Death Note One Shots

By HalfwayToFlying

31.4K 409 113

A series of one shots for the characters of Death Note. Requests are available. More

L: Investigating Love
Mello: The Boy Next Door
Taking requests
Light Yagami: A Kiss Until Graduation
Near: Name Of An Angel
AU Matt: Date For Draft Day
Mello: Harm From Optimal
Mello: Emotions Get the Best of Me
Matt: Empty
Small Hiatus
Reiji Namikawa
Teru Mikami
PTSD, College, etc.

L: Late Night Talks

2.1K 39 20
By HalfwayToFlying

[A/N: For this chapter, I'll give you an older or younger sister or brother. You can choose if they're older or younger or your twin, along with the gender. As for the name, I'll give him/her a non-binary name. If I end up using your name, than I'm sorry, just choose a name you would like.
As for L's alias, I am going to use Ryan.
For your information: This chapter will be a little emotional at first. I just thought I'd let you know.
Hope you enjoy; and as always, requests are open to as many Death Note characters you want. You can request the same character as many times as you want if you want to see different situations.
I also don't mind writing one shots for people of the same gender, so don't be shy to ask or comment for a one shot for a character of your gender. ♡]
Dedicated to @TinyGatsby

"Hey, L, can I have a hug, please?" I asked as I broke the silence as we drank our tea. Everyone else was still asleep since it was 12:49 in the morning. L and I just happen to be the only night owls. I am, at least. L is just an insomniac.
We stand up and walk to each other.
L whispers as he hugged me, "What's wrong, [Y/N]?"
Weird, he usually never asks me what's wrong when I ask for a hug.
A sigh of anguish comes out, but the words are stuck. I know what to say, but the words are just stuck in my throat. Tears form as the words just stay there in the middle of my throat, causing my breathing to stop for a few seconds.
My eyes close, causing the tears to fall down my cheeks and stain onto L's shirt.
L's arms tighten around me, and I immediately start to hiccup from holding the words in and preventing myself from breathing.
I cry almost silently into L's arms as he held me, telling me that I can trust him and it'll be okay
"Do you want to talk about it in my bedroom?" L asked as his grip loosened so he can look at me.
I wipe away most of the tears with my sleeve. I try to speak, but all that can come out is a whisper, "Yeah, please."
L leads me to his bedroom with his hand in mine.
As we get there, L opens the door for me and closes it as both of us are inside.
"[Y/N], what's wrong? Did anybody hurt you?"
"I'm sorry L, I don't know how much more pain I can handle... I miss my parents and Jordan so much... I just want the pain to end... I should have died with them, but the killer just had to kill them while I was at school."
L hugged me once again, causing more tears to flow.
"[Y/N], please don't commit suicide; suicide is never the answer. If you die, Wammy's won't be the same. You're the only friend I have ever had... I care about you..." L slowly continued as he held me tighter, "I didn't want to tell you this, but I... I'm leaving tomorrow to [Your Hometown] to try and investigate because it seems the police aren't doing much of a good job and they most likely had given up a few years ago. I've thought about it over and over for the last month, and I'm going to try find Jordan."
I pull away and look at him in disbelief. "L, you don't need to go that far to cheer me up. It's been seven years since it's my parents were killed and Jordan went missing... it is impossible, and I don't want to have false hope. In the end, the results might just as well be the same; dead or still missing."
L sighs as he held my hand and brought me over to sit on his bed. L pulls out a small, white box his from nightstand which looked like it came from a gift shop. He opens it and I see two silver, heart-shaped necklaces; one with L engraved, and the other with my name engraved on it. They weren't lockets to hold pictures or anything in them, they were simply just heart-shaped necklaces.
L grabbed the one with his name on it, and undid the chain to put it on me. L tells me, "[Y/N], I bought these for us because I figured sooner or later, I will be starting my new life as a crime investigator. When I do start, I want both of us to know that we're still friends who care for each other.
"When I leave, I want you to wear this everyday and remind yourself that I still care about you, and I want you in my life. And when I do leave, I'll be wearing yours, and it'll be an everyday reminder that you are my friend."
The tears had stopped shortly after he told me why he bought them, and I hug him once again. He wraps his arms around me, and we stay in silence for the next minute.
"Thank you, L. I will wear it everyday. I don't know what to think about you trying to investigate Jordan's disappearance, but I'll try to stay positive."
"Please promise me you will think of me and this moment right now whenever you are feeling depressed or suicidal? Honestly, I really do want you to be okay, and I want you to be happy."
"I promise." I continue, "Thanks for being my friend. And honestly, it feels like you're the only real friend I have. Thanks for being here for me."
"It's no problem. I just want for us to be reminded that we're there for each other."
I smile as we end the hug.
I grab the necklace with my name on it, undo the chain, and lean up closer to put it onto him.
A nice silence comes by us as we sit. L wraps his arms around me and asks, "Are you going to be okay for tonight?"
I lay my head down against his chest and think. After a few seconds, I ask, "Since it's your last night here, can you sleep with me tonight?"
We leave his bedroom to go to mine which was three doors down the hallway. As we get in, L goes to sit on my bed. I turn away from him and undo my bra and take it off without taking off my shirt.
I go back to L, and we lay down in my bed with the blanket over us. L puts his arm under my head for me to use as a pillow. With my back against his chest, he wraps his other arm over my stomach. L kisses my cheek and says, "Goodnight, [Y/N]."
"Goodnight, L." I said. Knowing he's an insomniac, I drift off to sleep knowing L is here for me.

