Mirror Image

By Sonic_the_Dovahkiin

62.3K 2.4K 2.7K

How can you fight yourself? Your mirror image knows all your fears, your weaknesses, your self-doubt. When So... More

I - Friends & Rivals
II - Into Darkness
III - Familiar Faces
V - Double Trouble
VI - Secrets, Science & Suspicion
VII: Safe From Harm
VIII: Shadow Play
IX - Technical Difficulties
X - Fakers
XI - The Death of Sonic the Hedgehog
XII - No Strings Attached
Interlude - The Sound of Metal
XIII - Into the Wilderness
XIV - How to Control Chaos (and Influence People)
XV - Forest of the Dead
XVI - The Incredible Exploding Hedgehog
XVII - Fear of the Unknown
XVIII - Embracing the Pain
XIX - To Home, To Heart
XX - Leave of Absence
XXI - A Bad Case of the Blues
XXII - Burial
XXIII - Code Black
XXIV - The Crimson Heart of Darkness
XXV - Say Something
XXVI - Things I Hate About You
Interlude - Reasonable Doubt
XXVII - Chaos Incarnate
XXVIII: Inside My Haunted Head
XXIX: Brute Force and Heroic Resolve
XXX - The Colour Purple
XXXI - Second Date

IV - The Promise

2.5K 121 140
By Sonic_the_Dovahkiin

"This is another fine mess you've got us into," said Shadow, his eyes glowing purple in the blue dim light of the chamber.

"Me? How is this my fault?" said Sonic.

"If you had listened to me, and not treated that damn emerald like a toy, we wouldn't have been caught."

Sonic's bit down on his lip, a sharp inhalation through his nose puffing out his chest.

"You're one to talk!" he said, fur standing on end, "what made you think picking it up was a good idea, after it zapped me?" Shadow looked down his nose at the accusing finger thrust into his face.

"I can handle Chaos energy better than you," he said, "I didn't think –"

"No! You didn't, did you?" Sonic barked, "why are you always trying to prove you're better than me? You would've thought the 'Ultimate Life Form' wouldn't be so insecure."

Shadow's fur now rose in time with Sonic's, and he loomed over the blue hedgehog, his haughty look paved over by one of fury.

"I don't need to prove anything to you, Faker," he said, "you can't stand the fact that there's someone around who can challenge the mighty Sonic, hero of Mobius."

Sonic rounded on Shadow, gripping him by the shoulders with such speed and force that the black hedgehog's arms were pinned to his side. Shadow seemed to deflate, recoiling from Sonic in shock.

"Dammit Shadow, I respect your abilities!" said Sonic, his eyes locked with his struggling rival "You are a worthy opponent. I just want you to chill out once in a while, drop the macho posturing, so we can be –" Sonic paused, the words lodged in his throat.

"What?" said Shadow, eyes narrowing with suspicion.

"-so we can be friends."

"I don't understand."

Sonic had never seen Shadow look so confused, as if the word friend was totally alien to him. Sighing, he released his rival and turned away, running his hand through his quills.

"Think about all the times we've teamed up to save the world" said Sonic, turning back to face Shadow, "times like that, we were unstoppable together. It's such a rush to fight alongside you. I know you enjoyed it too. Don't you want to feel that way more often?"

"I was just doing what I had to," said Shadow, folding his now free arms, "your presence made no difference."

"This is what I mean!" said Sonic, "This is why I get so annoyed at you. I want to like you, but you keep pushing me away. If I was stuck here with anyone else, we wouldn't even be having this conversation, we'd be working on busting out of here."

"Let's do that then, instead of wasting our breath while those duplicates of us are doing who knows what with our friends. If we're such a good team," Shadow threw up his hands like he was opening for the circus, "then let's team up."

Sonic eyed Shadow with a wry smile.

"Our friends?" he asked.

"I mean, your friends, whatever."

"Okay, whatever you say, Shads. First thing I'll do when we get out of here is tell Rouge you don't consider her a friend. Right now, I'm gonna see if there's any way to shut off this force field."

"Dammit, you know that's not what I meant." Shadow pinched the bridge of his nose, eyes closed and sighing, "I'll see if I can do anything with that replicator. I might be able to overload it."

"Now we're cooking!" said Sonic, punching the air, "Go-oooo Team!" Sonic saw Shadow staring at him, looking like he had just eaten a bad lemon, "What?"

"Never say that again."


