Apocalypse (a twilight fanfic)

By blackdust

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Amelia has been alone virtually her whole life. One day she gets a letter from her mum saying to go to the Cu... More

Apocalypse (a twilight fanfic)
Chapter 1- past
Chapter 2- story
Chapter 3- hunt
chapter 4- smile
Chapter 5- game
chapter 6- deal
Chapter 7-shopping
Chapter 8- cliff
Chapter 9- wait
Chapter 10-return
Chapter 11-family
Chapter 12-time
chapter 13-sweet
Chapter 14- proposition
Chapter 15- rematch
Chapter 16-power
chapter 17- practice
Chapter 18-confession
Chapter 19-reaction
Chapter 20- soccer
chapter 21-plan
chapter 22- talk
Chapter 23- sisters
Chapter 25- call
chapter 26- desicion
chapter 27- back to forks
chapter 28- Charlie and Sue
Chapter 29- we are vampires
chapter 30- la push
Author's note! MUST READ!
Chapter 31- plans for the big day
Chapter 32- shopping for the big day
Chapter 33- the big day
Chapter 34- home sweet home
chapter 35
chapter 36- News
chapter 37- Baseball
Chapter 38- Max's birthday
Chapter 39- first date
Chapter 40- details
Chapter 41- First day
Chapter 42
Chapter 43- Choir
Chapter 44- Arcade
Chapter 45- Surprise
Chapter 46- note
Chapter 47- Hurt
Chapter 48- tears
Chapter 49- Gone
Chapter 50 - Comprehension
Chapter 51- Actions
Chapter 52-Fault
Chapter 53- Darkness
Chapter 54- Sense
Chapter 55- Revenge
Chapter 56- awake
Chapter 57
Chapter 58- apologies
Chapter 59- feelings
Chapter 60- Forever
Chapter 61- unexpected
Chapter 62- Answers
Chapter 63- complications
Chapter 64- Revelations
Chapter 65- Promise
Chapter 66- indecision
Chapter 67- Battle
Chapter 68- Victory
(FINAL CHAPTER) Chapter 69- Farewell

Chapter 24

21.1K 234 38
By blackdust

Chapter 24

***Max's POV***

I felt the sunlight hit my face just right. I rubbed my eyes before opening them. I was still lying down and then I looked around I saw Amelia perched beside me. She looked at me with a smile on her face. I rubbed my eyes again maybe I'm just imagining her? I looked at her again and she tilted her headed to the side and cocked her eyebrow.

"I am really here you know." She said. Wait how did she know that I was thinking that? 

"Did I wake you up? Sorry if I did I woke up earlier than usual and I got dressed and stuff and I thought if you were still sleeping or whatever we could go down together." She said animatidly.

"No you didn't wake me up." I said then I sat up next to her.

"Nice hair." She commented then she got her hand and she messed my hair some more. I love it when she does that. Her soft touch.

"Why do you do that?" I asked. She tilted her head to the side again and had an apologetic look.

"Sorry I never knew that you didn't like it." She said.

"No I like it but I just asked out of curiousity." I said.

"Oh. Well... I do it because I think you look better with messy hair and for fun." She said. Her hand was still on my head and then she dropped it to my lap. I laughed and then she laughed too. Her laugh was bubbly.

"You know you look cute when you tilt your head to the side." I said. She tilted her head to the side again and said

"Like this?"

"Yep." I said.

"Thanks that's sweet you know what?" She said there was a smile tugging on her lips.

"What?" I asked curious.

"You have no idea how long I've been waiting here for you to wake up I've been here like forever!" She said.

"Sorry I was sleeping you should've went downstairs." I said. Then she started to laugh.

"I'm joking I've only been waiting like five minutes maybe less." She said. I laughed too.

"So what happened last night I went to sleep downstairs and in the morning I'm in my room who brought me up?" She asked.

"Basically you felt asleep on my lap and then after a while I brought you upstairs to your room." I said.

"Really? Am I heavy?" She asked. I laughed.

"No you are very light." I said.

"You know what?" She said.

"What?" I said.

"You talk in your sleep." She said. I do? That's embarrassing.

"What did I say?" I asked trying to remember my dream.

"You said my name!" She said happily.

"Really? Well I don't mind saying that and you sleep talk too." I said matter-of-factly. Her face looked horrified.

"What did I say?" She said. I laughed and said

"You said my name too I guess we dream of each other." She replaced her horrified expression with a breathtaking smile.

"That's alright I really don't mind saying that." She said emphasizing the really. There was a comfortable silence we just sat and looked at each other.

