Roller Coaster

By Mrs_Orton25

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Cherish and Roman Reigns are WWE's current champion power couple. Everything seems perfect. But there's just... More

Chapter One- Shattered
Chapter Two- Heartbroken
Chapter Three- Love Hurts
Chapter Four- Jealousy
Chapter Five- Revenge
Chapter Seven- Date Night
Chapter Eight- Confrontations
Chapter Nine- Secrets

Chapter Six- Mixed Emotions

469 20 17
By Mrs_Orton25

Cherish's POV

I woke up to the smell of breakfast. I raised an eyebrow. Who could be making breakfast? I know it's not Joe. I got up and walked to the bathroom to freshen up. I finished and walked downstairs to see Celeste and Kaydence in the kitchen. I sighed of relief and they both turned around at the same time, smiling.

"Good morning mommy!" She squealed and ran over, hugging me. I chuckled and picked her up, kissing her cheek.

"Good morning princess. How did you and Kaitlyn get in here?" I put her down.

"I kinda told her there was a key under the mat." She smiled innocently.

"Well, I'm just happy you didn't tell that to the wrong person." I say, thinking about Roman. I immediately push him to the back of my mind and walk into the kitchen.

"Morning Kait. What made you wanna come make me breakfast?" I say as I sneak a piece of bacon.

"I saw that!" Kaydence says from the couch. I chuckled and put my finger to my lips.

"You need as much energy as possible, today it's back to work." Kaitlyn tells me, answering my question. She was right. My fans missed me, and I definitely missed them. And plus, I need to start preparing for my first title defense in three weeks at Hell In A Cell.

"Thank you so much Kaitlyn. I really appreciate this." I smile. She looked at me and smiled back.

"That's what friends are for. Now, I know something happened yesterday at the hospital. Tell me, everything." She smirked. I sighed and told her everything, from Randy and I kissing, to Roman attacking him, to him elbowing me in the face. By the time I was done, her mouth was wide open.

"No freaking way! You two kissed?!" She squealed, smiling wide. Good thing Kay was too into SpongeBob to hear our conversation.

"Yeah, we did. And it wasn't like anything I've ever experienced before. It was, different. I can't even explain it." I sighed, thinking about how it would feel to have his lips on mine again.

"That's what love does to you. You can't even explain it." She smiled.

"How do you know it's love? I could just be vulnerable because of what Joe did." I tell her.

"C'mon Cherish. You weren't this excited when you and Roman kissed for the first time. Come to think of it, you were never this excited when it came to him."

"Yeah, you're right." I sighed again. I was never this happy when it came to Roman. I thought I did, but now that Randy's come along, I'm slowly starting to realize I never really was as happy as I looked. Kaitlyn got up and began fixing plates. I called Kaydence into the kitchen and we all sat down. We said grace, and began eating. After about five minutes of silence, Kaydence decided to break it.

"Mommy?" Kaydence started. I looked at her.


"You should really talk to daddy. He misses you so much. He's with another girl, but I know he doesn't love her the way he loves you mommy. He called me yesterday and asked how you were doing. I told him you were okay. He told me to tell you he loves you and he misses you." She said. I wish I could tell her straightforward what's going on, but I can't. She won't understand. I know she misses him. I'm not gonna lie, I kinda do too.

"I will baby girl. Thank you for telling me that." I told her. She looked away and continued eating. We all got done about ten minutes later, and Kaitlyn and I cleaned the kitchen. They left and I went upstairs and showered. I got out ten minutes later and put on jeans and a v neck. I left my hair in wet curls and began cleaning the house. I finished and sat down on the couch and began watching tv. Next thing I know I was asleep.

Roman's POV

I was determined to get Cherish back, one way or the other. I was hoping she would call me after Kaydence told her what I said, but I guess not. I got up and showered, putting one of my merchandise shirts, some jeans, and some Nike's. I grabbed my keys and phone, as Layla woke up.

"Good morning Leati." She said groggily. Her saying my name like that immediately made me think of Cherish.

"Don't call me that, only Cherish and my parents are allowed to." I said. She raised an eyebrow and got up.

