This, Is My Story

By x3Vicky

18.3K 41 53

Being a Senior in High School School isn't easy, especially for Stephanie, experience the sexy adventures fac... More

This, Is My Story
This, Is My Story: Part 2
This, Is My Story: Part 3
This, Is My Story: Part 4
This, Is My Story: Part 5
This Is My Story: Part 6
This, Is My Story: Part 7
This, Is My Story: Part 8
This, Is My Story: Part 9
This, Is My Story: Part 10
This, Is My Story: Part 11
This, Is My Story: Part 12
This, Is My Story: Part 13
This, Is My Story: Q&A
This, Is My Story: Part 14
This, Is My Story: Part 15
This, Is My Story: Part 16
This, Is My Story: Part 17
This, Is My Story: Part 18
This, Is My Story: Part 19
This, Is My Story: Part 20
This, Is My Story: Part 21
This, Is My Story :Part 22
This, Is My Story: Part 23
This, Is My Story: Part 24
This, Is My Story: Part 25
This, Is My Story: Part 26
This, Is My Story: Part 27
This, Is My Story: Part 28
This, Is My Story: Part 29
This, Is My Story: Part 30
This, Is My Story: Part 31
This, Is My Story: Part 32
This, Is My Story: Part 33
This, Is My Story: Part 34
This, Is My Story: Part 35
This, Is My Story: Part 36
This, Is My Story: Part 37
This, Is My Story: Part 38
This, Is My Story: Part 39
This, Is My Story: Part 40
This, Is My Story: Part 41
This, Is My Story: Part 42
This, Is My Story: Part 43
This Is My Story: Part 44
This, Is My Story: Part 45
This, Is My Story: Part 46
This Is My Story: Part 47
This, Is My Story: Part 48
This, Is My Story: Part 49
This, Is My Story: Part 50
This, Is My Story: Part 51
This, Is My Story: Part 52
This, Is My Story: Part 53
This, Is My Story: Part 54
This, Is My Story: Part 55
This, Is My Story: Part 56
This, Is My Story: Part 57
This, Is My Story: Part 58
This, Is My Story: Prom
This, Is My Story: Promdiggity
This, Is My Story: Graduation
This, Is My Story: Q&A

This, Is My Story: The End

82 0 0
By x3Vicky

I head home and I see boxes around the door and a Rick nowhere in sight. I go the back house and I knock on the door, no one opens the door. I wait and I bang on it repeatedly, still no answer I grab the door nob and I turn it, it's unlocked and I walk in, the whole place in empty just like how I was when no one was living here, I see a note on the floor and I pick it up.The note reads:

" It was a long run, the ups and downs, we were good together but I think it's time that we just end it, I've lost too much just for you and all I've gotten from you was nothing but pain, I'm sorry I couldn't do this in person but I think this is better than online. College is a place for new and better people, we have to move on and not hold on to the past. The twins are also with me so don't worry about them, I think the fighting is just a phase but I don't know.

-Joshua, Vytorea & Victoria"

With every work my throat tightens up and I feel it drying intensely. My heart beats quickly and I feel water film over my eyes as I try to keep it in. My breathing becomes deeper and I rip the note up and I run to my Macbook and go on Facebook, I go to Victoria's wall and I write "I'm happy that you and your problems are out of my house!" She replies "You were the problem to start with and now that you're gone, I can continue with my business from the day of the play" I feel like splitting mymacbook into 2 just because of that. I spent my whole night on facebook and fall asleep on the desk.

"Wake Up and Pack! You're leaving today!" Rick yells at me from downstairs 

I'm ready to ruin my life once again, but this time

It's a summer story 

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