Being bullied isnt bad enough...

By Yolo_Directioner

16.7K 340 96

Alex isn't your typical nerd. Yes she gets bullied and beaten. But it's all about to change when she becomes... More

Chapter 1
Being bullied isnt bad enough you have to throw love in too
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Authors Note

Chapter 21

334 10 1
By Yolo_Directioner

Alex's POV

"Louis, what's wrong?" I ask making my way over to him. "It's nothing." He mumbles hiding his phone. "Louis, you know you can tell me anything. Let me see." I hold out my hand and he reluctantly puts his phone in it. I look down at his phone and see he's on his twitter. He points to a tweet from LoLlYpOp21


@LouisTomilson go die in a hole. You broke my heart now I'm going to break yours. You better protect that Alex girl unless you want to be cleaning up blood. This is what you deserve for breaking my heart. Your world is going to crumble around you.

I look up at Louis scared out if my mind. "Louis, who is this girl?" I ask him nervously and he shifts in his chair awkwardly. "My ex girlfriend." "What's her name?" He looks down at his hands. "Well, you know your friend Magi?" I nod my head. "It's her." I almost pass out when he says that. "I'm suppose to be hanging out with her today." His face goes pale. "You have to cancel. She'll kill you if you don't and I, I couldn't handle having you dead. You're like a sister to me." He starts to cry again, harder then before.

I run upstairs and grab my phone seeing I have a new text from Magi.

You better say goodbye, you don't have long.

~Magi :)

Sorry Magi but something came up and I can't hang out today. Sorry :|


I run back downstairs and into the kitchen. Louis is exactly where I left him; sitting in a chair crying. I go over and sit in his lap and I cry into his chest. He hugs me as tight as he possibly can and cries into my hair. "Louis, I'm scared." I whisper and he nods his head. "I know."

We sit in silence for a while just like that until Niall comes into the kitchen. He sees me cuddled into Louis chest, tear stains on my cheeks and my eyes puffy and red. He runs over to me and lifts me out of Louis strong embrace and hugs me. "What's wrong Alex?" He asks me setting me on his hip like I'm a little kid. "Louis ex girlfriend, who was my childhood best friend is going to try and kill me." A new stream of tears flows down my cheeks. "Why?" Louis grabs his phone and shows him the tweet she put out.

After Niall finishes reading it he's in total shock. "What did you do to her?" He asks and Liam and Zayn walks into the kitchen. When they see the scene in front of them they give us quizzical looks. Louis hands them his phone and they read the tweet Magi sent out.

"What happened between you to?" Liam asks once they finished reading it. Louis takes a deep breath before explaining.

"Magi and I started dating 8 months ago and things were going great. I took her on dates, we hung out, but I was getting tired of how clingy she was always asking me where I was and if I told her I was hanging out with my friends she would get upset. 3 weeks ago I broke up with her and she was extremely mad at me. I thought she would've calmed down by now but I guess she's been looking for a way to hurt me like I did to her. But you can't blame me, I wasn't happy with the relationship so I left it before things could go farther." He looks up at us with sad eyes and I can't help but break a little at how sad and weak he looked.

Louis the fun, happy one, he always new how to put a smile on your face. Now he's depressed, sad and helpless. I can't stand seeing him like this.

"This is to depressing. Lets go do something fun." I blurt out before I can stop myself. "Okay, like what?" Zayn asks and I look at Louis. "Why don't you pick something?" I motion to Louis and he thinks for a moment. "Go karting?" He ask and I nod. "Let's leave in about an hour." Liam says and we nod our heads in agreement.

Niall carries me up to our room and sets me down on the bed. "What should I wear?" I ask Niall and he shrugs. "Whatever you want." I sigh and walk towards my half of the closet and dresser.

After 5 minutes if thinking I decided on black capris leggings, white tank top, hot pink one shoulder crop top, white toms and I put my hair into a French braid. When I walk into the living room the guys look at me with shocked expressions.

"Are we ready to go?" Niall asks and I nod my head. He wraps his arms around my waist tightly and he leads me towards the car.

We reach the go karting place and this girl tells us what we have to do. She kept leaning on Niall and I had to use all my will power to keep from gagging. We get into our go karts and we head to the track. There are already a few people there and when I see Harry I'm happy I have to share a kart with Louis. I know Louis will make sure Harry won't come near me and if he does Louis will be in between us at all times.

Louis hops in the drivers seat and I get in beside him. He puts one arm around my waist and the other on the steering wheel.

We head onto the track and Louis starts whipping around the track. The entire time Harry is trying to get beside us but Louis to fast for him and the other boys would cut him off causing him to slow down.

