The Predicament

By themisfit7896

7.5K 544 57

Some Hidden Secrets. Some Unanswered Questions. And A Predicament. When the past comes knocking to Chris. He... More

Quick Glance.
Chapter One-Returning Town.
Chapter Two-Funeral
Chapter Three-Best Friend's Again.
Chapter Four-At Aunt's House.
Chapter Five-Emily's Announcement.
Chapter Six-Preparations.
Chapter Seven-Wedding Day.
Chapter Nine-Flashback & First Meet.
Chapter Ten-Dinner with the Savior.
Chapter Eleven-Declaring Love.
Chapter Twelve-Reciprocating Love.
Chapter Thirteen-Truth behind the Dark.
Chapter Fourteen-Shattered World.
Chapter Fifteen-Doubts and Diary.
Chapter Sixteen-Shocking Blow.
Chapter Seventeen-Confronting Friends.
Chapter Eighteen-Feelings about Him.
Chapter Nineteen-Return of the Prince and Devil.
Chapter Twenty-Evil Behind the Mask.
Chapter Twenty One-Welcoming Flower.
Chapter Twenty Two-Epilogue-Family.
Thank you

Chapter Eight-New Life and a Note.

249 22 2
By themisfit7896

6 Month's Later.

I couldn't see her in pain now.
Her pitch got louder with each passing second.
I placed my hand on her forehead.
she is breathless now and I know it.

Natasha's labour pains are scary and worse.
Currently we are at the hospital.

"Chris, Mom! ummm. I can't bear it". Natasha cried.

"Don't worry, Doctor will be here at any moment.Take a deep breath". I calmed her down whispering in her ears and she fervently nodded.

And then the doctor entered with few nurses who were following him. He took Natasha with him. Natasha's Mother Mrs. Anita and I kept on waiting outside. It was an hour later when we could hear her screaming. I frowned but after I heard my baby's voice, I cooled down. It was the most pleasant sound, a parent could've ever heard of.

"It's a baby boy . congratulations". Doctor smiled whilst congratulating me. Yes we decided to keep the gender hidden. We had a bet on it. Let's not talk about it. Obviously I'm on a loser side.

I went inside. Tasha was lying on the hospital bed with sweatbeads all over her head. Mrs. Anita hugged her daughter and the nurse handed my young prince in my arms.
He looked exactly like me except his eyes and lips.
I caressed him and he squirmed a little. Tasha was smiling at me, happiness spread over her face. My mother in law took him from me and I went closer to my wife before pecking her lips then her forehead.

"Thank you. I couldn't express how blessed I am. This is the best gift, I've ever got". I placed my hand in hers and she clutched it tight.

"Yeah I know". She winked.

"Any name in your mind". I whispered in her ears.

"Krishna......Do you mind if I name him Krishna. After all he is our young prince". She murmured.

I nodded. Mrs.Anita passed Krishna to Tasha's arms and our baby Krishna yawned realizing her mother's touch.

I excused myself to call Morco from the hospital's telephone. I informed him and others. Everyone got enlightened hearing this.

Next day.

Morco and Emily came with a box full of chocolates and muffins. Obviously Aunt Nersey had made them and baby's clothes were gifted from Zack and Granny. Those were the cutest clothes for the baby to wear.

Baby Krishna giggled in Morco's arms looking at his uncle's expressions.

"See, I kept my promise". Morco said proudly.

Emily sat by Tasha. In just few months of span, Tasha and Emily had become good friends. They used to write letters discussing about fashion,  pregnancy swings, baby's name and god knows what all things.

At night, we all were at my house, Emily and Mrs. Anita prepared a wonderful feast.
We had welcomed our little Krishna to our small world.

While we were in my bedroom, Morco gave me the same book which I had borrowed last time before Morco's wedding from the library but I forgot to return it. Morco paid for the book because he knew that I didn't get time to read it because of the wedding preparations. His fault. .. just kidding.

I went upstairs after the meals. I saw my handsome prince in the cradle.
As soon as I opened the book. A note fell out.
It read,"Chris, I want to tell you som.....".
The note was incomplete. I wondered, who wrote it? Is it Jane. If she wrote this then there must be something wrong.

I went down to our guest room. I saw Morco and Emily asleep. Suddenly there was a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see none other than Tasha.

"Why did you came out leaving Krishna alone? If you wanted to come out of the room then you must have told me".She said whilst scolding me.
I nodded apologetically.

"Let's go up stairs or else he might be cry". She added.

I couldn't sleep properly at night as I kept on thinking about Jane.
Is she in some sort of trouble? I Is she still expecting me to help her?

I couldn't sleep the whole night and when I finally did, it was almost the morning.

Because od which, I woke up a little late. Morco and Emily had left without meeting me. Natasha told me she tried very hard to wake me up but I didn't.
Damn sleep!
I was quite disappointed with this. I really wanted to tell Morco about the note in the book.
Did he knew about it already?

Mrs. Anita and Tanya got breakfast for us.They bought some warm clothes for Krishna.They came to take Tasha and Krishna with them as some od their tradition which I hardly know about.

They left after the lunch and once again I was all alone after that with my mind already fucked up.

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