Noragami One Shots

By sailortwilightt

11.1K 118 67

Noragami is love, Noragami is life. Some of these will be nsfw; others sfw. Warnings will be posted so read... More

Kofuku x Daikoku
Veena x Yato
Yato x Yukine
Kofuku x Yukine

Veena x Yato

1.4K 23 16
By sailortwilightt

|| Coffee shop AU where every time I'm your barista, I write bad pick-up lines on your cup


"So I was at home for the holidays and they bust out with the usual question. Akiha, Kuraha and Kinuha. 'Where's your boyfriend?'" she sighed, pulling up her long blonde hair into a ponytail.

"They have reasons for asking." The brunet besides her fixed his glasses on the bridge of his nose, crossing his arms.

"So they can embarrass me in front of him? No thank you."

"White chocolate mocha latte?" The two of them looked towards the source of the voice. A boy with dark, midnight purple hair and glowing blue eyes was leaning over the counter, two cups steaming in front of him. "Kazuma?" The two of them went to the counter, fixing their coats.

"Veena, they just want you to be happy."

"And embarrass me." The two mumbled a 'thank you' to the barista and moved to another spot within the coffee shop.

As their chat continued, Veena couldn't help but feel as if someone was watching her. Still focusing on her conversation, she let her eyes wander, trying to see who in the coffee shop was looking at her. Her violet eyes met a light blue one, the exact ones that had been staring at her.

She started to zone out, focusing only on the enticing blue eyes that seemed to be looking down at her coffee cup and back up at her eyes. Curious as to what was so interesting for him to be staring at her cup, she rose her cup to look at it.

The Christmas spirit had impregnated Starbucks, so the cups were red with snowflakes. Besides the cup sleeve to keep herself from burning her hand, the cup had a slip of paper that had a short code for her order and Kazuma's name. But what really got her interest was the writing on the paper.

"Are you the sun? Because damn, you're hot." Her eyes stared at the scribbles on the note before looking back up at the blue eyed barista. He gave a smirk and a wink, making Veena laugh.

"Veena?" This snapped her attention back to her companion, who was watching her curiously. She brought her hand up to her mouth, hiding her smile.

"Come on, let's get out of here." Veena hooked her arm around Kazuma's and they exited the coffee shop.

Kazuma and Veena continued their conversation as they made their way back to their dorm rooms from the coffee shop on campus.

"Veena." She was looking down at the scribbled note on her cup. "Aren't you going to throw that away?" She stared at Kazuma for a while before carefully, yet quickly removing the note off the cup and tossing it in the trash.

"Yes, sorry." She smiled, folding the small paper in half and placed it into her pocket.

"Do you work today?" Veena lifted her right arm into the air, allowing her sleeve to ride down her arm to look at her watch.

"Half an hour. You?" She fixed her sleeve, shielding herself from the cold.

"Not tonight." Veena hummed disappointedly.

"And I'm off tomorrow too." He gave a disappointed sigh. "We'll meet up for some coffee before your shift." She promised. He gave a nod and they parted ways.

Veena went into her dorm room, in hopes to find temporary warmth from the snow. Kazuma and Veena both lived on campus, Kazuma in the dorms down the street, and they both worked for the campus public library.

Veena packed herself some dinner and headed back out to the snow, towards the library. Her boots crunched in the snow as she walked to the library, she couldn't help but wonder about her encounter at the coffee shop earlier that day. The boy whose blue eyes were extremely mysterious yet attractive. She had never seen him around before, so he must be new to the area.

Veena's shift began and she was working in sorting out the books today. She wandered about the aisles, putting books back in the spots they belonged. She hummed a soft tune to herself until she bumped into someone, dropping both her books and theirs.

"My apologies." She kneeled down and began to pick up her books, the other doing the same.

"Shoot, my bad." The voice sounded vaguely familiar. As she finished picking up the rest of her books, she looked up and saw a mop of blonde hair and amber eyes.

"Yukine." She stood, holding her books in one arm. The boy stood as well, smiling nervously at her. Yukine was several years younger than her but she knew him through Kazuma because the two of them were friends. Anyone who was a friend of Kazuma's was a friend of hers, but it was clearly visible that he was afraid of her at times.

"O-Oh, hey." IS Kazuma working today?" He asked. The boy spent most of his time on campus, cooped up in the library, even though he was only a high schooler.

"Not today, I'm sure he told you yesterday." He chuckled, rubbing the back of his head.

"Oh, that's right." She couldn't help the chuckle that slipped past her lips at his nervousness.

"So what brings you today? More studying?" She asked. He shuffled his books in his arms - study guides.