"Why don't you get changed and stuff I'll wait outside." She said and she was just about to get up. I held her hand tight and said

"You can stay in here I'll have a shower and get changed in the bathroom." She nodded and then I let go of her hand and got off my bed and went into my closet. I browsed through my clothes and picked out a pair of khakis and a white top. I exited my closet and looked at Amelia she was playing with strands of her hair. She looked up and she saw me then she smiled again. I smiled back cheesily and then went into my en suite bathroom. I placed my clothes on the side and then brushed my teeth, stripped and then got into the shower. I quickly showered and then got a towel and dried myself. I quickly put on my clothes and looked in the mirror. My hair was a mess just as she liked it. I exited the bathroom and looked around my room she was on my wheeley chair she was moving side to side on it and seemed to be in deep thought. She looked at me as I walked closer to her. She smiled and stood up. She bit her lip and then raised her hand to my hair and messed it even more. Her soft touch lingered through my hair. After she finished she took her hand off and first looked at me smiling and then at her hand frowning. I it was wet, she was about to wipe it on her clothes but she was gone and came back in the same milisecond. I knew she left because she had a towel in her hands.

"May I?" She asked gesturing to the towel. She probably wants to dry it for two reasons she wants to try out her hair drying on me and she probably wants to mess my hair when it dry.

"Sure." I said. Her face lit up and she said

"Close your eyes I don't want to poke your eye out." She said I nodded and snapped my eyes shut. I felt her put the towel on her head and at first gently rub then faster but the same force. In less then a minute

"Okay you can open your eyes now." She said I opened my eyes and I saw her shrink a bit I looked at her feet and realized that she was on her tip-toes. I ran my hand through my  hair and it was comepletely dry. She got her hand and then she messed it up. She took her hand off and I was just about to grab it but she was one step ahead and placed the towel in my hair. It was soaked she smirked at me as I went into the bathroom and put it in the hamper and then walked back into my room. She was sitting on my wheeley chair again and looked as if she had been waiting forever. She was swinging on it which made me remember the time she was in her room and I got to hold her in my arms. 

"You know that time you were swinging on your chai and went into my arms?" I said. She nodded and then held a guilty expression.

"That was part of a proposition." She admitted. I cocked an eyebrow.

"What proposition?" I asked curiously.

"Basically Aunt Alice said that if I go in your arms and take advantage of that then she won't take me shopping for a month. That's why I haven't been shopping lately sorry but I didn't mind being in your arms I was actually eager. Sorry." She said she had an apologetic look.

"It's alright I'm actually happy that, that happened." I admitted. She now had a smile on her face and a sly look in her eyes. She twisted on the chair once got up and then collapsed into my arms she had a massive smile on her face.

"I feel soo dizzy..." She said and then started to laugh and then I did. I wrapped my arms around her more securely and held her. She then wrapped her arms around me and said

"Are you happy now then?" She looked up at me.

"Yes." I said.

"Me too." She said. She rested her head of my chest and it seemed like she was trying to feel my heartbeat because she could already hear it. My heart seemed to beat faster through and so did hers I felt an electric current pulse through our bodies everywhere we touched. I looked down at Amelia and she seemed deep in thought.

"What are you thinking?" I asked.

"Hmm... I'm thinking what we could do today all I've got is that we could play some games." She said and then she looked up at me.

"That's a good idea but you probably win me." I said if she could beat my dad she could definitely beat me.

"No not really I have only played the one game we could play mario cart I don't think you press random buttons to win that." She said. I thought for a minute that would be actually a good idea.

"Okay we could play." I said.

"Yay! This is going to be fun!" She said and she jumped out of my embrace. That's when I first saw her outfit I didn't look at it before. She was wearing a a khaki coloured skirt with white leggings and a white top. It suited her well then I looked at my outfit and then realized we matched.

"Hey Max? Max? Maaaaaaaaaxxxxxxx!" She said waving her hand in front of my face.

"Yes?" I said giving her my attention.

"What are you thinking about were you daydreaming?" She asked and then she giggled.

"No I wasn't daydreaming I was looking at your outfit and then realized we matched." I said. She looked at her outfit then at mine then she looked at me and then smiled.

"We do which is weird because we didn't plan this it's a coincidence." She said.

"I thought you said that you weren't going to wear skirts anymore did you change your mind?" I asked.

"Yes I did say that and no I didn't change my mind Aunt Alice made me wear it I had no choice." She said and then frowned.

"Can't you like control her?" I asked.

"Yes I can but she is an unstoppable force of nature and I knew that if I refused she would annoy me until I gave up even if I did close her mouth. So I told her I'll only wear a skirt she picked it out for me." She said.

"Okay well you look nice- very beautiful." I commented she blushed and then said

"You look nice as well especially your hair." She said and then she winked at me.

