I Desire You - Kol Mikaelson...

By JazIona

168K 3.2K 161

When Kol meets Jaz, sister of Alaric Saltzman, he falls in love. Can he change for her? Or will temptation ov... More

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Twelve
Part Thirteen
Part Fourteen
Part Fifteen
Part Sixteen
Part Seventeen
Part Eighteen
Part Nineteen
Part Twenty
Part Twenty-One
Part Twenty-Two
Part Twenty-Four

Part Twenty-Three

3.2K 65 1
By JazIona

Part Twenty-Three

I couldn’t believe what had happened. Bonnie had gone and brought the vile down. I looked around, everything was normal but I felt different, I felt seen, and not invisible. I ran down to the Grill just to see Kol throw a broken bottle at Matt. “Jaz…” he whispered. “I came to find you to tell you I was sorry, but seeing you hurt one of my friends what’s wrong with you?”!” I shouted as I ran over to Rebekah and Matt. Bekah pulled me into a hug as I gently hugged Matt. “No you can’t choose humans over your own kind” he said pinning me against the wall, “Unlike you Kol I still know how it feels to be human!” I growled showing my fangs as I threw him across the Grill. “Kol get out, now!” Rebekah shouted “Fine” he said as he walked out of the Grill.

Kol’s POV

I found myself in the cemetery and when I looked around I found Elena grieving at Jeremy’s grave. “Hello old friend” I said, as I said it she spun around nearly jumping out of her skin. “Kol” she said. I just gave her a smirk as I started to beat her up. I got her on the ground so I knelt down and looked her in the eyes “Being invisible is so lonely, but at the same time fun, because you never heard me whisper in your ear all the ways I was going to get my revenge on you, I thought you were my friend Elena, but you turned out to be a backstabbing bitch” I said. “Just kill me Kol, you’ll be doing me a favour” she said as I pinned her against a tree, “As you wish darling” I said as I heard a noise behind me. I spun around and found Jeremy. “How many times do I have to kill you?” he said “Jeremy Gilbert” I said.


“How’s your arm?” I asked Matt, “It’s fine, I’ll survive” he said. “I don’t understand why you won’t let me heal you” Rebekah said. “People in this town have a habit of turning into vampires; I’d like to stay human please” he said, I frowned, “Sorry” he said looking at me, “No harm done, I am a vampire thanks to Kol’s ex oh did I forget to mention she’s also my doppelganger, so now I know why Kol fell for me, because I remind him of his ex” I said as I started to pace up and down the Grill. “He spent months making sure you were not Kaitlin Jaz” Rebekah said. I faked a smiled, “Makes me feel all the more special” I said as I poured myself a bourbon. “Are you gonna pay for that?” Matt asked, “Yeah sure, you’re friend comes back from the dead and you ask her if she’s gonna pay for a drink she’s been dying for since she came back?” I said downing it and putting the glass on the bar. “I’ll get it for yah” Rebekah said, “Cheers Bekah” I said as I left the Grill. “Where are you going?” Matt asked me “Outside” I said. “But there’s a storm out there” he said. “I’m a dead vampire, as long as I stay inside the triangle, I’ll still be around” I said opening the door.

I went to the school to find Bonnie, but found Damon and… Alaric.  “Ric?” I said, “Jaz?” he said as he walked over to me. I nodded as I blurred over to them. “How are you even here?” Damon asked, “How is my brother here? Bonnie” I said. “Wait, are you dead, dead?” Ric asked me, I nodded. “Jeremy and Elena killed Kol, leading me to kill myself” I said as he hugged me. “Why?” Ric asked, “Kol and I got into a huge fight and before I could say sorry, Stefan had told me he was dead, and I didn’t want to wait to die so I staked myself” I said. Ric just looked at me before hugging me again. “Last time I saw you, you wanted me dead” I said as I started to cry, “That was me then; this is me now” he said; I looked at Damon who just rolled his eyes. I didn’t care about Damon I only cared seeing Ric again.

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