what if ; connor franta fanfi...

By envy-malice

548K 8K 6.9K

what if this was all just our imagination? More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32- END

Chapter 4

25.1K 434 542
By envy-malice

"Where are we going?" I looked at my phone checking the time. 12:43.

"Secret! Can't tell you." He grinned.

Then he pulled up to this weird looking place. I'm not sure what it was called though.

"We're here!" He said turning off the car.

"Connor, this looks like a place for like a date." I said looking at him. This is NOT a date. Is it?

" yeah I know, but I need to tell/ask you something. And, I thought a nice place to eat would be good, ya know?" He said being serious

"Ok ill give it a try." I said smiling as I got out of the car. He got out and locked arms with me and we pretended to be all fancy. I laughed at our weirdness.

We walked in and it was a REALLY nice and fancy place.

"I didn't know you have to reserve a table..." I said as we stood in line. He just smiled.

When we got up to the man at the table with a book thingey Connor said "Franta, party of two"

"Wow, I guess you're NOT 5 anymore..." I said grinning as we walked to our table.

We sat down and ordered drinks.

"This is a really nice place Connor." I said looking into his beautiful eyes.

"Yep! And I really hope it's not that expensive..." He said below his voice.

A few minutes later we ordered food. I got a vegan chicken breast. And Connor got like the ribs things I'm not quite sure what it was.

"What did you want to tell me or ask me or whatever?" I said as I took a drink of my water.

"Well, you know how we're flying out to California in 2 days..." He said hesitating.

"Yeah..." I said nervous.

"We'll I was going to tell you I'm not coming back to Minnesota."

"What?! What about school? What about your family?" I said almost crying, "what about me..." At this point I had tears in my eyes.

"No Taylor! Don't cry." He said grabbing my hand. "I wanted to ask you if you wanted to live with me in the house I got" he said smiling slightly.

I wiped back my tears a little, but I was still crying...now crying of joy. "Of course Ill live with you in California." I said with a little laugh in between sobs.

"Wy are you crying still?" He asked concerned.

"Because," I wiped my mascara off the bottom of my eye. "I love you so much."

He smiled and we went on with finishing our food. I was still really happy, but I managed to stop crying. The bill was only $40. Not as expensive as I thought.

"Let me pay Connor." I said

"No let me pay. I took you here and I should pay"

"But you're letting me stay with you in calif-"

"Let me pay." He said with a smile. I smiled back and just was thinking of moving to California. I was so excited.

Later that night Connor dropped me off at home. Kayley was home and I told her all about moving with Connor.

"But I'm going to miss you!" She said hugging me.

"I'm gonna miss you too! But I'll text you everyday" I said smiling.

"But Bryce will miss you too." She said almost crying and picking up Bryce and putting him on my lap getting black and white fur all over my pants and hoodie.

"I'll miss you too Bryce" I said petting him. "I better go to bed now. I've got a lot of packing to do for Friday when we leave."

"Okay goodnight taylor"

I went in my room and called my mom before going to sleep. She said she was happy for me and she said she will miss me. After we hung up I got my PJs on and put on futurama on Netflix. I fell asleep about 30 minutes later.

I got up at 9. Wow. Early. Right away I put on a little eyeshadow and mascara. Then I put my hair in a messy bun and put a 'tomahawk chop is my death blow' smosh t-shirt on with sweatpants. Nothing special for packing.

I packed everything except my iMac because I didn't want to break it by dropping it, cause I'm weak...so I called Connor. He picked up in 3 seconds.

"Heyyy Tay Tay!" He said sounding hyper.

"Hey you're up early!"

"It's only 12. I don't miss lunch EVER."

"Okay then. Hey I was wondering if you could help me pack up my Mac so I don't break it by dropping it."

"Sure thing! Ill be over in 5!"

"K thanks Caroline"


I laughed and ended it. I took my phone out to the kitchen and made myself ice cream. Don't judge me, I like ice cream and had a craving (lolwut). I sat in my room on my blank bed in my little turquoise colored room watching vampire diaries. I randomly chose episode 1 season 3 for no reason...ok fine cause I like the killing and crazy Stefan working for Klaus to keep Damon alive.

Well there was this intense part where Klaus made Stefan kill a bunch of warewolves, and turn some of them into hybrids. And at that part, Connor decided to scare me by walking in a yelling, and jumping on my bed onto me. I screamed and threw my ice cream on the ground, but luckily the ice cream didnt fall out.

He 'fell' 'onto' me ('=air quotes) and I just looked into his eyes for what seemed like forever. I think that we both thought about going in for a kiss, but we didnt.

He got off "So moving your Mac without breaking it...hmm" He blushed looking at the Mac on my desk.

I continued watching the episode while he put it back into the box so I could take it.

"Thanks Connor!" I said as I hugged him. He was tall so I had to go on my tip-toes.

"No problem anything for my best friend." He said smiling and picking me up and swinging me around. I giggled.

He walked out of my room and I followed as he made his way to the front door. He stopped as he was about to walk out the door.

"Wait, did I tell you how cute you look in sweats?" He smiled as he walked out.

