Chain Reaction

By BlakeGregory

843 34 2

Two groups of college age boys wanna have a party at the abandoned mill. Elijah and Luna live in the house ac... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 16

53 2 0
By BlakeGregory

Luna Marie's POV

As we're sitting on the Sleeping With Sirens bus, it suddenly dawns on me who would do something like this and I scare everyone when I yell "I'm going to kill her for this!" Elijah looks up from staring at her hands and asks "Are you saying your mom had something to do with this?" Kellin is sitting on the couch beside me, feeling defeated once again I put my head on his shoulder but I reply "Who else would want to ruin our relationships by spreading a lie like this?" I can see the others starting to consider that as a possible option, I know that Elijah wouldn't do such a thing and that's why seeing that article pissed me off so bad. I can't believe that my own mother would sabotage her daughter's happiness like this.

I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist and when I look over I see Kellin, he says "As long as you know that Elijah would never betray you like this, your mom doesn't have the power she thinks she does. And as long as you know that I would never do something like that to you, then you have nothing to worry about. I value my life and I really don't want your brothers pissed at me."

I know Kellin would never do something like that because my older brothers would probably make his death slow and painful. Tony comes to kneel in front of me, he says "I know that you feel like giving up but you can't let her win. You guys are important to us and we all know that Elijah would never do such a thing to the person that's been there for her all these years. And that if something like that did happen your brothers wouldn't be the only ones Kellin has to worry about. Sorry Kells but that's how it is."

"I know." Kellin says. "You guys consider them family, I've already put her through enough by not telling her about my daughter and ex-wife. I would never think of doing something like this to her, she knows this. Her mom just wants to split us up because she thinks that her daughter is making a big mistake doing the things that make her happy."

Vic asks "You think she could have gotten an angry fangirl to do it?" That could be exactly how she did it but I'm not exactly sure, I grab my phone and scroll through twitter. I see tweets from fans ranging from how could he do that to her and he would never do that she's really nice. I send out a tweet that telling them that Kellin did nothing wrong and Elijah would never do something like that to me. The feedback is automatic, the many fans that are happy that we're together are relieved but the girls who think that he deserves better or that they should be with him are like you should really ask yourself if you're sure about your friend. I just ignore those hateful tweets and focus on the positive ones, I know for a fact that Elijah wouldn't make a move on Kellin. I send out one last tweet basically telling the haters to fuck off that I know my best friend would never do that to me.

Justin is sitting there on his phone when he says "You just made my day with those tweets, these girls just choose to ignore the fact that they are too young for Kellin, that they'll never have a chance with him."

On a sigh I reply "My mom used me as a babysitter when I was younger, so why not take advantage of a teenage girl with a crush on a famous musician to get try and make your own daughter unhappy. She just thinks I'm making the biggest mistake of my life by being with Kellin and being on tour with you guys." My mother needs to leave things be. My phone dings letting me know that I have a text, it's from Luke:

Luke: I saw that article. Are you okay?

Luna: Yeah I'm fine. I know for a fact that Elijah would never do anything like that to me, probably just a plot of our mother's to get Elijah and I both back home.

Luke: How did she do it then?

Luna: I'm thinking she got an angry fangirl to take the picture. She thinks I'm making the biggest mistake of my life doing this anyway.

Luke: I don't care as long as you're happy, Lu.

Luna: I know. Kellin said he would never do anything like that because he values his life, because he would have to worry about his bandmates and all of Pierce The Veil.

After I get through texting Luke I put my phone down to rest my head on Kellin only to flop over on the couch. Elijah laughs at me, I stick my tongue out at her which makes her laugh at me again. The others try to figure out what's going on but quickly give up. This time my phone rings and its Lizzy.

"I'm going to kill him for doing that to you." She says.

"Lizzy he did nothing wrong so you aren't going to do anything. It was probably some jealous fan that mom put up to it and you know that's probably exactly what happened. Believe me Luke has already called and said something, plus Kellin values his life."

"Well then. That takes all the fun out of it for me, mom should just leave you two alone and I have to go bye."

Kellin pokes his head out of the bathroom asking "Who was that?"

"It was my sister. She's the second one of my siblings to contact me about that article, now the only one I'm waiting on is Derrick."

When I lay down in my bunk I put my phone where I can reach it if it rings but hopefully it won't. I really don't want to hear any more about this stupid article because honestly I don't think Kellin would cheat on me with my best friend and I don't think Elijah would do something that would jeopardize our friendship. I should just really call my mom and give her a piece of my mind, she really needs to see that I've found a guy who isn't a possessive asshole. Elijah comes to my bunk to see what's up, I say "I really hope Derrick doesn't call because Lizzy has just called and I got a text from Luke all about that stupid article. And every time I hear something about it I get even more pissed than I already am, honestly this is the last thing I wanted to deal with."

