Together Again

By RealLife4Life

1.2K 19 0

Gigi hasn't seen Jake in months but when Gigi sees jake for the first time in 3 months will Gigi's feelings f... More

Gigi and jake see each other for the first time since the broke up
Places where Jake likes to hang out
Jake's followers on social media
A/N #1
A/N #2
Authors note #3
Extra characters
Authors note #4
The talk
A/N #5
The next four chapters
Lunch with Gigi
A/N #6
Runin with Bella
46 reads
Catching Up
Making promises
A/N #7
She's back
A\N #8

Finding Jake

82 2 0
By RealLife4Life

Jake POV
I was sitting on the sand on the beach when I turned around and I saw Gigi standing behind me. To be honest I'm glad she was there because I missed her and I haven't seen her in a few months the last time I saw her was when I went over to her house and we decided to break up with each other because of our career schedules.

Gigi POV
I was looking for Jake and the last place I looked was the beach and that is when I saw him sitting on the sand then I ran to him. I ended up standing behind him waiting for him to turn around and see me there.

Jake POV
I felt like I needed somebody to talk to and since Gigi was the only person there with me I decided I would talk to her.

What will Gigi and Jake talk about?

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