A Flower For A Princes: Laure...

By Kawaii_Mist

9.4K 146 442

You are a princess. In your kingdom you are having to marry a man you never met. So you runaway from your hom... More

Back Story
Chapter 1:A Princess in Disguise
A Welcome Party Part 1
Welcoming Party: Part 3
Welcome Party: Part 4 End
A Friend From Long Ago:Part One
A Friend From Long Ago: Part 2
Kidnapped: Part One
Kidnapped: Part 2
Kidnapped: Part 3
Kidnapped: Part 4 Freedom
Not A Chapter
An old friend
OMI 1k
Not a chapter
Just wanted to say
A strange dream
I got tagged twice
The meaning behind my username yes another tag
The Past
How we met Part 2
Deleting the book
2k OMI
Disaster Strikes
Disaster Strikes: Part 2
3k OMI
Disaster Strikes Part 3
Disaster Strikes Part 4

Welcoming Party: Part 2

587 9 15
By Kawaii_Mist

F/N=Fake Name
R/N=Real Name
F/C=Favorite Color
2F/C=Second favorite color

Your POV
Wait did he just ask me out. Of course I said really cool I think.

Laurence POV
I am so glad she said yes the cute thing was she tried to act all cool about it. Kawaii ~dezu wait oh Irene I am turning in to my worst nightmare Kawaii ~Chan

Your POV
I go to Cadenza's place and told her that I have a date with Laurence which I really wished I didn't because

Cadenza POV
F/N came into my home and told she was going on a date with Laurence I was fangirl so much. When I stop I told her that I would make the cutest dress for her.The dress will be done around tomorrow at 3:20

Your POV
Finally she is done fangirling thank Irene. Well anyways Cadenza see you tomorrow bye
I leave and go to sleep.

Small time skip

(You wake up and it is like 12:00 in the afternoon and then you remember that you have to get your dress from Cadanza so you get up and put your armor on and get some food.)
Time skip to 3:30

Your POV
Finally 3:30 time go get my dress from Cadenza here we go ( you walk over to Cadenza house and she has the dress ready)
My mouth dropped when I saw it was a F/C with a 2F/C belt (look at the picture) it was gorgeous so I thanked her and left to my room in Aphmau's home I really need to build my own home. I only have an hour left to get ready then I have to walk down to the plaza to meet Laurence for our date. It was finally 5:00 when I finish my hair it took forever I was the only girl in my family besides my mom she tried to teach me but I never listened. I am wearing my F/C flats and my 2F/C purse and I put my H/C hair in a very advanced braided flower bun that my mom taught me when I was about 7. Oh shoot I forgot about the date I better hurry up and leave.
(BTW your helmet is off.)

At the Plaza

Your POV
When I got to the plaza it was lit up with fairylights every where and while I was it happened

Laurence: R/N over here!

Garroth: Wait R/N *he turns to where you where*..... R/N

(Garroth runs over to you and hugs you)

Garroth: I missed you so much R/N *tears go down his face*

You: I missed you too Garroth *tears flow down your face as well*

(Laurence sees and runs from the party)

You:Wait Laurence!!

(Hey guys I left you on a cliff hanger muhaha. Hope you enjoyed.)


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