Sweeter than Fiction (Sumedh...

Oleh qerrtyyuoiuhh

5.3K 323 159

To meet him might be a great pleasure,but to make history with him is a different matter Lebih Banyak

Part 2 (Stressed)
Part 3(Party Wha???!)
Part 4(Wife?!)
Part 5 (If ur okay im okay)
Part 6 (Revelation one and two)
Part 7 (48 Hours)
Part 8 (Monday)
Part 9 (Close)
Part 10-(Extended)

Part 1 (Where it All Started)

1.4K 39 26
Oleh qerrtyyuoiuhh

"I DON'T CARE!"he yelled angrily, "Of course you need to care. They're the only reason for your achievement today!Without them you could not succeed." I pleaded, "They were my fans!They are supposed to support me on any of my decisions!They don't know you! They don't know anything about us!"he said sternly,
"Maybe they don't ,Sumedh. But you can't just risk losing them for me."I said.He turns back to me, and holds both of my shoulder, "I can risk anything for you."he said sincerely, "Don't." I said removing his hands from my shoulder and hide my tears from him. "You can never run from me!"he said with an echo, "I'm not running from anything.I'm just trying to be realist."
"No,you're trying to be smart. As usual! You think you can handle the situation by staying away from me?!No,you can't."
"I KNOW I CANT!"I screamed on the top of my voice letting tears went out form my eyes, "But, it's not you that's hated by the whole world!It's not you that is being judge to be with someone that you love! Don't you understand how I feel?!"I cried,he looks at me with concern and hugs me tightly. "And you think I'm gonna just let them do that to you? For the sake of me not losing you? No,no Kavya,I won't.I promise things will get better." He said. I looked to his beautiful deep colored eyes,and smiles weakly, coming back to his embrace...... ................... . ....

"KAVYA!" I opened my eyes. It was a dream,not my first time actually. "Kavya,wake up! We're gonna be late!"Ranty screams,"Wait up,it's still 6 am." I said in a sleepy voice,covering my head with a pillow to block her voice.She takes the pillow from me and throws it until it hits the door. "Oh,come on! It's a New Year's Sale!I can't be late for the 90% discount!"
"But Mal's open at 12 on holidays!"I said with an annoyed voice, she climbs on me and sits on my lap.
"GET UP!GET UP!GET UP!" She said shaking my shoulders. I stretched my hands and intentionally put my hands to her face.
"I know you're gonna hate me for this."she said leaving the room. I frown at her,and comes back to sleep.Then.....
"AAAAAAKKKKKHHHHH!" I shouted,I'm wet!Now I have to change the bedsheets! "So,you'll go?!"she asks innocently holding a big pink bucket with water dripping to her feet.I looked at her furiously and ran to her not caring about my own condition. She ran downstairs to the living room,I followed her carefully since my feet is wet and I don't want to end up breaking my leg,again. "Come back here!" I screamed following her around the couch and to the kitchen, "Sorry,sorry,sorry,sorry,sorry!" (This part reminds me of a Super Junior song 'sorry') She squeaked behind the dining table across me,suddenly the bell rings,"You're save now!"I said pointing my finger to her .I went to open the door,
"Hi,Ka........"she left her mouth wide open,I forgot that I was wet all over,
"Shut up and don't judge!Come,in!" I said,opening the door for her.She walked in to our apartment , "Hi,Jannat!"
Ranty greeted cheerfully, "Okay..... So,you guys ready or not?"she asks,she turns to my direction, "Ohhhh,right.Come on now!"She said dragging me upstairs to the bathroom, "Just take a shower first,I'll decide what you'll wear today!"Jannat said locking me in my bathroom. They're always like this. Fashion freak,not letting me decide anything for myself.But I've got used to it,after 3 years living with them.I took a shower and puts on my towel,I put on my make up(Idk how can it end up here)"You're done?" Jannat asks,"Yeah,I am!Can you let me go now?"
"No!Put this on first!Gosh,girl, you really need to go shopping!" she sulks handing my outfit through the door.
"Oh,no."I mumbled.She hands me a white dress with green tea flower motive at the skirt and non arms. "Dude!Give me my shirt and jeans!"
"Sorry!That's all that you got!"she chuckles.I wear the dress and knocks the door,"I'm done.." I said. She opens the door,"OMG! Kavya what about your hair?!" she asks like how my mom would ask me if I went home at 10pm, "Just let it be this way!" I grumbled. "No,it looks like a 3 months old unused haystack!"
"Dude,don't be so overreacting! My hair looks fine!"
"No.No.No!You gotta fix it up!" she pulls my hand and sits me in front of the mirror.
Ranty's standing behind us, she looks gorgeous already.But I'm sure Jannat won't let her go before she puts some make up on her skin.Jannat starts to do her magic,she combs my hair gently like what my grandmother used to do.Then she braids a part of my hair and clips it behind my head.I don't really know what she's doing,but it always ends up looking impressive.
"Done!"she said tapping my head gently, "Wow,that's, cool.Thank you."I smiled at her. "Ranty,your turn!"she whistles, "What?No, Jannat my hair looks fine!"
"Who says I'm talking about your hair?Come on Ranty,sit here! There,now,close your eyes.Where's the make up kit?Kavya can you please take the make up kit from the bathroom?" She might be nice and talented,but she can really be super bossy!I took the make up kit from the bathroom and hands it to her,
"Thank you,darling."she said.
"Do you really think that the sale's still on today?It's fourth of January,I don't think there will be any items left."I said,
"Well,I don't know.But who cares?"Jannat says as she applies some make up base on to Ranty's cheeks,
"Easy for you to say,your dad's the owner of a record label! Your aunt has an agency!Then,what about us?"I said,
"Chill,if you don't think your money's enough, then I'll pay for you guys!Simple as that!"
I let her focus doing her work on Ranty first.