We spend at least 3 hours on the track. On occasion I would switch karts and ride with one of the other boys.

After we park the go karts we go and sit in the restaurant part of the building. We order out food and I excuse myself to use the washroom.

When I'm where the washrooms are I'm about to enter the women's when a guy exits the mens washroom. I see a head full of curly hair and I feel my heart skip a beat.

"Alex?" He asks and I nod. "Hi Harry." I quickly disappear into the women's washroom before he could say anything else.

I exit the women's washroom and I'm heading back to the booth the guys and I are in when I spot Niall and a blond girl by the supply closet. I quickly hide and I listen to there conversation.

"Rebecca." I hear Niall moan as she runs her fingers up and down his body. "Niall, why don't we have some fun? I don't have to be back in the kitchen for another 30 minutes.'' He nods his head and they step inside the supply closet. I feel the tears starting to prick the back of my eyes.

I see from the skinny, narrow window a shirt and bra go flying through the air. I can't take it anymore and I quickly make my way past the boys table and out of the place.

The boys quickly follow me and I quicken my pace. "Alex, what's wrong?" Liam asks me and I stop dead in my tracks and I turn around. "You want to know what's wrong. Well you should look in the supply closet of the restaurant because I saw Niall and some blond go in there and clothes started flying. Long story short is, Niall's fucking some waitress in the supply closet while we WERE dating, that's what's wrong!" I scream and I take off running.

Don't ask me where I'm going because I wouldn't be able to tell you.

I stop and sit down on a curb. I hear someone sit down beside me and I look up to see Liam.

"Come here." He opens his arms motioning for me to sit on his lap. I sit on his lap burying my face in his chest. I cry into his chest for I don't know how long. "Do you know why he'd do that to me?" I look into Liam's brown eyes and he looks at me sadly. "I'm sorry, I don't know."

When those words leave his mouth my world crashes down. Nobody but Niall knows why he did that and I don't want to talk with him.

"Lets go home." Liam says and picks me before setting me on my feet. He stars to walk home and I jump on his back. He supports my legs and he gives me a piggyback all the way home.

When we reach the house I can feel my stomach go into my throat.

We step through the door and Louis and Zayn are sitting on the couch.

"Where is he?" I choke out sitting next to Louis. He grabs my hand. "He shut himself up in your guys room." He gives me a sad look and I start to stand up. "Be ready, I'm going to call you guys upstairs or if I start screaming then I need help. I don't know how violent he might get." They nod and I walk upstairs to Niall and I's room.

I reach the door and I take a deep breath before opening the door. I see him sitting on the bed and I cautiously enter and sit beside him.

He looks at me. "Why?" I whisper and he sighs. "I can explain." I look at him waiting. "Well um you see... I, well um." He stutters and I sigh. "Niall, you clearly don't have a good explanation to why you did what you did but I have to say. We are over.''

He looks at me helplessly and I stand up ready to leave when he grabs my wrist. He spins me around and before I can react I'm on the floor with a bloody nose. Niall's chest is going up and down really fast from his heavy breathing and I'm crying my heart out.

"How dare you break up with me. I'm sure you've made plenty of mistakes in your life that people have forgiven you for yet I mess up once and you break up with me!" He yells and lifts me up by my hair.

I loo at him with fearful eyes and he stares back at me, his eyes full of rage and anger. He balls his hand into a fist and punches me in the eye. I let out an ear splitting scream and I hear the boys run up the stairs.

I feel Niall's grasp on my hair loosen and I fall to the ground trying to stop my bleeding nose. Louis and Liam have Niall pinned against the bed and Zayn is trying to calm him down.

I crawl out of the room and to the bathroom. I look on the mirror and I see a bruise starting to firm around my eye. I grab a tissue and I hold it against my nose tipping my head back trying to stop the bleeding. Tears escape my eyes as I think of what's happened. My life used to be relatively normal, now look at it.

Once my nose stopped bleeding I decide to take a walk while the boys try to calm down Niall. I write a note explaining that I'm going for a walk. I set it o the table and I walk out the door.

I walk down a couple streets before coming across a park. I sit down on a swing and I think about what's happened in the last couple hours.

Out of the corner of my eye I see someone sit down on the swing next to me. I look towards them to see Harry sitting there with a concerned look on his face.


I'm so so so sorry I haven't updated in forever. I was camping and I was at Dallas Valley for a week. I had an amazing time if any of you care.

I hope you guys like this chapter. I know it's sad that Niall and Alex broke up but it will make sense later on. What do you guys think Harry's going to do?

Comment, vote and fan!

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