into a grin. "That'd be amazing. You're the best, Ben!" I can't hold in my excitement. I fling my arms around Ben. When I pull away, I notice his cheeks flaring slightly and a goofy smile on his lips. 

"You know, you're a lot cuter this happy," Ben remarks. Soon, my cheeks are pink. If only Pierce could say nice things to me like Ben does... No. Stop it Audrey.

"Thanks.. So when do I start?" 

"Tomorrow sound good? I'll give you a little tour of the diner and you can start at the lunch shift. Sound good?" 

"Sounds great!" My smile never falls off my lips. 

"Alright, well would you like something to eat?" Ben asks, walking back behind the counter. I take a seat at the same stool I did the day before and think. 

"Just some coffee," Ben brews the coffee and looks over.

"So how has it been living with the Three Stooges?" He asks. 

"It's been an experience I've never had before," I let out a laugh. "They've been nice to me, so that's all that matters."

"Even Pierce?" he raises an eyebrow, handing me my coffee. 

I think for a moment, remembering last night. "Yea, even Pierce. Although he's trying not too," Especially this morning. Who knows what's up with that boy. 

"That's pretty surprising. I've known Pierce since the ninth grade. Before he was a genuinely nice person. Everyone loved him. But now he's a bit cold. Doesn't let anyone in. The fact that he's being remotely friendly to someone new is a big step for him," Ben shrugs a bit.

I ignore my coffee, getting interested in what ben was telling me. "So.. What made him so cold and bitter?" 

Ben opens his mouth, but thinks better of it. "It's not my place to tell you," he casts me an apologetic smile. 

"Right.." I mutter, taking a sip from my coffee. I make a face. "You didn't add sugar did you?"

"Shit, I must have forgotten. Sorry," Ben rushes for the sugar packets and hands me some. I pour them in and stir, my thoughts wandering. Some customers walk in and Ben walks over, taking their orders. 

I wonder what made Pierce change his ways. Maybe we can go up to the roof tonight and maybe, just maybe, he'll tell me. But what if he asks me about my personal life? It wouldn't be fair if he told me and I didn't. But maybe I should tell him... No I'm not ready. 

I furrow my eyebrows together and rub my temples at the oncoming headache. Now's not the time, I decide. We're both not ready to tell each other. Besides, he's an ass. 

Ben comes back and sits on the stool next to mine. "So tell me your story." He says, clasping his hands together, expecting me to say how my father's a lawyer or some shit. 

Instead, I freeze, my cup slipping from my hands and clattering into pieces. 

"Crap! I'm so sorry!" I jump away from the burning coffee that fell onto my lap. People turn to look at the commotion, staring at me panicking. "I'll clean this up! I promise it won't happen again!" I whip around, looking for a dishtowel to mop the mess up. 

Ben catches my arms and steadies me. He looks me in the eye. "Shh Audrey, calm down. it's ok. I can clean this up," He helps me back to the stool and starts cleaning the mess up.

I sit there, shaking a bit, some sweat gathering on my forehead. Did I really just panic over a broken cup? I need to relax. I don't live with Bert anymore. 

I get up, realizing I need to leave. I can't handle the peoples stares, their eyes boring into me. Have they never seen someone panic before? 

I walk to the door's, opening them, the bell ringing. Ben looks up to see me leaving. "Audrey, where're you going?"

"I... I need to go. See you tomorrow." I rush out and away from the diner. Second time today that I freaked over nothing.

Again, I'm walking mindlessly through the streets. For the past block or so, I've been kicking a pebble, my hands stuffed in my pockets. I realize I've been thinking too much lately, with headaches becoming a familiar thing.  

I see a park and decide to swing on the swings to clear my mind for a bit. Walking over, I sit and watch the kids playing on the playground. A little girl runs around her parents, squealing and tackling their legs. Her parents look at her with love and the dad lifts the girl in the air. The little girl laughs in joy, as he swirls her in the air. He sets her down and looks at his wife, a huge smile plastering onto his face. He leans over to kiss her to which she locks lips with him. Their daughter cringes and covers her eyes and the parents just laugh as the mother nuzzles her head in his neck. 

A tear falls into my lap and I'm surprised to see that I'm crying. Of course. I envy that little girl. She has the perfect little family, one that I always dreamed and never had. 

"Audrey?" I jump, wiping my tears and turning to see Blake looking concerned. I sniff and force a smile. 

"Oh Blake, hey," I turn away, rubbing my face to rid any stray tears. 

"What's wrong?" He sits on the swing next to mine. I kick at the wood chips and don't answer. Blake and I haven't talked much. Surprisingly, I don't feel too uncomfortable or vulnerable around him. 

"See that little girl over there?" I nod towards the girl in pigtails. Blake nods when he sees who I'm talking about. "I wish I was her." I sigh.

Blake studies me. He doesn't question why I want to be the little girl, which is exactly what I wanted. Instead, he gets up and pushes me on the swings. I crane my neck to look at him.

"What are you doing.." I ask.

"I don't know exactly why you want to be that little girl, but this is my guess," he shrugs. I turn back ad smile to myself. Blake's a really nice guy.

Blake pushes me higher and higher in the air and I giggle, despite myself. "Higher!" I yell, like a child. Blake lets out a laugh and pushes me harder. 

I dig my heels into the ground once I get bored. "Let's do something else, Blake," I get up and study the park. 

"Why don't we play in the sandbox?" Blake motions to the abandoned sandbox. I nod and skip over with Blake skipping beside me. We laugh and toss sand at each other, trying to build a sandcastle, but failing miserably. Some kids wander over, curious at what they see, but their parents immediately gather them away, thinking we're some drunk teenagers. 

Blake stops and shakes the sand out of his hair. "Wow, I don't think I've had this much fun in a while." He beams at me. 

I smile. "Thanks Blake. This is exactly what I needed" He gets up and offers me his hand. 

We start walking back to our apartment, in silence. "Thanks again Blake. It means a lot that you actually care." I say.

"Yea no problem. Ever since you came, I actually decided to start cooking to you know, impress you sorta. And in a friendly way, not a flirty way," he says quickly. I chuckle and shake my head. 

"Well you certainly have a knack at putting ingredients together,"

"Knack? Who says knack anymore?" Blake fakes confusion and opens to door to the apartment building for me. 

"Shut up," I laugh. We walk to the elevator and wait. I'm glad that me and Blake had this chance to bond. He acted like a brother I always wanted to have. At least that part of my dream's coming true.

The elevator doors open.

My heart drops.

My smile fades.

Jealousy stabs me in the side.

There stands Pierce, locking lips with some girl in the elevator.

Wow look at that! I uploaded twice in one week! I'm so proud of myself guys :')

Hope you like it! xx

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