"I know. Your mom doesn't know when to let things go or let other people be happy and I'm just as mad as you are about this."

Kellin comes to stop by where the two of us are talking to tell us "We'll figure out what happened so just leave it be for now, if we have to we'll involve lawyers." Elijah just walks off and Kellin gets in the bunk with me, he starts humming the song from our date again. It doesn't take long for me to fall asleep when starts humming that particular song.

When I wake up Kellin is gone and I go out to the front lounge, no one is there. I make myself some coffee but realize there's nothing to put in it so I do something I rarely do unless I have absolutely no choice drink it black. After I drink some coffee I decide to take a walk around to get a feel of the venue, its really pretty here but then I see someone I would rather avoid for the rest of my life if I can. I call Elijah hoping she answers but it goes straight to her voicemail, then I try Mike and thankfully he answers "Hey Lu. What's wrong?"

"I see a person that I really don't like and I really need to tell Elijah but she won't answer her phone."

Mike sighs. "Who is the person you really don't like?"

"My ex-boyfriend who is a possessive jerk and I really don't feel like dealing with him."

"Stay there, either Vic or myself will come get you. Or I can text Kellin I think he's closer to you." I hang up the phone to see Kellin walking towards me along with the one person I wish would leave me alone but he probably won't because my mom is meddling in my love life again.

As soon as Kellin reaches me Matthew says "Luna I thought you would be smarter than to still be dating a cheater. But I guess I was wrong."

"Well it's not like I haven't done that before now is it? I mean he values his life and I know for a fact that my best friend would never sabotage my happiness or hers. You are just a possessive man who can't get over the fact that I've moved on with a guy that actually treats me right, who makes me smile, laugh and who actually cares for me." I see his tough guy exterior starting to crack so I continue "You were my brother's best friend. He expected more from you, he expected you to treat me like a princess but instead you treated me like I was a piece of property that only you could touch. That's not how you treat a girl, my mother may not be able to see through the prince charming front you put up but I do and so does Lizzy."

I see a tear roll down his cheek and he says "You're right. Luke did expect better of me and I let him down because I got jealous of all the attention you were getting from other guys. I just lost my temper and I couldn't help it but I'm glad you found someone better than me."

I sigh. "Look Matthew you were such a gentleman at first but you need to work on controlling your temper."

Matthew walks off and Kellin whistles, he hugs me while he says "You handled that better. I thought you were going to taunt him again."

I huff. "I learned my lesson last time about taunting him."

Elijah comes running towards us with the rest of PTV behind her. "Come on, I have to get back to sound check and you are coming with me." Kellin says. "You aren't allowed to object so let's get going."

I trudge along behind him while trying to get Elijah to save me from being dragged to sound check where people are going to be worrying about me but she's not paying attention. I really don't like it when people worry about me and I'm perfectly fine, Justin notices Kellin dragging me behind him, he just reaches out his hand to catch me when Kellin passes him.

After Justin saves me from almost having my arm ripped out of its socket he asks "What happened that warranted Kellin pulling you to sound check like that?"

I kind of hesitate to tell him but I say "We ran into Matthew and he was trying to be all macho but I told him somethings that I'd rather not repeat to anyone."

"But why was Kellin dragging you behind him like that?"

"I was told I was coming to sound check and that I wasn't allowed to object, but people are going to be worrying about me because of what happened."

Kellin comes back before Justin can reply, and the closer I look at him it dawns on me that he's got something hidden behind his back which makes me curios about what it is. I try to get behind him to see what it is exactly but all I can see before he notices what I'm doing is a box.

He should know me well enough by now to know that I'm not the biggest fan of surprises. After they do sound check, I head to what has become my job. I get things set up just as some fans come up to get their merch before the show. Elijah walks over and I smack her arm, she asks "What was that for?"

"That was for not saving me. Kellin dragged me to their sound check and nearly ripped my arm out of the socket. I was not allowed to object, you weren't even paying attention."

She looks closer at me. "Other than me not saving you what has you all worked up like this?"

"Kellin was hiding something behind his back before sound check and it looked kind of like a ring box. He should know by now that I don't like surprises, I hope I don't have to go out in front of the crowd again."

She catches me off guard by asking a third question "Do you know anything about this song that Jaime is writing?" I shake my head in response and she huffs at me. I bet that Lizzy was behind the latest surprise that Kellin has but it's probably something he came up with on his own.

When I turn around there's a girl holding a tiny gift bag with my name written on the tag. She holds it out to me while her face turns red, I smile at her and take the bag from her while saying "Hold on and I'll grab you something from the table." I pull the tissue paper out of the bag to reveal a ring box, I pull out the box and open it. One of my favorite lines from The Nightmare before Christmas is looking at me from the band of a ring. The band is very simple with the words simply meant to be inscribed on it, I slip it on my ring finger and I grab a shirt that looks like it should fit the girl telling her "Don't worry I'll pay for it. Honestly he could have done this himself."