A knock comes at my door and a voice tells me to meet Roger in his office. I quickly put my razor between pages of my sudoku puzzle book. The memory of what happened twenty-one weeks ago is still fresh in my memory. L had left that same day around two in the afternoon.
As I walk into Roger's office, I see both Roger and Wammy. Shocked, I ask, "Wammy, welcome back! Where's L?"
Wammy smiles and says, "He's on his way here. I had came on an earlier flight to pick you up so you can meet L at the airport for when he gets back. The flight should be here in an hour and a half. You have fifteen minutes before we leave to the airport. Meet me in the car once you're ready."
I grin as I heard his words and rush to my bedroom.
On my way to the bedroom, an eight-year old boy with blonde hair stops me and says, "I drew this for you." I lean down and look at the drawing and see a heart on the top middle area, and inside it said had L, [Y/N], and Mello. On each corner was a drawn cross. The main subject of the drawing was the view the orphanage.
I assume Mello was the kid's name.
I smile at the cute drawing and give the little boy a hug, "Awe, thank you so much; its really nice. I'll hang up by my bed. I've got to go see L right now, so I'm kind of in a rush. Keep drawing, you're really good at it."
The boy look at me with a very shocked expression, "L is a person?"
I giggle and say, "Yeah, he's actually my best friend. He's coming back today, and Wammy is taking me to the airport to see him."
The boy says, "Okay, have fun." With that, he runs away.
'Oh god, I hope didn't break his heart or anything...' I think to myself as I walk into my bedroom and sat the drawing into my nightstand.
I use the bathroom, brush my hair, then go to put on my hoodie and shoes.
I meet with Wammy like he said, and we're off the airport.

~Ninety Minutes Later~
The jet has arrived, and the passengers have finally been able to leave the aircraft.
Anxiously, I keep my eyes out for L. Most passengers had gone to the area to get their luggage.
Finally, I see a raven-haired guy, and immediately, I run up to him and give him a hug, "Ryan, you're back! I missed you so much!"
L hugs me back and says, "[Y/N], I've missed you too. I've got a surprise you'll love."
"You didn't need to get me anything," I said awkwardly. L smiles and steps aside; putting an older Jordan in my view. Tears immediately form in my eyes and I hurry to give (him/her) a hug.
"[Y/N], I've missed you so much; I love you so much. I'm sorry I said all those things to you before mom and dad died. I love you much." Jordan said as (he/she) kept on hugging me.
Still too shocked, all that is on my mind comes out, "Jordan, I missed you so much! I'm so glad you're okay! Are you hurt? Is everything okay? Did they hurt you?"
"It was the person who killed Mom and Dad. They only meant to kill Mom, but Dad put up a fight, so they killed Dad too. Then they kidnapped me and took me to [City on the opposite side of your country]. That bitch was madly in love with Dad, and so they did a good job with their evilness. She really made me act like I was her child. Then finally Ryan came with the police and helped me. Now she's in jail for fifteen years, and here I am. Ryan said that I'll be staying at the orphanage with you for now.
"I love you so much. I'm sorry if I worried you, I didn't know if you were alive or not. I missed you so much."
"It's okay, you're alive and you're here; thanks to Ryan."
We finally broke apart from our hug to see L and Wammy grabbing the luggage.
We leave the airport and head to Wammy's Orphanage. On the way, we all talk, and at some point L tells us how he figured out where Jordan was.

I spent the rest of the day catching up with Jordan. And currently, Jordan is asleep in (his/her) bedroom which is next to mine. Everyone else is in their own rooms sleeping or doing what they do.
Knowing L, he's obviously awake, so I walk to his room and knock on the door.
He opens it and tells me to come in if I want.
"Why are you still awake?" L asked.
I hug him and say, "I forgot to thank you before we left the airport, so thanks for helping get Jordan back. It means so much; I didn't think you could do it. Thank you so much, L."
L hugs me back and say, "[Y/N], I told you, I would do my best to help get Jordan back; I just did as I said I would do. I would never lie to you, and I'd do anything to keep you happy."
I smile at his words and look up to him. I spot the necklace with my name on it. The sight causes me to smile wider and say, "L, the night before you left when I asked you to sleep with me, I realized shortly before I fell asleep."
"Yes, what is it?"
"You- I mean, I... I think I love you. It's fine if you don't feel the same; I would understand."
L looks into my eyes and straightforwardly says, "[Y/N], the reason I bought these necklaces and brought Jordan back is because I want you to be happy. I love you and I only want you to be happy. I'm glad... that you feel the same way."
I smile at his words and sit on his lap to reach up to his height and kiss him.
L holds me to be sure we're balanced, but we just end up laying on his bed with me on top of L.
We stop and for a moment, I study his handsome features. "I've missed you so much; all I ever think about nowadays," I spoke my thoughts aloud.
L -who looks both speechless and stunned- says, "I missed you so much too... At one point, I was almost giving up because it seemed a bit hopeless; but I kept you in mind to keep me going. I really do love you. I love you enough to do this, and I'd do anything to keep you happy and keep you as mind."
I smile and lay down in his arms, "Thank you, L. I love you so much."
L's arms tighten around my waist and says, "I love you too, [Y/N]."

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