Plus Sized / Ashton Irwin / 5...

Από fulloffluff

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"You know I have a girlfriend right?" "Ok?" "Is it bad that I think you are extremely beautiful?" "What?" Περισσότερα



8.8K 242 19
Από fulloffluff

Day of the party.

Four days before Christmas.

I woke up, once again to loud banging against the door. I groaned and look at the time. It was ten, my mom had already left for work. I went downstairs and opened the door to not only Connor but also Melissa.

I didn't even invite them in, they just walked in. You know how normal people do.

"Yay! I am so excited for this!" Exclaimed Melissa jumping onto my couch.

I sighed and sat next to her.

"So now what." I said leaning back.

"We're going to get you ready." Said Connor with a devious smirk on his face. Oh Lord help me please.

"What time does this party even start?" I means it's barley ten why would they come so early?

"7." They both said.

"Are you serious? We have time." I said walking back up the stairs, the pair right on my tail.

"Trust me, we need to get ready now. If you want to look drop dead gorgeous we have to start now." Said Melissa walking in front of me.

"I didn't even what to go." I whined. They both looked at me and shrugged.

"Now go shower! We have to find you and outfit." They said pushing me off.

They're going to find me an outfit? I already have one!
"Oh uh I already have one." I said looking between the two.

"Do you now." Connor said raising his eyebrows. I went to my moms closet and pulled out the outfit and they both smiled.

"Ok now go shower!" Melissa said looking happier than ever.

After my shower I threw on my undergarments and a light pink robe. I walked out and I saw the two sitting patiently on my moms bed. They both looked up and immediately pushed me back onto the bathroom starting on my hair.

It felt like hours. But my hair was finally dry, and they told me to put on my outfit. After doing so I was back to the bathroom, and they continued on my hair. After a while, I wasn't keeping count, my hair was finished. I looked at myself in the mirror and gasped.

It was beautiful! There was a braid around my head and amazing curls. They were done so perfectly I almost didn't want to move. My mouth agape I was quick to turn and hug Melissa. She created a masterpiece!

I began to compliment her work but she was quick to shush me telling me that we weren't done. She pulled out a bag, a bag full of makeup.

She pulled out various lipsticks, brushes, and other makeup products not bothering to ask me about my opinion, only asking Connor for his.

She spun me away from the mirror not letting me see what she was doing. I trusted her though, considering how well she did on my hair I can only imagine how good she is at makeup.

I watched Melissa pull out many colorful kinds of makeup and powder them on my face. She told me to shut my eyes and I felt her stab my eye lid causing me to jump and pull away with wide eyes.

"What was that!" Shock clear in my voice. I though she was going to put more of the eye glitter on me again! Not poke my eyes out!

"It's eyeliner now shush and let me finish." I shut my eyes and let her continue.

It had been at least 10 minutes after Melissa tried poking my eyeballs out and then I hear a gasp. The gasp belonging to Connor.

"I leave to find food for 5 minutes and you manage to do that! Hold crap!" I was scared. I couldn't hear what emotion he was feeling by the tone of his voice.

"Ok Denise turn around."

I turned and my jaw dropped. I couldn't believe I was looking at myself. I felt like I wasn't the person in the reflection. I giggled as the lyrics of that one Mulan song came to my head. Who is that girl I see, staring straight back at me. Why is my reflection someone I don't know. I laughed to myself then looked at Connor and Melissa both looking at me weirdly.

"So uh I think we should start getting ready." Said Connor looking at the girl.

"Yeah, hey can I use your shower?" She asked.

"Yeah sure." I said while me and Connor walked out.

"Oh and don't mess your hair up!" She yelled through the door.

Connor returned to his house to start getting ready. Wow. I am actually looking forward to this party.


Happy New Year :3
Lol it's 2016 now ;-;

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