"Roman, are you o-"

"No, I'm not okay. I don't even know why I'm still allowing you on my tour bus. I don't even love you. I never did. You're just a quick fuck to try and get over Cherish. But that'll never work, you wanna know why? Because I'm in love with her. I've never loved a woman the way I love her. That's why you're trying so hard to break her down, and tear us apart, which you've already did. I'm talking about how you've already tore us apart. You think you may have broken her down, but she'll get right back up, and come back even stronger. You just can't stomach the fact that you'll never be her can you? Well you're not. You'll never be her. Get out. We're done." I said coldly. She looked unfazed. She just laughed and began packing her things.

"What's so funny?"

"You. How you think you've finally come to your senses and you're gonna win Cherish back. News flash Roman, she hates you. You broke her heart to the core you idiot, and she'll never forgive you for that. And I knew you don't love me. What man has sex with a woman three times and falls in love? Unless you're that weak, but you and I both know you aren't. But you are right. I'll never be her. I don't wanna be a useless, selfish, defenseless, helpless little girl who doesn't know what she wants. See, while you're here telling me how great you think she is, Randy is slowly taking her away from you. Well, you practically gave her to him by your careless acts as of late. You two are just perfect for each other. Neither one of you know what you want. You think you're just gonna waltz over to her house, say a couple I'm sorrys and everything will be okay? Wake up Roman. The real world doesn't work like that. I'm not even bothered by what you just told me, you're just saying that because you actually think you have a chance with her. But the minute she rejects you, again, you'll come running right back to me. The real woman in all of this. Since you want me to leave, I'll go. When she lowers your self-esteem even more, you know where to find me." She said and finished packing her things, walking off the bus. I sat down on the bed and ran my fingers through my hair, starting to believe what she told me. It's not true.. is it? Does she really hate me? Will I ever get the love of my life back?

Cherish's POV

"I can treat you so much better than he can Cherish.. Can't you see? We were meant to be. I can be the man you've dreamed of. I know how to please you Cherish, in more ways than one." He said softly, rubbing my thigh softly, making me feel things I haven't felt in a long time. He stared into my eyes with his icy blue eyes, continuing to tell me what was on his heart.

"Let me be the man you need. I can be loving, strong, passionate, caring, understanding, whatever you want, I can be that for you. And most importantly, I'll be the father figure your daughter needs. Please Cherish, let me give you the world." He whispered and brushed his lips against mine, making me weak to my knees.

"This doesn't feel right Randy.." I whisper as he turned me around, my back facing him.

"Don't resist me Cherish. I know you imagine what it would be like if you and I were intimate, and I'm here to tell you, it's everything you've been dreaming of, and more." He whispered in my ear as I felt him harden against me, making me moan softly. I suddenly look in front of me and see Roman, looking just as good as Randy.

"Don't listen to him baby girl, I can treat you even better. He means no good. You and I both know I know how to please you Cherish." He said softly, coming closer to me. "I love you baby. So much. Give me another chance. Please." He whispered, staring into my eyes. Before I could say something, Randy turned my head to face him.

"If you let him back in, he'll just do the same thing. I'll never hurt you princess. I'll treat you like the queen you are." He whispered, kissing on my neck. Before I could respond, Roman turned my head to face him. It was like they couldn't see each other, all they could see was me. It also felt like Randy was up against a wall, but that was the last of concerns.

"Cherish, you're the only woman I love. I know I messed up, but I can do better. I promise." Roman whispers. I could still feel Randy teasing me from behind as Roman talked. Suddenly Roman was rubbing on my thigh and he pressed his lips against mine. I immediately kissed him back. Randy stopped and turned my head, making me look at him again as Roman's lips moved to my neck.

"All he's doing is talking baby girl. I can show you better than I can tell you." He whispered, connecting our lips softly as I felt Roman's hand slowly move up my dress, making me moan softly. I chose not to respond because I didn't want this pleasure I'm feeling to stop. I felt Randy slowly unzip it but stops as I feel his hand slide up my dress too. Roman slowly begins grinding against me from the front as Randy does the same thing from behind, making me moan their names one after the other. I felt Randy unzip the rest of my dress and it suddenly disappeared, leaving me in my bra, my panties, and heels. My heels suddenly disappeared as well. I was still in my bra and panties, but not for long. I felt Roman's hand slide down into my panties, toying my clit softly as he continued to kissing on my neck. Randy unhooked my bra and took it off, tossing it. He slowly massaged my breast, swirling his tongue around my nipple, as I began to rub both of them from outside of their pants, making them groan at the same time. I bit my lip as I could feel myself becoming wetter by their touch.