This makes her smile before she says "He muttered something about you not liking surprises so I kind of volunteered. Also he said something about if he brought you onstage just to give it to you, that you'd kill him for it."

"And he'd be right about that because I don't like surprises and I don't like being up in front of a whole lot of people like that." I hand her the shirt and she hugs it while squealing thank you over and over again, when she walks off Kellin comes over to the merch table.

I smack him on the arm earning an "Ow what was that for?"

I don't answer because he should know exactly why I hit him, I just start walking towards the stage that they're performing on. He asks "Is this about the ring?"

"Yes, you could have just given it to me you know, instead of letting that girl do it."

"She basically volunteered to take it to you, I didn't say anything to her." I'm starting to enjoy this because he's actually thinking that I'm mad at him for that girl volunteering to bring the ring to me, its evil but I think he still should have given it to me himself. Five minutes later and he still hasn't caught on to the fact that I'm not actually mad at him, I'm really starting to enjoy messing with him but the ring I have in my pocket feels like the weight that if you threw me in a pool might drown me. I think he started to notice that I'm quiet instead of saying something about the ring because he steps closer to me.

"What's wrong Lu? You got quiet all of a sudden." I don't answer his question, instead I wrap my arms around his waist and when he puts his arms around me I slip the ring onto his finger without him noticing. I say "I was just thinking about sound check earlier when you were hiding the box behind your back."

He looks at me with a shocked expression but he replies "I was hoping you wouldn't notice that in all honesty. I knew that this was your favorite part of the movie so I wanted to get you something with it on there." He still hasn't noticed that I slipped a ring onto his finger or if he did he isn't saying anything but our little moment is interrupted when their manager comes to get Kellin so they can perform, I go side stage and scan the crowd. I see a familiar face, I want to go down there and scare the crap out of her but I refrain because I know that I would never find her in all those people.

Katelynne comes up beside me to ask "Who are you staring at and why do you have that look on your face?"

"I see my sister and I want to scare her. And what are you doing here?"

She laughs. "I'm here because I thought we could hang out and maybe I could help you plan a surprise for Kellin because I know that you want to get him back for the surprise date."

I would love to get Kellin back. "I would love to hang out with you and that would be awesome actually because I wanted to do something that would catch him off guard." She just laughs but then the guys come offstage. Kellin walks over to where we're standing to ask "Katelynne what are you doing here?"

I answer his question with "She's here to hang out with me." He nods and then heads to the bus to take a shower, I'm about to say something to Katelynne when I'm attacked from behind. I know who it is, Katelynne is laughing at the two of us when Lizzy starts staring at her.

Lizzy asks me "Who is this? And care to explain this?" while also shoving her phone in my face.

"This is Katelynne and I am tired of seeing that!"

Katelynne says "Hi, may I see that right quick?"

My sister hesitantly hands her phone to Katelynne. I watch Katelynne's face as she scans the article and when she's done she tells us "Kellin would never do something like this, especially since it's your best friend and I think that you know that. I mean if Elijah would actually do that which I know she wouldn't then she's not a true friend."

Lizzy asks "So are you thinking that mom had something to do with this?" I nod my head yes and Lizzy swears so I automatically step into big sister mode by yelling "Elizabeth! Watch your mouth." This makes Katelynne laugh and Lizzy blush to the point that she matches the red toms that she's wearing.

Katelynne looks at me "Elizabeth huh?" Lizzy nods even though the question was directed at me, Lizzy says "I saw Matthew, I hope you at least got one punch in."

"Lizzy I did not punch him. All I did was tell him the truth, but I did make him cry." She just smiles in response to the last thing that I said, but it's obvious that she was hoping that I punched him in the face. Kellin comes over to where the three of us are standing with a confused look on his face, I know why he's got that look on his face but I'm not saying anything but thankfully Katelynne does it for me when she asks "Kellin where did that ring come from?" Kellin replies "I don't know. I just happened to look down at my hand before I went on stage but I didn't have time to ask where it came from."

If he would just look closely at the ring he would understand where it came from. But he's being slow about it, so I decide to reveal my secret. I tell him "Kellin read what it says and you'll figure out where it came from." He looks closer at the band of the ring and starts blushing, he looks at me to ask "When did you do this?"

"Before you went onstage duh." He goes to hug me but instead he says "I'll go take a shower." After he heads towards their bus Lizzy asks me "Why did he say that?"

Katelynne and I both share a look, before I reply "He's sweaty and you of all people should know that I don't like being hugged by a sweaty guy." It dawns on her after the fact that I had to remind her that its one of my biggest pet peeves. I look at Katelynne to ask "You don't mind if my sister comes along? That is if she can stay for a little while longer." 

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