We Aren't Just Sisters.We're...

By sunflowerboarry

44.8K 638 59

The Cimorelli Sisters are 6 talented girls...but what happens through heartbreak, fame, and more?Read to find... More

We Aren't Just Sisters.We're Best Friends (Cimorelli)
Chapter 1 (New Cover Time!)
Chapter 2 (Any Other Way)
Chapter 3 (A Weekend With The Cimorellis)
Chapter 4 (Therapy Session)
Chapter 5(Date Time!!!)
Chapter 6 (Oh.My.Gosh.)
Chapter 7 (Rehearsal)
Author's Note!!
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 (Guess Who's Coming To Town?)
Chapter 10 (Shopping Challenge, Anyone?)
Chapter 11 (CHOCOLATE!!)
Chapter 12 (Bullies)
Chapter 13 (Slice, Slice, No Rolling the Dice)
Chapter 14 (Qualcomm Stadium?)
Chapter 15 (A Secret Sister?)
Chapter 16(Don't Worry)
Author's Note
Chapter 17(Medical Records)
Chapter 18(I'll Help You)
Chapter 19 (Finding You)
Chapter 20 (You Again?Wait, What Happened?)
Chapter 21 (This Can't Be Happening)
Chapter 22 (Drama In The Hospital)
Chapter 23 (I Have To Be With Her)
Chapter 24 (Uh- Oh)
Chapter 25 (Sneak Preview)
Chapter 25(Happy Birthday,Dani and Scarlett)
Chapter 26(So We Meet Again)
Chapter 27 (Dealing With Him and Arriving)
Chapter 28 (First Stop!)
Chapter 29 (A Collaboration With Who?)
Chapter 30 (Deciding and Finding Out)
Chapter 31 (Covering Good Memories)
Chapter 32 (Meeting)
Chapter 33 (Introducing Scarlett)
Chapter 34 (Troubling Tweets)
Chapter 35 (In The Studio!)
Chapter 35 (Forgetting,Amy's Birthday, and In The Studio!)
Chapter 36 (Lauren and.....)
Connor Austin Taylors
Chapter 37 (After Party)
Author's Note, My Fellow Lovelies ♥
Chapter 38 (End Of Tour)
Chapter 40 (Happy Birthday, Lauren and Christina!)
Author's Note

Chapter 38 (A Day In San Antonio)

507 8 1
By sunflowerboarry

*Amy's P.O.V*

"Amy, get up!"A pillow contacted my face and I bolted up, looking around, awake and alert.I saw Lisa and Scarlett standing there, laughing.

"Not funny, guys."I said, pulling the covers back over my head.

"Well, sorry, but you have to get up.Mom already went to the airport to get more tickets for us to fly back home, and we're going to spend a day in San Antonio, which is where I lived for half of my life, so come on, get up!I have lots of places to show you."Scarlett said.

I pulled myself out of bed and grabbed my Texas A&M shirt (My dad used to go there!IDK why I'm saying this, it's just..bye!)some shorts, and black Converse.I took a quick shower and quickly dressed.I curled my hair and put a little bit of mascara on.I walked out of the bathroom to see Christina,Katherine, and Lisa trying to get Scarlett and Dani out of a fight, I guess about borrowing clothes without asking.Lauren was just sitting there innocently, filming the whole thing.I took a spot besides Lauren, and the fight slowly faded away, ending in a result of Dani losing and Scarlett winning as she held up the article of clothing in victory.

"Ha!I won, you lost!'Scarlett taunted Dani.Dani pouted and stuck out her tongue in response.

"What were you guys even fighting over?"I questionned my younger sisters.

"Well, I wanted to wear the black lace shirt, but Scarlett did,too, so I started arguing with her about how it was my shirt and if she wanted one she should go buy one and it all ended up in a fight where it took three people to get us to stop."Dani quickly let out.

"Really?That's all you were fighting about?"I said in a bored voice, walking out of the room, not giving either of them a chance to answer.

"What are we gonna do today?"I asked Christina, who was in the bathroom, putting on some makeup.

"I don't know, Scarlett used to live here, so I guess she'll pick out most of the places we're going to.I guess we can divide the choices and vote for the ones we like best."Christina answered.

"Okay.I'm going down to get some breakfast, anyone wanna come with?"I announced into the two rooms we were sharing.

"Oh!Me, pick me, pick me!"Dani zoomed past me and into hallway with Lauren not far behind.

"Okay, let's go."I chuckled.Seeing my two younger sisters made me wish I was a kid again.They're just so energetic and zoom around all the time.

We ran around the floor to the elevator, screaming and not caring how loud we were as we had a floor reserved just for us.

Okay, well, not really loud, because the floors didnt have two walls around them, just a wall with room lining it and a banister lining the othre side to avoid people from falling.

We rode down the elevator and went to get some food.I got cereal, pancakes, and a Texas shaped waffle.How cool is that? (They have those at basically every hotel in Texas, LOL)

*Ding!* *Ding!* The waffle maker went, indicating my Texas waffles were done.I carefully pulled them out and got some syrup.I went to a random table and began to eat my breakfast.

