Not Alone ~Magcon

By rylieghsokay

612 18 2

What Happens when Allison moves from England all the way to America and meets the one and only Magcon boys(Ol... More

Ch 16
Ch 17
Ch 19
ch. 20
Ch 21
Ch 21
Ch. 23
Ch 24
Ch 25
Ch. 26
Ch 27
Ch 29
Ch 30
Ch 31
Ch 32
Ch 33
Ch 34
Ch 35
Ch 36
Ch 37
Ch 38
Ch 39
Ch 40
Ch 41
Ch 42
Ch 43
Ch 44
Ch 45
Ch 46
Ch 47
Ch 48
Ch 49
Ch 50
Ch 51
Ch 52
Ch 53
Ch 54
Ch 55
Ch 56
Ch 57
Ch 58
Ch 59
Ch 60
Ch 61
Ch 62
Ch 63
Ch 64
Ch 65
Ch 66
Ch 67
Ch 68
Ch 69
Ch 70
Ch 71 (Time Skip)
Ch 72
Authors Note

Ch 28

7 0 0
By rylieghsokay

"Are you okay?" Ty asked me.

They didn't ask me where I was. They didn't ask me what I was doing. They asked me if I was okay.

It was nice to know that even if they haven't known me for that long they still care.

I shook my head and they opened their arms. I walked closer to them and held them tightly as I cried.

They kept rubbing my back and waited. I finally calmed down and we sat under a tree.

School was over so I guess we are just gonna stay after a while.

I leaned against the tree and closed my eyes. "Thank you." I whispered.

I felt a hand go on mine and I smiled. "Anytime hun." Chris said softly.

The wind blew lightly. It lifted a couple strands of hair up. They blew with the wind, it was like my hair was a kite, just floating in the wind.

"You don't have to tell us okay? Just know we are here." Ty said. I nodded and we just sat there.

"-man we are gonna kick a$$ tomorrow!"

"Yeah, you know that's right!"

I heard a laugh. That laugh, the laugh I've grown a liking to.

I opened my eyes and saw Hayes, Nash, and some other guy in a football uniform. It was dirty and covered in grass stains.

I locked eyes with Nash and I turned away. "Are you guys okay?"

I shrugged. "I don't know...we kissed..and took a bubble bath together." Their heads shot up. "But it's not what you think! We didn't do anything I promise. We honestly just took a bath. The next morning I woke up in his arms and freaked out a little. When j got out of his arms I missed his warmth and stuff. But then realized I shouldn't miss his warmth or anything because we're just friends. Nothing more nothing less." I stated.

They nodded their heads. "So did you see..." Chris trailed off.

"Oh my god Chris!" I covered my face and laughed.

I heard footsteps. "Wanna go?" Ty asked. I nodded my head quickly and we stood up.

Nash noticed we were leaving and he said something to the guys. He started making his way over to us.

I faced Chris who was on my left. "How's this weather?"

She got the point. "So I was thinking we could either see an action movie or a chick flick."

"I love both so I don't care." I said giving her a look saying thanks.

"Hey Alli, can we talk?" Nash asked from behind us.

I turned around. "Now?"

"Yeah.." He said rubbing his neck.

"Well the girls and I are heading to the movies. Maybe next time?" I asked.

Please let me leave. "Alli please stop avoiding me." He signed.

"I don't know what you're talking about. We've gotta get there before the movie starts. We haven't even bought snacks to sneak in yet." I stated. I turned around and got in the car. I sighed.

His face looked so broken. So hurt. Don't get out don't get out.

Thankfully the girls got in before I could get out.

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