"Yeah, but I'm also waiting for a friend. He's new on campus so I thought I could show him around, since I'm always here." Veena nodded.

"That's a nice gesture. Well, if you need anything or have any questions, you're more than welcome to come ask me." They said their quiet yet awkward goodbyes and parted ways.

As Veena's shift continued, she often caught herself daydreaming of the blue eyed barista, or subconsciously looking for him among the people coming in and out of the library.

It was at one point when she saw a short blonde standing next to a taller boy with dark purple hair. Her eyes followed them, mostly the taller one.

"So that's the friend." She hummed to herself.

As a librarian came with a new stack of books for her to put away, she took the stack and began to put them away. While putting these books away on the shelves, it was coincidentally leading her towards the general direction of Yukine and the mystery boy had gone off to.

She ended up bumping into Yukine again, only Yukine.

"Hey, who was that person you're with?" Veena asked him in a hushed voice. Yukine eyed her before looing another way.

"I suggest you stay away from him. He - He likes to cause trouble." He replied curtly. Veena patted her sides, looking for his scribbled note, but then she remembered she left it in her coat pocket.

"I think it may be a little too late for that warning." She mumbled.

"Really, you should keep away from him." He spoke a little louder this time. Veena rolled her eyes and began to walk away, down the aisle of books to go down to her desk, when she ran into someone. She almost fell, but arms caught her and stopped her fall.

"Whoa, careful there." The person helped her stand and she looked up at her helper to thank them, when she lost her words. He noticed her lack of words and gave a small smirk. "Well, we meet again."

"Y-Yes, how do you do?" She stammered for words. He let out a small chuckle.

"Did it hurt?" He asked. She looked at him curiously, she was sure she didn't hurt herself too much when she ran into him.

"No, I think I'm-"

"When you fell from heaven?" This sent a blush to erupt on her face and she stammered for her words again.

"Yato!" Yukine came, looking more at him before narrowing his eyes at Veena.

"What's up Yukine? Would you happen to know this goddess?" His voice was smooth and charming, keeping Veena on her toes.

"I do, although I don't think she likes you." At that, Yato frowned slightly and Veena was pushed away by Yukine. "Don't you have to be getting to work?" He asked her with an irritated smile.

While walking back to her desk, Veena couldn't help but look back at the blue eyed boy. Their eyes met and they were almost looking at each other longingly, before Yukine began to push Yato into one of the aisles, cutting their connection off.

The rest of her shift dragged on until the library closed at nine.

"Have a good night! Enjoy your day off."

"Thanks, you too!" She slipped on her jacket and stepped out of the library, being sure to lock the doors behind her.

Turning around, Veena gave a sigh, a puff of smoke coming out of her lips signaling how cold it was. She rubbed her hands together for warmth and stuffed them into her jacket pockets and started her walk home.

"You know, it's dangerous to walk home alone at night." Veena jumped and looked to the source of the voice. Even in the darkness of the night, his eyes seemed to glow attractively. He had a jacket on and a ruffled white scarf around his neck, leaning casually against the wall.


"Veena." There was a silence as the two of them started at each other.

"I usually have someone to walk with me. Unfortunately, they were occupied and couldn't come."

"Well then, tonight's your lucky night because I'll be accompanying you then." Another silence filled the sky and Veena nodded. Yato pushed himself off the wall and went to her side and they began to walk together.

They had small talk regarding where Yato had come from and how he knew Yukine and how Veena had known Yukine.

"Is he your boyfriend?"


"That guy. Kazuma." They were standing in front of her dormitory complex.

"He's not." She spoke softly. He let out a huff of relief, a smirk on his face that gave her shivers. He saw her shiver and he reached behind his neck, removing his scar and stepped closer to her, wrapping the scarf around her neck. He tied it gently before looking into her eyes and stepping away.

"My stuff on you suits you." He mumbled, running a hand under the scarf. The distance between them was dangerous and her eyes couldn't help but keep flickering down to his lips.

"Good night Yato." She stepped back and waved her fingers at him in a goodbye. As soon as she started to walk away, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her back to him, pressing her against him and wrapping his arm around her waist to keep her close.

"Was what Yukine said true?" He asked, his voice in a strong, husky whisper. Veena cleared her throat, trying to maintain her composure.


"You don't like me."

"I wouldn't say I don't." Their eyes met once but they didn't last long, only to look down at each other's lips and their clouded breathing. Before she could say anything else, he leaned in and pressed him lips onto hers into a long kiss. His hand traveled up her back to the nape of her neck, deepening the kiss when her lips parted. When they broke the kiss, their clouded breaths mingled in the small space between them.