In the blue shroud of the chamber, Sonic paced back and forth along the forcefield, tracing a square with his footsteps as he moved between all four corners. In one corner Shadow knelt over a metal box the size of a small suitcase, surrounded by loose nuts and bolts and multi-coloured cables. Sonic held a small black smartphone in the air, squinting to read the screen.

"I'm not getting a signal," he said, "this introvert field must be jamming it."

"Inversion Field," said Shadow, rolling his eyes and not even looking up, "and it might be because we're in an underground chamber in the middle of a vast jungle miles from civilisation."

"That's just crazy talk."

Sonic stopped pacing when Shadow looked up, crimson eyes sweeping the room like searchlights, ears twitching.

"What's that noise?" said Shadow.

"I don't hear anything. Maybe you're just-"


Distant, quiet, only audible to his sensitive ears, Shadow heard it. A sound of metal scraping against metal, four times in quick succession. A quiet lull, then again, four times.

"Shadow, what is it?" whispered Sonic.

Shadow strained to listen, but could hear no more. He shook his head, bringing his focus back into the cramped cell.

"I'm not sure," he said, "could be Robotnik setting up another trap."

"I gotta hand it to Eggman," said Sonic, looking the forcefield up and down, "he's been unusually thorough with this trap. I can usually bust out of these in moments." He looked over to where Shadow sat in a tangle of metal.

"Found anything?" he said.

"No," said Shadow, his hand rummaging through the metal box, "this replicator is battery powered, so there's no way to trip the mains power by overloading it. The battery doesn't hold enough charge to disrupt the force field, and I can't make anything useful from the components." Shadow looked up from his project to see Sonic standing over him, his mischievous grin glowing blue in the light of the chamber.

"What are you smirking at?" said Shadow.

"You sound just like Tails."

"Thank you for comparing me to a child," said Shadow, ending with a rasping sigh.

"No, I mean the tech stuff," said Sonic, sitting down on the side of the box opposite, "You've even got that same look that he gets when he's tinkering with something complicated."

Shadow thought Sonic's expression grew more melancholy as he spoke. The blue hedgehog looked away, closing his eyes and exhaling like a heavy weight was pressing down on his chest. In Shadow's chest a similar sensation arose, one he had only felt hours before, when Sonic was in agony from the fake emerald's assault. This time it was more intense, even though the blue hedgehog didn't appear to be in any physical pain.

"What's wrong?" said Shadow, and his ear didn't believe his mouth had just said it. Sonic slowly opened his eyes and turned to face him, his expression tired and mournful, unfazed with Shadow's uncharacteristic concern.

"I'm worried about him, Shadow," said Sonic, "That other me gave me the creeps. He could be leading Tails into a trap, or worse," Sonic leapt to his feet, "and here I am, stuck in this stupid box!" With a swift movement Sonic seized a scrap of metal lying near the box and hurled it against the force field. A crackle of blue lightning shot across the two hedgehog's eyes, and the scrap skidded across the floor in a trail of smoke. Shadow watched the blue hedgehog pacing, and couldn't help a wry open-mouth smile appearing on him. He found an angry Sonic fascinating for reasons he couldn't quite place.

"I thought you said he could handle himself," said Shadow.

"He can, for the most part, but," Sonic's melancholy had dispersed, replaced by irritation "oh man, I can't believe I'm about to tell you this, of all people."

Shadow wondered whether he should be offended, soon silently agreeing. With no way of escaping, he resigned himself to listening to Sonic talk.

"A long time ago," said Sonic, "I made a promise to myself to always keep Tails safe. I knew so long as he was by my side, he would be okay. I can't tell him where to go or what to do, but when I don't know where he is, I start to imagine the worst things happening, all because I wasn't there to save him. When he comes home and I see he's safe, I just want to throw my arms around him and tell him how much I..." Sonic hesitated, avoiding Shadow's unblinking gaze, "how much he means to me, but I know he would hate that, so I just play it cool, as always."

Shadow said nothing. Something about Sonic's voice troubled him. It didn't sound all that different, but to Shadow it seemed that his impression of Sonic was being torn from his mind. Where was the boasting, the asinine jokes, and that awful smirking? This was just honesty, as plain and simple as he had ever heard.

"Tails really means that much to you?" he said.

"Yes," said Sonic, turning to face Shadow, "he does." Shadow stared at Sonic's smile, and a switch flicked on in his mind. He understood, why Sonic's smile had always made his blood boil, why that smug smirk always sent his fist flying towards Sonic's face.

It was fake. But this time seemed different.