"You're soaking wet for daddy baby girl. Told you I knew how to please you." Roman whispered huskily in my ear, sliding a finger inside me, making me moan loudly, I managed to get both of their buttons undone, and they both stepped out of their pants and took off their shirts. I slide each of my hands into their boxers and began to stroke them slowly, as Randy licked and sucked on one of my breasts while playing with my clit from behind, and Roman worked wonders with his fingers, licking and sucking on the other. As they sped up, so did I with stroking them, and all you could hear was all three of us moaning simultaneously. I felt that familiar clenching in my stomach as my breathing picked up.

"I-I'm so close." I moaned, closing my eyes.

"Mm, me too. Cum for daddy baby girl." I heard them both whisper in my ear, sending me completely over the edge and I exploded all over their fingers as they exploded on both my hands. They both licked their fingers clean as I did the same with my hand. Suddenly Randy was in front of me and Roman was behind me. I stared into his icy blue eyes as Roman slowly ran his hands all over my body. They both stepped out of their boxers, and I bit my lip hard at what Randy was packing. He bit his lip and wrapped my legs around his waist as I rested back against Roman. Both of them slowly began to tease me, rubbing the tip of themselves against both my entrances, I could feel myself about to cum already.

"Not yet." They both said. Randy's eyes turned dark and seductive, and I could feel Roman's eyes do the same. Randy smirked and slid into me, as Roman did the same from behind, making me release a loud and slutty moan. They both began moving in sync, giving me rush of pleasure I've never felt before. I held onto Randy as he buried his face in the crook of my neck and I shared a passionate but rough kiss with Roman as he played with my hardened nipples. I slowly began to move with them, and they began to pick up the paste. A continuous wave of pleasure jolted through my body as both of them made love to me, making me feel like I was the only one they wanted. I could feel Roman go deeper and harder as Randy followed suit, and they both began leaving love bites all over my neck and body.

"Fuck, just like that. T-That feels so good daddy." I moaned to the both of them.

"You feel so good and tight around me baby." They whispered huskily in my ear again as the both pounded mercilessly into me, making me even wetter, I screamed their names out in pure ecstasy as I felt myself about to explode again, and they went inside me even deeper, faster, and harder, hitting g spots I never knew I even had. I dig my nails into Randy's back and let out a loud, shaky moan as I heard them do the same, and I felt them explode deep inside me and I exploded as well, like I've never done before. I could barely keep my eyes open and I felt weak. We suddenly fell onto a bed. 

"I love you Cherish." They both said in the most sweetest voices I've ever heard as I felt them slowly rubbing all over my body.

"Mm, I love you too." I said to the both of them, feeling all kinds of mixed emotions. I then heard someone calling my name, and it wasn't either of them. And that's when it stopped.

I woke up to Celeste standing over me with her arms folded. It was all a dream..

I sat up and realized it was dark outside. I was drenched in sweat, and other body fluids if you know what I mean.

"Cherish get up right now and let's go. You're super late for Raw. I'm not even gonna tell you how late you're are. And why do you look like you've ran three marathons? You know what, I don't wanna know. Just, go get ready. I'll be outside." She walked out of the door. I slowly got up, my legs feeling weak, but I could still stand. Barely. I managed to make it upstairs and take a shower. An ice cold one. I still can't believe that entire thing was a dream. How I wish it were real.. I got out and changed, straightening my hair and grabbed my title, put it in my bag, grabbed my keys and phone, and walked downstairs, all while the events of that dream keep replaying in my head. I locked up the house and got in the car, staying silent the whole time.

Monday Night Raw

Randy's POV

I was already at the arena, waiting for Cherish to get back. Kaitlyn said she was going to get her because she won't answer her phone. I'm starting to get worried about her, I hope nothing happened to her. A couple minutes later I saw the two of them walking. I smiled wide and walked over to her, but she walked right past me. I raise an eyebrow and shrug, walking away. Wonder what's her problem..