"I knew you only wanted me for my hair." I said playfully. But she looked terrified to what I said.

"No I like all of you and you are very nice and sweet and-" She said I interuppted her.

"I'm joking, I'm joking I know you like me." I said. She tilted her head to the side and thought.

"Oh but like is an understatment well anyways lets go downstairs they are starting to wonder what's taking us so long even through they could hear our conversation and my dad can see into our minds." She said. It was like she said that like that they were supposed to hear that. I grabbed her hand and we exited the room we still had our hands held as we went downstairs. As soon as we were in sight of our family we let go of each other and went into the kitchen and sat down together. Aunt Bella and Uncle Edward were in there too they were looking at us weirdly i hope we don't get interrogated later.

"Good morning mum and dad!" Amelia said cheerfully.

"Good morning Aunt Bella and Uncle Edward." I said.

"Good morning you two." Aunt Bella said.

"Good morning." Uncle Edward said. Aunt Bella gave us our food and then sat next to uncle Edward. I looked at Amelia and she winced at her food. I saw her hold her breath and shove it in her mouth and ate it without tasting it. She didn't seem to enjoy it.

"Don't you like your food?" I asked. She shrugged and said

"It does not smell nice and taste nice but I need food so I have to suck it up and eat it." She said.

"Well Amelia I think your sensees are starting to get sharper and we met a half immortal, half human hybrid before he said that his diet is mostly blood but some human food." Dad said.

"Really does that mean i could ditch human food?" Amelia asked happily.

"Umm... maybe but you will still need to have some because you are still very skinny." He said. She nodded.

"Do I have to eat this?" She asked gestering to her plate.

"Are you hungry?" Aunt Bella said.

"No not really I'll eat when i'm hungry." She said.

"Okay but make sure you do." Aunt Bella said to her sternly Amelia nodded and said

"I will dad would know when i am hungry and you could all hear my tummy grumble so I can't hide it." She said. She had a big smile on her face as her mum took her food away from her. Then she looked at me and waiting for me to finish. I ate quickly but not to choke myself and then put my plate away. We went into the family room and Aunt bella and Uncle Edward followed. We sat next to each other with our legs touching. Uncle Edward gave us a look he opened his mouth and said

"Amelia hold Max's hand." Me and Amelia looked at him weirdly and Amelia was the one to ask


"I've got a theory." He said Amelia looked at him probably reading his mind and then grabbed my hand.  Her soft touch sent tingles through my entire being.

"What is her touch like?" He asked.

"Soft, gentle." I said.

"Amelia I think I know how you could control your strength well start to." He said. She tilted her head to the side and said


"When you are not thinking about your strength you don't use much of it when you are aware of it you use too much of it that probably be the same with your speed why don't you stand next to me and then go back to you seat as fast as you can." He said. She nodded I felt her let go of my hand but I didn''t see her move she seemed to be in the same spot. 

"Done it." she said. Wow she is fast.

"See you were aware of it I was right." He said.

"Well obviously you were right you get an insight to everything!" She said and then everyone laughed. She then turned to me and said

"Shall we play now?"

"Yes let's play." I said I was just about to get up but Dad interuppted me.

"What are you going to play? Chess?" He said laughing. "Are you too a little young for that?"

"Chess? What's chess?" She asked. Everyone knew what he meant what it meant apart from her. Uncle Edward growled, Amelia looked at him.

"Chess is basically when two-" dad started but was interuppted by Aunt Bella.

"She doesn't need to know what your definition of chess is Amelia it's nothing." She said. But Amelia didn't let it go.

"Max what is chess?" She asked and she looked at me.

"Umm.... Urr..." I stuttered not sure on what to say. She then looked at her dad. It seemed like he told her because she had a lot of different feelings on her face.

"Ohh... No Uncle Emmett we are NOT playing that we are going to play Mario cart I hope you do not have a different definition to that we are going to play the video game." She said.

"Well I do have different definition for that it is-" He said but Amelia shut his mouth after he looked funny when she did that to him.

"Yeah you could keep that definition to yourself Max why don't you set up the real mario cart." She said. Everyone laughed and so did she.  I got up and setted it up on the tv Amelia waited patiently on the side. I put the wheel on the remote and then passed to her she examined it.

"How do I use this?" She asked.

"Well first put the strap around your arm and tighten it." I said she nodded and did so she tighten around her skinny arm.

"Done it." She said.

"Okay this button is to accelarate, this one is to reverse, this one is when you get a box it is how you activate your item and you move the remote like this to steer." I said she nodded I changed the settings making it easier for her.

"Could we have a practice race first?" She asked.

"Yeah." I said. We chose our charaters I chose Luigi and Amelia chose Yoshi then we chose our cars and then we raced. She wasn't that bad she went the wrong way a few times but she didn't end up last.