The mask of bravado had disappeared, and Sonic's face was bittersweet, his smile warm and welcoming, his eyes heavy with sadness, staring past Shadow. As quickly as it came, the smile vanished, and Shadow wished he taken a picture.

"Wait, Shadow," said Sonic, his hand raised, "you can't tell him any of this. It would shatter his image of me if he knew I fretted over him like this."

Shadow was lost in thought, a window in his mind opening, the light of new information flooding in. With a curt smile, he slowly nodded.

"You do it for Tails," he said to himself. Sonic's ears pricked up.


"It's all for Tails," said Shadow, turning to face Sonic, "the arrogance, showing off, treating everything like a joke. It's all just an act. Pretending you're so cool and laid back so Tails doesn't know that you cry yourself to sleep over him." There was no anger in his voice, Shadow spoke the words with a certain glee, "you really are a faker."

"Hey, I never cried-" said Sonic, his face flush with red under his peach muzzle fur, "Well, maybe that one time... Ugh, I knew I shouldn't have confided in you. You're still trying to score points off me!"

"Not this time," said Shadow, eyes fixed on the blue hedgehog, "I know what it's like to make a promise to someone you... hold dear. I know the daily struggle of trying to keep it, always asking yourself if what you're doing is what they really wanted. And I know that no matter how hard you try, how many sacrifices you make, you'll never meet the expectations you set for yourself." Shadow saw Sonic's eyes wide and curious, and he wondered if the blue hedgehog truly comprehended his words, "What I'm trying to say Sonic, is that I understand what you're going through."

"I don't know what to say, Shadow," said Sonic, face slumped in resignation, "I guess we do have something in common, after all."

The two hedgehogs sat in silence, looking at each other over the box of scraps. Shadow noticed Sonic's unusually downturned mouth twitching in an attempt to smile. Shadow hoped Sonic would make it, so he could see that smile again, the one that proved that Sonic cared about something other than himself. But Sonic broke eye-contact, starting to fidget.

"I guess we should get back to breaking out of this cell, huh?" he said, looking everywhere except at Shadow.

"Sonic?" said Shadow.

"Yes?" Sonic turned to see Shadow smiling at him.

"It's good to finally meet you."


Sonic had no idea what time it was. After what felt like hours fruitlessly looking for a way out of their cage, Sonic had succumbed to boredom more than tiredness, and decided to get some shut-eye. Shadow had insisted that he would stay up, and Sonic didn't bother to argue.

Lying on the cold, hard stone floor of the cell, staring up into and equally cold hard stone ceiling, Sonic could find no respite. Trapped in a box with no space to run and still worried about his little fox friend, his mind moved as fast as his body desperately yearned to. With a sigh he rolled onto his side, recoiling when he saw something next to him.

In the darkness Sonic could see Shadow lying mere feet from him, facing the wall. Instinctively the blue hedgehog shifted backwards a few centimetres.

He moves so quietly I didn't even hear him lie down, thought Sonic, I didn't think he even needed sleep. Sonic wondered why his black counterpart made him feel so uncomfortable. Does he realise how awkward this is? Like earlier, when he held onto my hand for way too long, did he not find that weird? Maybe he doesn't, I mean he grew up on a space station for Chaos' sake; social conventions don't seem to be his thing.

Maybe that's why we always end up fighting, Sonic's inner voice continued, it's the only time I don't feel completely nervous around him, so I end up doing something to provoke him. Sonic stared at the slender black form spread out in front of him, not even acknowledging his eyes tracing over every curve and point.

I suppose we're friends now, weird as that seems. Sonic couldn't believe how easily he had opened up to Shadow earlier. Something about his piercing stare had completely eroded Sonic's defences, the mask he wore so well even his best friend couldn't see through it melting before those crimson eyes. It still didn't feel right to Sonic. Him and Shadow, going on long runs together? Eating ice creams in the park and skimming stones across the lake? The thought of it made Sonic's head spin, but he couldn't deny there was a part of him that wanted it.

His inner dialogue took a back seat when Sonic thought he heard someone whispering. Shifting closer to the black hedgehog, who lay still, the only movement that of his breathing, Sonic felt his heart grow steadily faster. Trying not to let his proximity to Shadow unnerve him, Sonic listened intently. The whispering continued, and Sonic quickly realised where it came from. Sitting up on one arm, he peered over Shadow's body.

Shadow's eyes were open, staring ahead of him. In his hands outstretched in front of his face he held a rectangular locket, its metal dull and faded, the chain weaving between Shadow's fingers. Inside, a picture drained of colour held the smiling visage of a girl. A human girl.

