Underneath The Same Sky (Luke...

By dcandels

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they never knew that they would need each other so much. this story is being edited to make it better, not ma... More

Chapter 1: Does Calum Hood live here?
Chapter 2: Short for Theodora
Chapter 3: Awkwardness and Ice Cream
Chapter 4: Great. Just great.
Chapter 5: Save the Last Seat for Me
Chapter 6: Don't ever leave your buddy
Chapter 7: You'd still fall
Chapter 9: Again
Chapter 10: Twist
Chapter 11: Like the Movies
Chapter 12: Finally!
Chapter 13: You what?!
Chapter 14: Bus
Chapter 15: the F word
Chapter 16: Strange
Chapter 17: The Substitute Project
Chapter 18: I Just Don't Get It
Chapter 19: Sounds good
Chapter 20: Does that mean I get an A for your test?
Chapter 21: Wait, did I just say that??
Chapter 22: Perfect
Chapter 23: Dummies
Chapter 24: So which one requires less energy?
Chapter 25: Friday night
Chapter 26: Nicholas Sparks
Chapter 27: Epiphanies and Cookies
Chapter 28: Remedial Classes
Chapter 29: F&O
Chapter 30: Problem
Chapter 31: We need a break
Chapter 32: Package for Teddy Aspen?
Chapter 33: White balloons or yellow?

Chapter 8: Cherrapunji Mysteries

3.4K 42 9
By dcandels

Chapter 8:

“Did you know that some people believed that The Lost City of Atlantis used to exist where the Bermuda Triangle was currently located?” Mr. Odefield said. He was leading the group to the forest ranger’s campsite while the rest was trudging. Yes, trudging. We have been walking for years now. Okay, maybe for an hour or two, but still.

“I didn’t know that” Luke whispered. Mr. Odefield has been giving us fun facts ever since we got off the bus and every time he gives a fun fact, Luke would whisper to me that he doesn’t know it.

Mr. Odefield continued explaining Bermuda Triangle and its mysteries.

We were now again part of the line and moving in with the rest of the class.

“How long do we have to walk?” Luke whined. He has been like that ever since we finished lunch.

I smiled at him. “Don’t worry, just two more miles.” I pointed to the sign at the left.

He groaned but he kept walking. He walked very quickly because I realized I was behind him now.

Luke was very tall with his dishevelled blonde hair. His back was so straight and his scrawny figure can still be seen even with his big gray hoodie.

I caught up with him and said, “I’m just wondering why you don’t have the school’s jacket?”

He chuckled. “We’ve been together for half a day and you’re just asking me that now?”

 I blushed. “I just noticed it when you walked in front of me”

“I’m sorry. Buddies should walk next to each other” he replied, smiling.

When Luke smiles, sometimes his dimple shows and sometimes it’s nowhere to be found.

One of Luke’s mysteries. Just like the Bermuda Triangle.


Luke and I played PANTS where P stands for Places, A for Animals, N for names, T for things and S for the score. In the game, you should always start alphabetically. I won by answering Zimbabwe in P for the letter Z. We were about to go back to the letter A again when a girl in front of us screamed that we were at the campsite.

We looked up and saw the big, rusty welcome sign. It says, “Welcome to Camp Cherrapunji!”

Mr. Odefield blew his whistle then positioned himself in front of the sign.

“Meet Camp Cherrapunji’s owner and director, Mr. Renaldo Rimes!” he announced like a basketball player commentator.

A small man wearing a khaki outfit just like Mr. Odefield came out. He has big bushy white beard that reaches up to his chest. He had a very friendly smile on his face.

“Hello campers from Redwood Preparatory! I’m Renaldo Rimes and I welcome you to Camp Cherrapunji!”

I noticed Mr. Rimes has an Indian accent.

“I like Mr. Rimes already” Luke whispered to me. I nodded. I like him too.

After a few pointers and what nots, we finally got moving to the real campsite. The real campsite consists of trees, the ground, a bonfire, stars and more trees.

My kind of camp. I smiled to myself.

“The way to your campsite is very tricky and you can get lost easily. I want you to stay within your group and your buddies.” Mr. Rimes reminded us.

We all nodded and chorused Yes sir. Then we started hiking up the “little” mountain.

“Did you know why this camp’s name is Cherrapunji? Cherrapunji is a place in India. Cherrapunji can also be called Cherrapunjee or Sohra. Most people call it Sohra though.” Mr Rimes lectured us about the history of Cherrapunji and how it changed his life. Turns out, he was born and raised there.

 I was listening to Mr. Rimes tell us about his life in India when Luke called me.

“I have a joke.” Luke said while we were walking.

“hit me”

“Why is the bicycle not moving?”


“Because it was two-tired! Get it?” he laughed and laughed and has to stop so he could catch his breath.

“That was very funny, Luke!  but now we have to walk a little faster so we can catch up with the group.”

I pulled Luke’s arm so we could move faster when a girl with auburn hair run past us.

 “Hey watch it!” Luke yelled at the girl because she nearly knocked me down.

I tried to shush Luke but the auburn haired girl turned back.

“Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry!” auburn said, pulling me up.

Auburn hair has a really athletic body and her hair was made into two braids and she was wearing mountain climbing gear and she really has toned and tan arms and legs.


Jennette? Who’s Jennette?

“Luke! It’s you! I can’t believe it!”

“Oh yeah sorry. Teddy, this is a good friend of mine, Jennette. Jennette, this is Teddy, my buddy.” Luke introduced us.

I extended my hand. “Hi, I’m Teddy Pines. Nice to meet you!”