I closed the door and just put my back to the door and smiled biting my lip.

I walked back in my room and just watched vampire diaries till' at least 8. I needed to get up early, like 3, to be able to catch the flight at 5. I did my simple makeup and wore a joey graceffa totro shirt and sweats. Connor picked me up by 3:30 and we got past security by about 4:30 and got on the plane. Connor vlogged the first 3 minutes we got on, and then we just went to sleep.

I woke up about 2 hours later and listened to music. Connor woke up about 10 mins later after I woke up and then we were about to land. I took my head phones out and just buried my face into his neck and tried not to have my ears pop.

Connor took out his camera after we landed, my face still in his neck. "We're here in California!" He said as he showed them outside. "Taylor! We're here!" He said gently hitting my hair around. "And you guys...we have BIGGGGGGGG news!"

We got off and got all our stuff from the airport and met Kian in the parking lot.

"Keen da been!" Connor yelled as he saw Kian.

"Con da Bon!" Kian yelled back. They gave eachother a hug.

"Hey Tay Tay!" Kian said to me as he gave me a hug lifting me off the ground.

"Hey kian!" I said hugging him back.

We out all our stuff in the car. I sat in front and Connor in back, kian driving. We jammed the whole way to our new house. When we got there, I was in shock. It was big, but not like mansion big. And it wasnt tiny either. I picked a room out of the 5 rooms we had, and put my stuff in it. Later that day I learned that jc and Ricky were coming to live in this house with us too! And Jc was even going to bring wishbone!

Later that night we had hooked up the Xbox that I had brought and watched a few episodes of futurama. We just sat on our couch in our messy house, cuddling and watching Netflix. It was the perfect night. Connor of course had to vlog it.

"Hey guys! It's Connor."

"And me too." I said looking at the tv with my face in his chest, his free arm around my shoulder.

"So were just here sitting on our couch. Yes that's right. I said our. Our news is that we moved into a house in California! It's really nice. Ill give you a tour tomorrow probably. Oh! And Jc and Ricky are moving in too! We're picking them up tomorrow at about 10. But.. Yeah that's it i think I'm gonna end the vlog here! So byee!" He finished recording and put the camera on the desk in the living room.

" I'm off to bed goodnight Taylor."

"Night." I said as I grabbed a blanket and watched the rest of futurama and fell asleep on the couch.

Connors P.O.V. (Point of view)

The next morning my alarm went off at 6. I got dressed right away and brushed my teeth and did my hair. I got up and grabbed my vlogging camera.

"Hey guys! Taylor is sleeping and look how cute she is!" I whispered as I showed her face.

"Okay. So were gonna pick up jc and Ricky in about 4 hours. So we gotta wake her up so we can eat breakfast. Ready? K..." I whispered and set the camera down so I could get me waking her up.

I jumped on the couch by her feet. Hitting a pot with a wooden spoon. She started waking up and hitting my feet with a pillow. I sat down next to her as she sat up.

"Good morning. You're hair looks nice." I joked as I touched her messy hair.

"Shut up." She rubbed her eyes.

"Come eat breakfast with me." I kissed her cheek.

"I hate you." She said as I got up and walked into the kitchen with the camera.

"I love you too!"

Taylor's P.O.V.

I can't believe he just kissed me. I blushed so hard as i walked in the kitchen to pop tarts for breakfast.

"Not very hard to guess you made these." I said as I sat down.

"You don't like them?" He said whining.

"No." I smiled. "I love them!"

He smiled back "We have now 3 hours till we go to the airport to pick them up."

"Ok. But I call sitting in the back with wishbone and Ricky." I giggled "I love Ricky."

"Fine." He smiled.

I finished my pop tart and went upstairs and took a shower. After that I put on a lot of makeup, and put on a simple cute floral dress and pale blue flats. I curled my hair also.

I walked downstairs at about 9:00 grabbing my iPhone.

"Woahhhh!" Connor said as he grabbed his keys.

"What?" I said walking out the door.

"Nice outfit." He said smiling. "Ricky?"

I blushed. "Heh." I winked.

We got to the airport about 9:45.

"I have a feeling you have a crush on Ricky." Connor said as we sat in the parking lot waiting.

"What? No..." I blushed. Maybe I did have a TINY crush on Ricky. But this outfit was for Connor. And maybe to impress o2l...no. No. I'm crushing on Connor.

At 10 me and Connor went by the doors and waited for them. 20 minutes later they walked out and greeted us with hugs.

"Ricky!" I yelled when they walked out. He hugged me and I hugged back. "I love you so much!" I kissed him on the cheek.

"Hey what about me?!" Whined jc.

"I didn't forget about you!" I smiled and hugged jc. He spun me around and kissed me on the cheek.

"Rockin dat dress gurl!" Said Ricky. I blushed.

"We'll thanks!" I curtsied. We all laughed and went to the car. I took wishbone out of his cage and held him in my lap while me and Ricky say in the back and jc and Connor sat in the front. Jc plugged in his phone and played some music, and we all sung the whole way home. It's about a 45 minute drive, so we sang ALOT. even wishbone barked!

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