Man, those waffles were good!

''These waffles are really good."Scarlett said with a mouthful of her Texas waffle.Because of the waffles she had sudded in her face, it came out,"Zeez worfulls are weawy good."

"All right, well, we better go back up to our room."I said.They got up from their seats and we went up to our room.As soon as I walked in, I asked everyone, "What are we gonna do today?We're stuck here for a day."

 "Well, considering check out is at 11:00, we have to choose where to go right now.It's 10:15."Mom said.

 "Okay, well, where is there to go?"Christina asked.Everyone looked at me.

 "What?"I questionned my sisters and mom.

 "Well, you're the one who wants to live in Texas, you should know all the attractions of big towns like this."Lisa answered.The others nodded.I tried to keep my sheepish grin hidden but failed.

 "All right, there's Ripley's Believe It or Not, a bunch of shopping centers downtown, we can rent a carriage, there's the riverwalk, basically all the fun stuff is downtown."I said.

 "Well, let's go downtown!"Lauren exclaimed.

 "All right, let's go.But!Get your things packed first."Mom ordered.There were some groans, but eventually we all started packing our stuff and checked out, along with the rest of our crew.

 Once we were all settled in the car, Mom,Christina,Katherine,Lisa,Lauren,Dani,Scarlett, and I, Mom began to drive to downtown San Antonio.And let met tell you, it was beautiful.

 There were old, vintage, Italian, looking buildings, with bright green vines draped all over them.There was a huge river with boats floating by time to time with tourists and locals.Little cafes were squeezed in between the tall buildings, tall but not enough so that they didn't qualify as skyscrapers.

 The streets were pebble and the cars clunked as they drove on.They had horses, too.I'm not kidding.They were controlling the carriages.

"I see Ripley's!"Scarlett exclaimed, pointing to a building with a long line.

 "I see the wax museseum!"Dani said, pointing to a buidling right next to Ripley's.

 Mom drove around for a couple more minutes before resulting in a complete stop.We got out of the car and stretched our legs.The we wandered around.

 "Wanna go to Ripley's?"Mom asked.

 "Um, Mom, have you seen how long the line is for it?"Lisa asked, clooking at our mom like she was a mad man.

 "Um,Lisa, have you seen that's the line for the wax museum?"Mom mocked.

 "Oh."Lisa mumbled.

 "Yeah."Mom smirked.

 We made our way over to the museum, paid, and got in.It was really cool.There were statues all over the place, huge items, such as the world's largest tire, and an old, vintage car.

 We made our way throught the whole museum, 'Oohing' and 'Aahing over the piceces that were displayed.There was a Titanic section, full of facts and diagrams of the ship that was said couldn't be sunk, even by God.There was also an Eifell Tower made out of toothpicks, but it was replica, so it wasn't the real thing. (Obviously).

 Christina,Katherine,Lisa,Lauren,Dani,Scarlett, Mom, and I, went to the gift shop and scanned the store.I saw a cute stuffed dolphin that was tie dye and said "Peace, Love, Dolphin" on it, so I bought it.

"Hey,Scarlett,"I said to my younger sister who was gazing at the candy they put out,"Don't you wish your dolphin was as hipster as mine?"I did a funky dance while shaking the dolphin, whom I named Niall after, yup, Niall Horan from One Direction.He's a cutie pie :).

And I might have a slight crush on him.

What?Have you seen the way Harry looks at Lisa and how she looks at him?

*At 9:00 that night*

I collasped on on of the two beds in the suite we were residing in and pulled out my phone, scrolling through my Twitter feed.We had finally gotten back from a day in San Antonio, complete with shopping until we literally dropped, getting fro- yo, esting at the Rain Forest Cafe, which is really cool, go search it up, going on a tour of downtown San Antonio, and signing autographs and taking pictures with some fans that spotted us throughout the day.

"I'm gonna take a shower."i announced to no one in particualr, and by no one I mean Christina, Katherine, and my mom.I went to the bathroom and flicked the switch on.I started up the shower and washed my hair, which was greasy and gross because it was really hot and all that sweat and humidity did not go well.

 I stepped out of the shower, pulling on my pajamas, which were fuzzy blue shorts and an oversized sweatshirt.My hair was pulled into wet, thick braids, and I lay down on my bed, exhuasted from the whole day.I slowly felt my eyelids getting heavy, and I drifted off into sleep, dreaming about everything that happened so far.

A/N:Oh.My.God.I am SO sorry for not updating for so long, and for the short chapter, if it is short.I can't tell.

First of all, I'm gonna let you here my lousy excuse.

I was busy.Great one, I know.

But no, listen.








It was a busy week for us Directioners.And I'm sorry if you;re not one, it's just I am and I had to fangirl for a second, kay?Good.

But, I must say, I'm getting a little bored with this story.Or just this chapter.IDK.might be the hormone,s might be the truth, not so sure.However, no matter how bored i get, I WILL YPDATE.JUst probably not as often.AND THERE WILL BE A SEQUEL.It's probably gonna mainly revolve around Christina, and I'm not gonna tell you why, you just hafta wait and see ;).


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