I remembered my dream,it's about my celebrity crush,Sumedh Mudgalkar. I know what you guys are thinking, that's not important, every fan girls does that,blah blah blah blah....but there is something weird about my dream,something that's worth to concern about.I never had a dream before,I barely have a dream.But it changed since last week,I always dreamt of him. The weird thing is,it's just the same every single day.Same place, same time,same person, same dialogue. And it felt so real, like it's a warning for what's gonna happen.
"All done!"Jannat says breaking my thoughts,and as usual,her work always ends up looking impressive.Ranty admires her reflection in the mirror,"Impressive as usual"she mumbled. "I'll drive today." I said, "No,need,Kavya.I've brought my driver with me"she says.We went down stairs and on to her car. We went to the Mall, and had a chat along the way.

We've arrived at the mall and see all the pamphlet with a shocking announcement on it, "Get Ready,he's coming! Sumedh Mudgalkar Meet and Greet ?" Ranty said reading the pamphlet, both of them smirks at me,but I don't really care about them. I stood there like statue, he's coming? I thought to my self. Jannat faked a cough,"Your husband's coming."she teased. My heart is screaming out loud.
"Ehm,ehm,I think my dad won't mind buying you a ticket."Jannat said,I turned my direction to her,
"Or,maybe he could help you talk to his manager, so....." I jumped to her and hug her as tight as I can, "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!" I said,she chuckles.
"No prob,"she said breaking the hug,"It's the least I can do." I hugged her again,gently this time. And I ask Ranty to join us. Is this what those dreams are meant to?Am I really gonna meet him?

LOL,I know what you guys are thinking,why is she making a new story all the time? Why can't she just finish her previous story first?How can she has that much time on writing all of those books? Doesn't she goes to school? Okay, listen up: I'm still in my holiday season right now, I know it doesn't make sense because holiday seasons are suppose to be over by now,but my school decided to make our holiday longer (Yay me). Second of all this is my first account on wattpad and there's just so much going on in my head about Sumedh and Sidd. So,if you guys felt annoyed or bored you guys don't have to read it.
P.S:this one is for on of my friend kavyamoolya she inspired me so much on writing this one.So,yeah. Peace up! :)

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1.7K 58 19
this is a sumellika fan friction so don't compare with reall
26.2K 786 62
just because you're a fan now, doesn't mean that you'll stay just a fan forever.
2.7K 120 51
this ia a imaginary story of sumellika so don't compare with the really ones
768 83 28
what if you'd meet Niall at concert and find out he's more perfect irl enjoy x