"Is that proof enough?" She whispered. His hand went back down the curves of her back and to her waist again, hugging her hips.

"It is although I would prefer to have more." He murmured, leaning into her neck but she pushed him away gently.

"Well, I think that that will be enough for now." He groaned and she couldn't help her smirk. "Good night Yato." She pulled away from him and started to walk away, when he called out to her.

"Veena." She stopped at the door, looking back at him. "Will I see you again?" His blue eyes searched hers.

"Perhaps. We'll see." She winked and he smirked, taking his leave.

As soon as Veena was in the safety of her dorm room, she couldn't help the huge blush on her face. The events from outside kept replaying in her head all night that she ended up losing sleep over it.

"Veena, what's with you today? You fell asleep in almost every class." Kazuma asked as she yawned. "Did you stay up late last night?" She nodded. The two of them were walking out of the school building and were heading to the coffee shop.

"I'm going to need something to wake me up." She yawned again.

The small bell on the door rang as they entered the shop, the aroma of coffee beans and the chatter of the customers inside enveloping and welcoming them in.

"I'll get the drinks, you go sit down." Veena nodded and went to sit in a booth, avoiding to look at anyone, mostly avoiding to look at the baristas on shift today. She didn't want to see him. She rested her arms on the table and laid her head down on them, facing the wall.

"You're really tired, aren't you?" Kazuma slid into the seat across from her.

"Is there a problem with that?" She didn't raise her head.


"Oh Yukine. What are you doing here?" Veena lifted her head and noticed the blonde boy standing before their table. She quietly groaned and put her head back down as they started to get lost in their conversation.

"Kazuma!" The barista called out for the owner of the drinks. "Kazuma?" The two of them continued talking and she didn't think that Kazuma was going to stand soon to get their drinks. She brought her head back up, looking at the two, Kazuma oblivious to his name having been called. With a groan, Veena got up and went to get the drinks.

Lo and behold, Yato was there, with his signature smirk.


"Yato." He hands her the drinks, his eyes narrowing on her lips.

"I left something on your cup." Curious, Veena turned her cup to look at the small paper.

"Spell 'Me'." Her eyes met his and he nodded.

"M-E." She said out loud.

"You forgot the D."

"But there's no D in 'Me'."

"Not yet." His smirk widened and she glared at him, playfully slapping the hand that tried to hold her hand.

"I liked you better before you kissed me." She said, removing the paper off the cup and putting it into her jacket pocket.

"Don't worry, I'll make you like - or should I say lust after me." His eyes glowed of a different light that sent a shiver down her spine. "See ya later." He winked. With that, Veena turned on her heals and headed back to the booth.

"Kazuma!" The two boys jumped and turned to look at her.

"V-Veena! Our drinks were ready?"

"They called you several times." She kept both cups to herself as she slid into his side of the booth, as Yukine had taken her side of the booth. Kazuma chuckled softly as she glared at him, Yukine fidgeting under the glare.

"Sorry. I guess I was caught up talking with Yukine that I didn't hear." Kazuma rubbed the back of his neck. Veena huffed and she slid his cup over to him.

"I-I'll be going now." Yukine muttered. Kazuma and Yukine exchanged their goodbyes, but Veena remained silent.

"He's afraid of me." She said as she took a sip of her coffee.

"Well, he has a reason to." You are one intimidating woman."

"Are you insulting me?"

"Not at all." She gave a huff and laid her head back down on the table.

"Do you work tomorrow?" No matter how many times she looked at the schedule, she would never remember his or her schedule.

"We don't work all week together. Your days off are my work days, vice versa." She groaned.

"I guess I'll be staying home tonight. I'll see if Aiha and Tsugaha want to come over then." Kazuma nods.

"That is actually a good idea." He said looking elsewhere. "I wouldn't want you alone at the moment." This peaked Veena's interest and she brought her head up to look at him.

"Why?" When he didn't reply, she followed his gaze and found Yato giving Kazuma a cold stare.

"We should go." Kazuma stood, helping her stand and out of the booth, being sure to put his arms around her shoulders as if asserting his dominance. As Yato saw this, he narrowed his eyes at Kazuma, but he gave a chuckle and went back to work.

"Please, don't go out if you don't have someone accompanying you. I don't trust that guy." Veena gave a sigh.

"I get it. I won't be going out tonight."

"And tomorrow, I'll ask Tsugaha, Aiha or even see if Yukine could accompany you home after work if I can't." She sighed once more.

"Will you go already?"

"Yes. Be safe. And remember what I told you."