"I think I have got it." She said.

"That's good now we will play for real." I said she nodded and then I set a tournament. We we played she got the hang of it and played well I won her in nearly every race.

"Yes! I won I came first!" She cheered. I laughed and said

"It's 7 to 1." That made her pout.

"I will beat you one day." She said.

"Sure you would." I said she stuck her tongue at me and I laughed again. We played for about an before we got bored. It was 4 to 14.

"I will beat you one day." She said again as we switched it off.

"I know you will in the meanwhile I am enjoying the taste of victory." I said she stuck her tongue at me again. I laughed. She is one funny girl.

*** Amelia's POV***

Max just beat me in Mario cart 14-4. I will beat him one day that was the forst time I have ever lost something I don't feel bad a little happy because I got to have fun. I sat down on the sofa next to him and was about to start a conversation with him but Dad interuppted me.

"Amelia I think you should let Emmett speak now." He said. Did I still have his mout shut I didn't know.

"I forgot about that I was wondering why it was so quiet." I said and then I opened his mouth. He glared at me and said

"How could you forget about your Uncle Em?" He asked feigning to be hurt. I laughed at him and said

"It slipped my mind." I said truthfully and then I smiled innocently at him.

"Amelia you know that your senses are getting sharper why don't you sit next to Jacob and tell us what he smells like?" Dad said with a smile on his face. I nodded and hesitatly got up, crossed the room and perched myself next to Jacob on the arm of the sofa. I never been so close to him. I smelt him and I wringled my nose. Eww he does not smell nice.

"You stink Jacob." I commented. I kept on breathing through trying to ignore the smell. Why does he smell so bad? Oh yeah he is a werewolf I forgot about that.

"It's not like you smell any better." He said and he smelt me and had a disappointed look.

"What do I smell like then?" I asked.

"You smell like a normal human which I don't get because you are more vampire then Ness and Max." He said.

"Do I still smell bad then? And I think that is a trait that would always stay the same." I said.

"You smell fine you smell the nicest out of all of us." He said that made me smile I don't smell bad.

"That's good then but I think that is the reason I have been bitten by so many vampires but probably when they bite me they think I taste weird and leave me." I said. I don't mind tasting weird.

"Maybe, maybe." He said.

"I'm not trying to be rude but what exactly is the reason behind you being here?" I asked.

"Well... I imprinted on your sister Ness." He said. Imprinted what does that mean?

"Imprinted?" I said.

"It's a werewolf thing it includes everyone's story here so when everyone's here I'll explain." He said. I looked around the room and Aunt Alice, Ness and Aunt Rose weren't here they probably went shopping.

"Okay then it'll be interesting to know. Anyway where are you from? Sorry about the small talk but I barely know you my first real conversation with you was like a few minutes ago." I said.

"I am from La Push in Forks- Washington." He said. We talked for a while about things like Forks, werewolves, La Push, Ness, Vampires the past etc. It was nice having a conversation with my werewolf brother-in-law. The smell didn't bother me after a while. I still don't get what Ness was thinking through he used to go out with my mum I don't think I would get over that.

"Well Jacob it was great talking to you I'm going to sit next to Max now he is starting to get bored." I said and I got up and sat next to Max. He seemed to be daydreaming.

"It was nice talking to you to." He said then he started to talk to Uncle Em.

"So Max you seem bored sorry about leaving you and talking to Jacob I've never really had a conversaton with him before you must be doing nothing." I said. He smiled.

"It's alright you seem to be getting along with him." He said. I shrugged.

"I know but I still feel so small compared to him even through I am way stronger than him." I said I feel small compared to Uncle Emmett as well.

"I do too." He said.

"Guess what?" I said.

"What?" He asked with a smile on his face.

"Yesterday at the studio thingy I had this lady who was doing my hair and stuff yeah and she looked like my real mum the eyes, hair and her name was Hilary like her as well it was kind of weird." I said.

"That is weird they might be related." He said.

"I doubt it anyway she was nice." I said. He nodded. I got my hand and messed up his hair again. Then I heard the front door open Aunt Alice must be back. Great I wonder what she got me this time.



Okay, Okay I know that this chapter kind of sucked. I'm working on it the next chapter would be better I promise. I would give you a sneak peek BUT I don't want to. Sorry I really am. I know I am not uploading as much as I did before but I have been busy for the last couple of days and school has started. Well it started today a friday which is stupid.

Anyway I would just like to say that i would be uploading once or twice a week. Sorry but school comes first. (Which also sucks) I'll upload after 12 votes and 11 comments. I know you lot could do it! It would mean a lot. And the more votes and comments i get the more I would upload!



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