Jennette stared at my hand then at my face. Then she smiled. “Glad to meet you! Jennette Waters.”

“So what are you doing here?” Luke asked

“I’m a volunteer at this camp. School trip?”

Luke nodded.

“This camp is so beautiful, Jennette.” I decided to join the conversation which is really new to me.

Jennette nodded. “It is. So how did you and Luke meet?”

Luke and I glanced at each other then I blushed. “This science trip”

“Oh cool. Luke’s a really nice boy. Remember the time you and F-“ Jennete was now talking to Luke and what about to say a story when Luke cut her off.

“Jennette, is that Mr. Rimes waving at you?”

Jennette looked at the direction Luke was pointing.

“I don’t see him but I’ve got to go anyways. It was really cool bumping into you guys. And Teddy you have really fabulous hair!” With that, Jennette ran off.

I do? I’d rather have Jennette’s gorgeous auburn hair.

“Sorry about Jennette, she really likes to tell stories.” Luke said

I shrugged. “I don’t mind. I like her.”

Luke chuckled. “You like everybody. Come on.”


“Okay, truth or dare?”

“Truth” I said, bravely. Luke and I were playing Truth or Dare while the class was looking at Camp Cherrapunji’s mess hall. Mr. Rimes decided the last minute to visit the mess hall first before we get to our campsite.

“have you ever cheated on a test?” Luke smirked after saying those words.

I breathed. “Yes.” I heard Luke fake gasped. “I really don’t know how to spell the word “forty” when I was in Kindergarten so I peeked in my book.”

Luke tsk tsked. “Good girls are just bad girls who haven't been caught.”

I smacked him in the arm and he laughed.

“Okay, your turn. Truth or dare?”

“Dare.” He stuck out his tongue.

“Okay, I dare you to go tell Mr. Odefield that he’s looking very dapper today.” I giggled. I know that wasn’t much of a dare but that was the nicest I could think of.

“Is that all?” He scoffed then got up and walked up to Mr. Odefield who was talking to one of the camp’s counsellors

I stood up to see if he’s going to do it. And he did. I saw Mr. Odefield smile at Luke then Luke smiled back at him.

“So easy. I think my science grade will be a letter higher this quarter. Thanks to your dare.” He laughed.

“No fair.”

“Truth or dare?” Luke asked, changing the subject.

“Truth” I chose Truth because he might ask me to do something horrendous.

Luke was silent for a moment then he said, “First kiss?”

I was taken aback. Nobody ever asked me that question, well, except for my Aunt Luisa. But that’s beside the point.

“I’m waiting” Luke interrupted

It’s a truth or dare game after all. “Yes.”

Luke gasped. For real this time.

“Who was your first kiss?” he asked

“It was nobody.”

“Tell me! You chose truth!”

“That was a follow-up question.”  I pointed out.

Luke grunted.

“Okay, your turn.”

I smiled. “Truth or dare?”

“Truth” he stated

“Okay…. Have you ever had girlfriends before?”

Before Luke could answer, a loud crash rang inside the room.

I turned around to see Chase Hawkins, lying on his back with mac n cheese all over him.

Chase Hawkins has brown wavy hair and very blue eyes. My favourite kind of eyes. He was also my first crush and he knows it.

I rushed up to him and helped him up.

“Are you okay, Chase?” I asked. Chase was one of my really good friends. I told you Roxette and Gary wasn’t my only friends.

“Yes, but I think I fell on my right elbow. It hurts.” He was now leaning on me because he can’t support himself.

A few teachers and camp counsellors crowded around us and some students too.

“Give him some air!” Mr. Odefield shouted.

Which was really unnecessary and ironic because nobody crowded around us but the teachers.

“Do you mind accompanying me to the clinic, Teddy?” Chase moaned, clutching his elbow.

I nodded. “Of course, Chase.”

We passed by Luke who was looking grim by himself and I mouthed him that I’ll be right back.

“Okay back to work class!” Mrs. Jenkins called the other students’ attention.


Me and Mr. Odefield finally got Chase inside the clinic.

Chase was now sitting down at the clinic’s cot and we’re now just waiting for the nurse to come and check on Chase.

“Thank you so much, Teddy. I could have broken my bone if you didn’t rush up to me.” He said as he took my hand in his.

I could feel all the blood in my body rushed to my cheeks. “It was nothing Chase. It was the right thing to do.”

“Well, I know that it was meant for you to save me.”

I opened my mouth to reply but was interrupted by the nurse.

The nurse started checking on Chase’s vital signs and his right elbow. He just dislocated it but it was fine. His elbow was now in a cast.

“I’m sorry if you have to miss the introduction, Teddy.” Chase apologized as we walked back to the mess hall.

Mr. Rimes said that after checking everything out in the mess hall, there would be an introduction.

“It’s okay, I know everybody anyways.” I smiled at him and he did the same thing. He is just so cute.

“So where do you sit in the bus?”

“At the back.”

“With Gary? I thought Gary couldn’t come today.”

“He can’t. I sat with Luke”

“Luke Hemmings?” he raised his left eyebrow.

“Yeah. He’s funny”

“Be careful, Teddy. He’s bad news.”

YAY FINALLY! I UPDATED! I know I said I will update last weekend but I was just so busy with our student council campaign and cant think of anything new and some school stuff and because I want to update on July. Happy July btw! And I also want to thank you for giving me 2k reads on this in just a month! I started this last June 1. And I’m so happy to make it this far! I love you.

And who is this Chase guy and Jennette? And who is Teddy’s first kiss? I’m making myself so excited!!!

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