Cherish's POV

We finally got to the arena. I grabbed my things and walk in, seeing Randy. Immediately I have flashbacks to that dream. I don't wanna say anything because I might slip up and tell him. I walk past him quickly before he could say anything to me. I walked into my locker room and sat down, trying to gather my thoughts. I finally did and changed into my ring gear, grabbed my title and walked to the gorilla, trying to avoid either one of them. My music played and I earned a big pop from the crowd, making me smirk. I walked down the ramp and posed on the turnbuckle. I grabbed a mic and stayed silent, letting the crowd enjoy themselves.

"Did you guys miss me?" I smile as the crowd cheers louder. They finally settled down.

"First of all, I'm so happy to be back and here in front of all you wonderful people. Second of all, for some of you who don't know, I was viciously attacked last week here on Raw, by none other than my ex-boyfriend's lap dog, Layla." The crowd booed loudly as the titantron showed what happened.

"Yeah, I know. Sucks. But Layla,  if you're watching which I know you are, I have a little message for you. You may try to break me down, but I'll come back even stronger. No matter what you try to do, I'll always come out on top. And you can believe that." My mind immediately went to Roman and that dream, and I almost didn't feel Layla from behind trying to sneak attack me. But luckily I saw her because I ducked under and hit her with a Superman Punch. I walked to the corner and set up for the Spear. I did the warrior cry and ran toward her as she got up, only to be stopped by a mind shattering superkick. I was out for a minute as she pushed me out of the ring and whipped me into the stairs. She picked me up and whipped into the other ones, but I reversed it and she hit them. I slowly got up and grabbed a chair, beating her with it, thinking about how she tore Joe and I apart. I finally stopped and leaned her against the barricade, my blood boiling. I ran full speed at her, spearing her through the barricade as the crowd went wild. I drug her onto the floor and grabbed a kindo stick and beat her senseless with it. I ended my attack by body slamming her straight through the announcer table. I grabbed my title and walked up to the ramp, raising it high as the crowd cheered and my music played as refs tended to Layla. I walked backstage. I would've had a match, but I was too busy dreaming about the two men I'm torn in between. I walked backstage and as I was walking, I was stopped. I look up and see Roman.

"Hey, Cherish. You look, amazing." He looked at me. I realized we were in a dark and empty hallway. I turned to leave but he softly grabbed my arm. I slowly turned around.

"I'm so sorry, about everything. I never meant to hurt you the way that I did baby girl. I love you so much. I've never loved a woman the way I love you. You're my everything, my rock, my love, my sweetheart, my best friend. You mean the world to me and I was so stupid to give that up. I love you, I need you, I'm sorry." He looked into my eyes, and I didn't realize he was close to me. All I could think about was that dream. Before I knew it, our lips were connected, and the kiss was getting heated. I pulled away before things escalated. I pulled my shirt down and he buttoned his pants back up.

"I'm sorry Leati, I gotta go." I quickly left before he could ask why. Not even when I get halfway down the hallway, I see Randy. He looks up at me and walks over to me.

"Hey you. How you feeling?" His voice soft and concerning, making me forget about Roman.

"I feel great." I smile.

"Good, I'm glad you're okay Cherish." He said, coming closer. "I thought something had happened to you, and I was worried. I really care about you, and I don't know what I'd do if something happened to you. I'm glad you're safe." He whispered.

"I'm only safe when I'm with you." I whisper back, staring into his eyes. I don't know what came over me just then for me to say that. It was like I said it, but I don't feel like I said it. He lifted my chin and slowly leaned in, kissing me with passion. I immediately responded and wrapped my arms around his neck, and things got heated once again. By the time I realized what I was doing, his shirt was off and so was mine, and he was slowly grinding against me, making me moan uncontrollably as more flashbacks of the dream pop up in my head.

"R-Randy, we g-gotta stop.." I whisper and moan. He slowly stops. He looks at me.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have kissed you." He says as we put back on what we just took off.

"Don't be, see you around." I kiss his cheek and leave. I catch a cab home and walk in, sighing of relief. I drop everything and walk upstairs, changing into shorts and a tank top. I laid down, exhausted. As sleep quickly took over my body, I felt two pairs of arms wrap around me, and I felt all those mixed emotions again all at once.

So? What a chapter right?

That dream though!

Tell me what you guys think?

Were there really two pairs of arms around her? Was she just wishing it was?

Why is Cherish having these mixed emotions?

Is there any meaning to the dream?

What's next for Cherish and the gang?

Don't forget to:

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