Not soon after Kazuma left, Aiha and Tsugaha arrived. They spent the whole night watching movies, laughing about high school moments and talking about college boys.

"There's this new kid that's working in the coffee shop." Tsugaha started.

"The blue eyed one? I hate him." Aiha said. Veena couldn't help but laugh.


"He messed up my frappe once! And when I asked him to remake it for me, I'm pretty sure he spit in it." Aiha grabbed a pillow and began to squeeze it. Tsugaha and Veena laughed and continued talking about boys until they had to leave.

"At least walk us out of the complex." Tsugaha whined. Veena rolled her eyes.

"Fine." The three suited up for the cold and headed down to the lobby.

"I can't stand the cold."

"Veena, whose scarf is that?"

"Yeah, I was wondering the same thing."

"Well I'm glad you two were able to spend the night with me. I'll you see you later!" Veena pushed them out of the complex with their "hey!" and went back inside. She went back to the elevator and just as the door was going to close, a hand came in and stopped the door.

"Sorry, I didn't see you-" She lost her voice as the door opened to the person who stopped it. "Yato."


"Stalking me, are you?"

"If anything, you showed me where you lived." He had a point. She crossed her arms, glaring at him.

"Well? What do you want?" The elevator bell rand the door began to close. Just as it did, Yato quickly strode in and pinned her against the wall, kissing her. As the elevator started to ascend, the kiss escalated in intensity as well.

"Didn't I already say it?" He asked in a low voice when they broke apart. "I'm going to make you lust after me." She threw her head back with a laugh and he took the opportunity to start kissing her neck.

"You're cocky, you know that?" She asked. He gave a low chuckle and pushed his scarf downward to kiss and suck on her collarbone.

"You're lucky cause I've got just the thing for you." Veena couldn't help but scoff.

"Really Yato, you swoon me."

"I'll sweep you off your feet and give you the ride of your life." His hand started to run under her coat, grabbing all curves of her. They wrapped around her back and moved down to her bottom, squeezing and kneading her cheeks generously.

The bell to the elevator dinged, signaling their arrival to Veena's floor. The door pulled apart and so did they, looking into each other's eyes.

"Well?" He asked. She rolled her eyes.

"Fuck you." He smirked as she grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the elevator and down the hall to her room.

"It would be my pleasure to fuck you." She could feel his eyes staring at her and she could hear his signature smirk as he spoke.

Just as soon as the door to Veena's dorm room closed, Yato began to undress Veena, kissing her all the while whispering dirty things. Both her and his clothes were strewn everywhere as they made their way to her bedroom in just their underwear.

As her body landed on the bed, he hovered over her, taking in the view.

"Like a goddess." He murmured as his hand slipped down into her panties and his fingers reached into her sensitive folds. Veena gave a quiet moan as he toyed with her, Yato's eyes glowing.

"Coming from you at the moment... I find it hard to believe." Yato gave a chuckle and he inserted a couple fingers insides, making her moan louder.

"Doubting me?" He asked, leaning in to kiss her breasts. "That's a dangerous thing to do Veena." He began to pump his fingers faster, watching as she writhed underneath him. She grabbed at the bedsheets, her moans becoming louder.

"Fuck foreplay." He muttered under his breath. He tugged down on her panties and pulled down on his own underwear, before positioning himself between her. "Ready?"

"Whenever you are." He gave a smirk as he began to insert himself slowly, before picking up a quick pace.

Veena moans filled the room while Yato gave out several groans and grunts (never mind the substantial amount of sweat he was producing). The intensity built up, the pleasure riding high until there was a knock on the door. The knock startled them momentarily, but Yato continued anyways.

"Ignore it." He said between his thrusts. She did but the next thing that happened scared the both of them.

"Veena! You left the door unlocked so we let ourselves in!" It was Tsugaha. Immediately upon recognizing her voice, the two split apart and Veena scrambled to the restroom to hide.

In the living room was Tsugaha and Aiha, who had to come back because Tsugaha had forgotten her phone.

"Look at all this clothes." Tsugaha giggled. "She didn't wait to get busy after we left." Aiha rolled her eyes but couldn't help but look at the clothes that had been thrown everywhere.

"But with you?" Aiha asked. It was more of a rhetorical question but Tsugaha took it in herself to find the answer, wiggling her eyebrows at Aiha.

"Why don't we find out?" They followed the trail of clothes to the bedroom, finding a smug and naked Yato who was laying on his side, propping himself up on an elbow, a pillow between his legs. Aiha gasped and Tsugaha stifled her laughter.

"You?" Aiha shouted. Yato smirked.

"Good evening ladies. Would you care to join us?"

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