"Sh-shadow?" Sonic asked, surprised at his concern for his supposed rival, "are you okay?" Shadow snapped the locket shut, pulling it close to his chest.

"I'm fine," he said in a flat monotone.

"Were you whispering, just now?"

"No," Shadow said in the same monotone, "Go back to sleep, Faker."

That should have been the end of it. Before today, Sonic would have just called Shadow stubborn and got on with something else. But Shadow had hurt his pride, he had broken through his mask, touched the raw nerves of his emotions and in the process, Sonic had a glimpse of the friend he thought he'd never make. He wasn't about to let him put his wall of indifference back up, not after that.

"Shadow," said Sonic, placing his hand on Shadow's shoulder, "That picture, was that... Maria?"

Sonic hadn't intended to put his hand on Shadow, but couldn't seem to help himself. Nor could he help the gentle tone he took with Shadow. The black fur was soft and warm, contrary to Shadow's coarse and cold demeanour. Shadow himself didn't react at all, and Sonic wondered if this was just another one of Shadow's social quirks, or if it meant Shadow was at ease with Sonic making physical contact with him. Shadow rolled towards Sonic, and the blue hedgehog snapped his hand away.

"Yes," said Shadow, "That's Maria, before she was..." his voice trailed away, and he stared through Sonic, his eyes softened in the blue light.

"Can I see her?" asked Sonic in an almost whisper. Shadow's eyes met his, and Sonic realised he was speaking to Shadow in a way he reserved for one other only. Only when Tails was truly upset would he use that tone, the tone that was gentle, yet still had the strength to reassure. Now he was using it on someone he had once believed had no feelings at all. Shadow nodded, and held his hand out to Sonic, the tarnished metal locket hanging from the chain clutched tightly in his gloved hand. Sonic slowly gripped the locket as if it was made of the most delicate glass. Holding with both hands, he looked up at Shadow with childlike eyes, silently asking permission. Shadow nodded again, and Sonic pressed the catch open, lifting the door of the locket with his thumb.

A human girl no older than twelve smiled up at Sonic from the faded colours of the photograph. The deep blue of her eyes still persisted, her delicate features framed by long blonde hair. Sonic only had Eggman as a reference for the alien visitors to Mobius known as humans, and found their appearance bizarre, with their pinprick eyes and lack of fur. But looking at the wide eyes of the girl in front of him, Sonic thought she looked almost Mobian herself.

"I've never seen her before," said Sonic, "she's beautiful."

"Yes, she was," said Shadow, melancholy eyes fixed on the locket. Seeing the look on his face, Sonic closed the locket and held it out to him. Shadow held it up to his mouth, closing his eyes, but not tight enough to stop a single tear streaking down his muzzle, "I speak to her every night, hoping one night that I might hear her voice." He opened his eyes, "how pathetic is that?"

"It's not pathetic, Shadow," said Sonic, moving closer to the morose black hedgehog, "you lov – I mean, you cared for her deeply. If it were Tails, I would do the same thing." Sonic didn't know why he couldn't bring himself to say 'love' in front of Shadow, and he noticed earlier Shadow had avoided saying it. Plucking up his courage, Sonic put his arms around Shadow, keeping his elbows wide as if he was trying to pick up a medicine ball. He wasn't ready to get that close to Shadow, not while he still had to sort out the confusion in his heart.

Shadow didn't move. From the corner of his eye Sonic saw him staring blankly ahead. Sonic felt his own body tighten up, the awkwardness of the one-sided hug creeping over him. For what seemed like an eternity the two boys sat in silence broken only by the rhythm of their breath.

"This is weird," said Shadow.

"Sorry," said Sonic, releasing Shadow from the strange pincers of his hug, "I'm not very good at this." Sonic knew this was a lie, he could give Tails a tender, comforting hug like he was the little fox's own mother. But the thought of doing that with Shadow seemed so bizarre; like going jogging with Eggman, it just didn't fit.

"We better get some sleep," Sonic said, faking a yawn with an exaggerated stretch, "got lots of escaping to do in the morning." Sonic turned onto his side, facing away from Shadow.

"Good night, Shadow."

Sonic heard Shadow slump down beside him. The feeling of awkwardness overtook him, and Sonic shifted away from him again.

"Sonic?" said Shadow.

"Yeah, Shads?"

"It was weird, but it wasn't... bad."

I wish I knew what was going on in that head of yours, Shadow, thought Sonic, then perhaps I'd be able to figure out what's going on in mine.


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