Effortlessly Yours

By Stylessheartxx

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Athena, a girl who lost her mother n sister in a past accident a few months ago. Her friend scarlet took her... More

Effortlessly Yours
Snowflakes in winter
Authors note
How did you find me?
24 times?
Im so sorry

The Night Siren?

618 35 11
By Stylessheartxx

Authors note.


SO!!! I'm back not fully recovere but I'm losing readers because I haven't posted n it's sad xx so here we go enjoy!

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"I dare you to move , I dare you to move, Like today never happened" ~dare you to move by switchfoot


{zayns pov}

I pulled up ta a library running inside, eyes wandered for Tha librarian, once spotted I jolted over to her.

"Where's ya mystical creatures section?!" I didn't Bother ta whisper. My eyes followed her finger ta a book shelf not very far from where I was standing.

"Thank ya!" I tapped tha desk twice pushing ma self off over to tha shelf.

"Winged creatures ,winged creatures" I spotted a book that had wings on it, I pulled it from the shelf it was dusty with a few spider webs, I opened the book flipping through it until I stopped at a picture of a man like creature flying in tha air, I pulled out a feather from my pocket it holding it up ta tha picture of tha feather on tha book. It's a match.

"Tha Night Siren, an mystical creature who is known ta be a protector of tha sky. Guiding and searching for its mate-" I stopped reading there... Athena, that freak was going ta make Athena his princess. Something caught my eye, I looked down at the book continuing to read.

"Tha night siren will only take tha one who is tha same as itself , even if tha other has not discovered its true power" Athena... She, she's tha same.?

I hid tha book in ma jacket, heading past tha librarian who didn't even look up thank god.

I ran out tha door hopping on ma bike firing it up speeding down the street.


{Athena's POV}

My eyes opened slowly I was no longer in the air, I was in a bed actually. A sudden burn in my back struck like a knife.

"UGH!!!" I reached back , running my hand up the back of my shirt I scratched where it burned I soon realized I had dug through my skin. Something poked me.

"Ouch!!" I dug my nails deeper pulling out something I put it in front of me..

"What the hell!" I was scared staring at a bloody feather In my hand. I got up fast running to the mirror that was on the other side of the room, I lifted up the back of my shirt my eyes widen at the sight. There was a tiny hole in my back with a few feathers growing from it.

"I see your wings are sprouting" I jumped at the sound of a dark raspy voice, I turned my body to face a green eyed boy. His eyes.. I've seen his eyes.. I took in his facial features trying to remember where I have seen him before. Reality hit me, this boy in front of me has kidnapped me.

"Who are you!! Where am I?!" I barked.

"So many questions, so many answers, so much time." He turned walking away from the door way. What?!!?! Oh no no I'm not done with him.

"HEY! YOU!" I grabbed his arm but I was forced into the mirror it shattering everywhere his arm holding me up by my throat, wings flapping lightly behind him.

"You wanna know the truth!! Fine!" He dropped me to the floor leaving me gasping for air.

"You'll get your answers, when you get your wings." He shut the door locking it.

Tears running down my face as I whispered"zayn..where are you?"

I cried laying on the bed drifting to sleep.


End comments:

Soooooo. Sorry I haven't posted. I will post more soon just wanted to post this quick before I lose more readers :(

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